You don't need much meat.....just a little...

We eat far too much meat in this nation....I'm not complaining but it's the truth. There are plenty of protein sources that can sustain us with less expense and much less strain to our physical being than meat causes.

Years ago I knew a vegan who suffered from protein deficiency and he refused to take his doctor's advice to have one or two buffalo burgers a month...." That's all you need " he said....but because my friend was a religious Vegan he held out. Eventually he developed a horrible open sore on his nose that made it impossible for him to do his job as a department administrator who had to face dozens of people every after checking with his Maharishi or whoever the hell his spiritual counselor was he decided to do two buffalo burgers a month..... Voila! His sore healed up is a matter of a few weeks and to this day this is all the meat he consumes..

you don't need to eat any meat at all.

I have been following a fellow named Marcus Rothkranz who is a vegan and a prolific health writer
he is 50 and looks like he's 27. He does say however that should you choose to be a vegan you must do it correctly. That I believe.

It's easy to do correctly

I adopted a whole food vegan diet 3 months ago and feel so good I don't think I'll ever go back to eating meat.
blues, good for you. I'm good with who I am. I love my meat, I will do what I want. welcome back to america.
Where did I ever tell anyone what to eat?

I will correct false assumptions when they arise but I don't care what anyone else does
seems you are forcing an agenda here. stay with what you like and we'll stay with what we like. I promise, I won't make any attempt to tell anyone what to eat.

No it's you who think I am forcing an agenda.

All I ever said was meat is not necessary. I will correct false assumptions though.

WHat are you so defensive about?
people believing they should force their way on others. stay in your world.

Where did I ever tell anyone what to eat?

Please quote the exact words.

But you won't because you can't.

So stop fabricating arguments and attributing them to me

All I ever said is meat is not a neccessity in a healthy diet.
I did quote you twice
Most of the crops grown in the world are fed to livestock so we could easily feed everyone without meat.

But why are you making up arguments and attributing them to me?

I never said anything about the entire population going vegan even though it is entirely possible

Haha... okay so you are counting grass as edible vegetation for humans?? Hilarious.
There is a whole world outside of America. Here, yes, we unfortunately feed livestock foods they were never meant to eat just to fatten them up quickly. That is franken-food. And that is not related to what I am saying.
In order to be vegan, you MUST eat vegetation and grains that are grown far-far-far away from your immediate environment. All of those veggies/fruits/grains consume mass energy to both produce and ship. HUUGE swaths of land to grow. Vegetation is NOT the answer for the future.
Insects?.... that is a whole other possibility.

No but grain is.

And a cow has to be fed 6kg of vegetable matter to make 1 kg of protein that is eaten as meat.

The grain we grow in this country to feed livestock could feed 800 million people.

It would take less land not more to feed people a vegan diet.
So can the cows, and there you go again, go promote your vegan shit to vegan shits.

Fk blue you disappoint me
We eat far too much meat in this nation....I'm not complaining but it's the truth. There are plenty of protein sources that can sustain us with less expense and much less strain to our physical being than meat causes.

Years ago I knew a vegan who suffered from protein deficiency and he refused to take his doctor's advice to have one or two buffalo burgers a month...." That's all you need " he said....but because my friend was a religious Vegan he held out. Eventually he developed a horrible open sore on his nose that made it impossible for him to do his job as a department administrator who had to face dozens of people every after checking with his Maharishi or whoever the hell his spiritual counselor was he decided to do two buffalo burgers a month..... Voila! His sore healed up is a matter of a few weeks and to this day this is all the meat he consumes..

you don't need to eat any meat at all.

I have been following a fellow named Marcus Rothkranz who is a vegan and a prolific health writer
he is 50 and looks like he's 27. He does say however that should you choose to be a vegan you must do it correctly. That I believe.

It's easy to do correctly

I adopted a whole food vegan diet 3 months ago and feel so good I don't think I'll ever go back to eating meat.
blues, good for you. I'm good with who I am. I love my meat, I will do what I want. welcome back to america.
Where did I ever tell anyone what to eat?

I will correct false assumptions when they arise but I don't care what anyone else does
seems you are forcing an agenda here. stay with what you like and we'll stay with what we like. I promise, I won't make any attempt to tell anyone what to eat.

No it's you who think I am forcing an agenda.

All I ever said was meat is not necessary. I will correct false assumptions though.

WHat are you so defensive about?
people believing they should force their way on others. stay in your world.

Where did I ever tell anyone what to eat?

Please quote the exact words.

But you won't because you can't.

So stop fabricating arguments and attributing them to me

All I ever said is meat is not a neccessity in a healthy diet.
Meat is a necessity or doctors would not prescribe things just for dumb vegitarians

What do Doctors prescribe just for vegetarians? Because my Doctor took me off off my blood pressure meds and didn't precribe anything else at my annual physical last month
B12 calcium iron zinc omega 3s and others, these are not found in vegees

B12 isn't made by livestock either.

In fact B12 is the product of bacteria in the soil and livestock are given B12 supplements along with their antibiotics and steroids now.

And in fact there are many plants that contain zinc. A cup of oatmeal contains 21% of the daily recommended value for zinc

Spinach is loaded with iron

Chia seeds flax brussel sprouts and other plants contain omega 3 fatty acids

Do you not realize that everything you think you get eating meat is contained in all the plant matter that the animal eats?

In fact a cow has to be fed 6 kg of plant protein to make 1 kg of dietary protein.

And as I said I haven't been prescribed anything by my doctor because I have given up animal products but rather was taken off my blood pressure medication.

Then the zinc was added to the oatmeal like D is added to milk

We don't need to add vitamin d to milk all we have to do is get outside in the sun.

And is zinc added to wild rice, quinoa, squash and pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, black beans, etc etc etc?

Where do you think the iron , zinc or any other mineral you get from meat comes from?

It comes from the plants fed to the animals
We don’t need to add fluoride to water either, unless you want to taint the water
It's the risk of dying from HEART DISEASE you dolt

I believe genes are the most important.

Jim Fixx is widely accepted as the creator of the fitness movement. You know eating right, running all that stuff.

How'd it work out for him?
Do you know what his diet was?

I don't

I don't really care. I just recall that he was a fitness guru and died young with a heart attack.

You're not going to start eating raw beef and I'm not going to quit.

You may have bad genes and need to watch your diet. I know I have extraordinary genes and eat what I want. Works for me might work for you too.
Exactly! I’m disappointed with blue
Omnis don't care what other people eat. Why do Vegans?
They're good-faith Catholics in a court of law. They eat fish every Friday and pout with their lower lips because it's not real meat. Their kids are allergic to peanut butter. They stole our guns and poached our game. It's for their kids, not ours, and they're letting their kids loose loose on our property and pressing child molestation charges against us. What else are we supposed to plead to in their parochial chancery court system?
We eat far too much meat in this nation....I'm not complaining but it's the truth. There are plenty of protein sources that can sustain us with less expense and much less strain to our physical being than meat causes.

Years ago I knew a vegan who suffered from protein deficiency and he refused to take his doctor's advice to have one or two buffalo burgers a month...." That's all you need " he said....but because my friend was a religious Vegan he held out. Eventually he developed a horrible open sore on his nose that made it impossible for him to do his job as a department administrator who had to face dozens of people every after checking with his Maharishi or whoever the hell his spiritual counselor was he decided to do two buffalo burgers a month..... Voila! His sore healed up is a matter of a few weeks and to this day this is all the meat he consumes..

I won't give up my weekly 16 oz ribeye. The problem with the hardcore vegan loons is they believe they have the right to force that shit on everyone.

I liken vegetarians to someone who has quit smoking or drinking. That's all they can talk about.
Ding, ding, ding
We eat far too much meat in this nation....I'm not complaining but it's the truth. There are plenty of protein sources that can sustain us with less expense and much less strain to our physical being than meat causes.

Years ago I knew a vegan who suffered from protein deficiency and he refused to take his doctor's advice to have one or two buffalo burgers a month...." That's all you need " he said....but because my friend was a religious Vegan he held out. Eventually he developed a horrible open sore on his nose that made it impossible for him to do his job as a department administrator who had to face dozens of people every after checking with his Maharishi or whoever the hell his spiritual counselor was he decided to do two buffalo burgers a month..... Voila! His sore healed up is a matter of a few weeks and to this day this is all the meat he consumes..

you don't need to eat any meat at all.

I have been following a fellow named Marcus Rothkranz who is a vegan and a prolific health writer
he is 50 and looks like he's 27. He does say however that should you choose to be a vegan you must do it correctly. That I believe.

It's easy to do correctly

I adopted a whole food vegan diet 3 months ago and feel so good I don't think I'll ever go back to eating meat.
blues, good for you. I'm good with who I am. I love my meat, I will do what I want. welcome back to america.
Where did I ever tell anyone what to eat?

I will correct false assumptions when they arise but I don't care what anyone else does
seems you are forcing an agenda here. stay with what you like and we'll stay with what we like. I promise, I won't make any attempt to tell anyone what to eat.

No it's you who think I am forcing an agenda.

All I ever said was meat is not necessary. I will correct false assumptions though.

WHat are you so defensive about?
people believing they should force their way on others. stay in your world.

Where did I ever tell anyone what to eat?

Please quote the exact words.

But you won't because you can't.

So stop fabricating arguments and attributing them to me

All I ever said is meat is not a neccessity in a healthy diet.
Meat is a necessity or doctors would not prescribe things just for dumb vegitarians

What do Doctors prescribe just for vegetarians? Because my Doctor took me off off my blood pressure meds and didn't precribe anything else at my annual physical last month
B12 calcium iron zinc omega 3s and others, these are not found in vegees

B12 isn't made by livestock either.

In fact B12 is the product of bacteria in the soil and livestock are given B12 supplements along with their antibiotics and steroids now.

And in fact there are many plants that contain zinc. A cup of oatmeal contains 21% of the daily recommended value for zinc

Spinach is loaded with iron

Chia seeds flax brussel sprouts and other plants contain omega 3 fatty acids

Do you not realize that everything you think you get eating meat is contained in all the plant matter that the animal eats?

In fact a cow has to be fed 6 kg of plant protein to make 1 kg of dietary protein.

And as I said I haven't been prescribed anything by my doctor because I have given up animal products but rather was taken off my blood pressure medication.

Then the zinc was added to the oatmeal like D is added to milk

We don't need to add vitamin d to milk all we have to do is get outside in the sun.

And is zinc added to wild rice, quinoa, squash and pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, black beans, etc etc etc?

Where do you think the iron , zinc or any other mineral you get from meat comes from?

It comes from the plants fed to the animals
The sun only produces D at a certain point in the sky, and cold climates never do get out there

And you don't get vitamin d from a cow either. As you said it is added to milk.
Meat advanced human evolution, nothing you can do about this either

So regrow your tail and keep on acting like the monkey that you are

Not the way we eat it now.

How much meat do you think prehistoric man ate? And the meat they ate wasn't the over fattened steroid and antibiotic filled stuff you eat today
Prehistoric man began eating meat when he climbed down out of the tree with a spear and ate the carnivore that had previously eaten humans

You climb back up and hide
But you won't answer the question I just asked you.

Why is that?

Here I'll ask it again

How much meat do you think prehistoric man ate?

And the meat they ate wasn't the over fattened steroid and antibiotic filled stuff you eat today
Look dopey, prehistoric man didnt leave journals you ignorant lettuce head.
You do know that chemical analysis of bones will allow anthropologists to determine the diet of the person don't you?

You are remarkably uninformed yet you vehemently defend your assertions.

Let's recap

You said that people can't get enough amino acids. I linked to the 9 essential AAs that must be ingested and gave lists of vegetables that contain them

You said you can't get zinc, iron or omega 3 fatty acids from plants. I gave you lists of plants that contain them

You don't know how much of the prehistoric diet consisted of meat but you hold on to the notion that all prehistoric people ate was meat
Dude, stop with your leftist conversion
It's the risk of dying from HEART DISEASE you dolt

I believe genes are the most important.

Jim Fixx is widely accepted as the creator of the fitness movement. You know eating right, running all that stuff.

How'd it work out for him?
Do you know what his diet was?

I don't

I don't really care. I just recall that he was a fitness guru and died young with a heart attack.

You're not going to start eating raw beef and I'm not going to quit.

You may have bad genes and need to watch your diet. I know I have extraordinary genes and eat what I want. Works for me might work for you too.
He could die of wuhan
We eat far too much meat in this nation....I'm not complaining but it's the truth. There are plenty of protein sources that can sustain us with less expense and much less strain to our physical being than meat causes.

Years ago I knew a vegan who suffered from protein deficiency and he refused to take his doctor's advice to have one or two buffalo burgers a month...." That's all you need " he said....but because my friend was a religious Vegan he held out. Eventually he developed a horrible open sore on his nose that made it impossible for him to do his job as a department administrator who had to face dozens of people every after checking with his Maharishi or whoever the hell his spiritual counselor was he decided to do two buffalo burgers a month..... Voila! His sore healed up is a matter of a few weeks and to this day this is all the meat he consumes..


Then why do we have canine teeth?

You don't eat any and there's that much for me. Get your friends join you and my friends and I can have a steak cookout!

Hippos have the largest canines in the animal world and are herbivores
Most animals have either binocular or monocular vision. Most animals with binocular vision their eyes vision cross each other. So the left eye views a lot of what the right eye does and vice versa. They are meat eaters. Humans, cats, dogs are examples and so many more. Most animals with monocular vision have eyes that are slightly more to the side of the head. Horses and hippos and giraffes and many others. They are herbivores. Their vision encompasses total views of each side with no cross view or limited cross view. They are actually a bit more nervous or can be because of it.
soy, nuts & beans are good sources of protein.
So is a ribeye and t-bone

but they don't clog yer arteries. enjoy...
No evidence of that. Calcium clogs your arteries

How bad is red meat for your heart?
In general, red meats (beef, pork and lamb) have more saturated (bad) fat than chicken, fish and vegetable proteins such as beans. Saturated and trans fats can raise your blood cholesterol and make heart disease worse. The unsaturated fats in fish, such as salmon, actually have health benefits.

Meat, Poultry, and Fish: Picking Healthy Proteins | American Heart ... › eat-smart › nutrition-basics › meat-poult.
soy, nuts & beans are good sources of protein.
So is a ribeye and t-bone

but they don't clog yer arteries. enjoy...
No evidence of that. Calcium clogs your arteries

How bad is red meat for your heart?
In general, red meats (beef, pork and lamb) have more saturated (bad) fat than chicken, fish and vegetable proteins such as beans. Saturated and trans fats can raise your blood cholesterol and make heart disease worse. The unsaturated fats in fish, such as salmon, actually have health benefits.

Meat, Poultry, and Fish: Picking Healthy Proteins | American Heart ... › eat-smart › nutrition-basics › meat-poult.
Just fking wrong son, again you listen to leftists controlled fks.

Beef fat is good for you there you go listening to the government

Last edited:
soy, nuts & beans are good sources of protein.
So is a ribeye and t-bone

but they don't clog yer arteries. enjoy...
No evidence of that. Calcium clogs your arteries

How bad is red meat for your heart?
In general, red meats (beef, pork and lamb) have more saturated (bad) fat than chicken, fish and vegetable proteins such as beans. Saturated and trans fats can raise your blood cholesterol and make heart disease worse. The unsaturated fats in fish, such as salmon, actually have health benefits.
Meat, Poultry, and Fish: Picking Healthy Proteins | American Heart ... › eat-smart › nutrition-basics › meat-poult.
Just fking wrong son, again you listen to leftists controlled fks.

Beef fat is good for you

please- by all means - keep shoving it down yer gullet. nobody is stopping you.
in fact you should be encouraged to eat beef & pork every day.



soy, nuts & beans are good sources of protein.
So is a ribeye and t-bone

but they don't clog yer arteries. enjoy...
No evidence of that. Calcium clogs your arteries

How bad is red meat for your heart?
In general, red meats (beef, pork and lamb) have more saturated (bad) fat than chicken, fish and vegetable proteins such as beans. Saturated and trans fats can raise your blood cholesterol and make heart disease worse. The unsaturated fats in fish, such as salmon, actually have health benefits.
Meat, Poultry, and Fish: Picking Healthy Proteins | American Heart ... › eat-smart › nutrition-basics › meat-poult.
Just fking wrong son, again you listen to leftists controlled fks.

Beef fat is good for you

please- by all means - keep shoving it down yer gullet. nobody is stopping you.
in fact you should be encouraged to eat beef & pork every day.



I will son. You sacrifice your life for a bunch of government fks
soy, nuts & beans are good sources of protein.
So is a ribeye and t-bone

but they don't clog yer arteries. enjoy...
No evidence of that. Calcium clogs your arteries

How bad is red meat for your heart?
In general, red meats (beef, pork and lamb) have more saturated (bad) fat than chicken, fish and vegetable proteins such as beans. Saturated and trans fats can raise your blood cholesterol and make heart disease worse. The unsaturated fats in fish, such as salmon, actually have health benefits.
Meat, Poultry, and Fish: Picking Healthy Proteins | American Heart ... › eat-smart › nutrition-basics › meat-poult.
Just fking wrong son, again you listen to leftists controlled fks.

Beef fat is good for you

please- by all means - keep shoving it down yer gullet. nobody is stopping you.
in fact you should be encouraged to eat beef & pork every day.



I will son. You sacrifice your life for a bunch of government fks

i do no such thing. seems them thar prions have warped yer brain.

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