Yes We Have Enough Trees

The emission of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, at a rate 4000x higher than pre-industrial levels, is the cause of man made climate change so.............not a scam.

Herschel appears to have brain damage, making him the perfect candidate for the Party of Trump but enormously unqualified to be a US senator.
Temperatures have been in decline since the 1930’s.
Water vapor is the #1 greenhouse gas, NOT CO2!
You are an ultra partisan demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist so go fuck yourself. :fu:
Temperatures have been in decline since the 1930’s.
Water vapor is the #1 greenhouse gas, NOT CO2!
Earth’s global average surface temperature in 2020 tied with 2016 as the hottest year on record, continuing a long-term warming trend due to human activities.

Water vapor isn't a greenhouse gas.

Wait, are you punking me? Cuz I don't think anyone can be as stupid as you appear to be.
Earth’s global average surface temperature in 2020 tied with 2016 as the hottest year on record, continuing a long-term warming trend due to human activities.

Water vapor isn't a greenhouse gas.

Wait, are you punking me? Cuz I don't think anyone can be as stupid as you appear to be.
Water vapor is the #1 Greenhouse gas, now your credibility (you had none) is SHOT!!!!! :eusa_hand:

Glad to hear we have enough trees, because Scotland cut down around 14 million of them for wind turbines. You know, the green thing to do.
Yes they did and they were cut down over a 20 year period. During that same period, 272 million more were planted. The trees that were cut were planted for harvesting. Being a liar who tells half-truths is the Deplorable thing to do.

Water vapor is the #1 Greenhouse gas, now your credibility (you had none) is SHOT!!!!! :eusa_hand:

Why don't we include water vapor as a greenhouse gas? Although water vapor probably accounts for about 60% of the Earth's greenhouse warming effect, water vapor does not control the Earth's temperature. Instead, the amount of water vapor is controlled by the temperature. The temperature, and thus the amount of water vapor, is being affected by the emission of CO2 from burning fossil fuels. You silly boy.
Yes they did and they were cut down over a 20 year period. During that same period, 272 million more were planted. The trees that were cut were planted for harvesting. Being a liar who tells half-truths is the Deplorable thing to do.

So you acknowledge the fact then call me a liar. Somehow your goofy context makes me a liar? Not even a good try. Planted for harvesting? This is a clear cut for wind turbines. No more planting for harvesting on these acres. Yes they plant trees every year. So what? They cut down 14 million trees for wind farms. For reference here is an article comparing land required for wind power vs other sources. To power one flat screen TV, you would need 37 square meters for wind turbines. For a coal plant you would need 0.8 square meters, nuclear plant 0.3, gas plant 0.1. So green.

I live in a neighborhood full of trees. Our parks are full of trees. I may not be a fan of Herschel, but he got this one right.

---They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money, it’s going to trees.---

Apart from the climate change issue which the world class climatologists from the right on this board will tell us about the science they have adopted for the day...

Tress actually keep cities cool, go into a wealthy area and a poor area in suburbs and first thing you will notice is trees or a lack of them. Anti Trees is to be also anti poor...
The emission of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, at a rate 4000x higher than pre-industrial levels, is the cause of man made climate change so
Id love proof of that. In fact, the whole world would considering there isnt any.
Why don't we include water vapor as a greenhouse gas? Although water vapor probably accounts for about 60% of the Earth's greenhouse warming effect......
There's some cognitive dissonance right there, no wonder you're so confused.
Zombie on you subverted HACK.
Nice. I like beer, and here's a beer analogy with CO2 and its release from liquid water.....
Take two ice cold beers and open them. Pssssssh. Nice.
Now, place one in a freezer, and the other out in the sun.
Observe: The one in the sun warms up and loses its carbonation quickly while the other open beer in the freezer retains its CO2 much longer.
Conclusion: The release of CO2 happens AFTER warming.
Temperatures on Earth had "recently" peaked in the 1930's, and have been in decline since. The rise of atmospheric CO2 was a direct result of that warm period; a LAGGING indicator of warming, not the CAUSE of the CLAIM of warming today.
Water vapor is the #1 Big Daddy greenhouse gas, not CO2. It's not even close, but .gov, media, and corrupted edu have pushed the insane notion that CO2 is POLLUTION, and harmful to life. Total nonsense.
Water vapor absorbs heat across just about the whole spectrum while CO2 only absorbs across 15~20% of the spectrum.
All the demented LEFT, and many on the Right, are oblivious to these FACTS.
So here we are at WAR with CO2, and it's nothing other than a POWER GRAB!!!
And then we do small bit more research:
However, the scientific evidence suggests that the warming caused by man-made emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases is increasing the amount of water vapour in the air by boosting the rate of evaporation.

Seriously, we are talking about some of the top scientific minds in the world and some idiots think they have sussed on an internet forum...

Sorry you don't like the truth but that doesn't mean you make up your own... There are only one set of facts...

I think the deniers were given ample time and space to make their argument and it has been very much a failure.. They made in roads in propaganda with the ignorant and the wilfully blind...

There used to be a time when deniers used to quote scientists but that has gone now because they are massively discredited through their own actions or reevaluated the evidence..

This is like segregated schools the game is over for debating and is now about fixing..
I live in a neighborhood full of trees. Our parks are full of trees. I may not be a fan of Herschel, but he got this one right.

---They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money, it’s going to trees.---

I think you're not understanding the larger issues involved in the destruction of habitats by practices like clear-cutting.
I love trees.
Trees, trees, trees.

Loves me some trees!

And no, we don't have enough trees, because the Amazon rain forest has been depleted to the extent, there aren't enough trees anymore to filter out all the pollution in the atmosphere.

^ Gets it.
I love trees.
Trees, trees, trees.

Loves me some trees!

And no, we don't have enough trees, because the Amazon rain forest has been depleted to the extent, there aren't enough trees anymore to filter out all the pollution in the atmosphere.


More photosynthesis occurs on an acre of golf course than an acre of rainforest.
Cutting down trees is one thing, but if you are deforesting to plant crops or raise cattle, that's something else.

Not to mention they have produced a bionic leaf that is ten times better at it than a real plant,
and creates a fuel (isopropanol) in the process that you may even be able to use in vehicles at some point.

I love trees too ... But let's not get carried away with the science part of the argument.

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You got to be thinking about Mitch at this stage...

He grew this little monster with propaganda and fear mongering... Bullshit Mountain...

Then the tea party moved in and monster got a little out of control but the Koch Bros. got that back in the box...

Trump then saw the gap and he lost control of Bullshit Mountain... Trump now owns Bullshit Mountain...

Trump has many weaknesses and one being, he thinks being on TV means your smart.. So Walker and Oz are on TV and thus smart...

Mitch knows that this could make them loose quite a lot of control of the Senate..

The big fight could be the house in the Midterms... If Democrats retain then they will have two years to rewrite the history books and shore up the democracy...

The agenda:
  • End Filibuster
  • Make Washington DC a State
  • Make Puerto Rico a State
  • Increase the Supreme Court membership to match the number of District courts (13)
  • Strengthen[FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] the Voting Rights act[/FONT]
  • [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Bring back equal time on TV[/FONT]
  • Codify Roe v Wade
  • Severely curb lobbying
Then you can start writing real laws..
Id love proof of that. In fact, the whole world would considering there isnt any.
The burning of fossil fuels refers to the burning of oil, natural gas, and coal to generate energy. We use this energy to generate electricity, and to power transportation (for example, cars and planes) and industrial processes. Ever since the invention of the first coal-fired steam engines of the 1700s, our burning of fossil fuels has steadily increased. Across the globe each year we now burn over 4,000 times the amount of fossils fuels burnt during 1776. The effects of the burning of fossil fuels, especially carbon dioxide, are having far-reaching effects on our climate and ecosystems.
Burning of fossil fuels - Understanding Global Change
The burning of fossil fuels refers to the burning of oil, natural gas, and coal to generate energy. We use this energy to generate electricity, and to power transportation (for example, cars and planes) and industrial processes. Ever since the invention of the first coal-fired steam engines of the 1700s, our burning of fossil fuels has steadily increased. Across the globe each year we now burn over 4,000 times the amount of fossils fuels burnt during 1776. The effects of the burning of fossil fuels, especially carbon dioxide, are having far-reaching effects on our climate and ecosystems.
Burning of fossil fuels - Understanding Global Change
I asked for proof, bro

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