"You didn't get there on your own"

I don't see how. I think Obama's "message" was summed up pretty well with this: "The point is, when we succeed we do it because of our individual initiative, but also because we do it together."

There are two thoughts in that sentence. That'll blow most conservative minds. A thing can only be one thing or another. And the one thing or another come from a very small subset of the spectrum of possibilities out there.

So then, how much does a whiner like you owe to the government for your success? You use the infrastructure to, although I can guarantee you pay a hell of a lot less for it.

I received a public education as I assume most people on here have. I have two college degrees and even though I received no scholarship, colleges are subsidized by the government. I deal with high tech stuff that was largely developed at universities and national laboratories that are funded by the government. So I can admit that I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing without government assistance. But unless you run a low tech sweatshop, neither can you.
How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?

A lot of people made it in LIFE with no "schooling"..they used hard work and common sense..
something many of you liberals seem to think doesn't exist in people just like your dear leader does

And where are the good jobs nowadays for people without a high school diploma?

You think the government should make businesses hire people without even a high school diploma?

You morons ever heard of a GED?
Not to mention SS, medicare and unemployment tax. 1/2 of SS and Medicare is paid by the employer if they make money or not. Unemployment is paid 100% by the employer. They don't care if you made a profit, if you pay employees you still have to pay the tax.

See, now we're getting somewhere. How is it that 55 pages into this discussion, you were the first person to actually list the tax grievances?

Ok, so you tax woes are because of your employees. I had a sole proprietorship. If I didn't make money, I didn't get paid and except for minor things, neither did the government. Still, who gets a bunch of employees until a business reaches a level where they're needed?

Yea, I said the same thing about 100 posts back, whatever. :confused:

I have two employees I really don't need, we've lost our asses the last couple of years...........but they are still getting a paycheck because after November when things turn around, I'll need them. Training someone new will cost more than keeping them on the payroll. But we're still paying their taxes. ;)

Sorry I missed your original post. Keeping track of all the going on on this forum could be a full time job and I have one of those that pays.
There are two thoughts in that sentence. That'll blow most conservative minds. A thing can only be one thing or another. And the one thing or another come from a very small subset of the spectrum of possibilities out there.

So then, how much does a whiner like you owe to the government for your success? You use the infrastructure to, although I can guarantee you pay a hell of a lot less for it.

I received a public education as I assume most people on here have. I have two college degrees and even though I received no scholarship, colleges are subsidized by the government. I deal with high tech stuff that was largely developed at universities and national laboratories that are funded by the government. So I can admit that I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing without government assistance. But unless you run a low tech sweatshop, neither can you.

Dont you get it?

Thats EXACTLY what the government wants you to believe....and thus why they give out subsidies...which were nothing more than political favors returned.

Frankilin needed government to invent the stove?
To discvover the power of electricity?

Was it the government that assisted the Wright brothers?

Do you really believe the internet had no shot without the government?

No one would have done it oin their own?

Come on man....you need to see what you are saying.
More leftist-think:

That those who have received much must be obligated to pay—not to give, not to “cut a check and shut up,” in Governor Christie’s words, but to pay—in the same proportion. That’s called stepping up and not whining about it. That’s called patriotism, a word the Tea Partiers love to throw around as long as it doesn’t cost their beloved rich folks any money.

Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&

"That those who have received much must be obligated to pay in the same proportion". Somehow I don't think King is talking about a flat tax, do you?

"Received". That, in a nutshell, is the basis of leftist thinking. One "receives" welfare, one "receives" benefits, one "receives" wealth; "earning" never enters their tiny minds.

And notice they think the person who sits on his butt and takes money from the rest of us, is no different than someone who works hard, provides jobs, and moves the economy in his area (aka a small business owner).

It reveals a lot about their NON thinking.
If you're a small business owner in this country, working your ass off to keep that business afloat...what Barry just said in his latest stump speech has GOT to have you shaking your head in disbelief.

This is a man who is SO disconnected from the reality of what it takes to start up a business that he honestly can't give those who worked countless hours to get theirs going the credit that they deserve. Oh, no...they couldn't have done it on their OWN...they HAD to have had help!!!! Why does Barry think that? Because HE'S had help his whole life to get where he is. He can't quite understand that they are people out there that DID do it on their own...just as he can't quite seem to understand why they won't just hand over more of their profits to him so he can spend that money on things HE thinks are important. Barry doesn't think those profits "belong" to the people who worked so hard to make them...no in his progressive mind set those profits belong to the government to dole out as IT see's fit. To Barry and his ilk...THAT is what is called "paying your fair share."

Yes. The small business owner that mortgaged his house, maxed out his credit cards, and has lived for months without any income in order to get a business off the ground really should take a little time out of their eighty hour work weeks to give a long and drawn out thanks to Obama, Jillian, joe, and the rest of the parasite class for their lofty contributions for his success.
You've just admitted the supremacy of the federal government.

ARE YOU saying medical marijuana is illegal despite the laws in the State of California?

California medical marijuana operation targeted by feds - Los Angeles Times

You should spend less time yapping about things you don't know about.

Now you tell me, based on your argument, can any state that wants to legalize partial birth abortion,

ignoring the federal law against it,

because of the 10th amendment?

That didn't answer the question. Do you think California should have medical marijuna despite the actions of the feds.

If you hadn't noticed, despite the noise of the feds, California is still selling medical marijuana.
on the roads his taxes paid for....next?

Wow...his meager taxes paid for every road bridge and tunnel that is used to support hos business.

Fact is......Everyone has contributed to provide infrastructure that Rozman needs to support his business. It is one of the benefits of belonging to a society

Fact is every person could benefit from infrastructure as much as a successful businessman.

So that one person does and others don't is no cause for that person to pay more than his share now is it?

And I've already shown you multiple times that businesses already pay more for "society" than the average American.

The topic of the thread is "You did not get there on your own"

Nobody has questioned that businesses pay taxes as they should. Nobody questions that businesses pay more taxes than the average Joe Taxpayer. They also benefit more from what those taxes provide
i know there are employees who suck. but i never had one 'hurt' my practice. i never heard my dad or brother say an employee hurt there's.... though they have done more than their share of hiring and firing. and trust me, when they get to the voting booth, they vote their pocketbooks... not their consciences.

I've seen three lawsuits so far either from or about employees. Fortunately I wasn't involved directly in any of them, but here's my favorite story:

Many years ago I ran a large home health care company. The owners of the company were sued by a client and damn near lost the business. Why? Because one of their male caregivers was caught giving his male client a service that was not usually offered by the company.

If you know what I mean.



You're talking about respondeat superior. Yes, companies are responsible for the bad acts of their employees. But only if the employees are acting in heir professional capacities. Just how it is. That's why companies carry insurance.

So who should an injured person seek compensation from?

The injured person needs to do what they need to do.

The point is that the business owner is paying for insurance and, far more importantly, running the risk of significant damage to their business reputation in a situation over which they had no control. I knew the guy, I would never have expected this.

That's the point - the employee was fired for good reason. The business owner suffered financial loss due to nothing they did. If the business owner had lost their business over this, too bad, everything for which they had invested and worked and sacrificed for, for years, would be gone. A business owner takes massive risks. That's part of growing a business, something that some don't seem to understand when they make offhanded comments about how a business owner has some kind of inflated impression of their value to their company.

This thread is a perfect example of why conservatives aren't generally considered to be as crazy as they really are...

...there have never been enough of them to actually DO what they actually believe. Their craziness gets concealed by the fact that America has generally had the common sense not to put them in power.

Another libs who has deluded himself into believing most Americans think like him, that he's the "mainstream" and that anyone else that disagrees must be "on the fringe."

I guess that explains 1980, 1984, 1988, 1994, 200, 2002, 2004, and 2010 (all big wins for Republicans)

And every time Democrats have won, they did so by ADOPTING the conservative message.

Example: Bill Clinton promising a "middle class tax cut" which he lied about.

Obama promised a "middle class tax cut" and obviously HE lied about that. We are still waiting.
Wow...his meager taxes paid for every road bridge and tunnel that is used to support hos business.

Fact is......Everyone has contributed to provide infrastructure that Rozman needs to support his business. It is one of the benefits of belonging to a society

Fact is every person could benefit from infrastructure as much as a successful businessman.

So that one person does and others don't is no cause for that person to pay more than his share now is it?

And I've already shown you multiple times that businesses already pay more for "society" than the average American.

The topic of the thread is "You did not get there on your own"

Nobody has questioned that businesses pay taxes as they should. Nobody questions that businesses pay more taxes than the average Joe Taxpayer. They also benefit more from what those taxes provide

of course they benefit from those taxes....thus why they pay them.

Now...if the government paid ME to take a risk with MY money to start a business....I would understand the comment Obama made.

But the government wasnt there to help me start...they charged me for use of their roads and postal services.....and if I failed they wouldnt pay me a dime....

But they want me and you to believe that my success was due to them?

There are two thoughts in that sentence. That'll blow most conservative minds. A thing can only be one thing or another. And the one thing or another come from a very small subset of the spectrum of possibilities out there.

So then, how much does a whiner like you owe to the government for your success? You use the infrastructure to, although I can guarantee you pay a hell of a lot less for it.

I received a public education as I assume most people on here have. I have two college degrees and even though I received no scholarship, colleges are subsidized by the government. I deal with high tech stuff that was largely developed at universities and national laboratories that are funded by the government. So I can admit that I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing without government assistance. But unless you run a low tech sweatshop, neither can you.

So how do you go about thanking Obama for all these gifts? Do you sing the mmmm mmmmm mmmm song?

You are a product of government. Congratulations.
No. Don't be stupid. Please. Stop being stupid.

It's no more stupid than the statement made by "The Smartest President Ever"

If you believe Bam Bam to be speaking the truth then the question is valid.

I answered your question now answer mine. How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?

HOw many of them SHOULD have had no schooling.

Don't you believe in personal responsibility?
How many of your employees had no schooling before you hired them?

A lot of people made it in LIFE with no "schooling"..they used hard work and common sense..
something many of you liberals seem to think doesn't exist in people just like your dear leader does

So why are you working 2 jobs to keep your head above water? Are you lacking schooling, or lacking common sense?

He isn't working for a think tank that pays people to do nothing but sit on the internet all day and spew out bald faced lies for the Democrats.

He actually WORKS for a living. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
No shit..

The topic is that businesses did not get where they are alone. Nobody gets ahead in business without the benefits of society, so it is reasonable to expect business to contribute

Businesses do contribute, they just won't contribute it all.

Los Angeles learned this lesson by over taxing car dealerships. All those luxury cars being sold to very rich people and car dealerships paying only the same taxes everyone else pays. Don't car dealerships benefit from roads? Now that the dealerships have left, they pay no taxes at all. Los Angeles is trying to lure them back by promising they won't have to pay any taxes, just come back, hire someone, take up empty space.

Nobody is asking them to contribute it all. However, there are conservatives who do not want them to contribute at all

Damn right! Can you imagine how many Jobs they could make if that were the case!

And all those employees would pay, what? OH YEAH, TAXES!!!!!!!

Which is why business is moving to states with no state taxes.
It's funny to watch conservative draft dodgers like Limbaugh heap praise on the military, and then flip out when someone suggests that, because of people that keep this nation safe, businessmen are free to make a profit.

It's funny to watch liberals move all over the board to try and make a logical statement.

The above is a great example.

What does the military have to do with small busienss?

Does the small business owner not pay taxes to support the military?

Does LIMBAUGH not pay taxes to support the military?

(and I bet you have no evidence for Limbaugh being a draft dodger other than some kook fringe website, which will be as reliable as Dan Rather talking about George Bush's National Guard records) :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...

Was there a point to that?

The point is that whether he realizes it or not, his business depends on the society


The small business owner provides JOBS, Services/goods, moves the economy in the area, and creates people who also pay taxes (via jobs).

It is the other way around.
I'd bet anything you live in your moms basement - that or you're somehow on the government dole....

i'd bet anything you haven't moved out of your original bedroom yet, nicky.

That's kinda funny considering how much moving I have actually done over the last 5-6 years.

I own a home now - no mortgage...

If it matters - my grandma died and left enough for everyone. We chose to use our share to invest in real estate... I bought a house that sold in 2007/08 at 160,000k for 45k.

Once the housing bullshit gets better I'm going to sell it and move to Wisconsin.... I hate it here, progressives are assholes with their authoritarianism and I can no longer support such insanity...
This is why we need to tax inheritance at 100%. This advantage you got was just not fair. And our beloved government could have put that money to better use for all of us. Right lefties?
And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...
Infrastructure follows busniess. Always.

So why is the infrastructure back east falling apart? Did they stop doing business?

Infrastructure is?

Because Obama says so? Like when he stood at a bridge in Ohio that was in perfectly find working order and claimed it was falling apart?


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