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Yet another reason why I'm done with the GOP

Sessions: No new special counsel yet for Republican concerns

This is yet another reason I'm done with the GOP. It's not enough they kill building the wall and fund Planned Parenthood and implement insane spending as the country goes over the fiscal cliff with one stroke of the pen with the recent omnibus bill that Trump signed. Now they won't even investigate the obvious corruption within the DOJ and FBI when it comes to Hillary and the Trump witch hunt.

This is how it's happening, one person at a time. The system is designed to keep us fighting and divided. Nothing ever changes, the Political Class is all cut from te same cloth.
Welcome to the light.

Sessions: No new special counsel yet for Republican concerns

This is yet another reason I'm done with the GOP. It's not enough they kill building the wall and fund Planned Parenthood and implement insane spending as the country goes over the fiscal cliff with one stroke of the pen with the recent omnibus bill that Trump signed. Now they won't even investigate the obvious corruption within the DOJ and FBI when it comes to Hillary and the Trump witch hunt.
An interesting perspective.

Why AG Sessions declined to appoint a special counsel.

First of all, while the IG cannot convene a grand jury and subpoena witnesses outside the DOJ’s employees, Huber can. And the IG can and does make criminal referrals. There is tremendous inside expertise on the DOJ resident in the IG’s organization, meaning that there is no start-up delay and no learning curve in getting to work on abuses. So, with the IG digging up information, and referring it to Huber, further steps, including subpoenas to former DOJ and FBI employees, such as Andrew McCabe and James Comey, can be taken before a grand jury in Utah. An indictments issued by that grand jury presumably could be tried before a federal jury in Utah, whereas a special counsel would most likely work with courts in the District of Columbia, Virginia, or Maryland, beltway strongholds. Which jury pool would you prefer? The District of Columbia or Utah?
Even more importantly, there is reason to believe that a lot of work already is underway by Huber and his staff.
Sessions: No new special counsel yet for Republican concerns

This is yet another reason I'm done with the GOP. It's not enough they kill building the wall and fund Planned Parenthood and implement insane spending as the country goes over the fiscal cliff with one stroke of the pen with the recent omnibus bill that Trump signed. Now they won't even investigate the obvious corruption within the DOJ and FBI when it comes to Hillary and the Trump witch hunt.
An interesting perspective.

Why AG Sessions declined to appoint a special counsel.

First of all, while the IG cannot convene a grand jury and subpoena witnesses outside the DOJ’s employees, Huber can. And the IG can and does make criminal referrals. There is tremendous inside expertise on the DOJ resident in the IG’s organization, meaning that there is no start-up delay and no learning curve in getting to work on abuses. So, with the IG digging up information, and referring it to Huber, further steps, including subpoenas to former DOJ and FBI employees, such as Andrew McCabe and James Comey, can be taken before a grand jury in Utah. An indictments issued by that grand jury presumably could be tried before a federal jury in Utah, whereas a special counsel would most likely work with courts in the District of Columbia, Virginia, or Maryland, beltway strongholds. Which jury pool would you prefer? The District of Columbia or Utah?
Even more importantly, there is reason to believe that a lot of work already is underway by Huber and his staff.

The abuses are blatant.

If they are not held accountable then there can only be one conclusion. A GOP led Congress is the deep state.
To be fair, The GOP has demanded a Special Counsel.

But, you have Sessions in there as the AG which President Trump cannot fire, and Rosenstein who was complicit in Knowingly Using Russian Propaganda to file False Affidavits for FISA Warrants to Spy on The Trump Campaign. These two are all cozied up together, and even though The President has every right to fire both of them, he can't, because of the Fake Investigation i.e. sabotage operation, Obama launched right before he left office.

This is btw what was meant by the "Insurance Policy" that was discussed in McCabe's office with Comey, Strozk, Page, and Rosenstein all present. Essentially they are running a propaganda and obstruction operation for as long as they can in the hopes the Democrat Party can take over in The Mid Terms and block even more of The President's agenda.

This is as dirty as politics can get. In fact, I'd call it Treason, because what they are doing and what they have done since the summer of 2016 goes beyond politics. They have high jacked the government, weaponized it and attempted to delegitimize our election and "Select" the President. The only reason President Trump is in office today is because he simply outworked Clinton 10 fold, because he financed his own campaign and Clinton and the Elite Left outspent him $1.5 Million to $250 Million.

The Democrat Party had it rigged, from The Pakistani Hackers at The DNC, to The Rigged Primary, to uncountable numbers of illegals being registered to vote, to their Cronies in The FBI and DOJ, to paying for KGB Propaganda from Putin, and to even have people like Clapper, Brennan, and Holder committing perjury in front of Congress to conceal the level of corruption in The Obama Administration.

What you hope happens is that Sessions is just insulating himself, and has given the ball to Huber and the IG to run with it. Huber has the power to appoint a Special Prosecutor and as a prosecutor himself working with the IG he can do things the IG cannot and take things further than the IG.

However due to the level and scope of corruption in The Obama Administration, they will also need to appoint a Special Prosecutor to look in to FBI, DOJ corruption and FISA abuses, as well as Shenanigans going on in The State Department, CIA, and with Lynch, Rice, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein et al, and perhaps Obama himself who has already made several contradictory statements about what he knew, and when he knew it.

The Clinton campaign, as well as Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, and DNC should all be investigated for their involvement in paying for, procuring and dissemination of Russian Propaganda within our Government and Media.
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They say the IG report has enough evidence in it to convict. Skip the horse shit and take the report to a grand jury. I have had government hearings enough. Start charging!
Just for fun...........Mueller was appointed as special counsel TEN MONTHS ago,

and, just to piss off your half brain...the average investigation lasts 2 years and 4 months plus....lol

Sessions: No new special counsel yet for Republican concerns

This is yet another reason I'm done with the GOP. It's not enough they kill building the wall and fund Planned Parenthood and implement insane spending as the country goes over the fiscal cliff with one stroke of the pen with the recent omnibus bill that Trump signed. Now they won't even investigate the obvious corruption within the DOJ and FBI when it comes to Hillary and the Trump witch hunt.

Serves you right for getting your news from Yahoo. All that was decided is that Sessions is not going to pursue a special counsel right NOW. ITMT, go ahead and leave the GOP. You can always go with the Democrats, they are SURE to build the wall, defund Planned Parenthood, cut spending, and investigate themselves. o_O

What a rube!!!!!

TRANSLATION: That guy was dead-on balls accurate. Shit.
Sessions: No new special counsel yet for Republican concerns

This is yet another reason I'm done with the GOP. It's not enough they kill building the wall and fund Planned Parenthood and implement insane spending as the country goes over the fiscal cliff with one stroke of the pen with the recent omnibus bill that Trump signed. Now they won't even investigate the obvious corruption within the DOJ and FBI when it comes to Hillary and the Trump witch hunt.
FOCUS. Without Trump, there's not 1.2 trillion tax cut and 1 trillion spending. YOU GOT WHAT YOU FCKING WELL VOTED FOR.
The GOP has been dying for a long time. Trump delivered the kill stroke.

Trump has made the Tard Herd more Keynesian than Keynes with deficit spending accelerating at a gallop while the morbidly obese naked emperor demands even more spending. They applauded his Ponzi tax cut which saddled their children with another $1.5 trillion in debt which will have to be borrowed from our enemies.

The rubes chained their Family Values to the whoremonger and now their religion is in the gutter.

We even see the Chumps defending the mobster by attacking the very law enforcement they used to praise for keeping us safe from terrorism.

When Trump said he would seize guns without due process, they agreed this was a good idea. And we all know if Obama had ever said such a thing, we would all be soaked in flecks of foam spewing from their mouths to the end of time.

Yesterday, Trump demanded a successful corporation be punished for their success with heavier taxation, and his Chumps cheered him on.

The emperor's attacks on our free press are met with nods of consent.

The pseuedocons screamed that if Obama bombed Syria without Congressional approval, he be impeached. When Trump did it, they beat their chests with their tiny hands.

The pseudocons actually cheered protectionist tariffs! If this isn't a sign Trump has led his children into the liberal cave, nothing is.

Every day, the pseudocons reveal that what they wanted all along was a far left limousine liberal as their emperor.
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I'm tellin' ya. Three milliseconds after the New York limousine liberal proposes single payer healthcare, the pseudocons will say they were for it all along.
The GOP has been dying for a long time. Trump delivered the kill stroke.

Trump has made the Tard Herd more Keynesian than Keynes with deficit spending accelerating at a gallop while the morbidly obese naked emperor demands even more spending. They applauded his Ponzi tax cut which saddled their children with another $1.5 trillion in debt which will have to be borrowed from our enemies.

The rubes chained their Family Values to the whoremonger and now their religion is in the gutter.

We even see the Chumps defending the mobster by attacking the very law enforcement they used to praise for keeping us safe from terrorism.

When Trump said he would seize guns without due process, they agreed this was a good idea. And we all know if Obama had ever said such a thing, we would all be soaked in flecks of foam spewing from their mouths to the end of time.

Yesterday, Trump demanded a successful corporation be punished for their success with heavier taxation, and his Chumps cheered him on.

The emperor's attacks on our free press are met with nods of consent.

The pseuedocons screamed that if Obama bombed Syria without Congressional approval, he be impeached. When Trump did it, they beat their chests with their tiny hands.

The pseudocons actually cheered protectionist tariffs! If this isn't a sign Trump has led his children into the liberal cave, nothing is.

Every day, the pseudocons reveal that what they wanted all along was a far left limousine liberal as their emperor.
Trumpism (-: has combined the libertarian billionaires funding Freedom Works (coined the take America back logo) who want an end to regulations and a return to opaque markets, and the whites who were not bailed out in the Great Recession. I don't think even Harding would have dared to base economic policy on personal animus.
13 businesses Trump seems to hate
The DOW is in constant record territory. China is on board with sanctions against N.K. when they were shooting at us in Korea during Truman's war, illegal immigration is down about 80% and unemployment is lower than it has been in decades. But let's see, "I'm done with the GOP because ...waah, waah Sessions won't approve a special counsel and the budget is so high. The national debit climbed to record territory during Barry Hussein's eight stagnant years and I don't recall anybody saying "I'm done with democrats". What did we get for Hussein's spending? Cash for Clunkers, golden parachutes for dying solar companies and a lame promise to put the coal industry out of business and "wean America off fossil fuel" while the economy remained stagnant. our enemies grew stronger and angry kids rioted in the streets.
No, the GOP is the deep state.
Well, I can't keep track. My GOP scorecard is a mess.

Is Trump the Deep State now? I thought he wasn't, so I thought the party was the Deep Staters vs. the Trumpsters.

Who knows.
Trump, the Dems, and the Republicans are all the deep state! You do not hire an oligarch to get rid of oligarchs! Where is your true loyalty? My true loyalty is with those most loyal to me. My mother, my father, my sister and four fellows i do buisness with are where my true loyalties lie because these are the people I am with day to day and have shown a history of always being true to their word. When I think of prosperity these are the people I will actively go to the end of the earth to help. Trump is an oligarch, hangs with oligarchs and has never claimed to be about anytrhing more than creating personal wealth his whole life. Until now. His loyalties lie with the other oligarchs. Sorry to disapoint!!!
Do to gerrymandering and the way parties hand out their money combined with citzens united the incumbent wins at such a rate that there is very little fear of losing ones job. This takes the incentive out of making the public happy and puts the incentive into maxamizing profit on the job. Add in in spin and propoganda with a sprinkling of complexity of all these multi faceted bills and you have the perfect mix to fleece generations of wealth into your own pocket. At least the republicans told you what they were doing!!!!!!! What do you think trickle down is. The idea comes from a dam! You build a dam and a huge lake forms for those who built the dam and a tiny river comes out for those below the dam to share! You were getting a shit load more water before the dam you dumb fucks!!!!!! They fed you a pro corporate line of bull shit!!! What they did was pro their buddies coporation, not all coporations and certainly not new ones! The dems said they were going to do some thing else but then got there and voted their own interests as in thier own pocket books just like the republicans. At least the repugs were honest with what their policy was going to be, just not the effects!
The DOW is in constant record territory. China is on board with sanctions against N.K. when they were shooting at us in Korea during Truman's war, illegal immigration is down about 80% and unemployment is lower than it has been in decades. But let's see, "I'm done with the GOP because ...waah, waah Sessions won't approve a special counsel and the budget is so high. The national debit climbed to record territory during Barry Hussein's eight stagnant years and I don't recall anybody saying "I'm done with democrats". What did we get for Hussein's spending? Cash for Clunkers, golden parachutes for dying solar companies and a lame promise to put the coal industry out of business and "wean America off fossil fuel" while the economy remained stagnant. our enemies grew stronger and angry kids rioted in the streets.
The stock market only represents economy for a small portion of the population: the top 10% own 84% of stocks.
China has taken leadership from the US over the north korea issue, and China is taking over more.
National debt under Obama was due to subprime mortgage meltdown, the price of keeping a recession from turning into a depression. Spending is authorized by congress.
Unemployment? The labor participation rate has been flat for 4 years. Stagnant due to an obstructive congress.
I quit the GOP back in 2005 and never looked back. McCain and his Campaign Finance Reform in 2001, 2002 it was then I began to realize they were all for themselves and not the people they were supposed to serve. Neither party is worth a vote.

Yeah, what kind of country do we live in where rich people can't bribe politicians like God intended!

Many on the right are starting to find this to be true, many on the left are still plan on staying in the dark. Tough to reform rubes on either side, it is all they know.

Right. You guys got up to a whopping 3% of the vote last time, with the two most awful, unlikable candidates the two main parties have ever run.
Sessions: No new special counsel yet for Republican concerns

This is yet another reason I'm done with the GOP. It's not enough they kill building the wall and fund Planned Parenthood and implement insane spending as the country goes over the fiscal cliff with one stroke of the pen with the recent omnibus bill that Trump signed. Now they won't even investigate the obvious corruption within the DOJ and FBI when it comes to Hillary and the Trump witch hunt.
FOCUS. Without Trump, there's not 1.2 trillion tax cut and 1 trillion spending. YOU GOT WHAT YOU FCKING WELL VOTED FOR.

That is a lie. In fact, every election is a sham because they lie with impunity to get elected.

No, in reality we never get what we vote for and we now expect it.

Trump said:

1. He would put Hillary behind bars.
2. He would build the wall
3. He would defund Planned Parenthood.

Three strikes and you are out!
Trump said:

1. He would put Hillary behind bars.
2. He would build the wall
3. He would defund Planned Parenthood.

Three strikes and you are out!

Oh, you're much too kind on the Trumpster.......here's an even better list

List of unfulfilled campaign promise by Trump:

Repeal and replace Obamacare- empty campaign promise.

Label China a currency manipulator- empty campaign promise.

Drain the swamp - empty campaign promise.

Bring back coal mining jobs - empty campaign promise.

Solve the North Korea problem - empty campaign promise.

Build the Wall - empty campaign promise.

Peace in the Middle East - empty campaign promise.

Get us a “better deal” with China- empty campaign promise.

Lock Hillary Clinton up - empty campaign promise.

Play less golf and take fewer vacations than Obama - empty campaign promise.

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