Yes, Trump Fires Another IG

Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.

Ha ha ha, losing your cool over my reasonable comment.

It is clear that you have no point to make at all, just huff and puff against Trump anyway you can.
Don't you think to point out that Trump seems to systematically fires those who's job it is to hold him to account is a valid point?
Better than anyone who goes against a Clinton. They seem to commit suicide.
Suicide? Kinda like those who went against LBJ.
Another democrat?
The POS is up to 4 firings now WTF is happening to our country?? This low life POS thinks he's a king and anyone investigating him or his scum cabinet must be fired I pray you ah's get it back in spades
How many IGs did Barry fire?
Joe is Senile. Here is the plan. In Dem Minds,that is. Joe wins ,and then abdicates ,giving the Dems the first Woman president. Isn't that PC of them. I see several women qualified to be President. But they are all Repubs. Those screamin' Lib idiots on the Dem side are not fit to be Secretaries.
Joe senile is 10 times superior to that lowdown skunk in our WH now and the people he puts in place won't need to kiss his ass like trump people are required to do
Lol, Joe senile doesn't have a chance against Trump.
Trump is shitting his pants worrying more than a couple of red states might turn blue Example AZ
His approval numbers are better than Obama's at the same time in their presidency. With 24/ 7 negative reporting on Trump.
how are his numbers vs biden?
Last I saw he was ahead in 14 battle ground states. Just think how good he will do when he brings back the economy you loons crashed.
Would not care who he fired if most not replaced by lobbyist & big money supporters with little or no knowledge in regards to the position they hold. many resemble letting the fox in the chicken house.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.

Ha ha ha, losing your cool over my reasonable comment.

It is clear that you have no point to make at all, just huff and puff against Trump anyway you can.
Don't you think to point out that Trump seems to systematically fires those who's job it is to hold him to account is a valid point?
Better than anyone who goes against a Clinton. They seem to commit suicide.
Suicide? Kinda like those who went against LBJ.
Another democrat?
The POS is up to 4 firings now WTF is happening to our country?? This low life POS thinks he's a king and anyone investigating him or his scum cabinet must be fired I pray you ah's get it back in spades
How many IGs did Barry fire?
Joe is Senile. Here is the plan. In Dem Minds,that is. Joe wins ,and then abdicates ,giving the Dems the first Woman president. Isn't that PC of them. I see several women qualified to be President. But they are all Repubs. Those screamin' Lib idiots on the Dem side are not fit to be Secretaries.
Joe senile is 10 times superior to that lowdown skunk in our WH now and the people he puts in place won't need to kiss his ass like trump people are required to do
Lol, Joe senile doesn't have a chance against Trump.
Trump is shitting his pants worrying more than a couple of red states might turn blue Example AZ
Fake news, liar.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.

Ha ha ha, losing your cool over my reasonable comment.

It is clear that you have no point to make at all, just huff and puff against Trump anyway you can.
Don't you think to point out that Trump seems to systematically fires those who's job it is to hold him to account is a valid point?
Better than anyone who goes against a Clinton. They seem to commit suicide.
Suicide? Kinda like those who went against LBJ.
Another democrat?
The POS is up to 4 firings now WTF is happening to our country?? This low life POS thinks he's a king and anyone investigating him or his scum cabinet must be fired I pray you ah's get it back in spades
How many IGs did Barry fire?
Joe is Senile. Here is the plan. In Dem Minds,that is. Joe wins ,and then abdicates ,giving the Dems the first Woman president. Isn't that PC of them. I see several women qualified to be President. But they are all Repubs. Those screamin' Lib idiots on the Dem side are not fit to be Secretaries.
Joe senile is 10 times superior to that lowdown skunk in our WH now and the people he puts in place won't need to kiss his ass like trump people are required to do
Lol, Joe senile doesn't have a chance against Trump.
Trump is shitting his pants worrying more than a couple of red states might turn blue Example AZ
Fake news, liar.
Yes. But anyone caught without a MASK gets no bail.
Republicans will do anything they can to limit the LEGAL vote Patriots like that need a firing squad
I'm sure you'll shoot up a school or some elderly people who can't defend themselves in a gun free zone.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

He hurt baby Trump's feelings.
The pathetic responses to how Trump fucks this country over is worse.

From YOUR article:

"Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013"

That is my response to your pointless post, nothing illegal about the firing at all.
Trumphumpers get it one way. Pointless. I know what I posted.

Your reply is pointless, you still fail to make a case over it, I merely pointed out that there is nothing illegal about it, for your information, I didn't vote for Trump.
STFU. I could care less if it was illegal or not. It's how he goes after anyone who speaks their mind. Especially when true.

Ha ha ha, losing your cool over my reasonable comment.

It is clear that you have no point to make at all, just huff and puff against Trump anyway you can.
Don't you think to point out that Trump seems to systematically fires those who's job it is to hold him to account is a valid point?
Better than anyone who goes against a Clinton. They seem to commit suicide.
Suicide? Kinda like those who went against LBJ.
Another democrat?
The POS is up to 4 firings now WTF is happening to our country?? This low life POS thinks he's a king and anyone investigating him or his scum cabinet must be fired I pray you ah's get it back in spades
How many IGs did Barry fire?
Joe is Senile. Here is the plan. In Dem Minds,that is. Joe wins ,and then abdicates ,giving the Dems the first Woman president. Isn't that PC of them. I see several women qualified to be President. But they are all Repubs. Those screamin' Lib idiots on the Dem side are not fit to be Secretaries.
Joe senile is 10 times superior to that lowdown skunk in our WH now and the people he puts in place won't need to kiss his ass like trump people are required to do
Lol, Joe senile doesn't have a chance against Trump.
Trump is shitting his pants worrying more than a couple of red states might turn blue Example AZ
Fake news, liar.
Yes. But anyone caught without a MASK gets no bail.
You'll have to kill me to arrest me.
How come trump doesn't fire the crook Pompeo? Madison diners on the tax payer??
Republicans will do anything they can to limit the LEGAL vote Patriots like that need a firing squad
How do Republicans do that? Be specific, and show us examples of people who have not been able to vote because of Republicans.
Come on Nostra you're over 21 If you don't know ALL the ways your scum tries to discourage voting in Dem areas you haven't been reading
The POS is up to 4 firings now WTF is happening to our country??

When he gets up to 30, let us know. That way we'll be happier with the job he's doing.

Did he or other leftists in the forum, finally show that the firing was illegal?

I have pointed this out early in the thread, but it was ignored then, maybe one of the leftists finally got past the partisan bullcrap and showed that it was illegal.
Why would Trump so blatantly fire another IG as an act of retribution? Because The Following not only doesn't care.............they think removing oversight functionaries is a good thing if it protects Dear Leader.

I notice that your stumbling attacks on the firing event doesn't include evidence that it is an unlawful decision.

You sure know how to run off at the mouth...….
Republicans will do anything they can to limit the LEGAL vote Patriots like that need a firing squad
How do Republicans do that? Be specific, and show us examples of people who have not been able to vote because of Republicans.
Come on Nostra you're over 21 If you don't know ALL the ways your scum tries to discourage voting in Dem areas you haven't been reading

Then I must not have been either.
Republicans will do anything they can to limit the LEGAL vote Patriots like that need a firing squad
How do Republicans do that? Be specific, and show us examples of people who have not been able to vote because of Republicans.
Come on Nostra you're over 21 If you don't know ALL the ways your scum tries to discourage voting in Dem areas you haven't been reading
eddiew I knew you were full of shit...........AGAIN.

It's too easy to expose your bullshit lies.

Run along, Dolt.
The POS is up to 4 firings now WTF is happening to our country??

When he gets up to 30, let us know. That way we'll be happier with the job he's doing.

Did he or other leftists in the forum, finally show that the firing was illegal?

I have pointed this out early in the thread, but it was ignored then, maybe one of the leftists finally got past the partisan bullcrap and showed that it was illegal.

With leftists, it doesn't have to be illegal. Their only criteria is not liking it. They cried like babies when Trump got rid of Yovanovich, they cried when he got rid of Vindman, they cried when he got rid of Comey, when he got rid of McCabe, and they are crying now.

Democrats don't care if they win or lose a seat or position. As far as they are concerned, they should still run everything regardless how the American people voted.
The POS is up to 4 firings now WTF is happening to our country??

When he gets up to 30, let us know. That way we'll be happier with the job he's doing.

Did he or other leftists in the forum, finally show that the firing was illegal?

I have pointed this out early in the thread, but it was ignored then, maybe one of the leftists finally got past the partisan bullcrap and showed that it was illegal.

With leftists, it doesn't have to be illegal. Their only criteria is not liking it. They cried like babies when Trump got rid of Yovanovich, they cried when he got rid of Vindman, they cried when he got rid of Comey, when he got rid of McCabe, and they are crying now.

Democrats don't care if they win or lose a seat or position. As far as they are concerned, they should still run everything regardless how the American people voted.

That is because they are partisan bigots.

They support Seditious activities as long as it supports their Socialist endgame.

The leftist party isn't American anymore, they are Socialist commies.
With leftists, it doesn't have to be illegal.
Firing an IG without cause, especially when he/she has begun a number of investigations in to the behavior of a cabinet member, is illegal.
I'm going to predict the next IG to walk the plank at the point of Trump's sword . . . Obama holdover Richard K. Delmar, IG for Treasury.

Seems a credible whistleblower complaint was filed with him and he never followed upon it. It was reported this week that:
EXCLUSIVE: The Treasury Department Spied on Flynn, Manafort, and the Trump Family, Says Whistleblower

"President Barack Obama’s Treasury Department regularly surveilled retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn’s financial records and transactions beginning in December 2015 and well into 2017, before, during and after when he served at the White House as President Donald Trump’s National Security Director, a former senior Treasury Department official, and veteran of the intelligence community, told the Star Newspapers.​
“I started seeing things that were not correct, so I did my own little investigation, because I wanted to make sure what I was seeing was correct” she said. “You never want to draw attention to something if there is not anything there.”​
The whistleblower said she only saw metadata, that is names and dates when the general’s financial records were accessed. “I never saw what they saw.”​
By March 2016, the whistleblower said she and a colleague, who was detailed to Treasury from the intelligence community, became convinced that the surveillance of Flynn was not tied to legitimate criminal or national security concerns, but was straight-up political surveillance among other illegal activity occurring at Treasury.​
“When I showed it to her, what she said, ‘Oh, sh%t!’ and I knew right then and there that I was right – this was some shady stuff,” the whistleblower said.​
“It wasn’t just him,” the whistleblower said. “They were targeting other U.S. citizens, as well.”​
Only two names are listed in the whistleblower’s official paperwork, so the others must remain sealed, she said. The second name is Paul J. Manafort Jr., the one-time chairman of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.​
The other names include: Members of Congress, the most senior staffers on the 2016 Trump campaign and members of Trump’s family, she said.​
“Another thing they would do is take targeted names from a certain database – I cannot name, but you can guess – and they were going over to an unclassified database and they were running those names in the unclassified database,” she said.​
This ruse was to get around using classified resources to surveil Americans, she said. Once the Treasury personnel had enough information about someone they were targeting from the black box, they would go to the white box for faster and more informed search.​
It was routine for these searches that had no criminal nor national security predicate, merely a political predicate, she said.​
Complaint filed with Treasury Inspector General
In March 2017, she filed a formal whistleblower complaint with Acting Treasury Inspector General Richard K. Delmar, who continues in that office today, she said. Beyond Delmar acknowledging receipt of the complaint, the inspector general never followed up on the matter. . . . "​
With leftists, it doesn't have to be illegal.
Firing an IG without cause, especially when he/she has begun a number of investigations in to the behavior of a cabinet member, is illegal.

Your link says noting about legal or illegal. He just wanted an explanation from the White House.

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