"You didn't get there on your own"

The first thing the new government did when the Constitution was ratified was to pass laws helping business and the government has been helping business ever since. It is in the government's best interests to build strong business enterprises, they need the tax dollars to continue helping businesses and to helping fill in the gaps that business is unable to do.
Peaceful capitalism? No such thing,

capitalism is based on peaceful voluntary transactions. Liberalism is based on government violence to intefere with those transactions

if it were not for strife, hoarding, panics and dirty deals there would be a lot less rich people in the world and a lot less poor people too.

too stupid!! as an example China just switched to capitalism and saved 60 million from en masse liberal starvation. See why we are positive a liberal will be very very slow.
I'd like a few employees, but it costs too much to have them versus the risks, many of which are brought to bear by government.

Yes, employees are expensive. Even excluding any benefits, which most very small businesses have to do, you still have wages plus the employer's cost of FICA, SUTA, FUTA, and some other state and local taxes. In addition, in most states if you have three or more employees you have to provide work comp insurance with a premium based on a minimum or, more usually, on the dollar amount of wages paid. Many business liability policy premiums are also based on the amount of wages paid. (Saveliberty's liability policy would be priced that way for instance.) Then there is the cost of training them before they become profitably productive, and the cost of any uniforms or equipment or tools or supplies that they may use. And then they have to be productive enough to earn their own salary plus make a reasonable profit for you, or there is no reason to take the risk of hiring them in the first place.

But after all that, after furnishing all that in order to have that employee, I would never in a million years say that what the employee accomplishes is not his or her own doing and I would not presume to take credit for it. If he succeeds and prospers in the job, HE did it and nobody else.
So any business owner who gets reliable power, police and fire protection, etc, has nothing to do but open their doors and sit there because government will make sure the customers come in, right?

That's why liberals can't run a business. They still expect the government to run it for them.

but its not just business owners who get power, police, and fire, its everyone so why is BO picking out business for higher taxes? Why not pick out all those who live on the dole and certainly didn't get there or stay their on their own??

the people who owe most to society are those liberals who leech off it.
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The minimum worker's comp policy for me was $4,000 a year. The insurance sompany wanted 25% down before the season even starts.
So any business owner who gets reliable power, police and fire protection, etc, has nothing to do but open their doors and sit there because government will make sure the customers come in, right?

That's why liberals can't run a business. They still expect the government to run it for them.

Or so some of these idiots would have it. There is one way to determine for sure who here owns a business or not. The one's that own their own are FURIOUS right now. The others probably voted for Obama and are still waiting for the handouts that will never come.:D
The poor who pay no taxes get power, police and fire. They pay nothing. They are owed, by virtue of their indolence everything.
So any business owner who gets reliable power, police and fire protection, etc, has nothing to do but open their doors and sit there because government will make sure the customers come in, right?

That's why liberals can't run a business. They still expect the government to run it for them.
Or, like Immelt, they hide behind a Job Czar appointment while exporting their own company's jobs to China, along with American technology which is in turn, given to such terrorists states as Iran.

It's Gummint Uber Alles!
Peaceful capitalism? No such thing,

capitalism is based on peaceful voluntary transactions. Liberalism is based on government violence to intefere with those transactions

if it were not for strife, hoarding, panics and dirty deals there would be a lot less rich people in the world and a lot less poor people too.

too stupid!! as an example China just switched to capitalism and saved 60 million from en masse liberal starvation. See why we are positive a liberal will be very very slow.

Let me ask you this, if the stock market did not have wild swings between boom and bust how would people buy low and sell high? Stability, the mark of a healthy society, is an undesirable outcome to Wall Street. Natural beneficial economic growth is too slow and not profitable enough for them these days.
So back in the 90's when the tax rate was what the president wants to return to was stealing from the rich? Or was Raygun stealing from the rich because he considered all income as taxable and did not exclude long term capital gain or tax that income at a lower rate?

Reagan yes considered it tantamount to stealing and wanted to reduce taxes and government as much as possible

How does wanting the top bracket by 3% (from 36% to 39%) make the Preisdent of the United States a Socialist Nazi Fascist.....?

BO wants single payer and far far higher taxes. He had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders. You're very very confused about what presidents want and what they propose in a divided society in which elections are decided by independent voters.

"Ronald Reagan agreed to raise the capital gains tax rate from 20 percent to 28 percent, because he agreed with the Democrats that capital gains and ordinary income ought to be taxed at the same rate"

Times Have Changed Since Reagan's 1986 Tax Reform : NPR

During the current debate(not the one in your head) is over the soon to expire Bush era tax cuts that went from 39% to 36% for the top bracket. So again how does that 3% make the President a Socialist Nazi Fascist Thief-in-Chief?
Peaceful capitalism? No such thing,

capitalism is based on peaceful voluntary transactions. Liberalism is based on government violence to intefere with those transactions

if it were not for strife, hoarding, panics and dirty deals there would be a lot less rich people in the world and a lot less poor people too.

too stupid!! as an example China just switched to capitalism and saved 60 million from en masse liberal starvation. See why we are positive a liberal will be very very slow.

Let me ask you this, if the stock market did not have wild swings between boom and bust how would people buy low and sell high? Stability, the mark of a healthy society, is an undesirable outcome to Wall Street. Natural beneficial economic growth is too slow and not profitable enough for them these days.

Stability by its very definition inhibits growth. Sweden and Switzerland have almost no growth. They are very stable economies. We are horrified at a growth rate of 1.5% in Sweden the growth rate is 0.4% and that's a huge improvement. A healthy capitalist economy is going to have periods of boom and bust. Stability is what kills economies. The very poorest of jungle villages have stable economies that don't grow.
" Yeah. He really thinks that business owners use infrastructure that they have not personally built. "

So does everybody else. To suggest that a successful person owes more taxes to the gov't for infrastructure that is for everyone's benefit is ridiculous.
capitalism is based on peaceful voluntary transactions. Liberalism is based on government violence to intefere with those transactions

too stupid!! as an example China just switched to capitalism and saved 60 million from en masse liberal starvation. See why we are positive a liberal will be very very slow.

Let me ask you this, if the stock market did not have wild swings between boom and bust how would people buy low and sell high? Stability, the mark of a healthy society, is an undesirable outcome to Wall Street. Natural beneficial economic growth is too slow and not profitable enough for them these days.

Stability by its very definition inhibits growth. Sweden and Switzerland have almost no growth. They are very stable economies. We are horrified at a growth rate of 1.5% in Sweden the growth rate is 0.4% and that's a huge improvement. A healthy capitalist economy is going to have periods of boom and bust. Stability is what kills economies. The very poorest of jungle villages have stable economies that don't grow.

Way to excuse manipulation, it is pretty clear by now that the same players are always positioned to gobble up their lesser competitors when the inevitable crash cycle comes around. We are not growing in any productive way when the bust comes along every 8-10 years to reset things back to where the vampire squids want it. The way things are now it is an obscenity of capitalism where no one can count on any kind of sustainable growth no matter what sector they are in and how good they are at their business. If something is not done to inject some stability into markets it will be the death of capitalism and the birth of something no one here wants.
Everyone has the benefit of teachers, bridges and roads. But there are certain individuals that create a path of their own with ideas and the fortitude to create a business of their own.

That sets them apart from the rest of us. And they did do it alone. They had the idea, put everything materialistic and emotionally into their business and good ol' Obama just can't understand this!

That's why he was a community organizer, part of ACORN, didn't even open his own Law Office and put his own money into staff and supplies hoping for clients and make his career on his own. Sure he had the roads, bridges and the teachers, but no balls. For it took fortitude, which he has none except to call out others for they did have the drive and the constitution to seek their dream.

His dream? "Dreams of My Father", which is ironic for he has even said, he didn't even know him. What a fraud!
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Let me ask you this, if the stock market did not have wild swings between boom and bust how would people buy low and sell high?

you lack the IQ for this but try to follow: wild stock swings are caused by liberal interference as in Great Depression and current depression. Buy low and sell high in free capitalist society would come from selling Nokia and buying Apple , for example.

Stability, the mark of a healthy society, is an undesirable outcome to Wall Street. Natural beneficial economic growth is too slow and not profitable enough for them these days.

without crony capitalist liberal interference in the economy there is nothing Wall street can do to cause wild swings. Also, wild liberal swings don't help Wall Street, goof ball liberal. In the Depression they jumped out of windows; this time many of the major firms went bankrupt.

Where did you ever get idea you could understand the economy?? Its not for everyone.
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And you're cherry-picking what he said.

That people like you can't be honest is NOT astonishing.


So you people take one line out of what he said, that without context can be construed as having an entirely different meaning from what he actually said,

and I comment on what he really said, in context,

and I"M the cherrypicker?

You're an idiot.

The context isn't really a defense on this one. It only just expands upon the offensive statement.

To someone who can't read, maybe. Get an education.
If something is not done to inject some stability into markets it will be the death of capitalism and the birth of something no one here wants.

capitalism is very very stable, until liberals interfere with it and thus prevent stability. Is that really over your head??

We are in a housing depression now, for example. Most of the federal governemnt was organized to get people into homes the capitalist free market said they could not afford. Now even you can see how the liberals caused the current depression-right?
Well, liar, maybe Obama fought against you and your pretend business, but I can assure you he didnt fight against the Swiss Watch industry, record profits, or the stock market, record highs...

The rich love Obama, you can take that to the bank...morons

The stock market is nowhere near record highs, and with the devaluation of the dollar, the value is way less than what it was 5 years ago.

Now, if Obama could do something for an American watch maker, it would be saying something.



The Dow Jones Industrial Average has surged 60% since Barack Obama was inaugurated as president three years ago, according to research firm Bespoke Investment Group. This means President Obama is one of only five presidents that have witnessed the blue-chip index surge more than 50% during their first three years in office.

Some days I have more patience than others for you disgusting, filthy America hating terrorists....
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National defense is one of the few things government is supposed to do. Democrats just happen to believe we don't need national defense. After all, it's not like there's anyone out there that doesn't like us.

You're an idiot.

Name Democrats who believe we don't need national defense. Name the Democrats who advocate dismantling the entire military.

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