"You didn't get there on your own"

Every spending bill originates in the House, which has been controlled by Democrats for 40 of the last 50 years. Democrats in congress are responsible for almost every dime of Deficit spending. 3/4 of all the money was spent on Social Programs created by Democrats.

The idea that Republicans are responsible for the deficit is too absurd for words.
All you have to do is show these POWERLESS Republican presidents vetoing the spending bills and Congress passing them over the veto and you would have a case. Until that time it remains the GOP National Debt.

Nope. It takes a 2/3 vote to override a presidential veto. That means a substantial number of Democrats would have to support it, and we know that you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Democrats who support spending cuts.

No matter how much turds like you lie and obfuscate, the Democrats own almost all the deficit spending.
So you admit that a presidential veto could have stopped the spending, so therefore with no veto the GOP presidents OWN the GOP National Debt.
All you have to do is show these POWERLESS Republican presidents vetoing the spending bills and Congress passing them over the veto and you would have a case. Until that time it remains the GOP National Debt.

Nope. It takes a 2/3 vote to override a presidential veto. That means a substantial number of Democrats would have to support it, and we know that you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Democrats who support spending cuts.

No matter how much turds like you lie and obfuscate, the Democrats own almost all the deficit spending.
So you admit that a presidential veto could have stopped the spending, so therefore with no veto the GOP presidents OWN the GOP National Debt.

Bush fought 2 unfunded wars and Medicare Part D was not paid for. Those are the facts. It was all deficit spending.
Nope. It takes a 2/3 vote to override a presidential veto. That means a substantial number of Democrats would have to support it, and we know that you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Democrats who support spending cuts.

No matter how much turds like you lie and obfuscate, the Democrats own almost all the deficit spending.
So you admit that a presidential veto could have stopped the spending, so therefore with no veto the GOP presidents OWN the GOP National Debt.

Bush fought 2 unfunded wars and Medicare Part D was not paid for. Those are the facts. It was all deficit spending.

Who says Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIF, and all the other Democrat boondoggles are paid for?
Nope. It takes a 2/3 vote to override a presidential veto. That means a substantial number of Democrats would have to support it, and we know that you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Democrats who support spending cuts.

No matter how much turds like you lie and obfuscate, the Democrats own almost all the deficit spending.
So you admit that a presidential veto could have stopped the spending, so therefore with no veto the GOP presidents OWN the GOP National Debt.

Bush fought 2 unfunded wars and Medicare Part D was not paid for. Those are the facts. It was all deficit spending.

President Bush cannot allocate a dime to the budget for the military nor spend a dime from the defense budget that Congress does not authorize. For six years of his administration it was a GOP controlled Congress, for the last two years a Democratically controlled Congress. Either Congress could have pulled or reduced the funding at any time. Neither did. Nor has Obama called for less spending on the war effort, and neither the Democratically controlled or the GOP controlled Congresses during his administration have pulled the funding. So lets keep things in perspective and reasonably honest, okay?

Ditto Medicare Part D
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Yeah yeah I can just hear the scoffing that will follow...Received the following from Dick Morris...


Yeah yeah I can just hear the scoffing that will follow...Received the following from Dick Morris...



A more accurate caption would be, "The pharoah didn't build these himself, the Egyptian people did."
More evidence that what Obama said is correcct.
All you have to do is show these POWERLESS Republican presidents vetoing the spending bills and Congress passing them over the veto and you would have a case. Until that time it remains the GOP National Debt.

Nope. It takes a 2/3 vote to override a presidential veto. That means a substantial number of Democrats would have to support it, and we know that you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Democrats who support spending cuts.

No matter how much turds like you lie and obfuscate, the Democrats own almost all the deficit spending.
So you admit that a presidential veto could have stopped the spending, so therefore with no veto the GOP presidents OWN the GOP National Debt.

Hey dip shit with the shallow mind and corrupt soul.

GW threatened a veto so democrats had Obama sign the rest of the budget low life.
Nope. It takes a 2/3 vote to override a presidential veto. That means a substantial number of Democrats would have to support it, and we know that you can count on the fingers of one hand the number of Democrats who support spending cuts.

No matter how much turds like you lie and obfuscate, the Democrats own almost all the deficit spending.
So you admit that a presidential veto could have stopped the spending, so therefore with no veto the GOP presidents OWN the GOP National Debt.

Bush fought 2 unfunded wars and Medicare Part D was not paid for. Those are the facts. It was all deficit spending.

Obama has fought 3 unfunded wars, hasn't bothered to repair any part of Medicare D or any other entitlement, but rather has ADDED a whole new one, also "not paid for".

So what's your point?... that Obama is better at being George Bush than Bush himself was? :eusa_whistle:
I think what some of you folks are forgetting is that G.W. left office with an approval rating of 29-30%. You're not even carrying your own party with numbers that low.
Yeah yeah I can just hear the scoffing that will follow...Received the following from Dick Morris...



A more accurate caption would be, "The pharoah didn't build these himself, the Egyptian people did."
More evidence that what Obama said is correcct.

Who was the Pharoah...but an Egytian who thought he was a GOD?

Gods don't DIE do they?

WE sure have enough of thier corpses, don't we to show that yeah...they're DEAD and human.
Yeah yeah I can just hear the scoffing that will follow...Received the following from Dick Morris...



I read the freakiest thing about the Egyptian pyramids the other day. The Muslim radicals taking over Egypt right now are talking about leveling the pyramids, as they removed the gigantic icons in Pakistan a few years back that were Pakistan's main tourist attraction because they were "against Allah." :(

Anybody who wants to see the pyramids again had better have seen them last year. Just sayin'
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Yeah yeah I can just hear the scoffing that will follow...Received the following from Dick Morris...



I read the freakiest thing about the Egyptian pyramids the other day. The Muslim radicals taking over Egypt right now are talking about leveling the pyramids, as they removed the gigantic icons in Pakistan a few years back that were Pakistan's main tourist attraction because they were "against Allah." :(

Anybody who wants to see the pyramids again had better have seen them last year. Just sayin'

I went there twice in my life [Egypt].

And that IS the way of Muslims and Sharia [As proclaimed by the new Egyptian President]...that Sharia was thier way...

Get RID of anything that looks bigger than the flase prophet that is Muhammed.

It would be a tradgedy indeed to erase such history for political purposes.
Yup, Islamic radicals are absolutely threatening to take the pyramids down, but haven't quite mustered the cajones to order it done yet:

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”http://frontpagemag.com/2012/raymond-ibrahim/muslim-brotherhood-destroy-the-pyramids/Morsi

Here in the U.S., radicals, not necessarily Islamic ones, are more subtle about taking down the symbols and monuments of American culture. It starts with attacks on patriotic traditions like the Pledge of Allegiance, moves to make it politically incorrect to teach protocol and respect for the flag while making it a social necessity to accommodate the culture and traditions that have been imported, and now our President is attacking entreprenourial efforts and American accomplishment.

I just wonder when we the people will get frustrated and angry enough to say 'enough!'
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Yup, Islamic radicals are absolutely threatening to take the pyramids down, but haven't quite mustered the cajones to order it done yet:

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”http://frontpagemag.com/2012/raymond-ibrahim/muslim-brotherhood-destroy-the-pyramids/Morsi

Here in the U.S., radicals, not necessarily Islamic ones, are more subtle about taking down the symbols and monuments of American culture. It starts with attacks on patriotic traditions like the Pledge of Allegiance, moves to make it politically incorrect to teach protocol and respect for the flag while making it a social necessity to accommodate the culture and traditions that have been imported, and now our President is attacking entreprenourial efforts and American accomplishment.

I just wonder when we the people will get frustrated and angry enough to say 'enough!'

Ouch, you're going for kicking some liberal butt today, foxfyre...
Yeah yeah I can just hear the scoffing that will follow...Received the following from Dick Morris...



A more accurate caption would be, "The pharoah didn't build these himself, the Egyptian people did."
More evidence that what Obama said is correcct.

An even more accurate caption would be, "Neither the Pharoah or any Egyptian entreprenour built these themselves. Egyptian slaves did."

Amazing how many turns this thread has taken. Back to the President's words:

"I'm always struck by people who think, 'well, it must be because I was just so smart'".

Wow, you're quite the mind reader, Mr. President. You know what we think, very impressive. Funny thing is, I've worked with hundreds, if not thousands, of business owners over the years, and I have never heard one of them say that, or anything like that. I have never even thought to say it myself. But since you can read minds, and because you have such an extensive background in starting and running businesses, I'm sure you're right.

"'It must be because I worked harder than anybody else.'"

I suppose that depends on what you mean by "worked". If "working" means putting everything on the line, countless sleepless nights, myriad disappointments and frustrations, dealing with the wide range of employee issues that never go away, regulations, making payroll, and getting used to 70-90 hour weeks, then yeah, I think that's a fair statement. But again, funny thing, I've never heard a business owner say that, not once. But since you can read minds, and because you have such an extensive background in starting and running businesses, I'm sure you're right.

But I'm sure those words were taken out of context, right?

Yeah yeah I can just hear the scoffing that will follow...Received the following from Dick Morris...



I read the freakiest thing about the Egyptian pyramids the other day. The Muslim radicals taking over Egypt right now are talking about leveling the pyramids, as they removed the gigantic icons in Pakistan a few years back that were Pakistan's main tourist attraction because they were "against Allah." :(

Anybody who wants to see the pyramids again had better have seen them last year. Just sayin'

I went there twice in my life [Egypt].

And that IS the way of Muslims and Sharia [As proclaimed by the new Egyptian President]...that Sharia was thier way...

Get RID of anything that looks bigger than the flase prophet that is Muhammed.

It would be a tradgedy indeed to erase such history for political purposes.
The man who could've prevented defacement of these world treasures is ill and in jail, I understand. The trouble with Obama is he thinks like Carter--call for leadership removal, then the world has to live with the murderous sins of their jihadist replacements.
I read the freakiest thing about the Egyptian pyramids the other day. The Muslim radicals taking over Egypt right now are talking about leveling the pyramids, as they removed the gigantic icons in Pakistan a few years back that were Pakistan's main tourist attraction because they were "against Allah." :(

Anybody who wants to see the pyramids again had better have seen them last year. Just sayin'

I went there twice in my life [Egypt].

And that IS the way of Muslims and Sharia [As proclaimed by the new Egyptian President]...that Sharia was thier way...

Get RID of anything that looks bigger than the flase prophet that is Muhammed.

It would be a tradgedy indeed to erase such history for political purposes.
The man who could've prevented defacement of these world treasures is ill and in jail, I understand. The trouble with Obama is he thinks like Carter--call for leadership removal, then the world has to live with the murderous sins of their jihadist replacements.

Indeed. obama has done it how many times now? Egypt? Libya? What will happen in Syria?

Obama has surpassed Jimmah Catah in failure.

History repeats to the negative...and the left is just okee-doakee with it.
Yeah yeah I can just hear the scoffing that will follow...Received the following from Dick Morris...



A more accurate caption would be, "The pharoah didn't build these himself, the Egyptian people did."
More evidence that what Obama said is correcct.

An even more accurate caption would be, "Neither the Pharoah or any Egyptian entreprenour built these themselves. Egyptian slaves did."

Would those slaves have been Jews? The timing seems right...
A more accurate caption would be, "The pharoah didn't build these himself, the Egyptian people did."
More evidence that what Obama said is correcct.

An even more accurate caption would be, "Neither the Pharoah or any Egyptian entreprenour built these themselves. Egyptian slaves did."

Would those slaves have been Jews? The timing seems right...

WOW...I didn't realize that we'd get so far off topic...but yes...that's about right from Accounts I've heard...Menachem Begin said they did in a visit in 1977...

Others say Jews didn't exist at the time...

Who knows but God himself?:dunno:

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