"You didn't get there on your own"

5 bucks gets taxed, you invest it in a local lemonade stand, you make 10 bucks. You now get taxed again on the additional 5 dollars NOT the full 10.

Actually in your example, you skipped a step. You invest $5 in a lemonade stand and sold $10 worth of product.

You skipped the part where the the government taxes the lemonade stand, the business itself, $2, so now you have $8.

Given your $5 investment, you now you made $3, not $5. Government then taxes the $3 as a capital gain.

And that ignores the payroll taxes for the person who operated the stand, the business taxes for their assets (stand, lemonade jar), sales taxes collected on the lemonade sales, ...
Like I have shown so many times before, when CON$ervoFascists are caught lying they just lie some more.

edtheliar, you claimed that wage earners pay 84.6% of federal revenues. Not only is that not true, but income taxes don't even make up 50% of revenues. Employer paid payroll taxes are nearly half of the revenue stream - idiot.

First you lie about me saying income tax makes up 84% of federal revenues, and when called on your lie, you simply lie about highlighting a quote where I said that 84% of federal revenue comes from income tax that doesn't have the words income tax anywhere in the quote!!!!!


You earn the title "edtheliar."

I said 84% of federal revenues come from WAGE EARNERS.

Stupid fuck, a major portion comes from payroll taxes.

WAGE EARNERS pay income taxes and payroll taxes.

Uh no, you fucking moron. Payroll taxes are paid by the employer.

Your own chart shows income taxes and payroll taxes equal 82% of federal revenue. As I said, sue me for the 2%.

So, your defense is that you're not lying, you're just stupid as a pile of bricks?
C.J. Box: "I don't like you either".

I realized, for the first time I can recall, that the President doesn't like me, or people who share my values. Not that he has simple differences, or thinks I'm misguided. He doesn't like me, and if you're reading this post on Ricochet he probably doesn't like you, either. And it isn't mild dislike: it's utter contempt.

When has a president -- any president -- so thoroughly shown that he despises at least half the population of the country? Not Bush, not Reagan, not even Clinton.

It's not just about policy or party. It's personal.
Once again.... you buy your stock with earned income which has already been taxed, then a corporate tax is applied to profits before profits are disbursed, then you pay a capital gains tax. What's more, inflation isn't adjusted and losses are capped in such a way that you can only write off a small portion.
Capital Gains Taxes Are Much Too High; They Punish Thrifty People for Inflation - Washington DC SCOTUS | Examiner.com
Stock holders do not pay corporate taxes, corporations do. That's why they are called CORPORATE TAXES!!!!!!!!!! Capital GAINS are still only taxed once.

Again.... let's say you're a "wage earner", Ed. Your earnings have already been taxed, and then you decide to go buy a stock with your money. See how that's working yet? You're not going to realize any investment income until after the corporate tax has been applied to company profits, and then you're going to pay a capital gains tax when you're finally paid.

The investors ARE the corporation. A "corporation" is nothing more than a group acting as a single entity. That's the very definition of the word. A stock represents a small share of ownership. Even if you only have one stock, you're part owner of the company.
Investors are investors, corporations are corporations. If the two are interchangable then corporations should pay capital gains taxes instead of corporate taxes or both like you say investors do. If they are interchangable why should one be taxed twice while the other is taxed only once????

As was pointed out to you already, a dollar is taxed every time it changes hands. It changes hands when it passes from corporation to investor, if they were the same it would not be changing hands. By your same "logic" wages are taxed at least 3 times. They are taxed when earned, they pay corporate taxes passed on to them in the price of the goods and services, and they pay sales taxes. Wages should be taxed at a lower rate than capital gains since they are taxed more times.
Like I have shown so many times before, when CON$ervoFascists are caught lying they just lie some more.

edtheliar, you claimed that wage earners pay 84.6% of federal revenues. Not only is that not true, but income taxes don't even make up 50% of revenues. Employer paid payroll taxes are nearly half of the revenue stream - idiot.

First you lie about me saying income tax makes up 84% of federal revenues, and when called on your lie, you simply lie about highlighting a quote where I said that 84% of federal revenue comes from income tax that doesn't have the words income tax anywhere in the quote!!!!!


You earn the title "edtheliar."

Stupid fuck, a major portion comes from payroll taxes.

WAGE EARNERS pay income taxes and payroll taxes.

Uh no, you fucking moron. Payroll taxes are paid by the employer.

Your own chart shows income taxes and payroll taxes equal 82% of federal revenue. As I said, sue me for the 2%.

So, your defense is that you're not lying, you're just stupid as a pile of bricks?
As I have already shown, the government considers payroll taxes as part of the wage earners income.
Capital gains are not taxed twice, and you know it. The gains sit untaxed, many times for years, until they are realized and then only the untaxed gains are taxed at a special lower rate.

Ultimately non-qualified capital gains are taxed twice. Once at the investor's current marginal rate when the funds that will be invested are initially earned; those funds are then invested. Then gains are taxed as withdrawn. While the marginal tax rates applied will be different, and at different times, the fact remains taxation happens twice. We all know this, right?

The best part is that if those funds are re-invested and sold again and again, the government gets to keep taxing them. Thank goodness, because our "leaders" have proven to be so responsible with all that money.

Whatever is invested is not re-taxed when the GAINS are realized. Whatever was invested is deducted from the sale price and only the gain is taxed. If there is a loss, the investor gets a tax deduction. Nothing is taxed twice. If you had ever bought and sold stock you would know this!!!!

I'm a financial advisor, CFP, ChFC, CLU, thanks. And you're saying the same thing I am, except for the goofy stuff about double taxation.

As you will see by actually reading my post, gains are taxed. In a non-qualified account, money that is invested has already been taxed. Non-qualified. It's taxed before it's invested, gains are taxed after. Yes, losses are not taxed (big news there), but I am assuming capital gains.

You're playing games. Just admit it, non-qualified investment gains are taxed twice, or more if re-invested and gains are realized.


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But just to make sure that everybody understands, government DID NOT invent infrastructure for the benefit of the people. Infrastructure happens when the people have been conducting business and find it more efficient and effective to share certain services and infrastructure than when everybody does their own thing. When the people prosper, the infrastructure is strengtened and is well maintained and expanded. When the people do not prosper, the infrastructure and necessary government services deteriorate.

The government did not develop the interstate system for the benefit of the businessman. They developed it as a criticial part of national defense to make it more possible to move troops and equipment should the USA be attacked and to facilitate use of air cover. The government did not do research on the internet for the benefit of the businessman. It too was a critical part of national defense and was in fact early on intended to be denied the private sector. NASA programs were not developed for the benefit of the businessman but again for the purposes of national defense.

The fact that all these efforts would in fact benefit us all was secondary to their intended purposes.

The federal government cannot take credit for the fact that local governments have developed fire and police protection, streets, roads, and other shared services, all because there was already business and commerce happening, not to generate more of it. And every bit of that business and commerce was the businessman looking to his own interests and simply by doing that, everybody benefits everybody else.

President Obama does not understand how the economy works or what makes it tick. I suspect however that he is fully aware that deficit spending is the confiscation and redistribution of wealth in the most harmful way imaginaable?
As I have already shown, the government considers payroll taxes as part of the wage earners income.

No stupid, they don't. You just are too dull to grasp the distinction between "withholdings" which are taken in accrual from the employee, pending filing, and "payroll taxes" which are entirely paid by the employer.

Here idiot, learn something. (Have that fucktard Obama read it, too.)

Payroll Research
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Capital gains are not taxed twice, and you know it. The gains sit untaxed, many times for years, until they are realized and then only the untaxed gains are taxed at a special lower rate.

The second time they are taxed is as you describe. The first time was when they were taxed as business tax. One plus one = ... Even you can handle this one Edd...

5 bucks gets taxed, you invest it in a local lemonade stand, you make 10 bucks. You now get taxed again on the additional 5 dollars NOT the full 10.

But to say the investor class gets taxed twice and its unfair is BULLSHIT! A dollar gets taxed EVERYTIME it changes hands. Income, sales, property ( even when it does change hands ), estate, no matter HOW rich someone is.

So we ALL get taxed over and over and over and over again. To defend ONLY the investor class youd have to be retarded to claim its "not fair" .

Your BS notwithstanding.............

Corps pay taxes before distributions.

Stock holders do not pay corporate taxes, corporations do. That's why they are called CORPORATE TAXES!!!!!!!!!! Capital GAINS are still only taxed once.

Again.... let's say you're a "wage earner", Ed. Your earnings have already been taxed, and then you decide to go buy a stock with your money. See how that's working yet? You're not going to realize any investment income until after the corporate tax has been applied to company profits, and then you're going to pay a capital gains tax when you're finally paid.

The investors ARE the corporation. A "corporation" is nothing more than a group acting as a single entity. That's the very definition of the word. A stock represents a small share of ownership. Even if you only have one stock, you're part owner of the company.
Investors are investors, corporations are corporations. If the two are interchangable then corporations should pay capital gains taxes instead of corporate taxes or both like you say investors do. If they are interchangable why should one be taxed twice while the other is taxed only once????

As was pointed out to you already, a dollar is taxed every time it changes hands. It changes hands when it passes from corporation to investor, if they were the same it would not be changing hands. By your same "logic" wages are taxed at least 3 times. They are taxed when earned, they pay corporate taxes passed on to them in the price of the goods and services, and they pay sales taxes. Wages should be taxed at a lower rate than capital gains since they are taxed more times.

Well, that's why it's wrong, Ed. Tax one or the other, either the corporation or the capital gain... but not both. And if you are going to tax both, keep both rates low so as to keep people investing and the economy growing.

Ta-dah! :clap2:
it is everybody looking to their own interests that makes the economy purr along and that provides opportunity for everybody. Take away a lot of the incentive for the businessman to look to his own interests and he isn't going to do as much commerce and industry or he will go elsewhere in order to be allowed to look to his own interests.

Do you think the President understands this?
it is everybody looking to their own interests that makes the economy purr along and that provides opportunity for everybody. Take away a lot of the incentive for the businessman to look to his own interests and he isn't going to do as much commerce and industry or he will go elsewhere in order to be allowed to look to his own interests.

Do you think the President understands this?

Apparently not. Otherwise he wouldn't have started a pissing contest with the business community, large and small.

He's still trying to get his base fired up, Fox. It's the end of July already. By now, the base should be locked up and candidates swinging to center. But Obama's swinging left. I'm thinking his private polling is giving him something to worry about.
The other thing that the President seems to have no clue about is how wealth is generated.. Despite his line that there are lots of smart people and lots of people work hard--the implication being of course is that those who prosper running businesses can't take any credit for their prosperity--he also is missing the critical component of what makes the economy tick.

ONLY the businessman sticks his neck out and takes serious financial risks. The laborer generally risks nothing and loses nothing but a pay check if a business fails. And he can immediately apply for unemployment insurance--that his employer helped fund--and move on to another job when it becomes available.

The businessman foregoes the money he could make working for somebody else. The businessman risks sometimes everything he has to start up and fuel the business and/or borrows the venture and/or operating capital that he needs to get things up and running. If he fails due to any reason, he stands to lose the investment he put into it or can be left with serious debt that he will be a long time paying off. Any who initially invest in his business with hopes of sharing in the profits can also lose everything they invest with no hope of recouping their losses. But only those who willingly entered into the gamble will take any losses.

The President would have us believe that it is government generosity that drives business and commerce and not innovation, creative thought, vision, and risk taking on the part of the individual.
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It is you that has no clue, stop puking out what Freedomworks and Heritage Foundation tell you to say for krist sake, think for yourself for once
5 bucks gets taxed, you invest it in a local lemonade stand, you make 10 bucks. You now get taxed again on the additional 5 dollars NOT the full 10.

Actually in your example, you skipped a step. You invest $5 in a lemonade stand and sold $10 worth of product.

You skipped the part where the the government taxes the lemonade stand, the business itself, $2, so now you have $8.

Given your $5 investment, you now you made $3, not $5. Government then taxes the $3 as a capital gain.

And that ignores the payroll taxes for the person who operated the stand, the business taxes for their assets (stand, lemonade jar), sales taxes collected on the lemonade sales, ...

Got a permit for that stand kaz? Oh, and if you INVESTED the $5 in the business, it becomes the business' money, not yours. Its taxable income to the business.
And why I keep saying Obama has things 180 degrees out of phase with the Founders and true liberty in this Republic. It is WE that allow government to do what they do...and it gotten so bad that Government is taking on the persona of a tyranny with Obama leading the charge.
And why I keep saying Obama has things 180 degrees out of phase with the Founders and true liberty in this Republic. It is WE that allow government to do what they do...and it gotten so bad that Government is taking on the persona of a tyranny with Obama leading the charge.

Yup, and without exception, would be dictators have won acquiescence, if not downright help, from the people by assuring them that he has only their welfare and benefit in mind. And by convincing them that the wealthy and successful are the oppressors and the leeches of society and they must be taken down.

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