'You Better Hope Republicans Don't Make You A Slave Again'

Whoopi Goldberg has got to be the dumbest, racist, anti-Semitic, over-opinionated turd who unfortunately has a public platform from which to share that talent.

In the aftermath of the USSC's RvW decision, Goldberg decided to attack Justice Clarence Thomas.

During her ignorant rant Goldberg told Thomas, "You Better Hope Republicans Don't Make You A Slave Again."

1. It was the DEMOCRATS, not Republicans, who owned the slaves and fought to keep them.

2. Clarence Thomas has NEVER been a slave...so its kind of hard to become a slave AGAIN.

Just hearing these stories about the idiots on the View makes my head hurt.

Here is a footnote. Kamala Pig Harrises Father owned slaves.
Why? It's a possibility. Slaves in their own country...again.
And you do know that Thomas is married to a white insurrectionist wife....and the southern Democrats became Republicans during the 60's..eh?
Either way, the Republican party welcomes all manner of trash. :)
So FDR was a Republican?

This new learning amazes me
Whoopi Goldberg has got to be the dumbest, racist, anti-Semitic, over-opinionated turd who unfortunately has a public platform from which to share that talent.

In the aftermath of the USSC's RvW decision, Goldberg decided to attack Justice Clarence Thomas.

During her ignorant rant Goldberg told Thomas, "You Better Hope Republicans Don't Make You A Slave Again."

1. It was the DEMOCRATS, not Republicans, who owned the slaves and fought to keep them.

2. Clarence Thomas has NEVER been a slave...so its kind of hard to become a slave AGAIN.

Just hearing these stories about the idiots on the View makes my head hurt.

Can you tell me any case that Thomas has ever voted in favor of someone black or an issue that serves in the favor of black folks. He is the most anti-black person on the Court.
Why? It's a possibility. Slaves in their own country...again.
And you do know that Thomas is married to a white insurrectionist wife....and the southern Democrats became Republicans during the 60's..eh?
Either way, the Republican party welcomes all manner of trash. :)

An amusing claim from an adherent to the party that openly supports faggots, trannies, and other depraved sexual perverts; violent criminal mobs; invading foreign criminals; abortionists; and other subhuman trash.
Robert "the conscience of the Senate" Byrd was a Democrat in the late 1940's died as a Democrat in June 2010.

Carl Albert was a Democrat in the late 1940's retired as a Democrat in 1977 Died as a Democrat in 2000.

Thomas O Neal (Tip) Was a Democrat in 1953 retired in 1987 still as a Democrat Died as a Democrat in 1994.

I can do a lot more.

/——/ And don’t forget segregationist Al Gore Sr
Whoopi Goldberg has got to be the dumbest, racist, anti-Semitic, over-opinionated turd who unfortunately has a public platform from which to share that talent.

In the aftermath of the USSC's RvW decision, Goldberg decided to attack Justice Clarence Thomas.

During her ignorant rant Goldberg told Thomas, "You Better Hope Republicans Don't Make You A Slave Again."

1. It was the DEMOCRATS, not Republicans, who owned the slaves and fought to keep them.

2. Clarence Thomas has NEVER been a slave...so its kind of hard to become a slave AGAIN.

Just hearing these stories about the idiots on the View makes my head hurt.

Once again we see republican disingenuousness. Democrats did not fight to keep slaves and republicans today are the ones supporting the memory of the confederacy.
Nah, I just have better things to do than sit on my ass and watch an anti-Semitic, racist, ignorant, over-opinionated, washed-up former Hollywood actress / comedien try to 'out-stupid' her fellow View co-hosts.

Not to say you doing so is a bad thing, though....
You post ignorasnt over opinionated racist bullshit every day. So you do have the time.
Why? It's a possibility. Slaves in their own country...again.
And you do know that Thomas is married to a white insurrectionist wife....and the southern Democrats became Republicans during the 60's..eh?
Either way, the Republican party welcomes all manner of trash. :)
Surely you have a very long list of southern democrat politicians who switched parties, right? And there are no southern politicians who belonged to the KKK and stayed democrat either?
Democrats did not fight to keep slaves
Way to try to re-write history, snowflake.

Next you will be telling us the Demo rats did not start the KKK, that Robert Byrd was not a former Grand Master of the KKK, and minofitoes are not fleeing the Democrat Party in droves.

Once again we see republican disingenuousness. Democrats did not fight to keep slaves and republicans today are the ones supporting the memory of the confederacy.
Seriously? The Republican party was founded specifically to oppose slavery and the democrats of the day resisted as much as they could, even to the point of kicking off a war over the issue. So I call shenanigans on your statement, "Democrats did not fight to keep slaves".
Can you tell me any case that Thomas has ever voted in favor of someone black or an issue that serves in the favor of black folks. He is the most anti-black person on the Court.
His job on the Court is not to favor one group over another, it is to judge a law's Constitutionality by the Constitution.

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