"You have humiliated us"

Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.
Trump is saving us from snowflake idiots like you.

Trump is trying to save his own ass.
He could give a flying fuck about yours.
Wake up.
You have to be profoundly brain damaged if you believe characters like Brennan and Comey give a shit about you. They made it plain they don't care who you voted for. They thought they got to decide who the president is.
Since you didnt mention Trump, you're acknowledging that Trump doesnt give a shit about anybody but himself.
If that were the case he would have never run for office.............plenty of money..........he could have done anything he wanted........

But he chose to run and get abused daily for almost 2 years..........and yet he is keeping his promises even with so many attacking him.

He didn't have to do this..........he could be relaxing and having a drink without a care in the world........yet he didn't do this now did he.....
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.
Trump is saving us from snowflake idiots like you.

Trump is trying to save his own ass.
He could give a flying fuck about yours.
Wake up.
You have to be profoundly brain damaged if you believe characters like Brennan and Comey give a shit about you. They made it plain they don't care who you voted for. They thought they got to decide who the president is.
Since you didnt mention Trump, you're acknowledging that Trump doesnt give a shit about anybody but himself.
I am acknowledging no such thing, moron.
The CIA is as anti American as the FBI. Both are too politically democrat to survive
In the last 8 years Obama has infested both organizations with leftwing political operatives to the point where they have become totally useless for any purpose other than political subversion. They should both be dissolved. If they are replaced, no one who worked in the former organizations should be hired into the new ones.
No. Americans are making a laughing stock of americans for treating a voted in potus this way.
You mean the nutjob in our WH who attacks anyone who looks at him cross eyed doesn't deserve the treatment he's getting ? Attacking all our media, the intelligence that keeps the enemy off our backs,?
Yeah. That guy. Imagine being him and being bombarded 24/7 and then tell me you wouldn't fight back. Him, his family, his assistants, his KIDS, his WIFE, his supporters.
He dishes back what is dished to him. No, not very presidential but...he isn't a politican. Which is why he sits where he is.
Lots of Presidents were bombarded by opposite parties Most all were presidential and didn't get into the pig sty with them Trump is a slob
Like I said..he fights back. Which is why he is sitting where he is. Deal with it, sparky.
Fighting back? Or bullying?

Fighting back? Or abusing his power?
The one being bullied is him, Coyote. I mean..come on. Every night. Every day. Ever since he won, its been non stop. There has never been a potus this attacked in my memory. Its humiliating, all right. I am embarrassed for the American people doing this crap. Enough already.
If Hillary would have won, I would not have liked it. Nope. But..she would still be POTUS and deserving of my loyalty against all enemies. Too bad the left doesn't feel the same loyalty.
The count is now 75 former officials and still climbing --- a Hero's Gallery --- a collection of devoted American Patriots.

That on top of a unanimous vote by the GOP-controlled Senate, explicitly declaring that the Press it NOT the enemy of the people...

It really has NOT been a good week for The Creature, has it?

Thanks be to God.
75 deep state pieces of shit who defend traitorous scumbags.
You mean the nutjob in our WH who attacks anyone who looks at him cross eyed doesn't deserve the treatment he's getting ? Attacking all our media, the intelligence that keeps the enemy off our backs,?
Yeah. That guy. Imagine being him and being bombarded 24/7 and then tell me you wouldn't fight back. Him, his family, his assistants, his KIDS, his WIFE, his supporters.
He dishes back what is dished to him. No, not very presidential but...he isn't a politican. Which is why he sits where he is.
Lots of Presidents were bombarded by opposite parties Most all were presidential and didn't get into the pig sty with them Trump is a slob
Like I said..he fights back. Which is why he is sitting where he is. Deal with it, sparky.
Fighting back? Or bullying?

Fighting back? Or abusing his power?
The one being bullied is him, Coyote. I mean..come on. Every night. Every day. Ever since he won, its been non stop. There has never been a potus this attacked in my memory. Its humiliating, all right. I am embarrassed for the American people doing this crap. Enough already.
If Hillary would have won, I would not have liked it. Nope. But..she would still be POTUS and deserving of my loyalty against all enemies. Too bad the left doesn't feel the same loyalty.
Please....Hillary was accused of everything from organized murders to treason, and there were chants of "lock her up" at Trump rallies. What a steaming pile of shit that post was.
Benghazi happened under the watch of this piece of scum on the swamp!


McRaven....another Hussein leftover ....shame on him!
Criticism of Trump will not be tolerated.
My god. He has been criticized no matter what he has done. Or what Melania has done. Sends his yearly paycheck to help fix military hospitals and cemetaries.....Melania wishing a happy mothers day...it doesn't matter what he does he is STILL ATTACKED. Yet you cry that nobody can supposedly berate him when it HAPPENS CONSTANTLY???? Really?????
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.
Trump is saving us from snowflake idiots like you.

Trump is trying to save his own ass.
He could give a flying fuck about yours.
Wake up.

So why is the country as a whole doing so much better?
You mean the nutjob in our WH who attacks anyone who looks at him cross eyed doesn't deserve the treatment he's getting ? Attacking all our media, the intelligence that keeps the enemy off our backs,?
Yeah. That guy. Imagine being him and being bombarded 24/7 and then tell me you wouldn't fight back. Him, his family, his assistants, his KIDS, his WIFE, his supporters.
He dishes back what is dished to him. No, not very presidential but...he isn't a politican. Which is why he sits where he is.
Lots of Presidents were bombarded by opposite parties Most all were presidential and didn't get into the pig sty with them Trump is a slob
Like I said..he fights back. Which is why he is sitting where he is. Deal with it, sparky.
Fighting back? Or bullying?

Fighting back? Or abusing his power?
The one being bullied is him, Coyote. I mean..come on. Every night. Every day. Ever since he won, its been non stop. There has never been a potus this attacked in my memory. Its humiliating, all right. I am embarrassed for the American people doing this crap. Enough already.
If Hillary would have won, I would not have liked it. Nope. But..she would still be POTUS and deserving of my loyalty against all enemies. Too bad the left doesn't feel the same loyalty.
but you liked what the pos the head of repub senate said about obama how they were going to do their best to make him a one term president and then did all they could to fk up America ? FK all republicans
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.
One and counting, conservative who doesn't give a fuck what someone else thinks.

Unlike isiots I don't need talking points on a leash or reassurance that my feelings are valid. I can see with my own two eyes the state our nation is in.

You can dislike the man all you want but his results speak for themselves. And by results i dont mean the butthurt stupidity of idiots with an ax to grind.
Despite snowflakes freaking out over the President firing his Director of the FBI, following the recommendation of Deputy Director of the DOJ Rosenstein by doing so, the President was well within his legal authority to do so.

Snowflakes don't like it. Tough sh!t.

Now snowflakes don't like the fact that the President is ordering the security clearances of perjurers, Obstructionists, and perpetrators of violating other's Constitutional Rights, Sedition, Conspiracy, and Treason who have betrayed this country and Americans by trying to overturn - undo - the results of a Democrat election because they don't like it.

The fact is the President is well within his legal right / authority to do so.

So snowflakes don't like it...Tough Sh!t!
The count is now 75 former officials and still climbing --- a Hero's Gallery --- a collection of devoted American Patriots.

That on top of a unanimous vote by the GOP-controlled Senate, explicitly declaring that the Press it NOT the enemy of the people...

It really has NOT been a good week for The Creature, has it?

Thanks be to God.
75 deep state pieces of shit who defend traitorous scumbags.
All these CIA directors are "traitors": William Webster, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta, David Petraeus, and Robert Gates

many of them republicans.
The shit-stain cowards in the GOP Congress are going to lose their asses in November

60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance
60 more ex-CIA officials criticize Trump for yanking John Brennan's clearance

"""""Sixty former CIA officials are joining a chorus of national security professionals denouncing President Donald Trump's decision to yank the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, one of the president's harshest critics.

Trump says he pulled Brennan's clearance because he had to do "something" about the "rigged" federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump says he expects to soon revoke the security clearance for a Justice Department official whose wife worked for a firm involved in producing a dossier on Trump's ties to Russia."""

Now Trump is BLATANTLY obstructing justice!

Who gives a shit?

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