Yes, There Was Collusion

Nothing rose to the burden of proof.

Game over.
For CRIMINAL conspiracy.

Plenty of collusion with a foreign adversary

Quite the low bar you set for your President huh?

The bar of the law and due process. That's the bar and always has been. Certainly should be when we are talking about ousting a duly elected President.

We were going to see hard evidence of collusion. Well, 2 years of investigations yielded bupkis. It's over, except for purposes of political theater, which is what it has really always been about from the jump.

This in itself explains why the left is more than happy to keep the charade going. They would move the goalposts to "he's a poopyhead" if they have to.
I hope the Democrats start the Impeachment process. However, they won't and just will keep whining, and only TALKING impeachment. They will claim that Trump is guilty of something, anything, but there is nothing there. All the Democrats can do with everything is talk, which gets repeated as truth and facts in the MEDIA.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point

How did they do that, and where? What evidence and facts do you have?

Replace Russia with the democrat party, that's how.
One major takeaway from the Mueller report is that Trump and those around him have a penchant for lies and misleading statements. Mueller’s report did not lay out a case for criminal conspiracy. But it did acknowledge that he may have been able to, had Trump campaign officials been up front. “Even when individuals testified or agreed to be interviewed, they sometimes provided information that was false or incomplete,” he wrote. After all, Manafort’s cooperation deal fell apart thanks to his obfuscations and misleading statements. Of Manafort, Mueller concedes he was unable to gain access to all of the longtime political operative’s communications. “While Manafort denied that he spoke to members of the Trump Campaign or the new administration about the peace plan and his meetings with Kilimnik,” he wrote, “his unreliability on this subject was among the reasons that the district judge found that he breached his cooperation agreement.”

Mueller also noted that he was hindered by campaign officials who “deleted relevant communications or communicated during the relevant period using applications that feature encryption or that do not provide for long-term retention of data or communications records.” For instance, Mueller came up empty-handed in determining the purpose of a clandestine meeting between Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev, the head of a Russian sovereign wealth fund, in Seychelles during the presidential transition, because both Prince and Steve Bannon were unable to produce records of their discussions around the meeting. Similarly, Mueller’s inability to determine whether Papadopoulos told other members of the Trump campaign about Mifsud’s scoop on the Russians having “dirt” on Clinton came down to Papadopoulos not being able to “clearly recall having told anyone.” Campaign officials who “interacted or corresponded with” Papadopoulos told Mueller, with “varying degrees of certainty, that he did not tell them.”

If everyone he spoke with had cooperated to the extent Barr claimed, Mueller may have been able to prove a conspiracy. Mueller himself suggested this when he wrote that he “cannot rule out the possibility that the unavailable information would shed additional light on (or cast in a new light) the events described in the report.”

He sure had his hands full with people who thought and still think they are above the law.
If anyone wants a dose of reality, fact, and reason, here is an analysis of the Mueller report published by The Federalist:

7 Ways The Mueller Report Exposed The Media’s Fake ‘Bombshell’ Stories

Instead of reading party hack information how about reading the real redacted Mueller Report.
Here is a better link.

It provides no analysis and people can make up their own minds on what it says.

I have no idea what the amerianmessgebase is, but frankly, if it's just a left-leaning message board, then you are hoping that people will be influenced by the comments around the report.

I'm also uncertain if it is appropriate to link to another forum on this forum.


But but but....


I hope the Democrats start the Impeachment process. However, they won't and just will keep whining, and only TALKING impeachment. They will claim that Trump is guilty of something, anything, but there is nothing there. All the Democrats can do with everything is talk, which gets repeated as truth and facts in the MEDIA.

We should just do investigations for the next 1.5 years and if he gets re-elected start them then.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point
So? The impact was minuscule, but you silly leftists think this warrants WWIII.

Do you know how many foreign elections our criminal government has tried to influence? Yeah...thought so.

Where did the anti-war left go?
I hope the Democrats start the Impeachment process. However, they won't and just will keep whining, and only TALKING impeachment. They will claim that Trump is guilty of something, anything, but there is nothing there. All the Democrats can do with everything is talk, which gets repeated as truth and facts in the MEDIA.

We should just do investigations for the next 1.5 years and if he gets re-elected start them then.
Yeah that sounds good. WTF!
Really OP?

Smh. It's time to reopen Mental Hospitals and add a TDS wing for people like you.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point
Care to name who was the President when the Russians "attacked our election process"?
Have you forgotten his name so soon?
Let me help you remember.
I refer to him as 'BONOBO' b/c the word perfectly describes him.
Obama tried to stop Bibi from getting re-elected in Israel. He meddled in their elections and LOST. LOL! Thankfully, Bibi is still in office, and Obama, I mean Valerie Jarrett, is now totally IRRELEVANT.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point

Nothing rose to the burden of proof.

Game over.
For CRIMINAL conspiracy.

Plenty of collusion with a foreign adversary

Quite the low bar you set for your President huh?
Found some collusion for you. You're welcome.

The irony of the OP is that it's a Russian Conspiracy Theory OP and now the ENTIRE thread has been moved to the Conspiracy Theory Section and the OP is still pushing the Russian Conspiracy Theory :uhoh3:
My "sources" at the SC tell me that RBG isn't feeling that great lately.
Want to watch the LIB MSM shoot blood out of their eyes?
Tell them about how RBG is not feeling that great and that President Trump is having lunches with the woman who will replace RBG.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point

How did they do that, and where? What evidence and facts do you have?

^^^^ The general Trump Derangement Syndrome reaction to being asked the above is this:

Robert Mueller’s Six Cases for Collusion

Mueller details six separate incidences

He couldn't find "criminal conspiracy" but plenty of collusion
Yet Nancy Pelosi REFUSES to impeach the treasonous Trump! The only thing preventing JUSTICE is YOUR party leader!

We'll see as redactions get lifted and investigations continue

As another poster pointed out it is Nancy Pelosi turn, so if she refuses to impeach Trump will you blame her or just slither off on the Taxer nonsense instead?

One thing is for sure Wikileaks told the truth and the left believe that is what sunk Hillary while ignoring she was a Horrible candidate and James Comey sunk her...

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