You Don't Own Me

You dupes are so dumb. Romney is such a wimp, he'll sign anything the idiot Tea Party House sends him. He'll also put an idiot RW justice in, and end RvW. The GOP is whacked.
That you believe one is a ‘person’ at conception is subjective and personal, relevant only to you.

It's not a "belief" you fucking tool. It's a FACT. If the "entity" in question is not a 'person', then what the fuck is it - a Ford F150?!?! An alligator? Perhaps you believe it is a pterodactyl?!?

Seriously, how fucking stupid are you to make such a wildly ignorant statement? When a sperm and an egg merge, it's a PERSON. It's a baby. It's a LIFE.

That is indisputable to anyone with an IQ above that of someone suffering from Down Syndrome.
We gain a less populated world. In some parts of our planet that is a good thing. In others, not so good. Shrug....

at the end of the day if a child bearing woman doesn't want to have children, that is her call. And if she wants to have sex for fun, that is also her call.

And if she aborts a foetus (not an infant as you disingenuously say), then that is also her and her partner's call.

Life is full of choices and we all have to live with the ones we make...

"Sex for fun".

As I thought. I have yet to meet a man who was rabid about abortion who, ultimately, didn't just want abortion so that HE could have irresponsible sex with women he doesn't respect and wants no ongoing relationship with.

It's to maintain the concubine class.

So, you've never had sex for the hell of it? That is not surprising....

Logical fallacy and completely irrelevant. But then, it's you.
That you believe one is a ‘person’ at conception is subjective and personal, relevant only to you.

It's not a "belief" you fucking tool. It's a FACT. If the "entity" in question is not a 'person', then what the fuck is it - a Ford F150?!?! An alligator? Perhaps you believe it is a pterodactyl?!?

Seriously, how fucking stupid are you to make such a wildly ignorant statement? When a sperm and an egg merge, it's a PERSON. It's a baby. It's a LIFE.

That is indisputable to anyone with an IQ above that of someone suffering from Down Syndrome.



Anyone but a fool can see the resemblance, right?
That you believe one is a ‘person’ at conception is subjective and personal, relevant only to you.

It's not a "belief" you fucking tool. It's a FACT. If the "entity" in question is not a 'person', then what the fuck is it - a Ford F150?!?! An alligator? Perhaps you believe it is a pterodactyl?!?

Seriously, how fucking stupid are you to make such a wildly ignorant statement? When a sperm and an egg merge, it's a PERSON. It's a baby. It's a LIFE.

That is indisputable to anyone with an IQ above that of someone suffering from Down Syndrome.



Anyone but a fool can see the resemblance, right?

Uh, hey stupid - if you were able to get the actual embryo of Dwayne Johnson, then an actual baby picture of Dwayne Johnson, would you see any resemblance of him today!?!?

My God are you fuck'n stupid to post pictures of different people, claim there is no resemblance, and then cite that as "evidence" that a fetus is not a baby.
It's not a "belief" you fucking tool. It's a FACT. If the "entity" in question is not a 'person', then what the fuck is it - a Ford F150?!?! An alligator? Perhaps you believe it is a pterodactyl?!?

Seriously, how fucking stupid are you to make such a wildly ignorant statement? When a sperm and an egg merge, it's a PERSON. It's a baby. It's a LIFE.

That is indisputable to anyone with an IQ above that of someone suffering from Down Syndrome.



Anyone but a fool can see the resemblance, right?

Uh, hey stupid - if you were able to get the actual embryo of Dwayne Johnson, then an actual baby picture of Dwayne Johnson, would you see any resemblance of him today!?!?

My God are you fuck'n stupid to post pictures of different people, claim there is no resemblance, and then cite that as "evidence" that a fetus is not a baby.
I'd bet that if I had a pic of the Rock as a blastocyst it would look just like the first pic.

But, I DO have a pic of him as a person. And, a fine specimen he is at that.
Anyone but a fool can see the resemblance, right?

How come you assholes won't answer the question? If a fetus/embryo is NOT a baby/life, then what is it? Is it really taking you ignorant dumbocrats this long to come up with an answer? Tell you what, you dumbocrats are so fucking stupid, how about a multiple choice test (the only test you people have a prayer of passing with even a D)?!? I'll provide you with a list here, and you choose which one you think you can make a case for what the embryo is (and then of course, like all of your other senseless bullshit, I'll tear it apart with logic, reason, and facts):

A.) Ford F150
B.) Pterodactyl
D.) Rocket Launcher
E.) Currency
F.) Boston Fern
G.) Isosceles triangle
H.) Wagon Wheel
I.) Roof Shingles
J.) Modus Tollens
K.) Modus Ponens
L.) Stone
M.) Truffel
N.) Protocol
O.) Coil
P.) Bell
Q.) Giraffe
R.) Corn
S.) Transmission
T.) Brick
U.) Martini
V.) Logo
W.) Cell phone
X.) Surfboard
Y.) Supernova
Z.) Trophy

I eagerly await your ignorant choice. Actually, I don't, because all of you refuse to answer the question since you know you are wrong.
Anyone but a fool can see the resemblance, right?

How come you assholes won't answer the question? If a fetus/embryo is NOT a baby/life, then what is it? Is it really taking you ignorant dumbocrats this long to come up with an answer? Tell you what, you dumbocrats are so fucking stupid, how about a multiple choice test (the only test you people have a prayer of passing with even a D)?!? I'll provide you with a list here, and you choose which one you think you can make a case for what the embryo is (and then of course, like all of your other senseless bullshit, I'll tear it apart with logic, reason, and facts):

A.) Ford F150
B.) Pterodactyl
D.) Rocket Launcher
E.) Currency
F.) Boston Fern
G.) Isosceles triangle
H.) Wagon Wheel
I.) Roof Shingles
J.) Modus Tollens
K.) Modus Ponens
L.) Stone
M.) Truffel
N.) Protocol
O.) Coil
P.) Bell
Q.) Giraffe
R.) Corn
S.) Transmission
T.) Brick
U.) Martini
V.) Logo
W.) Cell phone
X.) Surfboard
Y.) Supernova
Z.) Trophy

I eagerly await your ignorant choice. Actually, I don't, because all of you refuse to answer the question since you know you are wrong.
A human embryo is a human embryo.

A human baby is a human baby.
Roe v Wade was the epitome of activism....only those who haven't read Blackmun's Opinion don't think so.

Rosie O'Jillian spews whatever crap is on DailyKOS and Democratic Underground. She has zero grasp of the law, and I doubt she has ever read the constitution.

At least Crowley over at AWE had a reasonable grasp of legal procedure and precedent; the fake lawyers of the left here are pathetic.

To call "Bush v. Gore" activism is shear stupidity. Of course the left was angry that the court ruled against Gore, but this was black letter law, not the creation of heretofore unknown constitutional "rights."

Some claim Jillian works in contract law and doesn't deal with litigation, if so, she is grossly incompetent, lacking even fundamental legal training that a mere MBA receives in business school.
As I've pointed out repeatedly, men who support abortion do it not out of desire to lift women up and protect their so-called rights,but because it is a tool used to manipulate and demean women, and to maintain them in a state that allows assholes like grump to exploit them.
Anyone but a fool can see the resemblance, right?

"Person" is a loaded term. Every holocaust in history has started by designating certain undesirables as "not people." Stalin declared the Kulacks to be "Non-Persons." Hitler declared the Jews to be sub-human, Pol Pot declared the intellectuals to be vermin.

The pro-abortion lobby clearly prefers to frame the debate in emotion, and use the long standing technique of dehumanizing the victim. But what if one looks at this from a medical, or scientific perspective?

The first question is; what species is the intended victim? The human genome is entirely mapped, so a DNA test can conclusively reveal the species.

The second question is whether the intended victim is alive? What is life? Well, a cell is technically living; but we need to know if this is autonomous life? Medical science has existed for 5,000 years or so, and has some idea of what life is. We can look at death, which is the absence of life. What defines death in legal terms? The absence of both brain and heart activity. So life is the presence of brain or heart activity - or for more precision, both. This being the case, when does this occur gestation wise?

{Brain waves have been recorded by EEG (electro- encephalograph) in the human embryo 40 days after fertilisation.5}
Human development from conception to birth

So, from a medical perspective, we have a living human at 6 weeks gestation. To deprive a living human of life, without judicial review violates the 5th amendment to the constitution.

{ nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. }

This is inconvenient for the pro-abortion advocates, but it is irrefutable.
As I've pointed out repeatedly, men who support abortion do it not out of desire to lift women up and protect their so-called rights,but because it is a tool used to manipulate and demean women, and to maintain them in a state that allows assholes like grump to exploit them.
Oh, bullshit, KG.

Grump likes individual freedoms. He and I often disagree on how to ensure them quite often, but you are so off base you aren't even in the same zip code of the stadium about Grump.
which, given that federal constitutional rights are SUPPOSED to belong to everyone, regardless of state (think desegregation), means you're overturning roe.

what i find most interesting is how vested rightwing men are in depriving women of control over their own bodies.

You might ask yourself why leftwing men want you to kill your babies, if you're into questioning motives.

allie, seriously, please don't turn my thread into one of your tantrums on this issue. i'm more interested in looking at the politics and legalities.


:eusa_think_:are you in favor of Sex-Selective abortion? :eusa_eh:
As I've pointed out repeatedly, men who support abortion do it not out of desire to lift women up and protect their so-called rights,but because it is a tool used to manipulate and demean women, and to maintain them in a state that allows assholes like grump to exploit them.
Oh, bullshit, KG.

Grump likes individual freedoms. He and I often disagree on how to ensure them quite often, but you are so off base you aren't even in the same zip code of the stadium about Grump.

Ah, personal bias.

Based on "internet understanding".

Grump likes porn and prostitution. Naturally he's going to be gung ho about abortion as well.

Abortion is the #1 tool of those who want to oppress and objectify women.
You might ask yourself why leftwing men want you to kill your babies, if you're into questioning motives.

allie, seriously, please don't turn my thread into one of your tantrums on this issue. i'm more interested in looking at the politics and legalities.


:eusa_think_:are you in favor of Sex-Selective abortion? :eusa_eh:

It's nothing I'd have chosen to do.

But wanting government out of our bodies isn't support for it.

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