"You didn't get there on your own"

The bankers thank you for finding them innocent of all wrong doing.

dear, half of them went bankrupt so the free market rewarded them for their stupidity. But, low interest rates are like cancer. Before the bankers knew what was happening, or any of us knew for that matter, the die was cast, the liberal cancer had spread.

Still over your head??

Hey, if you're a business owner, just keep your fuckin' mouth shut. I think we can all agree on that.


Your comment makes NO sense!
Are you saying "business owners" have NO rights to comment?
Also You may "think" we can all agree.. BUT you are a party of one!

I strongly encourage ALL people to comment and in doing so show either idiocy or common sense!
The first thing the new government did when the Constitution was ratified was to pass laws helping business and the government has been helping business ever since. It is in the government's best interests to build strong business enterprises, they need the tax dollars to continue helping businesses and to helping fill in the gaps that business is unable to do.

Find something else to do, you really suck at this DNC troll stuff.

Maybe you could get a job in a call center pushing timeshares or something.

Free estimates for pressure washing.

Something simple that you can qualify for.
How about we start insisting that everybody pay for their infrastructure. Deduct it from welfare and other government checks and from wages of all Americans who are working. It would only be fair, yes?

yes very fair since those on welfare entitlements certainly didn't get there on their own!!

Niether did this guy:
“The way Bain % Co was rescued was with a federal bailout of $10 million,” the ad says. “The rest of us had to absorb the loss … Romney? He and others made $4 million in this deal. … Mitt Romney: Could it be he’s just against government when it helps working men and women.” YES !

The only question is does rank and file righty support the people who are destroying them out of pure ignorance or is it a combination of racism, ignorance and the inability to admit they are wrong.

The second question is can us adults survive their ignorance and racism?
and therein lies the essential problem... they have been so limboticized that their perspective has been destroyed. we have always made fun of our presidents... like everyone, they often deserve to be made fun of.

the take no prisoners, make your opponent into the enemy... began with atwater and was perfected by rove.

Are you brain dead or did you just forget the eight years of Bush's presidency. Perspective?!? You are a fine example. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

what about the eight years when bush was president?

he was the worst president we had in my lifetime.

and just as a reminder, he left office with a 22% approval rating.

i'll also remind you that after 9/11 he had all of us rallying around him.

the right would never have done that for this president...who was elected and not appointed.

That aside, Giggle seems to have missed the point that you were talking about Bush I...
The only question is does rank and file righty support the people who are destroying them out of pure ignorance or is it a combination of racism, ignorance and the inability to admit they are wrong.

The second question is can us adults survive their ignorance and racism?

So Conz, since you are so convinced business is destroying America, how about they all just shut down??

If I had to chose what might "destroy" this country, Business or Government, I think I'd rather see a business man run this country than someone that thinks Americans are his enemy and businesses didn't get where they are without government help.

Bottom line, Obama was talking to unions, he was in Ohio. Everyone he mentioned that helped was a government entity. Putting down the very core of America wasn't a smart move.
Jillian I made money under Bush. I made money under Clinton. Under this Mook I've made ZIP.

you built it on your own remember?

so you blaming someone else when you fail?

I've been retired for a long time. My business has been passed on to the youngsters and yes, they are struggling and uncertain about hiring people right now pending the outcome of this healthcare bill. We have a choice. Either pay the penalty and keep the current employees or accept the healthcare and fire a few of them.

Can't be that great a business or they have cash flow problems, or demand has dried up...
All public services and infrastructure are paid for with tax dollars.

Tax dollars paid by people and industries that actually produce something. That's where the lefties gt lost... they actually think the government builds roads.
you built it on your own remember?

so you blaming someone else when you fail?

I've been retired for a long time. My business has been passed on to the youngsters and yes, they are struggling and uncertain about hiring people right now pending the outcome of this healthcare bill. We have a choice. Either pay the penalty and keep the current employees or accept the healthcare and fire a few of them.

Can't be that great a business or they have cash flow problems, or demand has dried up...

Well, if, as Obama said, we all built the business, then there is yet another possibility. Maybe the efforts of the rest of us simply were not enough.
Okay guys, don't let the loonies and desperate Obama worshipers drag the train off the tracks here. The topic of this thread is quite capable of sustaining interest all by itself, I want to keep the focus there.

Let's see. I didn't build my own business. Somebody else did that for me. Isn't that what he said?

I'll stop you right there. He did say that, but he qualified and put it in context. You know that. I know that.

You call people who disagree with your summation loonies, and that they are dragging the train off the track. How can you accuse others of that, when that is exactly what you are doing.

Thought you were better than that...
Tax dollars paid by people and industries that actually produce something. That's where the lefties gt lost... they actually think the government builds roads.

Most local roads are built as conditions of development enforced by local governments which are then transfered to the public for control and maintenance.
Actually it was Bill Clintons 106th congress that relaxed the banking rules and got us into this mess. Sometimes it takes 20 years to find out how badly we've screwed up. But I will give you this. They had plenty of help from both sides.

Um, no it was Raygun who started it by relaxing the rules on Building Societies...
Your not going to deal with the facts i gave you huh candyslice?

Sweetie, how many times am I going to have to tell you your argument has value? And that is EXACTLY WHY I don't want these people taking credit for MY success. They fought AGAINST me, not FOR me and for Obama to articulate such a pile of shit just INFURIATES me.

Well, if you insist on taking things out of context, that is on you....
Righty always lies, about everything, this issue proves my point completely

We are not debating you, we are calling you filthy, disgusting liars, end of story

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