"You didn't get there on your own"

Carter had the Iran Hostage crisis at the end of his term. Any hope of being elected went out the window as news networks gave a daily countdown of the days it had been going on.
Romney is also no Reagan. He lacks the charisma and ability to generate enthusiasm within his voting base
Barring a major game changing event in the next three months, it is unlikely Romney can swing enough votes

Obama already has his "Iranian crisis" X 2.

Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian nuke program.

Both have been allowed to fester and grow into real threats, yet he's worried about when Romney left Bain Capital.

I am sure that if you were president you would have marched into Iran and stopped them?
The Muslim brotherhood was elected by the people of Egypt, hate democracy do ya?
You have all the answers all the time, but you have no power. Ahhhh, you missed your chance to be world leader and do it ;"My waaayyyyy"!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDyb_alTkMQ]Sid Vicious - My Way (Original and Complete Version) - YouTube[/ame]
It's implied in the message.

I don't see how. I think Obama's "message" was summed up pretty well with this: "The point is, when we succeed we do it because of our individual initiative, but also because we do it together."

There are two thoughts in that sentence. That'll blow most conservative minds. A thing can only be one thing or another. And the one thing or another come from a very small subset of the spectrum of possibilities out there.
He didn't! The prosperity everyone eqautes with FDR didn't happen until the Eisenhower admin (and ooops! He was a Republican) :eusa_shhh:

The New Deal was a fucking failure.....

It's funny how democrats fuck everything up and make a mess and republicans clean it up...

Wilson, FDR, Carter, Obama.....

Democrats are economically retarded....

What works in theory doesn't necessarily work in practice...

Well for a failure, FDR seems to have done pretty well, the people voted for him four times, a record that will stand for some years, maybe forever, America's historians have always rated FDR in the top three greatest American presidents and recently rated him the greatest. So it seems the people thought he was great and the historians the greatest.
So how did the Republicans do with the Great Depression? Republicans had a country that that was booming along in the greatest period of prosperity and bingo under Republican leadership it entered the greatest depression the nation has ever had.
To add to the problem, Republicans keep bringing up evidence that FDR didn't spend enough money on the New Deal, it took war time spending. Hope we remember that.

Republicans keep bringing up evidence that FDR didn't spend enough?

Oh LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! That one is a howler.

Name the Republican saying that. I have heard that charge made BUT BY THE LIBERAL MEDIA AND ONLY THE LIBERAL MEDIA.

I hate to break it to you but FDR had nothing to do with the unemployment rate coming down.

Look at it here: United States Unemployment Rate 1920–2010 — Infoplease.com

When did the unemployment rate come starkly down. IN THE YEAR 1942!

Now what event might have precipitated that? Oooooo Let me think.


The DRAFT put men to work IN THE MILITARY. It put women to work in the factories.

FDR had nothing to do with it.

But the great prosperity only took effect under Truman and Eisenhower.
Well put so I missed this but heard and saw late last night and this morning. Now we have a president who denies the successful people's success? And says someone else did it for them? That's par for the course I guess for a guy that still blames Bush. Sheesh

He didn't deny anyone's success.

republicans are so independent that they do not need a mother to carry them during fetal stage. They do it all their own.

And Liberals are so dependent that they never advance BEYOND the fetal stage... :eusa_whistle:
The fact that he implied that the beleif of those that are successful is that "being smart" was the sole ingredient for their success, speaks volumes about how little he knows about personal financial success.

One must be innovative, willing to learn, willing to take risks.....strong work ethic (disciplined)...

Heck....being "smart" is by no means the key ingredient to being financially suicessful.

Our CiC is clueless.
Well put so I missed this but heard and saw late last night and this morning. Now we have a president who denies the successful people's success? And says someone else did it for them? That's par for the course I guess for a guy that still blames Bush. Sheesh

He didn't deny anyone's success.

he denied it was a result of their own harde work and energy.

I started my first coimpany without a loan.
I had to pay to use the postal service
I had to pay to use the interstate (tolls)
I had to pay to use the bridges (tolls)
I had to pay to use phones
I had to pay to rent my space
I had to pay for my employees
I had to pay for their insurance
I had to pay for paper, staples, pens...

Does he want to take the stance that the government is a "vendor" like all other vendors?

I am fine with that.

But to claim the government is responsible for my success?

ok, AND?
WE THE PEOPLE pay for those things..what the hell don't you idiots get and KEEP regurgitating this bullshit

Because you conservative dimbulbs only see the world in black and white. Either you make yourself a success or the government does.

I'll spell this out for you since you're probably too stupid to get it from this clue. It takes a motivated entrepreneur AND the infrastructure that government provides to create a success.

Wrong. It was our tax dollars that provided that infrastructure AND a private company that built that highway.

Oh no! Our "benevolent government" just gave us all these goodies. We are just helpless children that should be enternally grateful to the government.

We should be grateful and just hand over any amount of money the government demands in appreciation for all they do for us.

THAT IS THE NONSENSE liberals think we should believe.

It's implied in the message.

I don't see how. I think Obama's "message" was summed up pretty well with this: "The point is, when we succeed we do it because of our individual initiative, but also because we do it together."

There are two thoughts in that sentence. That'll blow most conservative minds. A thing can only be one thing or another. And the one thing or another come from a very small subset of the spectrum of possibilities out there.

That sentence is crap.

We dont do it together.

When a business owner fails....no one shares the losses with him/her.

But when he succeeds? We all did it together.

You libs make it sound like those things are there SOLELY for Jose and his tamale cart!

They are there for everyone else!

Are you libs saying YOU DON'T MAKE YOUR PAY CHECKS without everyone else?

If so, I now demand you hand your pay checks over to me and everyone else.

Because you couldn't have made them without us! :eusa_whistle:

What's so frustrating is that there are so many people who can't see the logic of Hugo Chavez in Obama's comments. They don't see the implied public ownership. But when one stops to consider the reasoning behind Venezuelan nationalization of various industries, this is the reasoning behind it... that the collective has a vested interest.
Ok, all you big time entrepreneurs. You want a challenge? See if you can start a successful business in Somalia.

You know what's sad? This idiot really thinks that's some great challenge that proves his point. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

OUR CONSTITUTION gives people the opportunity to be free enough to start business if they choos.

That doesn't mean YOU or Obama, or anyone else, had anything to do with it.

Those roads and bridges you mention are used by ALL, not just the entrepreneur.
i know there are employees who suck. but i never had one 'hurt' my practice. i never heard my dad or brother say an employee hurt there's.... though they have done more than their share of hiring and firing. and trust me, when they get to the voting booth, they vote their pocketbooks... not their consciences.

I've seen three lawsuits so far either from or about employees. Fortunately I wasn't involved directly in any of them, but here's my favorite story:

Many years ago I ran a large home health care company. The owners of the company were sued by a client and damn near lost the business. Why? Because one of their male caregivers was caught giving his male client a service that was not usually offered by the company.

If you know what I mean.



You're talking about respondeat superior. Yes, companies are responsible for the bad acts of their employees. But only if the employees are acting in heir professional capacities. Just how it is. That's why companies carry insurance.

So who should an injured person seek compensation from?
Well put so I missed this but heard and saw late last night and this morning. Now we have a president who denies the successful people's success? And says someone else did it for them? That's par for the course I guess for a guy that still blames Bush. Sheesh

He didn't deny anyone's success.

he denied it was a result of their own harde work and energy.

I started my first coimpany without a loan.
I had to pay to use the postal service
I had to pay to use the interstate (tolls)
I had to pay to use the bridges (tolls)
I had to pay to use phones
I had to pay to rent my space
I had to pay for my employees
I had to pay for their insurance
I had to pay for paper, staples, pens...

Does he want to take the stance that the government is a "vendor" like all other vendors?

I am fine with that.

But to claim the government is responsible for my success?


He denied their accomplishments suggesting someone else did it the government or the hourly employee? Either way that's just false and lame of POTUS, but predictable
ok, AND?
WE THE PEOPLE pay for those things..what the hell don't you idiots get and KEEP regurgitating this bullshit

Because you conservative dimbulbs only see the world in black and white. Either you make yourself a success or the government does.

I'll spell this out for you since you're probably too stupid to get it from this clue. It takes a motivated entrepreneur AND the infrastructure that government provides to create a success.


Like the entrepeneur didn't pay for those government services?

I don't pay for those services?

You don't pay for those services?

The government just "provides" those services out of the "goodness" of their bureacratic little hearts? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

By your own non-logic I now demand you hand your pay checks over because you couldn't have made that check without all of us.

It's makes about as much sense.

Explaining things to a conservative is a lot like trying to point the moon out to a dog. They just keep staring at your finger.

Oh, and BTW, maybe you could use more smileys. They hit me just like bullets.
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Oh really dumbass - you obviously never owned a business in your life...

You progressive retards just sit here and attempt to tell other people how it works, because you believe in your own fucked up minds you know how economy works, or how businesses work - yet you don't know jack shit Jack....


My family had to close our family store because of the shitty economy and government demands....

Just shut your fingers up already.....

I've owned a business and I didn't have any trouble at all keeping the government happy. Finding enough customers to make it worthwhile was a problem. What was this family store of which you speak?

Could be that YOU didn't work hard enough? From your postings? I'd say that was so...SO YOU have thrown in the towel and given up to mommy Government to save you.


He's just angry and resentful to people who DID make a success of their business and now he thinks it's time to "get even" with them by taking part of their profits.

That's what class envy is all about.
i know there are employees who suck. but i never had one 'hurt' my practice. i never heard my dad or brother say an employee hurt there's.... though they have done more than their share of hiring and firing. and trust me, when they get to the voting booth, they vote their pocketbooks... not their consciences.

I've seen three lawsuits so far either from or about employees. Fortunately I wasn't involved directly in any of them, but here's my favorite story:

Many years ago I ran a large home health care company. The owners of the company were sued by a client and damn near lost the business. Why? Because one of their male caregivers was caught giving his male client a service that was not usually offered by the company.

If you know what I mean.



You're talking about respondeat superior. Yes, companies are responsible for the bad acts of their employees. But only if the employees are acting in heir professional capacities. Just how it is. That's why companies carry insurance.

So who should an injured person seek compensation from?

yes...thus why they carry insurance..


As for an injured person.....they seek compensation from the business owner...

But according to the left and the way they see it.....maybe ALL should chip in a compensate the injured person?

Maybe all employees should chip in?

How about the government that supplies all of the services?

Is there a reason you dont see how it seems ALL are responsible BUT ONLY when there is success?

What about all being responsible when there is failure?

Noooo......THAT is the business owners fault.
I've owned a business and I didn't have any trouble at all keeping the government happy. Finding enough customers to make it worthwhile was a problem. What was this family store of which you speak?

Could be that YOU didn't work hard enough? From your postings? I'd say that was so...SO YOU have thrown in the towel and given up to mommy Government to save you.


No, I once worked for 40 hours without sleep in order to complete a contract. Working hard enough wasn't the issue. It was a bleeding edge company in a field where there were some pretty well established competitors. I probably could have made it work if I'd have stuck with it longer - I have a friend who's doing what I started - but it lost it's appeal and I felt like I'd been there and done that.

In other words you were a quitter and now you think everyone else owes you.
Because you conservative dimbulbs only see the world in black and white. Either you make yourself a success or the government does.

I'll spell this out for you since you're probably too stupid to get it from this clue. It takes a motivated entrepreneur AND the infrastructure that government provides to create a success.


Like the entrepeneur didn't pay for those government services?

I don't pay for those services?

You don't pay for those services?

The government just "provides" those services out of the "goodness" of their bureacratic little hearts? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

By your own non-logic I now demand you hand your pay checks over because you couldn't have made that check without all of us.

It's makes about as much sense.

Explaining things to a conservative is a lot like trying to point the moon out to a dog. They just keep staring at your finger.

Oh, and BTW, maybe you could use more smileys. They hit me just like bullets.

way to respond to a point well made...

In other words...you had no valid response....so criticize the smily faces.
The New Deal was a fucking failure.....

It's funny how democrats fuck everything up and make a mess and republicans clean it up...

Wilson, FDR, Carter, Obama.....

Democrats are economically retarded....

What works in theory doesn't necessarily work in practice...

Well for a failure, FDR seems to have done pretty well, the people voted for him four times, a record that will stand for some years, maybe forever, America's historians have always rated FDR in the top three greatest American presidents and recently rated him the greatest. So it seems the people thought he was great and the historians the greatest.
So how did the Republicans do with the Great Depression? Republicans had a country that that was booming along in the greatest period of prosperity and bingo under Republican leadership it entered the greatest depression the nation has ever had.
To add to the problem, Republicans keep bringing up evidence that FDR didn't spend enough money on the New Deal, it took war time spending. Hope we remember that.

Republicans keep bringing up evidence that FDR didn't spend enough?

Oh LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! That one is a howler.

Name the Republican saying that. I have heard that charge made BUT BY THE LIBERAL MEDIA AND ONLY THE LIBERAL MEDIA.

I hate to break it to you but FDR had nothing to do with the unemployment rate coming down.

Look at it here: United States Unemployment Rate 1920–2010 — Infoplease.com

When did the unemployment rate come starkly down. IN THE YEAR 1942!

Now what event might have precipitated that? Oooooo Let me think.


The DRAFT put men to work IN THE MILITARY. It put women to work in the factories.

FDR had nothing to do with it.

But the great prosperity only took effect under Truman and Eisenhower.

Considering the way that FDR's hands were tied by Congress he did a good job of secretly and openly increasing military aid to England.
So yes FDR was responsible for reviving the war industry well before war broke out in '41.
If the repubs had their way,, The rising sun and swastika flags would still be waving.
Could be that YOU didn't work hard enough? From your postings? I'd say that was so...SO YOU have thrown in the towel and given up to mommy Government to save you.


No, I once worked for 40 hours without sleep in order to complete a contract. Working hard enough wasn't the issue. It was a bleeding edge company in a field where there were some pretty well established competitors. I probably could have made it work if I'd have stuck with it longer - I have a friend who's doing what I started - but it lost it's appeal and I felt like I'd been there and done that.

In other words you were a quitter and now you think everyone else owes you.

Is being hateful all you know?

Like the entrepeneur didn't pay for those government services?

I don't pay for those services?

You don't pay for those services?

The government just "provides" those services out of the "goodness" of their bureacratic little hearts? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

By your own non-logic I now demand you hand your pay checks over because you couldn't have made that check without all of us.

It's makes about as much sense.

Explaining things to a conservative is a lot like trying to point the moon out to a dog. They just keep staring at your finger.

Oh, and BTW, maybe you could use more smileys. They hit me just like bullets.

way to respond to a point well made...

In other words...you had no valid response....so criticize the smily faces.

The answer to his question was in several other posts. I'm just running out of different ways of saying the same thing and he'll probably never get it anyway.
Could be that YOU didn't work hard enough? From your postings? I'd say that was so...SO YOU have thrown in the towel and given up to mommy Government to save you.


No, I once worked for 40 hours without sleep in order to complete a contract. Working hard enough wasn't the issue. It was a bleeding edge company in a field where there were some pretty well established competitors. I probably could have made it work if I'd have stuck with it longer - I have a friend who's doing what I started - but it lost it's appeal and I felt like I'd been there and done that.

In other words you were a quitter and now you think everyone else owes you.

Quitting... You mean kind of like you and school?

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