Yes, You're A Communist

As will now become routine whenever PoliticalChic posts this Big Lie again and again, let me post what Hitler really thought about Marxism. All below is verbatim from 'Mein Kampf', not secondhand unsubstantiated musings from unknown musers:

"In this period my eyes were opened to two menaces of which I had previously scarcely known the names, and whose terrible importance for the existence of the German people I certainly did not understand:
Marxism and Jewry."

"Only a knowledge of the Jews provides the key with which to comprehend the inner, and consequently real, aims of Social Democracy.
The erroneous conceptions of the aim and meaning of this party fall from our eyes like veils, once we come to know this people, and from the fog and mist of social phrases rises the leering grimace of Marxism."

(Now take note in the above, where Hitler essentially says that it was a revelation to him that in reality, Social Democracy was no different than Marxism...

...and then compare that to the line that PoliticalChic has repeated again and again, including above -

"There is no essential difference between communism, socialism, Liberalism and/or Progressivism."

Amazing eh, the similarity? I guess great minds think alike, as PC would say.)

Yet it is you, not PC who is the Jew hater.

In fact, it it you Bolsheviks who take the leftists campuses with Palestinian flags, hurling Antisemitic epithets at Jews.

I suppose you think the power of your lie is in the ironic absurdity of it...
Well, no one should need to be reminded of the goons used against workers before the end of the glorious reign of 'unfettered capitalism', but that's a start. There have been endless examples; one hardly knows where to begin. In general, monopolies all apply. Economic pressure on politicians, communities, individuals...
Can it be seriously questioned that examples are rife?
Well, no one should need to be reminded of the goons used against workers before the end of the glorious reign of 'unfettered capitalism', but that's a start. There have been endless examples; one hardly knows where to begin. In general, monopolies all apply. Economic pressure on politicians, communities, individuals...
Can it be seriously questioned that examples are rife?

As suspected, you have no specific cases. Just the left wing regressives generalities, boogeymen and fairy-tales.

Coercion is ILLEGAL in capitalism (for other parties than government - which for that reason should remain small or non-existent), that's why not many people practice it, and once they do, they are immediately moved to the more suitable habitation of a prison cell.
Well, no one should need to be reminded of the goons used against workers before the end of the glorious reign of 'unfettered capitalism', but that's a start. There have been endless examples; one hardly knows where to begin. In general, monopolies all apply. Economic pressure on politicians, communities, individuals...
Can it be seriously questioned that examples are rife?

The union employees were the goons. Corporations hired private security to protect themselves and their property from the goons.

Not all of us read the Marxist version of American history.

What is "monopolies all apply" supposed to mean?

"Economic pressures?" Is there some place on the planet where economic pressures don't exist?

Examples of what?
Just trying to do the math here.

If you're to the left of hardcore right wing partisan ideologues, you're a commie. Let's say 39% of people are Republican or lean Republican, 23% of people are solid Republican, see below.

So that means that about 77% of Americans are commies.

This is disturbing.

I don't look good in red.

Nothing is illegal in capitalism; it isn't a geographic area, religion, club and any kind of entity that makes rules or laws. Capitalism is a description of a system where capital can be liberally used to accrue gains.
Reminds one of Pulp Fiction, "capitalism ain't no country I ever heard of! Do they speak English there?"
Say 'capitalism' again!
Funny thread. It should be in satire.

And the cut and paste queen should still learn the definition of communism and get at least a modicum of understanding about political theory.

That you lack the education and intellect to grasp the concepts doesn't really make the thread funny, silly jilly.

That you laugh at lampposts is not indicative of the rapier wit of public lighting.
As with Hitler, those guilty of the crimes attributed to Stalin are the people who fired the bullets and personally executed 'orders'. Whether it's ideology, religion, greed or whatever other excuse, murder is murder and individual choice and responsibility are the base.
The enemy is ignorance. So, the cultural culpability is in failing to inculcate this precept in offspring.

You are simply insane.

Ordering murder on a mass scale as Stalin did, is a crime against humanity.
As with Hitler, those guilty of the crimes attributed to Stalin are the people who fired the bullets and personally executed 'orders'. Whether it's ideology, religion, greed or whatever other excuse, murder is murder and individual choice and responsibility are the base.
The enemy is ignorance. So, the cultural culpability is in failing to inculcate this precept in offspring.

You are simply insane.

Ordering murder on a mass scale as Stalin did, is a crime against humanity.

...or, insanely simple.
America is a nation of liberty, brotherhood and intellectual clarity. There is no 'ism' that made or makes it great; it is the people who make it so. If it is not great, it is nevertheless the people who make it so.
The 'founders' were eclectic, not simple ideologues. They accepted and incorporated divergent concepts of theology, politics and economics.
Worshiping 'capitalism' is such a gross error that it seems unthinkable such a thing could happen. 'Capitalism' is merely a tool, something we can use, not something that must be used. It may be appropriate in some cases and not others. Blind faith in something that is not even a faith is inhuman. Capital itself is a mere creation of the mind of man, thus it and all value issue from the same source; human thought, followed by human effort.
"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln wasn't an economist. His theory is false.

Capitalism is the system that results when you respect the laws of economics. They are not whims. They are laws.
Lincoln didn't have to be an economist to realize that Capitalism depends on cheap labor, cheap raw materials and cheap energy so that there is enough profit to pay the owners of the means of production far more than they deserve and to pay the workers far, far less than they deserve.

Actually capitalism primarily depends only on one thing: lack of coercion.

Same can't be said about communism, which primarily depends on coercion.

I am not sure your premise is correct. Coercion doesn't necessarily have to be violent. All social systems have laws and those laws restrict us all in some way. In our free market system, places where Christianity is most ubiquitous have the most strict laws and ordinances.. Violate them enough and you will end up being penalized in some way. Anti miscegenation laws kept people of different races from marrying in many southern states.. here were Jim Crow laws. There were laws to facilitate the health and welfare of one group at the expense of another....

Millions in our capitalist system find themselves trapped in a 9 to 5 job they hate. They have a spouse they can't stand, are plagued by a host of social ills and are overburdened by so much debt that many will never be able to pay off. Feeling trapped? Hows that for coercion? And noooo, you can't just walk away. They'll come after you for child support and they should if you don't take care of your kids. Still, it is a trap...and many of you are miserable....

So, you really have no clue at all what an economic system is or how they operate... :thup:
Just trying to do the math here.

If you're to the left of hardcore right wing partisan ideologues, you're a commie. Let's say 39% of people are Republican or lean Republican, 23% of people are solid Republican, see below.

So that means that about 77% of Americans are commies.

This is disturbing.

I don't look good in red.


If you support a centrally planned and managed economy where the state controls the means of production, you support Communism (in the common vernacular.) The democratic - socialist party under Obama, Hillary, and Sanders advocates exactly this.
Just trying to do the math here.

If you're to the left of hardcore right wing partisan ideologues, you're a commie. Let's say 39% of people are Republican or lean Republican, 23% of people are solid Republican, see below.

So that means that about 77% of Americans are commies.

This is disturbing.

I don't look good in red.


If you support a centrally planned and managed economy where the state controls the means of production, you support Communism (in the common vernacular.) The democratic - socialist party under Obama, Hillary, and Sanders advocates exactly this.
Could you provide a link that proves that any of them want the state to control means of production?

If you're serious about that - and not just engaging in hyperbole - that would mean that they want the state to control ALL means of production.

That's communism.
Just trying to do the math here.

If you're to the left of hardcore right wing partisan ideologues, you're a commie. Let's say 39% of people are Republican or lean Republican, 23% of people are solid Republican, see below.

So that means that about 77% of Americans are commies.

This is disturbing.

I don't look good in red.


If you support a centrally planned and managed economy where the state controls the means of production, you support Communism (in the common vernacular.) The democratic - socialist party under Obama, Hillary, and Sanders advocates exactly this.

The DIm defenders will claim that they don't defend a system were there are massive shortages or surpluses and where everything the government makes sucks.
Just trying to do the math here.

If you're to the left of hardcore right wing partisan ideologues, you're a commie. Let's say 39% of people are Republican or lean Republican, 23% of people are solid Republican, see below.

So that means that about 77% of Americans are commies.

This is disturbing.

I don't look good in red.


If you support a centrally planned and managed economy where the state controls the means of production, you support Communism (in the common vernacular.) The democratic - socialist party under Obama, Hillary, and Sanders advocates exactly this.
Could you provide a link that proves that any of them want the state to control means of production?

If you're serious about that - and not just engaging in hyperbole - that would mean that they want the state to control ALL means of production.

That's communism.

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