You Are No Longer Welcome

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How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.

If only all the libtards who said they would move to Canada when they didn't like an election outcome actually did move wouldn't this be a better place?

Well, that is one opinion.

Wishful thinking I never expect liberals to keep their word
Fake outrage over out of context quotes? Let me guess...Fox News?
Out of context? What was the 'context'? The man spoke his heart. Seems to me YOU buy into the backpeddling of an extreme lib that got caught being TRUTHFUL for once.

You want to try again or do you remain in denial of the truth?

Cuomo: Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in New York Remark Was ‘Distorted’

No one is backpedaling, they("libs") are saying the right wing is taking the comment out of context and flat out lying.

I agree with Cuomo that right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay extreme right wing politicians can not win in New York

Distorted by WHOM? I heard what the man stated. Words mean things, and Cuomo stepped into a world of shit by stating what the left really thinks. He spoke the truth. Now man up and admit it...or will the lies and denials continue?
Out of context? What was the 'context'? The man spoke his heart. Seems to me YOU buy into the backpeddling of an extreme lib that got caught being TRUTHFUL for once.

You want to try again or do you remain in denial of the truth?

Cuomo: Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in New York Remark Was ‘Distorted’

No one is backpedaling, they("libs") are saying the right wing is taking the comment out of context and flat out lying.

I agree with Cuomo that right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay extreme right wing politicians can not win in New York

Distorted by WHOM? I heard what the man stated. Words mean things, and Cuomo stepped into a world of shit by stating what the left really thinks. He spoke the truth. Now man up and admit it...or will the lies and denials continue?

How about OP for me where he said extreme conservatives are not welcome in New York?
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First Rahm, now Andrew. Liberals really think they own this country, don't they?


Liberals have a disease plain and simple. They can't reason right from wrong and as a result, they make just terrible decisions. Yes liberals, the fork is on the left and knife on the right, stick with us now.

Liberals are king losers.


So are you defending what Cuomo said? Because that's a big dodge on your part. "But- but, what about Republicans?" you ask. Why aren't you speaking out against this type of rhetoric? Are you condoning it? This time the onus lies on your party. Your party put him there.

Cuomo's already walked back what he said, but I can understand his frustration.

There is no reasoning with the kind of extremist who thinks that women should have their rapist's babies and that absolutely crazy people should be able to buy automatic weapons.

It's not just that your side lacks an ability to comprimise, but that a lot of you just lack a bit of common sense.

So are you defending what Cuomo said? Because that's a big dodge on your part. "But- but, what about Republicans?" you ask. Why aren't you speaking out against this type of rhetoric? Are you condoning it? This time the onus lies on your party. Your party put him there.

Cuomo's already walked back what he said, but I can understand his frustration.

There is no reasoning with the kind of extremist who thinks that women should have their rapist's babies and that absolutely crazy people should be able to buy automatic weapons.

It's not just that your side lacks an ability to comprimise, but that a lot of you just lack a bit of common sense.

Its reaching a boiling point in the country I'm afraid to say. The dark side of socialism is in full bloom and the agenda is no longer hidden.

Soon this country, if it wants to survive, will require a re-boot and people like Cuomo will have to answer to his acts of treason.

For even Cuomo must understand there are consequences for every decision made in life. The key is to minimize the negative ones while exploiting the positive ones.


So are you defending what Cuomo said? Because that's a big dodge on your part. "But- but, what about Republicans?" you ask. Why aren't you speaking out against this type of rhetoric? Are you condoning it? This time the onus lies on your party. Your party put him there.

Cuomo's already walked back what he said, but I can understand his frustration.

There is no reasoning with the kind of extremist who thinks that women should have their rapist's babies and that absolutely crazy people should be able to buy automatic weapons.

It's not just that your side lacks an ability to comprimise, but that a lot of you just lack a bit of common sense.

link? Cuomo did say his words were distorted. He is calling the right wingers liars not walking back.
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.
If people with those beliefs live in new york, then that does make then New Yorkers. I think his comments are irresponsible as a leader of a State. I don't believe in everything that the right believes in, but they still have a right to believe that way and live in New York. If the Gov is trying to economically collapse the State by telling 30% or more of the population to leave, because they believe differently then he does, then he has no place governing.
"Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

Those were the words uttered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These words have also signaled to me the arrival of something I've feared in America. This something is an era of hyper-partisanship, where mere political affiliation can warrant someone telling you "you have no place here." Has our partisanship reached such a level where we tell someone they no longer belong in the same state as you? Where will those of similar political leanings be speaking out against this?

Do Democrats and Republicans alike not have the same right to live in New York or anywhere? It was bad enough segregating blacks and whites some 50 and 60 years ago, now we must segregate between the letters "D" and "R"? This is why I speak in support of bipartisanship. This is why I favor it. For this is what partisanship will reap.

One will say "I will never get along with them." But I say you don't have to. However it isn't right or moral to begrudge them a place among their fellow Americans that they have made for themselves to live because of what their political beliefs are. The law notwithstanding, a man of any idea or philosophy should be welcome in America.

What Governor Cuomo demonstrated to the rest of America is an utter lack of tolerance, a lack of goodwill. No aspect of partisanship towards his fellow New Yorkers. The onus rests with the people who elected him, those people being the Democrats themselves. He is the manifestation of the intolerance they profess to combat. Cuomo represents an aspect of hatred that Democrats claim not to possess towards those of different beliefs.

How about all of those on the right who tell you that you should leave America if you do not like how things are? The old 'America, love it or leave it' syndrome. See, it works both ways.
Not exactly. If communists keep up the "we'll pass laws without Congress by telling our ally in the WH what to do," I promise you the martial law that follows will not be pleasant for perpetrators of the annihilation of the US Constitution, but it will be temporary until Constitutional lawlessness is removed.

And while I'm on the subject, I'm sick and tired of calumny against Republicans and the rule of law.
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