"You have humiliated us"

Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.

How stupid! "Sharing" classified information is a crime! Always has been always will be. Does the term "treason" ring any bells? Classified information should be given only to those with a need to know. Retired idiots do not need to know. End of story.
It has been amply explained that retired intelligence officials are called in when needed, and it makes sense that their security clearances should remain so this can be done on the spot. John Brennan and Admiral McRaven have demonstrated their allegiance to the interests of the United States of America. trump's actions show how unhinged and unfit for office he is. It is ridiculous how many people support him and yet call themselves "patriots."
This is probably the most important post in this thread. By taking away security clearances from these people, Trump is not hurting them, but rather the US intelligent community and the nation. When top level intelligence people leave our intelligence services they take with them years of experience and knowledge that simple can't be replaced. The heads of our intelligence services have always relied on those that came before them.

Trump has made it clear that he appoints people that he thinks will be loyal with little or no consideration for their qualifications, possible because of his own lack of qualifications. There are certainly many presidential appointments that are purely political with no specific qualifications needed. Our intelligence community does not fall in that category.

Look at John Bolton, Trump's National Security Adviser. This man has no background in Intelligence or National Security and he's the key advisory to the president.

Never has the country needed knowledgeable people in National Intelligence more, yet Trump has effectively made those with the most experience and knowledge unavailable to the intelligence community.

It should be quite clear to all that Trump is taking this action because he's incapable of handling the criticism of these people. Now 60 ex-CIA officers have joined the protest against Trump.
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Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.
So Obama's and Brennan's loyalists are 'warning' the President ...

Trump is not applying a political litmus test but instead one of legality....

Brennan betrayed this country by illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, USSC Justices, and pitical opponent Presidential candidates for Obama.

Brennan lied to the American people about Benghazi and stripped those who were there on the ground fighting to try to save lives of THEIR security clearances because they spoke out to tell the truth of what really happened.

Brennan lied under oath to Congress by claiming he had NOT illegally spied on US Senators...and when the truth came out a deal was cut to prevent his indictment - he was forced to apogize to Congress. He should have gone to jail...because he did not learn his lesson.

Brennan recently lied to Congress under oath again, claiming he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier. Congress responded by presenting him with official records showing he briefed members of Congress on the Dossier and encouraged them to appoint.a Special Counsel based on the contents of the report, which he falsely claimed had been verified. PERJURY AGAIN!

Brennan failed the test of honesty, ethics, adherence to the law, and of loyalty to this country above all else, like what liberals wanted and what they were determined to get no matter what laws they had to break to do so.

Brennan is still successfully manipulating the SHEEP, claiming having a security clearance is a 'Constitutional Right' and that revoking his clearance as a result of his crimes is an 's track on his Freedom of Speech'...

Who the he'll would buy that BS...except ignorant / biased party-1st loyalists who have no clue what the Constitution says or what our actual rights are?!
A security clearance is important in many of the jobs these people go on to after leaving the government including consulting with the government on cases they were involved in or have expertise in. In fact it is not uncommon for their successors to consult with them on a pro bono basis. Brennan, in fact did just that for six months, on a terrorism case. Pro Bono.

What Trump is doing is using this as a means to punish critics, not because they did anything wrong or committed a crime, but because they exercised their rights. The President of the United States is using this as a means to punish critics no longer in his direct employ.

Brennan and others are being punished because they stood up and said “the emperor has no clothes”.

This is directly from The President.

We should not tolerate it. It is really really wrong and disturbing.
Breaking News. Obama is not President. It may shock some of you...but he has been out of office for almost two years. Trump is in charge. This is his show.
Criticism of Trump will not be tolerated.
My god. He has been criticized no matter what he has done. Or what Melania has done. Sends his yearly paycheck to help fix military hospitals and cemetaries.....Melania wishing a happy mothers day...it doesn't matter what he does he is STILL ATTACKED. Yet you cry that nobody can supposedly berate him when it HAPPENS CONSTANTLY???? Really?????
Melania doesnt deserve it. Trump, by his actions does. Look at how Clinton and Obama were demonized :dunno:

Did Obama use his power to retaliate like this?
It should be quite clear to all that Trump is taking this action because he's incapable of handling the criticism of these people.
True, no doubt, but he picked the fight with McCabe, who had voiced no public criticism of Trump (as far as I know). He did so in the context of accusing the ''highest levels of the FBI" of "lies and corruption". That sound more like a guy who might either perceive that they are not loyal, or is worried they something on him, or both.
Criticism of Trump will not be tolerated.
My god. He has been criticized no matter what he has done. Or what Melania has done. Sends his yearly paycheck to help fix military hospitals and cemetaries.....Melania wishing a happy mothers day...it doesn't matter what he does he is STILL ATTACKED. Yet you cry that nobody can supposedly berate him when it HAPPENS CONSTANTLY???? Really?????
Melania doesnt deserve it. Trump, by his actions does. Look at how Clinton and Obama were demonized :dunno:

Did Obama use his power to retaliate like this?

Uh, no, Obama was a behind your back kinda guy, like getting the IRS to do his dirty deeds.
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut destroying tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.
Don't believe the lies of the ruling class. You have nothing in common with them. They are a bunch of criminals. As bad as Trump is, the ruling class is a thousand times worse.

You are being gas lighted and don't know it.

You’re the one being gaslighted. There is no “Deep State”. There is no “ruling class”. There are men and women who have lived therir lives in service to their country. Who gave up pursuit of personal financial gains to give back to the country they love.

Contrast his with DJT. He’s given up nothing for his country. He’s taking you for every dollar he can get. He’s used bankruptcy laws, lawyers and his wealth to bribe, bully and cheat others of their hard earned wealth.

Trump sought help from Putin to get elected, and has used every means at his disposal to destroy NATO and your trading alliances, to the benefit of Russia and China.

Today he’s preparing a list of security clearances to be pulled from people who have dared to publicly criticize him, in violation of their first amendment rights, and some say he’s is committing an impeachable offence in doing so.

The US is a nation of laws and Trump is violating the laws and standards which a public servant is required to adhere to. He had failed to uphold his oath to defend the Constitition, and enforce the rights of his fellow citizen, all while acting like he is untouchable cannot be called to account.

That any decent American still supports this traitorous conman is ridiculous and saddening. Watching Trumpbots tie themselves into pretzels to defend the actions of a man who is destroying everything your country stands for, and bringing you down to the level of a banana republic.
It's triggered the left to have screaming hysterics

this forum is filled with hysterics from triggered trump apologists like you. :itsok:

meanwhile, back in the rational and informed world:

Thirteen former top intelligence officials, including 12 former CIA directors and deputy directors and one former director of national intelligence, issued a joint letter late Thursday in support for former CIA director John Brennan, calling President Donald Trump's decision to revoke his security clearance "inappropriate" and "deeply regrettable."

"We feel compelled to respond in the wake of the ill-considered and unprecedented remarks and actions by the White House," the senior officials wrote in their statement. "We know John to be an enormously talented, capable and patriotic individual who devoted his entire adult life to the service of this nation."

Those signing the letter were former Directors of Central Intelligence Robert Gates, William Webster, George Tenet and Porter Goss; former CIA directors Gen. Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta and Gen. David Petraeus; former director of national intelligence James Clapper; and former deputy CIA directors John McLaughlin, Stephen Kappes, Avril Haines, David Cohen and Michael Morell.

"John has chosen to speak out sharply regarding what he sees as threats to our national security. Some of the undersigned have done so as well," the letter said. "Others among us have elected to take a different course and be more circumspect in our public pronouncements."

The rare condemnation from the former top officials from various Republican and Democratic administrations — including past CIA directors who served under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George w. Bush and Bill Clinton — comes one day after Trump yanked Brennan's security clearance and said he would weigh whether to strip clearances from other former intelligence officials.

John Brennan gets major backup: Top former intelligence bosses defe...
McRaven is right. Trump has dragged our country through the mud and not only humiliated this country but frayed its alliances and weakened us around the world.

All these weak-kneed weak-minded Trumpers who support bone spurs over true American patriots show just how pathetic they are.

If Trump were in the military he would be relegated to Latrine duty.

I'll tell you what Trumpettes, you can fight along side Trump and his band of morally decayed losers and I will take McCain, McRaven and Brennan.
This is what happens when we elect a leader totally lacking in qualifications for his office. He isn't able to ignore criticism and doesn't know how to respond appropriately.
This is probably the most important post in this thread. By taking away security clearances from these people Trump is not hurting them, but rather the US intelligent community and the nation.
What a crock of shit!

Brennan and these traitors betrayed and corrupted their agencies by abusing the power of their positions to commit crimes, violate the Constitution, and violate Americans' Constitutional Rights!

They were
NOT HELPING this country, & they sure as hell weren't acting in the best interest of the United States.

A handful of criminal partisan politicians and govt employees decided they did not like the GOP candidate, did not want him as Prsident - NO MATTER WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DECIDED THROUGH THEIR VOTES, AND DECIDED THEY WOULD DECIDE THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION.

Oh, I am sure they believed they knew better than the Americans who voted and decided only they could hand-pick the next President....but....

PROVEN perjury, obstruction, sedition, conspiracy, and even treason...these individuals BETRAYED their government and their country!

Purging f*ing perjurers, criminals who Obstructed Justice, who engaged in a Conspiracy to affect a political coup through illegal acts coordinated and perpetrated by their little Secret Society, who engaged in Sedition and treason DOES NOT WEAKEN THIS COUNTRY BUT ONLY MAKES IT STONGER!

Criticism of Trump will not be tolerated.
My god. He has been criticized no matter what he has done. Or what Melania has done. Sends his yearly paycheck to help fix military hospitals and cemetaries.....Melania wishing a happy mothers day...it doesn't matter what he does he is STILL ATTACKED. Yet you cry that nobody can supposedly berate him when it HAPPENS CONSTANTLY???? Really?????
Melania doesnt deserve it. Trump, by his actions does. Look at how Clinton and Obama were demonized :dunno:

Did Obama use his power to retaliate like this?

Uh, no, Obama was a behind your back kinda guy, like getting the IRS to do his dirty deeds.
No evidence to support it...the Republican dominated Congress investigated it.

Back to the original question. Who’s security clearances did Obama revoke and why?
It's triggered the left to have screaming hysterics

this forum is filled with hysterics from triggered trump apologists like you. :itsok:

meanwhile, back in the rational and informed world:

Thirteen former top intelligence officials, including 12 former CIA directors and deputy directors and one former director of national intelligence, issued a joint letter late Thursday in support for former CIA director John Brennan, calling President Donald Trump's decision to revoke his security clearance "inappropriate" and "deeply regrettable."

"We feel compelled to respond in the wake of the ill-considered and unprecedented remarks and actions by the White House," the senior officials wrote in their statement. "We know John to be an enormously talented, capable and patriotic individual who devoted his entire adult life to the service of this nation."

Those signing the letter were former Directors of Central Intelligence Robert Gates, William Webster, George Tenet and Porter Goss; former CIA directors Gen. Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta and Gen. David Petraeus; former director of national intelligence James Clapper; and former deputy CIA directors John McLaughlin, Stephen Kappes, Avril Haines, David Cohen and Michael Morell.

"John has chosen to speak out sharply regarding what he sees as threats to our national security. Some of the undersigned have done so as well," the letter said. "Others among us have elected to take a different course and be more circumspect in our public pronouncements."

The rare condemnation from the former top officials from various Republican and Democratic administrations — including past CIA directors who served under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George w. Bush and Bill Clinton — comes one day after Trump yanked Brennan's security clearance and said he would weigh whether to strip clearances from other former intelligence officials.

John Brennan gets major backup: Top former intelligence bosses defe...
What is happening is deeply disturbing and should not be viewed through a partisan lense :(
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Like the old TV show: 'Branded,' first Trump ought to punch him straight in the face knocking him on his ass, rip his stripes and medals off his uniform, then cancel his military pension. Then he can stop his clearance.
haha... are you kidding? Trump can't even fire people to their faces. He's a gutless pussy.
What scum

Mc Raven scum.....Hussein leftover! shame on him!


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