Yes, There Was Collusion

If anyone wants a dose of reality, fact, and reason, here is an analysis of the Mueller report published by The Federalist:

7 Ways The Mueller Report Exposed The Media’s Fake ‘Bombshell’ Stories

Instead of reading party hack information how about reading the real redacted Mueller Report.
Here is a better link.

It provides no analysis and people can make up their own minds on what it says.

I have no idea what the amerianmessgebase is, but frankly, if it's just a left-leaning message board, then you are hoping that people will be influenced by the comments around the report.

I'm also uncertain if it is appropriate to link to another forum on this forum.

It's the same material from the same source. And there are NO comments added to it. You really need to stop making shit up. The second people see that it's exactly the same thing you are going to look like the political hack you really are. I found it there and presented it there without presenting anything else. No link to the actual site itself. I do not support that area nor do I promote it. You just want to try and make your little group look superior. In the end, you look quite stupid. Both links lead to exactly the same information that was released by the Justice Department completely unedited.

If there is comments that are NOT in your source, then they have been removed from the original. In other words, if they have been removed then your source would be the edited source. The one I presented is unedited and verified.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point

So how many votes did Russian hackers change in the election of 2016?
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point
Care to name who was the President when the Russians "attacked our election process"?
Have you forgotten his name so soon?
Let me help you remember.
I refer to him as 'BONOBO' b/c the word perfectly describes him.

If anyone wants a dose of reality, fact, and reason, here is an analysis of the Mueller report published by The Federalist:

7 Ways The Mueller Report Exposed The Media’s Fake ‘Bombshell’ Stories

Instead of reading party hack information how about reading the real redacted Mueller Report.
Here is a better link.

It provides no analysis and people can make up their own minds on what it says.

I have no idea what the amerianmessgebase is, but frankly, if it's just a left-leaning message board, then you are hoping that people will be influenced by the comments around the report.

I'm also uncertain if it is appropriate to link to another forum on this forum.

It's the same material from the same source. And there are NO comments added to it. You really need to stop making shit up. The second people see that it's exactly the same thing you are going to look like the political hack you really are. I found it there and presented it there without presenting anything else. No link to the actual site itself. I do not support that area nor do I promote it. You just want to try and make your little group look superior. In the end, you look quite stupid. Both links lead to exactly the same information that was released by the Justice Department completely unedited.

If there is comments that are NOT in your source, then they have been removed from the original. In other words, if they have been removed then your source would be the edited source. The one I presented is unedited and verified.

Verified by who, bitch, Snopes? GFY, I don't see no ".gov" in your link motherfucker. That means it's unofficial.

It may very well be accurate, but surely the admin of that site wants something for hosting that file.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point

So how many votes did Russian hackers change in the election of 2016?

Hillary lost because she was a TERRIBLE person, and a terrible candidate. That came through quite clearly to many people. She was not genuine, selfish, self serving and too elitist for most. She basically said she had the election won her entire campaign. People didn't like her smugness, and when she called half the country "Deplorables" that sealed the deal. She lost. Get over it.
Well let face the reality Trump is not going to be impeached and will most likely win in 2020 while the GOP retakes the House and gain in the Senate.

Pelosi will let her morons below her play their game but at the end of the day she will never call for impeachment of Trump...


She does not want Trump as the damn victim but he has already became the victim.

As for Lesh and those like him the reality is James Comey did the most damage to Hillary in 2016 but those like Lesh can not stand that and will scream Russia instead.

As for Wikileaks the reality is their release of the DNC emails was never proven to be fake news and in fact got a few people fired within the DNC, so yes hacking is illegal but if you do not want society to know your dirty little secrets then make sure you hide them better or suffer the consequences...
Poor little Lesh,
Sittin' on the fence. . .
Trying to make a dollar,
Outta 99 cents.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point

So how many votes did Russian hackers change in the election of 2016?

There’s also ample evidence of obstruction.

And ample evidence to compel the voters to remove Trump from office next year.

The Mueller report reaffirms the fact that Trump is unfit to hold office, and doesn’t deserve a second term.

Indeed, it’s the role and responsibility of the American people to hold Trump accountable, not that of the courts.
Show us, liar.
If anyone wants a dose of reality, fact, and reason, here is an analysis of the Mueller report published by The Federalist:

7 Ways The Mueller Report Exposed The Media’s Fake ‘Bombshell’ Stories
Cohen never went to Prague? His cell phone pinging off a cell tower there has never been explained..but hey...ya gotta have something
Page was not a Russian agent? I believe the claim was that he was a STOOGE of the Russians

Cohen did not direct Cohen's testimony?

Here is what Mueller ACTUALLY said

Cohen said that he and the President did not explicitly discuss whether Cohen’s testimony about the Trump Tower Moscow project would be or was false, and the President did not direct him to provide false testimony. Cohen also said he did not tell the President about the specifics of his planned testimony.

All based on what "Cohen said"

And the claim that someone speculated that Sessions was an actual "spy" for Russia?


The Report DOES however confirm a WHOLE host of things written in the Times and Post that were labeled "fake news" by people like you and of course lying Trump
Fake news
Robert Mueller’s Six Cases for Collusion

Mueller details six separate incidences

He couldn't find "criminal conspiracy" but plenty of collusion
Yet Nancy Pelosi REFUSES to impeach the treasonous Trump! The only thing preventing JUSTICE is YOUR party leader!

There is no possibility of impeachment until the Senate republicans have been clean long enough for the orange to fade from their lips.
One major takeaway from the Mueller report is that Trump and those around him have a penchant for lies and misleading statements. Mueller’s report did not lay out a case for criminal conspiracy. But it did acknowledge that he may have been able to, had Trump campaign officials been up front. “Even when individuals testified or agreed to be interviewed, they sometimes provided information that was false or incomplete,” he wrote. After all, Manafort’s cooperation deal fell apart thanks to his obfuscations and misleading statements. Of Manafort, Mueller concedes he was unable to gain access to all of the longtime political operative’s communications. “While Manafort denied that he spoke to members of the Trump Campaign or the new administration about the peace plan and his meetings with Kilimnik,” he wrote, “his unreliability on this subject was among the reasons that the district judge found that he breached his cooperation agreement.”

Mueller also noted that he was hindered by campaign officials who “deleted relevant communications or communicated during the relevant period using applications that feature encryption or that do not provide for long-term retention of data or communications records.” For instance, Mueller came up empty-handed in determining the purpose of a clandestine meeting between Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev, the head of a Russian sovereign wealth fund, in Seychelles during the presidential transition, because both Prince and Steve Bannon were unable to produce records of their discussions around the meeting. Similarly, Mueller’s inability to determine whether Papadopoulos told other members of the Trump campaign about Mifsud’s scoop on the Russians having “dirt” on Clinton came down to Papadopoulos not being able to “clearly recall having told anyone.” Campaign officials who “interacted or corresponded with” Papadopoulos told Mueller, with “varying degrees of certainty, that he did not tell them.”

If everyone he spoke with had cooperated to the extent Barr claimed, Mueller may have been able to prove a conspiracy. Mueller himself suggested this when he wrote that he “cannot rule out the possibility that the unavailable information would shed additional light on (or cast in a new light) the events described in the report.”
In other words, he knows they lied but they were careful not to leave any witnesses.
If anyone wants a dose of reality, fact, and reason, here is an analysis of the Mueller report published by The Federalist:

7 Ways The Mueller Report Exposed The Media’s Fake ‘Bombshell’ Stories

Instead of reading party hack information how about reading the real redacted Mueller Report.
Here is a better link.

It provides no analysis and people can make up their own minds on what it says.

I have no idea what the amerianmessgebase is, but frankly, if it's just a left-leaning message board, then you are hoping that people will be influenced by the comments around the report.

I'm also uncertain if it is appropriate to link to another forum on this forum.

It's the same material from the same source. And there are NO comments added to it. You really need to stop making shit up. The second people see that it's exactly the same thing you are going to look like the political hack you really are. I found it there and presented it there without presenting anything else. No link to the actual site itself. I do not support that area nor do I promote it. You just want to try and make your little group look superior. In the end, you look quite stupid. Both links lead to exactly the same information that was released by the Justice Department completely unedited.

If there is comments that are NOT in your source, then they have been removed from the original. In other words, if they have been removed then your source would be the edited source. The one I presented is unedited and verified.
I didn't make anything up.

It is a forum, I don't know its bias, but My Opinion (and it stands) is that you link to a forum in the hopes that the comments on that forum will influece those who read it.

I LINKED to the report in PDF format, from at least a known source. I was careful to not include any page that might even have other opinions in a comments section.

People don't need help in understanding what the report says, not by you, not by the right.


So, this makes you out to be the political hack.

So I'm just going to leave this here for you.

Robert Mueller’s Six Cases for Collusion

Mueller details six separate incidences

He couldn't find "criminal conspiracy" but plenty of collusion
Yet Nancy Pelosi REFUSES to impeach the treasonous Trump! The only thing preventing JUSTICE is YOUR party leader!

There is no possibility of impeachment until the Senate republicans have been clean long enough for the orange to fade from their lips.
Lousy excuse.
The House can vote to impeach.
Put the pukes on record for protecting the traitor!

So why lie for two years promising impeachment and all we heard was overwhelming evidence.

And you still want MORE investigations and YOU say you STILL won’t impeach because the Senate won’t pass it?

You get a Gold Medal in hyperbole spinning.
Robert Mueller’s Six Cases for Collusion

Mueller details six separate incidences

He couldn't find "criminal conspiracy" but plenty of collusion

You know it's crossed over to a religious faith now--Russian Collusion. We should really call it The Church of Russian Collusion.

We have a lot of zealots here among us too
Funny, coming from a worshiper of Cheeto Jesus.
Why cant you pos ever prove any of your claims?

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