"You didn't get there on your own"

My response to this:

"(1)If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. (2)Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. (3) If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."
President Obama

1:That's actually true in many cases, but a person can have many great people in their life but it's still up to the individual to follow through and make themselves a success.


3: That's complete BULLSHIT, the success or failure of a business depends on the INDIVIDUAL owner, their employees, the customers, the economy, and the state of that particular market. Ultimately, it's the principles of the business that primarily determine the course of the business.

And if the economy is bad we expect our govt. to fix it.
The stock market thrives on a stable enviroment when it is growing a modest but predictable rate. Wild bubbles and crashes are not good because it takes people out of the market.
If something is not done to inject some stability into markets it will be the death of capitalism and the birth of something no one here wants.

capitalism is very very stable, until liberals interfere with it and thus prevent stability. Is that really over your head??

We are in a housing depression now, for example. Most of the federal governemnt was organized to get people into homes the capitalist free market said they could not afford. Now even you can see how the liberals caused the current depression-right?

So all bankers and financiers that have been sued and lost over what they did are leftist? I doubt so.
My response to this:

"(1)If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. (2)Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. (3) If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."
President Obama

1:That's actually true in many cases, but a person can have many great people in their life but it's still up to the individual to follow through and make themselves a success.


3: That's complete BULLSHIT, the success or failure of a business depends on the INDIVIDUAL owner, their employees, the customers, the economy, and the state of that particular market. Ultimately, it's the principles of the business that primarily determine the course of the business.

And if the economy is bad we expect our govt. to fix it.

And aren't they doing a dandy job? :eusa_whistle:
Well, liar, maybe Obama fought against you and your pretend business, but I can assure you he didnt fight against the Swiss Watch industry, record profits, or the stock market, record highs...

The rich love Obama, you can take that to the bank...morons

The stock market is nowhere near record highs, and with the devaluation of the dollar, the value is way less than what it was 5 years ago.

Now, if Obama could do something for an American watch maker, it would be saying something.


The Stock Market Loves President Obama - MarketBeat - WSJ

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has surged 60% since Barack Obama was inaugurated as president three years ago, according to research firm Bespoke Investment Group. This means President Obama is one of only five presidents that have witnessed the blue-chip index surge more than 50% during their first three years in office.

Some days I have more patience than others for you disgusting, filthy America hating terrorists....

There are some ignorant fucksticks that don't know what the word value means.
Everyone has equal access to the infrastructure that diminishes the personal culpability that lefties feel successful people have for their success. So it would seem as though obammy and the lefties would be holding those successful people up as examples. Instead, they want to take more money from them in order to make sure that those that chose not to do shit with that infrastructure can have some Obama bucks.
And you're cherry-picking what he said.

That people like you can't be honest is NOT astonishing.


So you people take one line out of what he said, that without context can be construed as having an entirely different meaning from what he actually said,

and I comment on what he really said, in context,

and I"M the cherrypicker?

You're an idiot.

The context isn't really a defense on this one. It only just expands upon the offensive statement.
Actually the less examined this statement is, the better for Obama.
The stock market is nowhere near record highs, and with the devaluation of the dollar, the value is way less than what it was 5 years ago.

Now, if Obama could do something for an American watch maker, it would be saying something.


The Stock Market Loves President Obama - MarketBeat - WSJ

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has surged 60% since Barack Obama was inaugurated as president three years ago, according to research firm Bespoke Investment Group. This means President Obama is one of only five presidents that have witnessed the blue-chip index surge more than 50% during their first three years in office.

Some days I have more patience than others for you disgusting, filthy America hating terrorists....

There are some ignorant fucksticks that don't know what the word value means.

when we prove you wrong over and over over and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and over again, what do you tell yourself so you can sleep at night?
So back in the 90's when the tax rate was what the president wants to return to was stealing from the rich? Or was Raygun stealing from the rich because he considered all income as taxable and did not exclude long term capital gain or tax that income at a lower rate?

Reagan yes considered it tantamount to stealing and wanted to reduce taxes and government as much as possible

How does wanting the top bracket by 3% (from 36% to 39%) make the Preisdent of the United States a Socialist Nazi Fascist.....?

BO wants single payer and far far higher taxes. He had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders. You're very very confused about what presidents want and what they propose in a divided society in which elections are decided by independent voters.

But he did not, he raised taxes and tripled the debt.Increased government also.
If something is not done to inject some stability into markets it will be the death of capitalism and the birth of something no one here wants.

capitalism is very very stable, until liberals interfere with it and thus prevent stability. Is that really over your head??

We are in a housing depression now, for example. Most of the federal governemnt was organized to get people into homes the capitalist free market said they could not afford. Now even you can see how the liberals caused the current depression-right?

No, even if you were right, the foreclosures alone would not have been the unprecedented disaster they were without the incredible magnifying effect of leveraging those mortgages far beyond what they were worth. No one told them to bet so heavily on such sorry horses, they did that all on their own and then insured them against loss so AIG ended up holding the bag, we all know what happened after that, besides the most damaging wave of foreclosures were on spec houses and investment properties, nothing to do any government program whatsoever.
My response to this:

"(1)If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. (2)Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. (3) If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."
President Obama

1:That's actually true in many cases, but a person can have many great people in their life but it's still up to the individual to follow through and make themselves a success.


3: That's complete BULLSHIT, the success or failure of a business depends on the INDIVIDUAL owner, their employees, the customers, the economy, and the state of that particular market. Ultimately, it's the principles of the business that primarily determine the course of the business.

And if the economy is bad we expect our govt. to fix it.

And aren't they doing a dandy job? :eusa_whistle:

Then you do expect the govt to fix the economy, not the private sector. I am glad yoou can admit that.
Peaceful capitalism? No such thing, if it were not for strife, hoarding, panics and dirty deals there would be a lot less rich people in the world and a lot less poor people too.

So Capitalism is responsible for poor people... You sure it isn't just poor work ethics?
So you people take one line out of what he said, that without context can be construed as having an entirely different meaning from what he actually said,

and I comment on what he really said, in context,

and I"M the cherrypicker?

You're an idiot.

The context isn't really a defense on this one. It only just expands upon the offensive statement.

To someone who can't read, maybe. Get an education.

Deny it all you like, but Obama's comments in their entirety are damning. No singular part of it taken out of context changes his meaning. I think maybe the problem lefties are having is that they actually AGREE with what he said, and thus don't find fault with it. But the fact of the matter is that there's no "we did it together" involved in the success of these businesses. We did NOT do it together. Entrepreneurs assume all the risks associated with their businesses and THEY PAY for the infrastructure... and more than their "fair share" too when you consider that only 20% of earners are paying 94% of income tax and that 48% don't pay at all. What little bit of taxes the bottom 50% are paying at the state and local level, they're taking right back out in welfare payments, so they're not truly contributing at all.

Obama was WRONG... in every possible way. And his comments were insulting, whether we hear that one infamous sentence or we hear the entire speech, because what that one infamous sentence was, in essence, was simply a summing up of his thoughts on the subject.

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