"You didn't get there on your own"

They said that President Reagan was going to lose by a landslide too... that oh so accurate, liberal, pom pom squad called "the main stream media."

Pfft, and we all know how that turned out.

Yes, the kenyan should start packing now. His ass is getting kicked to the curb in November.

Carter had the Iran Hostage crisis at the end of his term. Any hope of being elected went out the window as news networks gave a daily countdown of the days it had been going on.
Romney is also no Reagan. He lacks the charisma and ability to generate enthusiasm within his voting base
Barring a major game changing event in the next three months, it is unlikely Romney can swing enough votes
They said that President Reagan was going to lose by a landslide too... that oh so accurate, liberal, pom pom squad called "the main stream media."

Pfft, and we all know how that turned out.

Yes, the kenyan should start packing now. His ass is getting kicked to the curb in November.

Carter had the Iran Hostage crisis at the end of his term. Any hope of being elected went out the window as news networks gave a daily countdown of the days it had been going on.
Romney is also no Reagan. He lacks the charisma and ability to generate enthusiasm within his voting base
Barring a major game changing event in the next three months, it is unlikely Romney can swing enough votes

Obama already has his "Iranian crisis" X 2.

Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian nuke program.

Both have been allowed to fester and grow into real threats, yet he's worried about when Romney left Bain Capital.
Meager taxes?...You obviously have NFI how much commercial trucking pays in tolls, registration, apportionment and fuel taxes.

Meager taxes indeed. :rolleyes:

Meager when you compare the costs of building your own roads instead of using the ones that the GUBMINT built for you

How about we go back to roads, bridges and ferries like our founding fathers envisioned? All built by private entrepreneurs and you paid a toll for every one you used

A toll or a tax what's the difference.

I'd bet that privately run roads would be in better shape. It's government roads and bridges that collapse and kill people.

And in addition to that concept why the fuck has no one called Obama on the fact that "the government" is the people! TAXES from "the people" build our infrastructure. Unfortunately we have been putting incompetent boobs in office to manage OUR money. This means that businesses invest in the infrastructure that they use to build their own success...Obama is an ideological idiot!

The pure hubris of this president disgusts me.
What you people don't get is that businesses and business owners are the source for ALL tax dollars that pay for your beloved "society"

100% of the funding for infrastructure comes from business owners and businesses via the money they pay their employees.

No businesses, no jobs.

No jobs, no tax revenue.

No tax revenue, no government.

To say that businesses don't contribute more to "society" than the average American is incredibly moronic.
You know, when I heard this comment by Barry, all it did was cement what I already KNEW about him BEFORE he was elected. The man is absolutely as CLUELESS about capatalism and free enterprise and is a student of socialism at its worst.

The simple fact is that if a small business man makes it, if he works HARD enough and LONG enough, he might (if he is really lucky) make a go of it DESPITE the federal government. Because I am here to tell you that from the beginning of my business to the day that I shut the doors, the federal government was the BIGGEST roadblock to success. For 20 years, from the moment I started, the nightmare that I had to deal with was "Hello, I'm from the federal government." The second worst nightmare? "Hello, I'm from the state government."

I have NOT met a small businessman who for an instant believes the crap that this man is dishing...
He is speaking for himself, no doubt, as his past is as nefarious as one can be. He has no clue, and thus remains envious to the core, for those who do work against all challenges to become successful.
They said that President Reagan was going to lose by a landslide too... that oh so accurate, liberal, pom pom squad called "the main stream media."

Pfft, and we all know how that turned out.

Yes, the kenyan should start packing now. His ass is getting kicked to the curb in November.

Carter had the Iran Hostage crisis at the end of his term. Any hope of being elected went out the window as news networks gave a daily countdown of the days it had been going on.
Romney is also no Reagan. He lacks the charisma and ability to generate enthusiasm within his voting base
Barring a major game changing event in the next three months, it is unlikely Romney can swing enough votes

Obama already has his "Iranian crisis" X 2.

Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian nuke program.

Both have been allowed to fester and grow into real threats, yet he's worried about when Romney left Bain Capital.

If that is the best you have....Good luck
Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

The TRUTH is that jobs are a byproduct of a successful business. Jose wants to clothe and feed his family, so he finds an old bicycle and fits a box on it. He starts selling tamales his wife makes on the street. People really like his tamales and he sells out each day with people wanting more. Jose finds another bicycle and fits a box on it. He finds a relative to start selling his tamales so he is doing twice the business. Of course, his wife can't make twice the tamales she was, so they have another relative making tamales too. Eventually, he needs to add additional bikes and workers to keep up with demands. He also has to find a commercial kitchen and centralize his tamale making with all the staff under one roof. He realizes that he can cover more territory with trucks selling tamales than with bicycles. People buying his tamales ask about tacos and burritos, so he expands his menu and on it goes.

Jose had an idea and took the initiative to act on it to make enough money to support his immediate family. He made the decisions and took the risk at each point of his journey. Because he had a good product that people desired, he was successful and with his success came growth and with growth came jobs........but he never started the company to provide others with jobs. Just to feed his family. His employees work hard and are paid for their time and ability. But if Jose hadn't decided to sell tamales, look how many less jobs there would have been. Is Jose supposed to give each employee an equal share of his profits? Is he being an evil rich greedy bastard if he doesn't? According to Obama he is. Jose doesn't deserve any praise for starting a tamale company that employees a lot of people. His bicycle salesmen made him what he is. What horse shit!

You can't sell tamales on the street anymore. You need licensing and inspectors and insurance. So now, you've got to go to the bank and borrow some money in order to cover your "start-up" costs. But the bank won't give you any money because you don't have collateral. So, you sell your tamales illegally and end up in jail with a stack of fines and court costs to pay. THAT's the New America... the one that statist Democrats prefer.

But they're just helping "the little guy", doncha know? :eusa_whistle:

Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

The TRUTH is that jobs are a byproduct of a successful business. Jose wants to clothe and feed his family, so he finds an old bicycle and fits a box on it. He starts selling tamales his wife makes on the street. People really like his tamales and he sells out each day with people wanting more. Jose finds another bicycle and fits a box on it. He finds a relative to start selling his tamales so he is doing twice the business. Of course, his wife can't make twice the tamales she was, so they have another relative making tamales too. Eventually, he needs to add additional bikes and workers to keep up with demands. He also has to find a commercial kitchen and centralize his tamale making with all the staff under one roof. He realizes that he can cover more territory with trucks selling tamales than with bicycles. People buying his tamales ask about tacos and burritos, so he expands his menu and on it goes.

Jose had an idea and took the initiative to act on it to make enough money to support his immediate family. He made the decisions and took the risk at each point of his journey. Because he had a good product that people desired, he was successful and with his success came growth and with growth came jobs........but he never started the company to provide others with jobs. Just to feed his family. His employees work hard and are paid for their time and ability. But if Jose hadn't decided to sell tamales, look how many less jobs there would have been. Is Jose supposed to give each employee an equal share of his profits? Is he being an evil rich greedy bastard if he doesn't? According to Obama he is. Jose doesn't deserve any praise for starting a tamale company that employees a lot of people. His bicycle salesmen made him what he is. What horse shit!

And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...

You libs make it sound like those things are there SOLELY for Jose and his tamale cart!

They are there for everyone else!

Are you libs saying YOU DON'T MAKE YOUR PAY CHECKS without everyone else?

If so, I now demand you hand your pay checks over to me and everyone else.

Because you couldn't have made them without us! :eusa_whistle:
The fact that he implied that the beleif of those that are successful is that "being smart" was the sole ingredient for their success, speaks volumes about how little he knows about personal financial success.

One must be innovative, willing to learn, willing to take risks.....strong work ethic (disciplined)...

Heck....being "smart" is by no means the key ingredient to being financially suicessful.

Our CiC is clueless.
Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

The TRUTH is that jobs are a byproduct of a successful business. Jose wants to clothe and feed his family, so he finds an old bicycle and fits a box on it. He starts selling tamales his wife makes on the street. People really like his tamales and he sells out each day with people wanting more. Jose finds another bicycle and fits a box on it. He finds a relative to start selling his tamales so he is doing twice the business. Of course, his wife can't make twice the tamales she was, so they have another relative making tamales too. Eventually, he needs to add additional bikes and workers to keep up with demands. He also has to find a commercial kitchen and centralize his tamale making with all the staff under one roof. He realizes that he can cover more territory with trucks selling tamales than with bicycles. People buying his tamales ask about tacos and burritos, so he expands his menu and on it goes.

Jose had an idea and took the initiative to act on it to make enough money to support his immediate family. He made the decisions and took the risk at each point of his journey. Because he had a good product that people desired, he was successful and with his success came growth and with growth came jobs........but he never started the company to provide others with jobs. Just to feed his family. His employees work hard and are paid for their time and ability. But if Jose hadn't decided to sell tamales, look how many less jobs there would have been. Is Jose supposed to give each employee an equal share of his profits? Is he being an evil rich greedy bastard if he doesn't? According to Obama he is. Jose doesn't deserve any praise for starting a tamale company that employees a lot of people. His bicycle salesmen made him what he is. What horse shit!

I don't believe progressives have enough brain power to understand the simplicities of supply and demand which is the root of capitalism (or economics in general)...

No, their economic model is "people should share." The simple fact that progressives are pretty much nothing more than beggars shows how inept they are....

What they don't get is, suppy and demand IS sharing. And it shares wealth AND MORE IMPORTANTLY MAKES WEALTH far more efficiently than the liberal way of wealth distribution.

Wealth distribution doesn't make wealth for anyone but the leaders like Obama.

It doesn't put a dime in the pockets of the morons who believe in it. They just have the satisfactin of "getting even" with those rich people.

They never get that the rich people are NOW their leaders they stupidly believed in.
You didn't answer my question.

Is "society " responsible for the loss caused by my employee that "society" supposedly "trained"?

No. Don't be stupid. Please. Stop being stupid.

It's no more stupid than the statement made by "The Smartest President Ever"

If you believe Bam Bam to be speaking the truth then the question is valid.

Carbiner translation "Don't be stupid," = "Don't ask me questions I can't answer."
And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...

ok, AND?
WE THE PEOPLE pay for those things..what the hell don't you idiots get and KEEP regurgitating this bullshit

Because you conservative dimbulbs only see the world in black and white. Either you make yourself a success or the government does.

I'll spell this out for you since you're probably too stupid to get it from this clue. It takes a motivated entrepreneur AND the infrastructure that government provides to create a success.


Like the entrepeneur didn't pay for those government services?

I don't pay for those services?

You don't pay for those services?

The government just "provides" those services out of the "goodness" of their bureacratic little hearts? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

By your own non-logic I now demand you hand your pay checks over because you couldn't have made that check without all of us.

It's makes about as much sense.
He is speaking for himself, no doubt, as his past is as nefarious as one can be. He has no clue, and thus remains envious to the core, for those who do work against all challenges to become successful.


He was speaking for every American Capitalist.

Unless of course..you know one that did make it entirely on his or her own?

Fill us in.
The fact that he implied that the beleif of those that are successful is that "being smart" was the sole ingredient for their success, speaks volumes about how little he knows about personal financial success.

One must be innovative, willing to learn, willing to take risks.....strong work ethic (disciplined)...

Heck....being "smart" is by no means the key ingredient to being financially suicessful.

Our CiC is clueless.
Well put so I missed this but heard and saw late last night and this morning. Now we have a president who denies the successful people's success? And says someone else did it for them? That's par for the course I guess for a guy that still blames Bush. Sheesh
ok, AND?
WE THE PEOPLE pay for those things..what the hell don't you idiots get and KEEP regurgitating this bullshit

Because you conservative dimbulbs only see the world in black and white. Either you make yourself a success or the government does.

I'll spell this out for you since you're probably too stupid to get it from this clue. It takes a motivated entrepreneur AND the infrastructure that government provides to create a success.


Like the entrepeneur didn't pay for those government services?

I don't pay for those services?

You don't pay for those services?

The government just "provides" those services out of the "goodness" of their bureacratic little hearts? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

By your own non-logic I now demand you hand your pay checks over because you couldn't have made that check without all of us.

It's makes about as much sense.

Ah so..now you are saying we live in a collective society.


Voting Democrat assures that more and more in America will be "taken care of" rather than allowed to succeed.

Democrats have no incentive to support policies that strengthen the middle-class. Their support comes from the poor, blacks, latinos, and the Hollywood elitists. If you're not one of the last 3 guess what Democrats want to do to you?

Do they want to make you independant?
Do they want to make you rich?
Do they want you to have to rely on them?

Democrats don't really like a happy middle-class. They want loyal voters that feel they need help. Only way to do that is set up conditions that takes away your options thus your freedom to choose. After all, we need help in everything we do, according to Obama. We're stupid.

And this really is the salient point. We're looking at "the politics of division". Taxing "the rich" doesn't BEGIN to solve the problem. All it does is take more capital out of the economy. Obama KNOWS that. He knows that he could take every dime from the so-called "rich" and maybe, and I mean maybe, fund this dog and pony show for a single year. Of course, that leaves nothing for any subsequent year, but then again, it's NOT really a serious proposal.

Take a look at Bill Whittle's Eat The Rich:
Bill Whittle On Eating "The Rich" | RealClearPolitics

Clearly, this isn't about balancing the budget. Because there's simply not enough money available to do it consistently. It's about the politics of division. It's about getting voters to blindly "take sides".

But while we're talking about "balancing the budget"... how about the NERVE of that guy?! We haven't had a budget in well over THREE YEARS! They've made no attempt whatsoever to reform entitlements, which are clearly unsustainable in their current form. In fact, what they've done instead is ADD another enormous one, three-times the cost of what they told us it would be. :eek:

These people have behaved with complete disregard and any semblance of responsibility, and yet they have PLENTY of time for political games, all the while the country is going to hell in a handbasket. And they've got the unmitigated GALL to ask for more money?!

I don't understand why Obama's supporters can't see that they're being used, sent out like miniature, virtual gladiators to fight for his political ambitions. He doesn't DESERVE anyone's devotion. What he's doing is destructive and pointless. Worse, it's putting our young into a position where their futures are unlikely to be as bright as generations previous to them. These bills he's racking up have THEIR NAMES on them. The very guy who famously said we're gonna have to "eat our peas" has passed the plate down the table.
The fact that he implied that the beleif of those that are successful is that "being smart" was the sole ingredient for their success, speaks volumes about how little he knows about personal financial success.

One must be innovative, willing to learn, willing to take risks.....strong work ethic (disciplined)...

Heck....being "smart" is by no means the key ingredient to being financially suicessful.

Our CiC is clueless.
Well put so I missed this but heard and saw late last night and this morning. Now we have a president who denies the successful people's success? And says someone else did it for them? That's par for the course I guess for a guy that still blames Bush. Sheesh

He didn't deny anyone's success.
They said that President Reagan was going to lose by a landslide too... that oh so accurate, liberal, pom pom squad called "the main stream media."

Pfft, and we all know how that turned out.

Yes, the kenyan should start packing now. His ass is getting kicked to the curb in November.

Carter had the Iran Hostage crisis at the end of his term. Any hope of being elected went out the window as news networks gave a daily countdown of the days it had been going on.
Romney is also no Reagan. He lacks the charisma and ability to generate enthusiasm within his voting base
Barring a major game changing event in the next three months, it is unlikely Romney can swing enough votes

Obama already has his "Iranian crisis" X 2.

Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian nuke program.

Both have been allowed to fester and grow into real threats, yet he's worried about when Romney left Bain Capital.

I am sure that if you were president you would have marched into Iran and stopped them?
The Muslim brotherhood was elected by the people of Egypt, hate democracy do ya?
You have all the answers all the time, but you have no power. Ahhhh, you missed your chance to be world leader and do it ;"My waaayyyyy"!
The fact that he implied that the beleif of those that are successful is that "being smart" was the sole ingredient for their success, speaks volumes about how little he knows about personal financial success.

One must be innovative, willing to learn, willing to take risks.....strong work ethic (disciplined)...

Heck....being "smart" is by no means the key ingredient to being financially suicessful.

Our CiC is clueless.
Well put so I missed this but heard and saw late last night and this morning. Now we have a president who denies the successful people's success? And says someone else did it for them? That's par for the course I guess for a guy that still blames Bush. Sheesh

He didn't deny anyone's success.

republicans are so independent that they do not need a mother to carry them during fetal stage. They do it all their own.

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