"You didn't get there on your own"

Capital gains are not taxed twice, and you know it. The gains sit untaxed, many times for years, until they are realized and then only the untaxed gains are taxed at a special lower rate.

The second time they are taxed is as you describe. The first time was when they were taxed as business tax. One plus one = ... Even you can handle this one Edd...

5 bucks gets taxed, you invest it in a local lemonade stand, you make 10 bucks. You now get taxed again on the additional 5 dollars NOT the full 10.

But to say the investor class gets taxed twice and its unfair is BULLSHIT! A dollar gets taxed EVERYTIME it changes hands. Income, sales, property ( even when it does change hands ), estate, no matter HOW rich someone is.

So we ALL get taxed over and over and over and over again. To defend ONLY the investor class youd have to be retarded to claim its "not fair" .
I think we establish in this thread that you're not commenting on - how COMPLETELY RATIONAL our rejection of your Dear Leader actually is.. And as far as "racist" goes -- I venture to guess that all these Con posters would pay real money and FLOCK to lectures by Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen Keyes, Herman Cain and DOZENs of other Con heroes that just happen to be black men.. Matter of Fact, since Buckley died, seems to this Libertarian like black men are the Brains and Conscience of the Con movement. Isn't that true CONZHATE?

Now be a good troll and say something stupid.... Or maybe --- you actually want to comment on how badly Dear Leader stepped in it with his "unguarded leftist moment".

Add Larry Elder to that group. The man is brilliant.

My respect of Ice-T has gone WAY up as well; check this out.

{Anchor Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Channel 4 News: "So do you carry guns routinely at home?"

Ice-T: "Yeah, it's legal in the United States. It's part of our Constitution. You know, the right to bear arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt. It's to protect yourself from the police."

Anchor: "And do you see any link between that and these sorts of (Aurora-type) incidents?"

Ice-T: "No. Nah. Not really. You know what I'm saying, if somebody wants to kill people, you know, they don't need a gun to do it."

Anchor: "It makes it easier, though, doesn't it?"

Ice-T: "Not really. You can strap explosives on your body. They do that all the time."

Anchor: "So when there's the inevitable backlash of the anti-gun lobby, as a result of this instance, as there always is--"

Ice-T: "Well, that's not going to change anything. ... The United States is based on guns."}

Yes, Guns Kill, But How Often Are They Used in Self-Defense? - Larry Elder - Page 1
I have purchased every book that Thomas Sowell has ever written, and regularly read both his columns and Walter Williams'. Unlike HateUSA, who mentions race in virtually ever post, I don't give a rat's ass what color someone's skin is. I have a lot more in common with an intelligent, educated black person than I ever will with an ignorant, illiterate white person.

Exactly, and well put.

I get along with smart people, educated people. I have nothing in common with a white dolt, living in a trailer and waiting for the welfare check. I have a LOT in common with a black MBA working up new methods of efficiency.

Skin color means nothing.
With 41 straight months of unemployment above 8% maybe it’s time to cut some of this government red tape to help small businesses across America create jobs. In that way government really can help someone create success.

All you do is pontificate, like the "zombie" you linked to. Post some real numbers that show corporations paying "their share and more."

Corporations contribute 7.4% of federal revenues, wage earners 84.6%, and capital gains tycoons 2.5%.

Is that right, edtheliar?

So 84.6% of all federal revenue is from income tax on wage earners?


Wait a minute, income taxes don't even make up 50% of the federal revenue stream. How could income tax on wages be 84.6% then?

Oh, that's right - you're a fucking liar - you're a leftist and you'll say anything to promote your shameful party. Like all Obamabots, you don't have so much as a shred of integrity..
Notice how a professional liar creates a Straw Man to support their lie. Nowhere did I say income taxes make up 84% of the federal revenue stream. I said WAGE EARNERS paid 84% of the federal income stream.

Other than like, in the highlighted quote from you, that is...


You're a hoot, edtheliar.

You don't even know what you post, do you? Someone from one of the hate sites, MoveOn, ThinkProress, etc. emails your thoughts and you paste them here, right?

Wage earners pay a lot more than just income taxes, which you would know if you had ever worked even one job in your entire life, you lazy fuck. Your own chart shows wage earners paying 82% of the federal income stream, so sue me for the 2%.

Shit fer brains, you lied and got caught. Yeah, no doubt you were just pasting what the hive told you to paste, but you got caught with your dick in the mutt, can't claim you weren't fucking the dog..
Capital gains are not taxed twice, and you know it. The gains sit untaxed, many times for years, until they are realized and then only the untaxed gains are taxed at a special lower rate.

Ultimately non-qualified capital gains are taxed twice. Once at the investor's current marginal rate when the funds that will be invested are initially earned; those funds are then invested. Then gains are taxed as withdrawn. While the marginal tax rates applied will be different, and at different times, the fact remains taxation happens twice. We all know this, right?

The best part is that if those funds are re-invested and sold again and again, the government gets to keep taxing them. Thank goodness, because our "leaders" have proven to be so responsible with all that money.

Whatever is invested is not re-taxed when the GAINS are realized. Whatever was invested is deducted from the sale price and only the gain is taxed. If there is a loss, the investor gets a tax deduction. Nothing is taxed twice. If you had ever bought and sold stock you would know this!!!!

Once again.... you buy your stock with earned income which has already been taxed, then a corporate tax is applied to profits before profits are disbursed, then you pay a capital gains tax. What's more, inflation isn't adjusted and losses are capped in such a way that you can only write off a small portion.
Capital Gains Taxes Are Much Too High; They Punish Thrifty People for Inflation - Washington DC SCOTUS | Examiner.com
Libs are more financially successful than you lazy CON$ervoFascist slackers. Insanely jealous CON$ insult success and call Libs, " Limousine Liberals." Get off your lazy ass and get a job and you can be as successful as the Libs you envy.

So you're saying that the Bolshevik faction of the democratic party are the "rich?"

Well damn, no wonder Obama wages war against the middle class and small business. Must crush those usurper, eh edtheliar?
No, that is not the 'topic'. That is YOUR polemic, partisan and dishonest propaganda. That is not what the President said.

We are on page 234 of this thread. The topic has been debated ad nauseum. Let me recap and clarify.

The President made a speech, and conservatives and Republicans have taken out of context one line in his speech, and grossly twisted the meaning. They are using it as an attack on Obama.

Conservatives and Republicans only want you to hear the one line where the President said, "If you've got a business, you didn't build that," but they don't want you to hear the sentences preceding and following that line that make it clear he was referring to the government infrastructure that helps businesses succeed, not the businesses themselves.

No, dipshit, we read the whole frigging speech. Please read it yourself and tell us what "context" we're supposed to derive from it . . . so we can laugh at your desperate attempts to continue kissing Obama's ass.

You folks keep on holding your hands over your ears and shouting I CANT HEAR YOU! I CANT HEAR YOU!!!

That seems to be your only response now to the truth you so conveniently ignore because it doesnt fit your OBAMABADMAN narrative.

Your problem is that everyone HAS heard the speech in it's entirety. In fact, Mitt Romney posted the entire segment and the lead-up to the damning portion right on his website:
President Obama's Remarks in Roanoke, VA | Mitt Romney for President

There's no amount of "context" which is going to change the meaning of what Obama said.
No, dipshit, we read the whole frigging speech. Please read it yourself and tell us what "context" we're supposed to derive from it . . . so we can laugh at your desperate attempts to continue kissing Obama's ass.

You folks keep on holding your hands over your ears and shouting I CANT HEAR YOU! I CANT HEAR YOU!!!

That seems to be your only response now to the truth you so conveniently ignore because it doesnt fit your OBAMABADMAN narrative.

Your problem is that everyone HAS heard the speech in it's entirety. In fact, Mitt Romney posted the entire segment and the lead-up to the damning portion right on his website:
President Obama's Remarks in Roanoke, VA | Mitt Romney for President

There's no amount of "context" which is going to change the meaning of what Obama said.

The liberals have gone from justifying to denying what was said... fucking amazing~
Is that right, edtheliar?

So 84.6% of all federal revenue is from income tax on wage earners?


Wait a minute, income taxes don't even make up 50% of the federal revenue stream. How could income tax on wages be 84.6% then?

Oh, that's right - you're a fucking liar - you're a leftist and you'll say anything to promote your shameful party. Like all Obamabots, you don't have so much as a shred of integrity..
Notice how a professional liar creates a Straw Man to support their lie. Nowhere did I say income taxes make up 84% of the federal revenue stream. I said WAGE EARNERS paid 84% of the federal income stream.

Other than like, in the highlighted quote from you, that is...


You're a hoot, edtheliar.

You don't even know what you post, do you? Someone from one of the hate sites, MoveOn, ThinkProress, etc. emails your thoughts and you paste them here, right?

Wage earners pay a lot more than just income taxes, which you would know if you had ever worked even one job in your entire life, you lazy fuck. Your own chart shows wage earners paying 82% of the federal income stream, so sue me for the 2%.

Shit fer brains, you lied and got caught. Yeah, no doubt you were just pasting what the hive told you to paste, but you got caught with your dick in the mutt, can't claim you weren't fucking the dog..
Like I have shown so many times before, when CON$ervoFascists are caught lying they just lie some more.

First you lie about me saying income tax makes up 84% of federal revenues, and when called on your lie, you simply lie about highlighting a quote where I said that 84% of federal revenue comes from income tax that doesn't have the words income tax anywhere in the quote!!!!!

I said 84% of federal revenues come from WAGE EARNERS. WAGE EARNERS pay income taxes and payroll taxes. Your own chart shows income taxes and payroll taxes equal 82% of federal revenue. As I said, sue me for the 2%.
Ultimately non-qualified capital gains are taxed twice. Once at the investor's current marginal rate when the funds that will be invested are initially earned; those funds are then invested. Then gains are taxed as withdrawn. While the marginal tax rates applied will be different, and at different times, the fact remains taxation happens twice. We all know this, right?

The best part is that if those funds are re-invested and sold again and again, the government gets to keep taxing them. Thank goodness, because our "leaders" have proven to be so responsible with all that money.

Whatever is invested is not re-taxed when the GAINS are realized. Whatever was invested is deducted from the sale price and only the gain is taxed. If there is a loss, the investor gets a tax deduction. Nothing is taxed twice. If you had ever bought and sold stock you would know this!!!!

Once again.... you buy your stock with earned income which has already been taxed, then a corporate tax is applied to profits before profits are disbursed, then you pay a capital gains tax. What's more, inflation isn't adjusted and losses are capped in such a way that you can only write off a small portion.
Capital Gains Taxes Are Much Too High; They Punish Thrifty People for Inflation - Washington DC SCOTUS | Examiner.com
Stock holders do not pay corporate taxes, corporations do. That's why they are called CORPORATE TAXES!!!!!!!!!! Capital GAINS are still only taxed once.
Wage earners don't pay all the payroll taxes in reality, but don't let that get in the way of your lies Ed.
Capital gains are not taxed twice, and you know it. The gains sit untaxed, many times for years, until they are realized and then only the untaxed gains are taxed at a special lower rate.

The second time they are taxed is as you describe. The first time was when they were taxed as business tax. One plus one = ... Even you can handle this one Edd...
You don't pay a business tax when you buy stock. Zero plus one = ... Even you can handle that one kraz...

Um...wow, I didn't dumb it down enough for you? I'm not surprised. OK, I'll go another round.

You aren't buying "stock" you are buying a percent of the company. The stock is a piece of paper. The company is the investment. You are entitled to a percent of the earnings of the company. Those earnings are reduced by the taxes the company pays, that means the value of your stock is reduced by the same portion. So as a shareholder, a percent owner in the company, you have already paid corporate taxes. Which means then when you pay taxes on the gain in the stock, you're paying taxes again on the same gain.

So let's try this again, Eddie. One plus one = ...
Whatever is invested is not re-taxed when the GAINS are realized. Whatever was invested is deducted from the sale price and only the gain is taxed. If there is a loss, the investor gets a tax deduction. Nothing is taxed twice. If you had ever bought and sold stock you would know this!!!!

Once again.... you buy your stock with earned income which has already been taxed, then a corporate tax is applied to profits before profits are disbursed, then you pay a capital gains tax. What's more, inflation isn't adjusted and losses are capped in such a way that you can only write off a small portion.
Capital Gains Taxes Are Much Too High; They Punish Thrifty People for Inflation - Washington DC SCOTUS | Examiner.com
Stock holders do not pay corporate taxes, corporations do. That's why they are called CORPORATE TAXES!!!!!!!!!! Capital GAINS are still only taxed once.

Again.... let's say you're a "wage earner", Ed. Your earnings have already been taxed, and then you decide to go buy a stock with your money. See how that's working yet? You're not going to realize any investment income until after the corporate tax has been applied to company profits, and then you're going to pay a capital gains tax when you're finally paid.

The investors ARE the corporation. A "corporation" is nothing more than a group acting as a single entity. That's the very definition of the word. A stock represents a small share of ownership. Even if you only have one stock, you're part owner of the company.

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