"You didn't get there on your own"

[Teleprompter failure. O just went off momentarily speaking on his own. He really didn't say the things you thought you heard him say. He accidentally reverted to his childhood when Frank Marshall Davis used to bounce him on his lap as punishment when young Obama failed to properly recite his mandatory memorization lines from Karl Marx's "Das kapital"
"Nothing to see here! Move along now!"]

"New Obama Campaign Ad Denies Obama Said “If You’ve Got A Business, You Didn’t Build That”…

Jedi mind trick?"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » New Obama Campaign Ad Denies Obama Said “If You’ve Got A Business, You Didn’t Build That”…
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He said that the public and private sectors are a cooperative effort that work together to make this country prosper.

That people like you can't understand that is simply astonishing.

And you're cherry-picking what he said.

That people like you can't be honest is NOT astonishing.


So you people take one line out of what he said, that without context can be construed as having an entirely different meaning from what he actually said,

and I comment on what he really said, in context,

and I"M the cherrypicker?

You're an idiot.

Well, I certainly may be an idiot. You're not the first one to say that, you won't be the last, I suspect.

Funny though, when a liberal is insulted or "offended" by mere words, even when those words are not meant to be malicious - say, calling someone else "handicapped" instead of "something-challenged" -- they expect an apology, a firing, or both.

When someone else is insulted by a President who mocks their effort and their sacrifice for something of great personal meaning to them, and that person does NOT expect an apology or anything else, just lay off a little, please, they're an idiot.

Okay. I'm sure you're right.

I listened very carefully to what he said. Why don't you?

If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.
President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube

then why do you keep omitting the part where he talks about roads and bridges?

I commemted quite extensively on the roads and bridges. The government did not build those roads and bridges to create my business. They built roads and bridges to accommodate businesses, and the people who work in them, who were already there. And they did so at the bidding of the people who had to vote letting of the bonds to do it.

For you or the President or anybody to suggest that those roads and business were built with the idea of making my business possible is so stupid as to boggle the mind. I honestly think some leftists have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they honestly believe everything we have comes from the government instead of the other way around.
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Help me out here Obamabots. I'm the owner AND sole worker. Just how should I confront the ass who owns this business?
I listened very carefully to what he said. Why don't you?

If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.
President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube

then why do you keep omitting the part where he talks about roads and bridges?

I commemted quite extensively on the roads and bridges. The government did not build those roads and bridges to create my business. They built roads and bridges to accommodate businesses, and the people who work in them, who were already there. And they did so at the bidding of the people who had to vote letting of the bonds to do it.

For you or the President or anybody to suggest that those roads and business were built with the idea of my business in mind is so stupid as to boggle the mind.

With this concept of Obama's, closed businesses should get a refund right?
Well, liar, maybe Obama fought against you and your pretend business, but I can assure you he didnt fight against the Swiss Watch industry, record profits, or the stock market, record highs...

The rich love Obama, you can take that to the bank...morons

The stock market is nowhere near record highs, and with the devaluation of the dollar, the value is way less than what it was 5 years ago.

Now, if Obama could do something for an American watch maker, it would be saying something.

God save us from people that don't even understand THAT.:D

Well all that "stuff" exists because of ME. Because my tax dollars created it and maintain it. Because I voted the bonds that funded it. And because I elected the people charged with the responsibility to provide it because it is more practical to share many services than it is for each citizen to do their own things. Okay, some others also helped along the way with all that too. I'm not going to suggest that I did it all by myself even if Fearless Leader suggests he got Osama bin Laden all by hmself.

But believe me I know what it is to provide almost everything for yourself. When we had our own generator, own well, wood burning stove, own septic system, and had to grade out, buy the gravel, and then clear our road of snow and fill in our own potholes, all that was expensive and took a lot of time. The only reliable security was strong locks plus a loud dog and a loaded shotgun. The only reliable fire protection was fire extinguishers and a garden hose. Sharing such services with other citizens in the city is much, much easier AND sometimes even more economical, but don't try to suggest that my neighbors and I aren't paying and paying dearly to have those services provided. Nobody is giving any of them to us out of the goodness of their hearts.

And don't pretend anybody in government came up with the idea, took the risk of the investment, or put in any of the long hard hours required to create, make profitable, and run our new businesses.
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A gaffe indicates it was unintentional, it was not unintentional. This is Obama's view of America... victims vs. victimizers. What do you expect? He spent his formidable years surrounded by communists and other radicals... their view of America is so skewed and out of touch with reality, this has become Obama's world. A world of a finite economy with everybody fighting for a share of a finite economic pie. The man is so far out of touch with reality that it is frankly, disturbing. EVerything he espouses involves tearing people down to the same level... "he only got it at your expense", etc.

I do think that Obama's speech was a clear statement of what he really believes. It may turn out to be politically damaging, so in that sense it could be a gaffe. But that's what he really thinks, and it should be a topic of discussion for this election.
That people would voluntarily give up their voice in defense of the lucky sperm club members

Does the fascist liberal really want to deny people the right to be who they are. Do you want to take away their looks, parents, and money too so they will be equal to you lowly status? This is exactly the world Stalin wanted.

In a free society we are free to be different. Some get high IQ's and get the right to write books or to be influential while others don't. Would the fool liberal tell Plato Aristotle and Socrates that they don't have a right to more speech and influence than a dolt loser liberal who wants welfare in everything, including speech.
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I listened very carefully to what he said. Why don't you?

If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.
President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube

then why do you keep omitting the part where he talks about roads and bridges?

I commemted quite extensively on the roads and bridges. The government did not build those roads and bridges to create my business. They built roads and bridges to accommodate businesses, and the people who work in them, who were already there. And they did so at the bidding of the people who had to vote letting of the bonds to do it.

For you or the President or anybody to suggest that those roads and business were built with the idea of making my business possible is so stupid as to boggle the mind. I honestly think some leftists have been so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they honestly believe everything we have comes from the government instead of the other way around.
Not to worry, the Demmies just send a party hack over to Wikipedia with an eraser and history-rewriting keyboard, and cut and paste at whim whatever they want other people to know, then send it over to the team that pumps Wikipedia entries to the top 24/7 so people will be fooled again and again. Their arrogance makes them think they can get away with the lies forever and a day, especially in silly season election years.

Some are just brainwashed by party faithful who view them as useful idiots.
I'd like a few employees, but it costs too much to have them versus the risks, many of which are brought to bear by government.
In fact, the rich do get their on their own, i.e., in voluntary peaceful free capitalist transactions that they "on their own" initiated and completed.

What BO wants is to violently interfere with or reverse the peaceful voluntary free Republican capitalist transactions and steal money from the rich!

Is this liberal socialist Nazi Fascist monarchial despotic attitude really American?

So back in the 90's when the tax rate was what the president wants to return to was stealing from the rich? Or was Raygun stealing from the rich because he considered all income as taxable and did not exclude long term capital gain or tax that income at a lower rate?

How does wanting the top bracket by 3% (from 36% to 39%) make the Preisdent of the United States a Socialist Nazi Fascist.....?
So any business owner who gets reliable power, police and fire protection, etc, has nothing to do but open their doors and sit there because government will make sure the customers come in, right?

That's why liberals can't run a business. They still expect the government to run it for them.
So back in the 90's when the tax rate was what the president wants to return to was stealing from the rich? Or was Raygun stealing from the rich because he considered all income as taxable and did not exclude long term capital gain or tax that income at a lower rate?

Reagan yes considered it tantamount to stealing and wanted to reduce taxes and government as much as possible

How does wanting the top bracket by 3% (from 36% to 39%) make the Preisdent of the United States a Socialist Nazi Fascist.....?

BO wants single payer and far far higher taxes. He had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders. You're very very confused about what presidents want and what they propose in a divided society in which elections are decided by independent voters.
Peaceful capitalism? No such thing, if it were not for strife, hoarding, panics and dirty deals there would be a lot less rich people in the world and a lot less poor people too.
I'd like a few employees, but it costs too much to have them versus the risks, many of which are brought to bear by government.

Everybody who's really in business understands your plight. People that have either worked for other people all their life or have absolutely NO idea how the world works will differ. And you will know the fools by the premium they place on Gov't intrusion.

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