"You didn't get there on your own"

If something is not done to inject some stability into markets it will be the death of capitalism and the birth of something no one here wants.

capitalism is very very stable, until liberals interfere with it and thus prevent stability. Is that really over your head??

We are in a housing depression now, for example. Most of the federal governemnt was organized to get people into homes the capitalist free market said they could not afford. Now even you can see how the liberals caused the current depression-right?

Repubs like Hoover and the "29 crash!?
Like Bush Sr. and his loss of his second term presidency because it's the economy stupid!(Black Monday on his watch).
How about when Bush jr was president and the crash of 2008? (He had two recessions in his two terms.)
Peaceful capitalism? No such thing, if it were not for strife, hoarding, panics and dirty deals there would be a lot less rich people in the world and a lot less poor people too.

So Capitalism is responsible for poor people... You sure it isn't just poor work ethics?

Capitalism is a pyramid scheem, the top tier control the most and money and controls what the bottom makes.
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So any business owner who gets reliable power, police and fire protection, etc, has nothing to do but open their doors and sit there because government will make sure the customers come in, right?

That's why liberals can't run a business. They still expect the government to run it for them.

but its not just business owners who get power, police, and fire, its everyone so why is BO picking out business for higher taxes? Why not pick out all those who live on the dole and certainly didn't get there or stay their on their own??

the people who owe most to society are those liberals who leech off it.

Interesting concept. Approximately half of Americans pay no income tax at all but still benefit from the same infrastructure that the rest of us paid for and are still paying for. How about we start insisting that everybody pay for their infrastructure. Deduct it from welfare and other government checks and from wages of all Americans who are working. It would only be fair, yes?
Capitalism is a pyramid scheem, the top sthe most and control what the bottom makes.

1) China just switched to capitalism, now instead of slowly starving to death the bottom is buying cars

2) the top cant be on top unless they can make things the poor can afford. This is why GM sells more than RollsRoyce. The rewards of capitalism come from serving the poor. IN th elong run competition forces you to reduce profits to 0. Econ 101.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow??
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No one told them to bet so heavily on such sorry horses, they did that all on their own and then insured them against loss so AIG ended up holding the bag, we all know what happened after that, besides the most damaging wave of foreclosures were on spec houses and investment properties, nothing to do any government program whatsoever.

you lack the IQ to understand. The liberals had been stimulating the housing market for years with low interest rates. It would be the same if the government were giving free cars to dealerships. The pressure would be to move the cars to keep up with the competition or lose your market share. Easy enough fo you??

As Chuck Prince said, "we had to keep dancing until the liberal music stopped".
How about we start insisting that everybody pay for their infrastructure. Deduct it from welfare and other government checks and from wages of all Americans who are working. It would only be fair, yes?

yes very fair since those on welfare entitlements certainly didn't get there on their own!!
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there isnt a single issue, not one, where righty is right and lefty is wrong

not one

how about when the left spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb??????

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, very slow??

your brain is broken, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, you really dont, and I suggest you just sit back and google "funny videos" or something...really :lol:
You were able to build your business like everyone else who built a business in this country.

Because we work together to build infrastructure and we work together to protect each other from fraud and abuse.

Over-simplifying it and re-working old adages doesn't make up for experience and actual hands on work.

I think perhaps you've spent your life working for other people, something I was lucky enough not to have to do, and now you are angry about it. Because if you'd EVER got your hands dirty, fought against sometimes unbeatable odds and acheived something you could call your own that not only sustained you but an entire family and possibly generations to come you'd feel quite differently.

Give her a break, I'm sure she gets that feeling of great accomplishment every time she wipes her ass without getting her hands dirty... :eusa_whistle:
All of a sudden the internets and the radio call in shows are full of rightwing business owners


bullshit, none of you own a pot to pee in let alone your own business
No one told them to bet so heavily on such sorry horses, they did that all on their own and then insured them against loss so AIG ended up holding the bag, we all know what happened after that, besides the most damaging wave of foreclosures were on spec houses and investment properties, nothing to do any government program whatsoever.

you lack the IQ to understand. The liberals had been stimulating the housing market for years with low interest rates. It would be the same if the government were giving free cars to dealerships. The pressure would be to move the cars to keep up with the competition or lose your market share. Easy enough fo you??

As Chuck Prince said, "we had to keep dancing until the liberal music stopped".

The bankers thank you for finding them innocent of all wrong doing. I do not care who Chuck Prince is, does he suck banker cock too?

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