"You didn't get there on your own"

I know, they are amazingly stupid...and they think we are just saying that to be argumentative...

how pathetic
I know, they are amazingly stupid...and they think we are just saying that to be argumentative...

how pathetic

We will continue the narrative in a bit.

However, we should take time out to establish that assholes go.....they don't get any bigger than you.

You call this a debate ?

Which president pushed up the debt 5 billion in less than one term _______________________
So, business should thank government for not taking more of what isn't theirs in the first place?

And just who is paying for this "labor and effort of others"?

Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

Well do tell us what else it takes, oh yeah employees which YOU pay and materials which YOU buy, organization which YOU provide and capital which YOU might provide or somebody else might INVEST in YOU and YOUR idea. So yeah it's pretty much up to YOU to make your business succeed.
I have $50 that says she simply wont get it

Moving right along.

This family member attended public school long enough to be abused by a teacher that was both certified and tenured. Took some time to get them over that one. Lots of medical costs (which the district did not fully cover) and some lost time......

Education through college was all obtained through private institutions (for profit).

Government cost. No teacher from the government that helped (only hurt).

Bonding requirements (because of government) were about 4 x what they should have been. Money had to be borrowed from family at 6% to cover this little goody. Plus paperwork slowed down opening through the busy season.

More costs due to government.

No road to the building. Most of the town was built on graded roads...not asphault. Most of it was intially donated by a wealth benefactor.....no help from the government.

County taxes plus "township" surecharge forced a reduction in margin relative to margins in the "big city" (Phoenix). More cost from the government.

Now, where is the help ?

We will continue.
amazing...truly amazing, you guys actually do live in an alternate universe...thank GOD you are the minority

didnt even try to answer one of my questions, not one
which right wing org and politicians supported carbon tax _____
_Serious -- and less serious, but surprising -- conservatives and Republicans are beginning to suggest that a tax on carbon might be on the table next year as part of comprehensive tax reform. Carbon taxes fit conservative tax theory: they hit consumption, not savings or investments; are market-perfecting, instead of distorting; and are easy to collect._____________


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