Yes, Trump Fires Another IG

Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Stop reading your bias into these posts. Trump can fire anyone he wants as all "serve at the pleasure of the president".
Except we don't have a president right now.
We've got a pathological grifter driving our country into a financial crisis that will make 1929 look like a day at the beach.
and these morons want to give this disaster 4 more

I'll gladly take 4 more years of Trump!
Especially when considering the alternative.... :auiqs.jpg:
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Stop reading your bias into these posts. Trump can fire anyone he wants as all "serve at the pleasure of the president".
Except we don't have a president right now.
We've got a pathological grifter driving our country into a financial crisis that will make 1929 look like a day at the beach.
and these morons want to give this disaster 4 more

I'll gladly take 4 more years of Trump!
Especially when considering the alternative.... :auiqs.jpg:
thats the same bullshit you gave with hillary Even trump changes his bullshit once in a while
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Stop reading your bias into these posts. Trump can fire anyone he wants as all "serve at the pleasure of the president".
Except we don't have a president right now.
We've got a pathological grifter driving our country into a financial crisis that will make 1929 look like a day at the beach.
and these morons want to give this disaster 4 more

I'll gladly take 4 more years of Trump!
Especially when considering the alternative.... :auiqs.jpg:
kidd be careful what you wish for,,,,,it might come true
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Yes there was the bogus Pompeo Investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. 2 years and he found nothing and exonerated Clinton.

Then there was the bogus Senate Investigation into Hillary's emails lead by Chuck Grassley, who was so pissed that Comey "let her off" that he was determined that justice would be served. Grassley also exonerated Hillary Clinton.

Then there was the Huber Investigation into all things Hillary: Uranium One, the emails, the Clinton Foundation, and pay for play. Huber found nothing and exonerated Hillary.

Then there's the IG's investigation into the origins of the Russia Investigation, which determined that the investigation into the Trump campsign's ties to Russia were not political in nature and not improperly carried out. AG Barr has said he disagrees with these findings.

Are these the investigations which you are calling bogus? Total waste of taxpayers money. Republicans have spent more than $100 million over nearly 40 years investigating Hillary Clinton and every investigation has exonerated her. Not one charge. The very definition of a witch hunt.

Two investigations of Trump and we have over 30 indictments, all leading to guilty pleas and convictions of Trumps staffers and Donald Trump's impeachment.

By my definition of bogus - the Trump Investigations and convictions are righteous investigations and convictions, and the whole Lock her up bullshit is the biggest witch hunt in American political history.
What I'm going to relish if trump gets 4 more,, all the misery all the unemployment of republicans all their begging from the man who if not president wouldn't want to know any of them

Only because you are not a good person and a loser, like Hillary, soon to be Beijing Biden! :muahaha:
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Stop reading your bias into these posts. Trump can fire anyone he wants as all "serve at the pleasure of the president".
Except we don't have a president right now.
We've got a pathological grifter driving our country into a financial crisis that will make 1929 look like a day at the beach.
and these morons want to give this disaster 4 more

I'll gladly take 4 more years of Trump!
Especially when considering the alternative.... :auiqs.jpg:

You've got nearly 100,000 dead Americans and a collapsed economy thanks to Dumb Donald, and you think the current mess is preferable than competent governance by a woman. Were things that bad for you when Bill was President that you couldn't have stood 8 more years of competent fiscal management headed to a balanced budget and raises for all?

You've even dumber than I thought you were.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Yes there was the bogus Pompeo Investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. 2 years and he found nothing and exonerated Clinton.

Then there was the bogus Senate Investigation into Hillary's emails lead by Chuck Grassley, who was so pissed that Comey "let her off" that he was determined that justice would be served. Grassley also exonerated Hillary Clinton.

Then there was the Huber Investigation into all things Hillary: Uranium One, the emails, the Clinton Foundation, and pay for play. Huber found nothing and exonerated Hillary.

Then there's the IG's investigation into the origins of the Russia Investigation, which determined that the investigation into the Trump campsign's ties to Russia were not political in nature and not improperly carried out. AG Barr has said he disagrees with these findings.

Are these the investigations which you are calling bogus? Total waste of taxpayers money. Republicans have spent more than $100 million over nearly 40 years investigating Hillary Clinton and every investigation has exonerated her. Not one charge. The very definition of a witch hunt.

Two investigations of Trump and we have over 30 indictments, all leading to guilty pleas and convictions of Trumps staffers and Donald Trump's impeachment.

By my definition of bogus - the Trump Investigations and convictions are righteous investigations and convictions, and the whole Lock her up bullshit is the biggest witch hunt in American political history.
you sure can cram a boatload of lies into a single post..
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Stop reading your bias into these posts. Trump can fire anyone he wants as all "serve at the pleasure of the president".
Except we don't have a president right now.
We've got a pathological grifter driving our country into a financial crisis that will make 1929 look like a day at the beach.
and these morons want to give this disaster 4 more

I'll gladly take 4 more years of Trump!
Especially when considering the alternative.... :auiqs.jpg:

You've got nearly 100,000 dead Americans and a collapsed economy thanks to Dumb Donald, and you think the current mess is preferable than competent governance by a woman. Were things that bad for you when Bill was President that you couldn't have stood 8 more years of competent fiscal management headed to a balanced budget and raises for all?

You've even dumber than I thought you were.
You claimed we already had 200,000 deaths earlier.
Friday night dump. Another one fired. An Inspector General. Again.

He will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen Akard, who previously headed the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions.

In recent months, Trump has fired several inspectors general, particularly those who have been involved in investigating misconduct accusations against his administration, sparking fears of retaliation.

"On Friday, Politico reported that Steve Linick, the inspector general of the State Department, has been fired.
Linick, a former official of the Justice Department, was appointed to the inspector general position by President Barack Obama in 2013. According to Politico, “he played a minor role in the House of Representatives’ impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ferrying a trove of documents to lawmakers that had been provided to the State Department by Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer.”

Linick had opened an investigation of Mike Pompeo. He had to go.

That has been pointed out several times now, but no one seems to say it is illegal to do that.

The Pompeo Investigation may be bogus too as so many other "investigations" have been. The media doesn't have the whole story on this, I want to see more on this than has been revealed.

Stop reading your bias into these posts. Trump can fire anyone he wants as all "serve at the pleasure of the president".
Except we don't have a president right now.
We've got a pathological grifter driving our country into a financial crisis that will make 1929 look like a day at the beach.
and these morons want to give this disaster 4 more

I'll gladly take 4 more years of Trump!
Especially when considering the alternative.... :auiqs.jpg:

You've got nearly 100,000 dead Americans and a collapsed economy thanks to Dumb Donald, and you think the current mess is preferable than competent governance by a woman. Were things that bad for you when Bill was President that you couldn't have stood 8 more years of competent fiscal management headed to a balanced budget and raises for all?

You've even dumber than I thought you were.

Not due to Trump.

China, bitch, China!
Among the reasons Linick got fired was his investigation in to this bitch and her attempts to intimidate career officials at State.

WASHINGTON — Less than 24 hours after the sudden firing of a State Department watchdog critical of personnel moves within the agency, a White House official said the ousting came on the advice of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Pompeo "recommended the move" and President Donald Trump "agreed," the official said.

Friday night's firing of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick came as he "was looking into the Secretary's misuse of a political appointee at the Department to perform personal tasks for himself and Mrs. Pompeo," a Democratic aide told NBC News.

"As I’ve said before, Congress requires written reasons justifying an IG’s removal," Grassley said. "A general lack of confidence simply is not sufficient detail to satisfy Congress.”
IG's, the House Oversight Committee, the Senate Oversight Committee, they are in existence for a reason. They do the people's business in making sure actions taken by members of the admin are in the country's interest.

Firing IG's for doing their jobs, and refusing to cooperate with congressional committees trying to do their jobs, is antithetical to our democracy and should be thoroughly investigated.
Linick was originally a Bush appointee. Showing that Obama was willing to have people work in his admin in an oversight role who was not blindly loyal to him................unlike the Orange fraud.

"Linick is also a former nominee of the George W. Bush administration and top official in the Bush Justice Department. After serving as an assistant U.S. attorney in the 1990s and early 2000s, he took on key Justice Department roles that included rooting out contract fraud in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Bush nominated him to be the first inspector general for the Federal Housing Finance Agency in 2008. Bush left office before he could be confirmed, but Barack Obama renominated him and he was confirmed in 2010."
Among the reasons Linick got fired was his investigation in to this bitch and her attempts to intimidate career officials at State.

CNN? :abgg2q.jpg:

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