Yes! University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.


And in our representative democracy that doesn't matter. The majority of American's chose Hillary as president over Trump. The majority of americans oppose ending Obamacare without a replacement, yet that didn't stop nearly every Republican from voting for it.

The majority of Americans oppose dropping funding for planned parenthood, bathroom bills, Trumps Tax plan, Trumps infrastructure plan, Trumps travel ban, Trumps proposed increase in funding to the DOD, Trumps climate policies, Trumps transgender military ban.

Are you saying that we should rip up the constitution and go to a purely direct vote system?
I can't wait until all these confederate statues are gone. This is the final step to end racism in this country. Yep, once all these relics are gone the once enslaved blacks will enjoy being citizens in a completely colored blind country. Right? I mean why else would we be erasing our history?
So taking away a statue erases history for all time and space?

Never heard of a book?

Sorry all I learned about the life and times of Rocky Balboa I learned from this.

Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.

62% of Americans go/went/work at UT? Or do you have a problem with the University making their own decision?

Yep, it's a State school, the State should make the decision. Private schools can do what ever they want.


I'm guessing the State already made the decision when they delegated the authority to manage the campus to the people in charge there.
I can't wait until all these confederate statues are gone. This is the final step to end racism in this country. Yep, once all these relics are gone the once enslaved blacks will enjoy being citizens in a completely colored blind country. Right? I mean why else would we be erasing our history?
So taking away a statue erases history for all time and space?

Never heard of a book?

Sorry all I learned about the life and times of Rocky Balboa I learned from this.

There is a film, or two, and a book, or two...
Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.

62% of Americans go/went/work at UT? Or do you have a problem with the University making their own decision?

Yep, it's a State school, the State should make the decision. Private schools can do what ever they want.


I'm guessing the State already made the decision when they delegated the authority to manage the campus to the people in charge there.
It was probably voted on by the regents....
I can't wait until all these confederate statues are gone. This is the final step to end racism in this country. Yep, once all these relics are gone the once enslaved blacks will enjoy being citizens in a completely colored blind country. Right? I mean why else would we be erasing our history?
So taking away a statue erases history for all time and space?

Never heard of a book?

Sorry all I learned about the life and times of Rocky Balboa I learned from this.

There is a film, or two, and a book, or two...

lol. Nah, that's all revisionist crap. If I can't learn it from looking at that bronze statue, I don't want to know it. So what was he getting arrested for when he had to put his hands up? He some sort of civil rights leader from the 60's?
Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.

62% of Americans go/went/work at UT? Or do you have a problem with the University making their own decision?

Yep, it's a State school, the State should make the decision. Private schools can do what ever they want.


I'm guessing the State already made the decision when they delegated the authority to manage the campus to the people in charge there.
It was probably voted on by the regents....

Ironically the rightwingers suddenly want mob rule to decide the fate of the statues.
62% of Americans say leave them be.

62% of Americans go/went/work at UT? Or do you have a problem with the University making their own decision?

Yep, it's a State school, the State should make the decision. Private schools can do what ever they want.


I'm guessing the State already made the decision when they delegated the authority to manage the campus to the people in charge there.
It was probably voted on by the regents....

Ironically the rightwingers suddenly want mob rule to decide the fate of the statues.
They want a democracy, until the presidential elections...
62% of Americans go/went/work at UT? Or do you have a problem with the University making their own decision?

Yep, it's a State school, the State should make the decision. Private schools can do what ever they want.


I'm guessing the State already made the decision when they delegated the authority to manage the campus to the people in charge there.
It was probably voted on by the regents....

Ironically the rightwingers suddenly want mob rule to decide the fate of the statues.
They want a democracy, until the presidential elections...

The Right in this country has NEVER wanted a pure democracy.

FROM the beginning we knew that was a bad idea.

Representative Republic, that is the way to go.
Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.

62% of Americans go/went/work at UT? Or do you have a problem with the University making their own decision?

Yep, it's a State school, the State should make the decision. Private schools can do what ever they want.

I agree that whoever makes the decisions such as this for that school, should make the decision. Can you show me that that was not the case?

It appears the decision was made but just the president of the school, not the board of regents. Being State funded, I think the State legislature should have a say also.
Blacks were not the only people held as slaves, whites and indians were too. Did you know that 47% of slave owners in NC at the time of the civil war were black? So don't give me this crap that it's just a black/white issue.

Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.


And in our representative democracy that doesn't matter. The majority of American's chose Hillary as president over Trump. The majority of americans oppose ending Obamacare without a replacement, yet that didn't stop nearly every Republican from voting for it.

The majority of Americans oppose dropping funding for planned parenthood, bathroom bills, Trumps Tax plan, Trumps infrastructure plan, Trumps travel ban, Trumps proposed increase in funding to the DOD, Trumps climate policies, Trumps transgender military ban.

Are you saying that we should rip up the constitution and go to a purely direct vote system?

I think when it comes to what is displayed in the PUBLIC SQUARE, the public should have a say, and it should not be dictated by a few violent mask wearing commies or regressives who want nothing but total control.

The Right in this country has NEVER wanted a pure democracy.
By "pure" I assume you mean direct democracy.

Correct: The founders never wanted pure democracy. Pure democracy is mob rule. No due process. No debate. Just pure me first, and gimme gimme.

Some Quotes from the founders:

Alexander Hamilton asserted that "We are now forming a Republican form of government. Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. If we incline too much to democracy we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of a dictatorship."

Thomas Jefferson declared: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

Benjamin Franklin had similar concerns of a democracy when he warned that “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” After the Constitutional Convention was concluded, in 1787, a bystander inquired of Franklin: "Well, Doctor, what have we got�a Republic or a Monarchy?" Franklin replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it."

John Adams, our second president, wrote: “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.”

James Madison, the father of the Constitution wrote in Federalist Paper No. 10 that pure democracies “have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”3
Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.

62% of Americans go/went/work at UT? Or do you have a problem with the University making their own decision?

Yep, it's a State school, the State should make the decision. Private schools can do what ever they want.


I'm guessing the State already made the decision when they delegated the authority to manage the campus to the people in charge there.

We'll see.

I can't wait until all these confederate statues are gone. This is the final step to end racism in this country. Yep, once all these relics are gone the once enslaved blacks will enjoy being citizens in a completely colored blind country. Right? I mean why else would we be erasing our history?
So taking away a statue erases history for all time and space?

Never heard of a book?

Sorry all I learned about the life and times of Rocky Balboa I learned from this.

There is a film, or two, and a book, or two...

lol. Nah, that's all revisionist crap. If I can't learn it from looking at that bronze statue, I don't want to know it. So what was he getting arrested for when he had to put his hands up? He some sort of civil rights leader from the 60's?
It was from being white in a black neighborhood...
Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.


And in our representative democracy that doesn't matter. The majority of American's chose Hillary as president over Trump. The majority of americans oppose ending Obamacare without a replacement, yet that didn't stop nearly every Republican from voting for it.

The majority of Americans oppose dropping funding for planned parenthood, bathroom bills, Trumps Tax plan, Trumps infrastructure plan, Trumps travel ban, Trumps proposed increase in funding to the DOD, Trumps climate policies, Trumps transgender military ban.

Are you saying that we should rip up the constitution and go to a purely direct vote system?

I think when it comes to what is displayed in the PUBLIC SQUARE, the public should have a say, and it should not be dictated by a few violent mask wearing commies or regressives who want nothing but total control.


And that's the thing. It isn't the KKK deciding. It isn't their opponents deciding. It's the representatives that the public elect to make those decisions that are deciding.

I agree I don't want mob rule deciding either. I don't want to burn the Constitution so we can put up a Caitlyn Jenner statue on every corner.
Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.


And in our representative democracy that doesn't matter. The majority of American's chose Hillary as president over Trump. The majority of americans oppose ending Obamacare without a replacement, yet that didn't stop nearly every Republican from voting for it.

The majority of Americans oppose dropping funding for planned parenthood, bathroom bills, Trumps Tax plan, Trumps infrastructure plan, Trumps travel ban, Trumps proposed increase in funding to the DOD, Trumps climate policies, Trumps transgender military ban.

Are you saying that we should rip up the constitution and go to a purely direct vote system?

I think when it comes to what is displayed in the PUBLIC SQUARE, the public should have a say, and it should not be dictated by a few violent mask wearing commies or regressives who want nothing but total control.


And that's the thing. It isn't the KKK deciding. It isn't their opponents deciding. It's the representatives that the public elect to make those decisions that are deciding.

I agree I don't want mob rule deciding either. I don't want to burn the Constitution so we can put up a Caitlyn Jenner statue on every corner.

If you read the link, the president of the school had a knee jerk reaction to Charlottesville, that is allowing the mobs to decide.

BTW, here's another little known fact about Gen Lee. He held school for blacks in his home to teach them to read and write, that was illegal, he also helped slaves that wanted to go back to Africa, get there.

I can't wait until all these confederate statues are gone. This is the final step to end racism in this country. Yep, once all these relics are gone the once enslaved blacks will enjoy being citizens in a completely colored blind country. Right? I mean why else would we be erasing our history?
So taking away a statue erases history for all time and space?

Never heard of a book?

Sorry all I learned about the life and times of Rocky Balboa I learned from this.

There is a film, or two, and a book, or two...

lol. Nah, that's all revisionist crap. If I can't learn it from looking at that bronze statue, I don't want to know it. So what was he getting arrested for when he had to put his hands up? He some sort of civil rights leader from the 60's?
It was from being white in a black neighborhood...

See. statues are all you need. Now I know Rocky Balboa is a real life historical civil rights leader
Very good move by the University of Texas, which removed a bunch of racist Confederate monuments.
Very good news for liberals, very bad news for conservatives, who want these monuments to stay. University of Texas Removes Confederate Monuments

62% of Americans say leave them be.


And in our representative democracy that doesn't matter. The majority of American's chose Hillary as president over Trump. The majority of americans oppose ending Obamacare without a replacement, yet that didn't stop nearly every Republican from voting for it.

The majority of Americans oppose dropping funding for planned parenthood, bathroom bills, Trumps Tax plan, Trumps infrastructure plan, Trumps travel ban, Trumps proposed increase in funding to the DOD, Trumps climate policies, Trumps transgender military ban.

Are you saying that we should rip up the constitution and go to a purely direct vote system?

I think when it comes to what is displayed in the PUBLIC SQUARE, the public should have a say, and it should not be dictated by a few violent mask wearing commies or regressives who want nothing but total control.


And that's the thing. It isn't the KKK deciding. It isn't their opponents deciding. It's the representatives that the public elect to make those decisions that are deciding.

I agree I don't want mob rule deciding either. I don't want to burn the Constitution so we can put up a Caitlyn Jenner statue on every corner.

If you read the link, the president of the school had a knee jerk reaction to Charlottesville, that is allowing the mobs to decide.

BTW, here's another little known fact about Gen Lee. He held school for blacks in his home to teach them to read and write, that was illegal, he also helped slaves that wanted to go back to Africa, get there.


No, the president made the decision.
He said he had "had considered the historical and cultural significance of four Confederate statues on campus "
He said he they were “Erected during the period of Jim Crow laws and segregation, the statues represent the subjugation of African Americans... That remains true today for white supremacists who use them to symbolize hatred and bigotry.”

I've read how he broke the tradition of allowing slave families to live together and would sell them off and break them up. How during the period of Reconstruction Lee's former slaves were finally allowed to go out and find their families.

I've read how he nearly had a revolt when slaves of his parents thought they would be free'd and were not.

I've read how his armies as the conquested across free blacks would enslave them.

I've also read how he rebelled against the USA with a group that was determined to fight to protect the institution of slavery.

I've read how he surrounded Washington DC and demanded the surrender of the President of the US

I've read how when a voluntary surrender didn't come, he ordered his armies to overthrow the government of the US by military force.
Among the many repugnant qualities of liberalfilth, as the OP demonstrates, is how gleeful they are about their own treason. To them it's a virtue to be rotten and disloyal to the core, without an ounce of integrity or loyalty or gratitude to the country that's given then a 1st-world lifestyle. Every cell in their humanoid-looking bodies is a malignancy, only wanting to cause hurt and destruction.
So taking away a statue erases history for all time and space?

Never heard of a book?

Sorry all I learned about the life and times of Rocky Balboa I learned from this.

There is a film, or two, and a book, or two...

lol. Nah, that's all revisionist crap. If I can't learn it from looking at that bronze statue, I don't want to know it. So what was he getting arrested for when he had to put his hands up? He some sort of civil rights leader from the 60's?
It was from being white in a black neighborhood...

See. statues are all you need. Now I know Rocky Balboa is a real life historical civil rights leader
62% of Americans say leave them be.


And in our representative democracy that doesn't matter. The majority of American's chose Hillary as president over Trump. The majority of americans oppose ending Obamacare without a replacement, yet that didn't stop nearly every Republican from voting for it.

The majority of Americans oppose dropping funding for planned parenthood, bathroom bills, Trumps Tax plan, Trumps infrastructure plan, Trumps travel ban, Trumps proposed increase in funding to the DOD, Trumps climate policies, Trumps transgender military ban.

Are you saying that we should rip up the constitution and go to a purely direct vote system?

I think when it comes to what is displayed in the PUBLIC SQUARE, the public should have a say, and it should not be dictated by a few violent mask wearing commies or regressives who want nothing but total control.


And that's the thing. It isn't the KKK deciding. It isn't their opponents deciding. It's the representatives that the public elect to make those decisions that are deciding.

I agree I don't want mob rule deciding either. I don't want to burn the Constitution so we can put up a Caitlyn Jenner statue on every corner.

If you read the link, the president of the school had a knee jerk reaction to Charlottesville, that is allowing the mobs to decide.

BTW, here's another little known fact about Gen Lee. He held school for blacks in his home to teach them to read and write, that was illegal, he also helped slaves that wanted to go back to Africa, get there.


No, the president made the decision.
He said he had "had considered the historical and cultural significance of four Confederate statues on campus "
He said he they were “Erected during the period of Jim Crow laws and segregation, the statues represent the subjugation of African Americans... That remains true today for white supremacists who use them to symbolize hatred and bigotry.”

I've read how he broke the tradition of allowing slave families to live together and would sell them off and break them up. How during the period of Reconstruction Lee's former slaves were finally allowed to go out and find their families.

I've read how he nearly had a revolt when slaves of his parents thought they would be free'd and were not.

I've read how his armies as the conquested across free blacks would enslave them.

I've also read how he rebelled against the USA with a group that was determined to fight to protect the institution of slavery.

I've read how he surrounded Washington DC and demanded the surrender of the President of the US

I've read how when a voluntary surrender didn't come, he ordered his armies to overthrow the government of the US by military force.

See all the shit Lincoln started. Like Grant targeting civilian populations and burning the homes of noncombatants. BTW, didn't Lincoln want to overthrow the government of the confederacy by military force? Isn't that why he started the war in the first place with NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to do so?


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