Yes, Trump WILL be impeached. It's a done deal

And why did Lois Lerner and a slew of other top IRS officials plead the 5th amendment in order to avoid answering questions from Congress?
Good night, ya'll. I've got enough stupid comments from Trumpheads here to last awhile. Thanks.

Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".

"Trump will be impeached."

Tell me in your own words, what he will be 'impeached' for. Or hell, post a good link to reputed journalism that has proof he broke a law and that they "will impeach" for.

All I hear are rumors.

That's because all you hear is Fox News, aka the Trump Channel.

nope. I don't follow fox, they aren't trust worthy.

Watch CN Live! with Katharine Gun, Daniel Ellsberg, Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern on Whistleblowing, the Iraq War and Impeachment

MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower

A Spook Doing Spook Things

A CIA officer who exposes information about CIA wrongdoings without the CIA’s permission is a whistleblower. A CIA officer who exposes information about someone else is just a spook doing spook things. You can recognize the latter by the way the mass media supports, applauds and employs them. You can recognize the former by the way they have been persecuted, imprisoned, and/or died under mysterious circumstances.

But if you listen to the billionaire media, we should be calling this CIA officer a whistleblower, we should be enraged at The New York Times for exposing that CIA officer’s identity, and we should be raising a small fortune on GoFundMe for “legal aid” that this CIA officer will never need.

“The idea that the media needs to ‘protect’ a high-level CIA officer making explosive claims about the president, which have now been used as the basis for impeachment proceedings, is such an insane perversion of journalistic ethics,” journalist Michael Tracey tweeted today on this new development.

While all this political/media class cheerleading for whistleblower protections is going on, the most prominent whistleblower in America remains imprisoned for taking a principled stand against secret grand juries while being driven into crippling debt. Chelsea Manning is still racking up fines of $1,000 per day while locked in a Virginia federal detention center for refusing to testify against WikiLeaksfounder Julian Assange. The mainstream press that is so keen to champion a “whistleblower” who works for the CIA and provided information which feeds into America’s fake partisan pro wrestling feud has been almost completely silent on the actual whistleblower who exposed actual U.S. war crimes.

“The courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning has now been held in a federal detention center in Alexandria, Virginia for more than six months,” reads a recent article by World Socialist Website, one of the only news outlets to consistently report on Manning’s plight. “Manning has not been charged with or committed any crime. She was sent to jail on March 8, 2019 for refusing to testify before a secret grand jury that has indicted persecuted WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange, who published the information she leaked exposing rampant US imperialist criminality.”

Chelsea Manning, Reality Winner Excitedly Hoping Nation’s Newfound Approval Of Whistleblowers Will Get Them Out Of Jail

Chelsea Manning, Reality Winner Excitedly Hoping Nation’s Newfound Approval Of Whistleblowers Will Get Them Out Of Jail

"FORT WORTH, TX—Following a CIA officer’s much-applauded decision to disclose evidence that President Trump urged his Ukrainian counterpart to interfere in the 2020 election, former intelligence analysts Chelsea Manning and Reality Winner expressed confidence Thursday that the nation’s newfound appreciation for whistleblowers would get them out of jail. . . . . "
NONE of the 501(c)(4) applications were denied. The IRS was inundated with them by Tea Party organizations and the status for receiving one is that the organization is "primarily" for social benefits, not political.

Any other STUPID questions?

If the IRS did nothing wrong, then why did they publicly and officially admit that they DID target conservatives and apologize for doing so?

I just told you why. They had a tsunami of applications in 2010 for this status, and the applicants were all right wing political organizations.
Here's the parameters for qualifying:
Social welfare or local associations of employees. Does that describe a Tea Party group to you?
So the IRS had to throw on the brakes and check them out.
Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".
/—-/ NY Gov Andy Boy Cuomo says otherwise, you better straighten him out:
"They're doing their quote unquote inquiry. I think the Ukraine issue raises a lot of questions and I think it is for an investigative committee, it is fodder they can spend months, one witness after another, one witness after another, on all sort of different tracks,” Cuomo said. “Where does it go ultimately? Nowhere, because even if they vote for impeachment, it goes to the Senate and it wouldn't happen in the Senate.” -Gov Cuomo
Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".

You’re an idiot. I already created a thread on this. Maybe you should learn to use the search function?
Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".

Indeed he will

1) The House is controlled by the Demo Rats

2) The House is populated by liars

Adam Schiff Epitomizes the Total Collapse of Democratic Party Integrity

US Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrat from California and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, had no qualms about lying through his teeth in his opening statement prior to the testimony of Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire. Everyone present had read the transcript of the telephone conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, and everyone knew that what Schiff, who said he was reading from the transcript of the telephone call, was saying was not in the transcript. How can it be that the chairman of a House committee in a room full of newspersons and TV cameras has no qualms about intentionally misrepresenting the written record in order to make it conform to the lies the Democrats and their stable of corrupt presstitutes have spread about a telephone call revealed by an alleged whistleblower, a likely Democrat operative, who claimed to have heard it second hand."

3) The Lamestream Media keeps the controversy alive because it hurts Trumps and Biden and favors their favorite candidate Elizabeth Warren -

Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".

Indeed he will

1) The House is controlled by the Demo Rats

2) The House is populated by liars

Adam Schiff Epitomizes the Total Collapse of Democratic Party Integrity

US Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrat from California and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, had no qualms about lying through his teeth in his opening statement prior to the testimony of Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire. Everyone present had read the transcript of the telephone conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, and everyone knew that what Schiff, who said he was reading from the transcript of the telephone call, was saying was not in the transcript. How can it be that the chairman of a House committee in a room full of newspersons and TV cameras has no qualms about intentionally misrepresenting the written record in order to make it conform to the lies the Democrats and their stable of corrupt presstitutes have spread about a telephone call revealed by an alleged whistleblower, a likely Democrat operative, who claimed to have heard it second hand."

3) The Lamestream Media keeps the controversy alive because it hurts Trumps and Biden and favors their favorite candidate Elizabeth Warren -


The Democratic Party is totally dishonest and corrupt and guys like this Blaine Sweeter support them and spend hours on internet message boards defending them while attacking folks that want to end the lying and corruption.
I can tell you exactly why...against all odds and against all sanity.....why Trump "could get impeached" and removed from office.......And Pence with him.

All that is required for evil men to prevail, is for "good men" to do nothing.

The collective Right (not withstanding politicians), are still clinging to the beliefs that Laws rule...and that good always wins....and a gun is all you need.
The Left could do anything, and the Right will do nothing. It's why they are on these outrageous paths to begin with. ZERO opposition all the way.

This is what happened in Venezuela. And once the radical Left got their Radical leader (Chavez) installed, it whet to hell quickly.
The Left is chomping at the bit to get their radical leader in power here in the US. Once they do it's over.
Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".

"Trump will be impeached."

Tell me in your own words, what he will be 'impeached' for. Or hell, post a good link to reputed journalism that has proof he broke a law and that they "will impeach" for.

All I hear are rumors.

That's because all you hear is Fox News, aka the Trump Channel.

nope. I don't follow fox, they aren't trust worthy.

Watch CN Live! with Katharine Gun, Daniel Ellsberg, Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern on Whistleblowing, the Iraq War and Impeachment

MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower
MSM Defends CIA’s ‘Whistleblower,’ Ignores Actual Whistleblower

A Spook Doing Spook Things

A CIA officer who exposes information about CIA wrongdoings without the CIA’s permission is a whistleblower. A CIA officer who exposes information about someone else is just a spook doing spook things. You can recognize the latter by the way the mass media supports, applauds and employs them. You can recognize the former by the way they have been persecuted, imprisoned, and/or died under mysterious circumstances.

But if you listen to the billionaire media, we should be calling this CIA officer a whistleblower, we should be enraged at The New York Times for exposing that CIA officer’s identity, and we should be raising a small fortune on GoFundMe for “legal aid” that this CIA officer will never need.

“The idea that the media needs to ‘protect’ a high-level CIA officer making explosive claims about the president, which have now been used as the basis for impeachment proceedings, is such an insane perversion of journalistic ethics,” journalist Michael Tracey tweeted today on this new development.

While all this political/media class cheerleading for whistleblower protections is going on, the most prominent whistleblower in America remains imprisoned for taking a principled stand against secret grand juries while being driven into crippling debt. Chelsea Manning is still racking up fines of $1,000 per day while locked in a Virginia federal detention center for refusing to testify against WikiLeaksfounder Julian Assange. The mainstream press that is so keen to champion a “whistleblower” who works for the CIA and provided information which feeds into America’s fake partisan pro wrestling feud has been almost completely silent on the actual whistleblower who exposed actual U.S. war crimes.

“The courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning has now been held in a federal detention center in Alexandria, Virginia for more than six months,” reads a recent article by World Socialist Website, one of the only news outlets to consistently report on Manning’s plight. “Manning has not been charged with or committed any crime. She was sent to jail on March 8, 2019 for refusing to testify before a secret grand jury that has indicted persecuted WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange, who published the information she leaked exposing rampant US imperialist criminality.”

Chelsea Manning, Reality Winner Excitedly Hoping Nation’s Newfound Approval Of Whistleblowers Will Get Them Out Of Jail

Chelsea Manning, Reality Winner Excitedly Hoping Nation’s Newfound Approval Of Whistleblowers Will Get Them Out Of Jail

"FORT WORTH, TX—Following a CIA officer’s much-applauded decision to disclose evidence that President Trump urged his Ukrainian counterpart to interfere in the 2020 election, former intelligence analysts Chelsea Manning and Reality Winner expressed confidence Thursday that the nation’s newfound appreciation for whistleblowers would get them out of jail. . . . . "

"A CIA officer who exposes information about CIA wrongdoings without the CIA’s permission is a whistleblower. A CIA officer who exposes information about someone else is just a spook doing spook things."


ASSUMING , that the whistleblower exists and is a CIA Agent

But the Demo Rats conveniently forget that the CIA has no authority to spy on Americans
Nixon's resignation was the left's finest hour and they can't let go of it. I bet they have a stack of old Nixon VCR's hidden away in a closet with their bell bottoms. The problem for the left is that they are still living in the 70's and telling themselves that they can get rid of any president they hate without worrying about winning an election. It's time the left gives up it's childish fantasies for the sake of their mental health.
Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".

"Trump will be impeached."

Tell me in your own words, what he will be 'impeached' for. Or hell, post a good link to reputed journalism that has proof he broke a law and that they "will impeach" for.

All I hear are rumors.

That's because all you hear is Fox News, aka the Trump Channel.
You really hate opposition positions
Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".
You're a sick puppy - why you refuse to let facts get in the way of your opinions is a mystery. Almost as mysterious as how you can possibly believe the happy horseshit your spewing. Never ask a barber if he thinks you need a haircut and never ask a libtard for the truth .....

Attack me because you can't come up with a counter argument to support your FAITH in a con man. Coward.
Why don’t they impeach then? I mean dude, you be in here bragging and just showing you’re butt hurt. IMPEACH already CON man
House Democrats who are moving ahead with an impeachment inquiry on President Trump have set a “horrific precedent,”

said Democrat former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright.

“Now the American people are being told we’re going to impeach the president … but guess what America, you can’t ask any questions of any of these people because they have certain protections,” Wright said during an interview on Fox & Friends Friday.

That’s a sham; that doesn’t make any sense. That is an effort ultimately to kneecap … the president of the United States. This president or any other president, it is a horrific precedent,” he concluded.

Nixon's resignation was the left's finest hour and they can't let go of it.

What Nixon did was super corrupt, but the Democrats have far surpassed anything he ever did. It helps when all of the government's agencies and national media work for you.
Hear me out....

Nixon's resignation: Even after the Republicans finally got on board, after the tapes came out and asked him to resign, and BEFORE he could be impeached, the Republicans still lost 40 House seats and 8 Senate seats.

Trump will be impeached. He can't resign after impeachment, though, even if asked, which the Republican Senate will do, so they don't have to go on the record.

Trump faces too many criminal charges once he leaves office. So he's trying to run out the statute of limitations clock by getting re-elected.

Trump will take his chances at trial and try to sway public opinion.

After the actual Senate trial, however, any Senate Republican who does not vote to convict him and remove him from office faces the very real risk that he will lose his Senate seat.

This is all about staying in power. Once Trump is weakened, and can't hurt the Republicans anymore, they will stampede to the mics "to do what's best for the country".

It’s quite possible that he’ll get impeached, but beyond that I have to disagree with you...

I believe there is a chance that he may resign, turning the nation over to a far more Conservative, and electable, Mike Pence.

Even if he doesn’t resign, there is no way the Democrats can scrape enough Republican votes together to reach the nimber necessary to convict Trump.

Zero chance Trump will resign.

I doubt the House will vote to impeach. In order to bring article of Impeachment the ENTIRE house would need to vote, meaning all those Stalinists in red districts who lied their way into office in 2018 would have to go on record, ensuring their defeat in 2020 and ensuring that the house returns to the GOP.

This is all kabuki theater.
House Democrats are going to jump on the Impeachment bus and risk their re-election? Oh really?
They will vote for Impeachment Inquiry, but probably not Impeachment.

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