Yes, Trump Fires Another IG

Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Stop reading your bias into these posts. Trump can fire anyone he wants as all "serve at the pleasure of the president".
Except we don't have a president right now.
We've got a pathological grifter driving our country into a financial crisis that will make 1929 look like a day at the beach.
and these morons want to give this disaster 4 more

I'll gladly take 4 more years of Trump!
Especially when considering the alternative.... :auiqs.jpg:

You've got nearly 100,000 dead Americans and a collapsed economy thanks to Dumb Donald, and you think the current mess is preferable than competent governance by a woman. Were things that bad for you when Bill was President that you couldn't have stood 8 more years of competent fiscal management headed to a balanced budget and raises for all?

You've even dumber than I thought you were.

Shut up Canuck! It is time you mind your own business!
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Stop reading your bias into these posts. Trump can fire anyone he wants as all "serve at the pleasure of the president".
Except we don't have a president right now.
We've got a pathological grifter driving our country into a financial crisis that will make 1929 look like a day at the beach.
and these morons want to give this disaster 4 more

I'll gladly take 4 more years of Trump!
Especially when considering the alternative.... :auiqs.jpg:

You've got nearly 100,000 dead Americans and a collapsed economy thanks to Dumb Donald, and you think the current mess is preferable than competent governance by a woman. Were things that bad for you when Bill was President that you couldn't have stood 8 more years of competent fiscal management headed to a balanced budget and raises for all?

You've even dumber than I thought you were.

Shut up Canuck! It is time you mind your own business!
Even Canada takes pity on us and the moron you chose to be world leader
'Trump Fires Another IG'

Another criminal Obama-appointee POS attempting to undermine the current govt / administration.

President Trump should cite the long list of Obama-appointees who have worked to undermine and who have engaged in the failed attempted coup during his announcement that very soon every Obama-appointee in Federal Govt will be released...
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Draining the swamp. Good.

Firing someone who is investigating your administration isn't "draining the swamp". It is, in fact, a cover-up of illegal activities.

Any trained seal who chants "Drain the swamp" is a total fool. Trump and his buddies are the guys who created the swamp, with their bribery and extortion. Trump and his buddies are busy stuffing their pockets with government cash, while allowing tens of thousands of Americans to die.

Even Donald Trump thinks you're stupid fools.

Once again, investigating a superior is NOT the IGs job.
Says who?
Pelosi said Trump has a right of a president to fire an IG but was concerned with it being done in the midst of an investigation, but doesn't she self reflect that her own words bite her back?
NOTICE THAT of all the many congressional members & Senators suspected of inside trading, only Burr is signalled out for investigation while he's in the midst of investigating Democrats in his Senate Committee? Sure what it looks like is concerning, but when it's him alone because he's investigating Dem abuse of power, seems awfully suspicious, otherwise Pelosi, Feinstein and others would also be investigated for trades after they were informed of the Virus implications.
What should be concerning is the spin by politicians and media to claim Burr was telling the public everything was fine while trading off positions, as if to paint him as an evil hypocrite.
The jump to demonize & prosecute a man before getting to facts or an investigation should make people suspicious of motives to paint him in a way to remove him from investigations of the Dems. Why can't they conclude that his saying everything is OK means he did not believe there was trouble ahead therefore did not sell on the belief the virus was a market issue, but that the bubble in the market which broke it's correction levels that pointed to a need to take profits off the top of the great bull market we had?
Some politicians investment managers use shipping and commodities as a read on markets and Chinas problems slow down was signalling the sell to many money managers. It doesn't need someone using inside info to trigger a coincidental sell /trim the top order especially if that manager was already consistantly selling piece by piece prior and through many clients.
Even if a sell off occured the day after, it would be "selective recognition" to accuse the 1 person of all the people who sold off days later to happened have sold the next day.
You'd have to accuse everyone selling off positions on that same day of the same crime just by coincidence, so that is not enough to convict a man in public opinion through abuse of broadcast power.
Only if you have writen or audio or confessed proof should you dare jump to conclusions, therefore by the way the MSM is convicting and narrating, it can be concluded that this is a hit job to obstruct ongoing investigatuons of Dem abuses while threatening others to back off or they will be removed too. Past evidence of this behavior makes it obvious what it is, they don't even hide it any more and they give their hand when as Pelosi did, deflect what they're doing by voicing concerns about things they are familiar with.
It's because it's how they behave and abuse power, so they assume others are doing it too, thus accusing others, because they can never face themselves in the proverbial mirror as ugly as they'd appear to themselves.
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When he gets up to 30, let us know. That way we'll be happier with the job he's doing.
Putin would be glad to see you wrote that since Trump is the means by which Vlad wants to take down our democracy. The thing you mock when you support Trump.
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Trump should get rid of absolutely anybody that ever voted Democrat or served in a Democrat administration.

A sure sign of anti American stupidity.
Trump fires disloyal Obama hold-overs.
Obama fired an IG to protect a sex-criminal.
Another criminal Obama-appointee POS attempting to undermine the current govt / administration.
You really should stop shitting your pants.

"Linick is also a former nominee of the George W. Bush administration and top official in the Bush Justice Department. After serving as an assistant U.S. attorney in the 1990s and early 2000s, he took on key Justice Department roles that included rooting out contract fraud in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Bush nominated him to be the first inspector general for the Federal Housing Finance Agency in 2008. Bush left office before he could be confirmed, but Barack Obama renominated him and he was confirmed in 2010."
The White House has confirmed Linick’s firing came at Pompeo’s request. Trump claimed he no longer has “confidence” in Linick, a thin justification that highlights Trump’s purging of officials exercising oversight on his administration.
Many news organizations have reported that the fired IG had been examining charges that Pompeo had been directing a staffer to run errands for him. Some reported that Pompeo has undertaken abuses of taxpayer funds, including frequent visits to his home state of Kansas. It’s unclear whether these are linked to Linick’s firing.

But the fact that Linick has also mostly completed an investigation into the decision to fast-track arms to the Saudis adds another layer to this whole story.

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