"You have humiliated us"

Like I said..he fights back. Which is why he is sitting where he is.
No, he is where he is because he brings out the worst in people, which is a powerful thing.

Look I hated liberals long before Trump ran for president. I wasn't born hating liberals, I learned to hate them because they are filthy scumbags.
Glad you can say that scumbag Hopefully people like you die young and painfully That will be my prayer tonight
Revoke them all if you are retired or no longer working for the intelligence community you don't need a security clearance if for some reason your opinion is needed on a classified matter you can be issued a temporary security clearance.

How does one secure a clearance when shit has hit the fan at 0300, and there is a call for all hands on deck?
I would guess if the shit has hit the fan at 0300 the all hands on deck call would be going out to current members of the military and intelligence community not retired and former ones.

Your guess is wrong. See the post above.
The above is an opinion not a fact learn the difference. If you are going to use former and retired people you use them to avoid the shit hitting the fan call not after it's hit it
Revolving Door: James B Comey Employment Summary | OpenSecrets

In 2005, Comey left law enforcement for the defense industry, joining money-in-politics powerhouse Lockheed Martin. As senior vice president and general counsel he earned more than $6 million in compensation in his last full year with the company.
He didn’t get that for nothing. He had mewler direct the contract to him.
He's dirty.............another bought whore for the politicians..............

Funny.......they tried to play the MANY YEARS of honored service to his country...........they should have said many years of lining his wallet.

Dirty Cop
You mean like how Crooked Donnie lined his pockets laundering money for the Russians?
Holy fuck you’re retarded. The only people paid off by the Russians are the Clintons.
You guys are a hoot. The biggest story in rhe news with major national security implications and agreeing with wirh rhe national intel and military communities about Trump's disgraceful and dangerous position on rhe topic is a sign of derangement in rhe Trump cult world. Your excuse and defense for the traitor Trump are to call his critics deranged.

Actually, it's the insistence on seeing "the biggest story in the news with national security implications" as "Trump's just trying to silence his critics" that is a sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Btw, if you can see any way in which "you can't have access to secure information" somehow translates into "silencing" - or any way in which Brennan HAS been silenced, since he's running his mouth everywhere, as far as I can see - then I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it to me.
Is it approprisye use presidential powers on private Ameican citizens to settle personal scores?

Obama and the IRS targeting the Tea Party....was it appropriate? Hell no it was illegal
It was investigated. Any more squirrels to toss on the road? Obama is not in office.

Is what Trump is doing appropriate?

Millions paid out. You want to talk about Trump being inappropriate but not Obama? Lmao of course you dont

I think Trunp revoking Brennan's is entirely appropriate given the slackjaw can't keep his pie hole shut
So...it is a personal vendetta from a thin skinned president who cannot tolerate criticism.
Sure did Was a republican then even voted for GWB in 2000 ,my last repub vote BUT I felt bad for him because I always thought he was a good president Trump is making a laughing stock of America
No. Americans are making a laughing stock of americans for treating a voted in potus this way.
You mean the nutjob in our WH who attacks anyone who looks at him cross eyed doesn't deserve the treatment he's getting ? Attacking all our media, the intelligence that keeps the enemy off our backs,?
Yeah. That guy. Imagine being him and being bombarded 24/7 and then tell me you wouldn't fight back. Him, his family, his assistants, his KIDS, his WIFE, his supporters.
He dishes back what is dished to him. No, not very presidential but...he isn't a politican. Which is why he sits where he is.
Lots of Presidents were bombarded by opposite parties Most all were presidential and didn't get into the pig sty with them Trump is a slob
Like I said..he fights back. Which is why he is sitting where he is. Deal with it, sparky.
Fighting back? Or bullying?

Fighting back? Or abusing his power?
...The President didn't trust their ability to keep political opinions out of their advice...
Uhhhh.... yeah... sure, sport... you keep right on tryin' to put lipstick on that particular pig... some 4th grader might believe it.

I don't have to put lipstick on the pig. They are the ones that suggested their advice would be different from the advice he was getting, and made the point their politics was the reason they weren't asked. The facts don't change no matter what your political opinion is. If the President doesn't want to argue politics when making National Security decisions, the people he is asking better learn how to keep their politics to themselves, and running to press about it isn't a way to show they can.

You cannot eat your cake and have it too.
The dude is irrelevant. He no longer has a need to know. Thus, no clearance is required


You got this backwards .... like most of the dudes and dudettes here,
The clearance helps those still in service get input and counsel from retired public servants.

If the dude was irrelevant there would be no point in clearance.

Successful retired top brass with decades of experience are priceless and an important contribution to national security. Revoking clearance means losing a resource in critical times.
Brennan is not a 'resource' - he is a traitor.

This country does not need Brennan to have a security and access to classified any more than the country needs Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's Pakistani spies to have a security clearance and access to classified.

Brennan 'attacked' the United States - he attacked and violated the Constitution and stripped Americans of their Constitutional Rights ... when he and Barry illegally spied on reporters they were afraid of, illegally spied on media they could not control, illegally spied on US Senators he chose to by-pass later to do whatever he wanted to do, and illegally spied on USSC JUSTICES who ruled he had violated the Constitution on several different occasions.

Brennan perjured himself - lied to and betrayed the very same US government you think he will now 'faithfully' serve if he gets to keep his security clearance...
It’s common practice for active CIA directors to consult their predecessors.

.... ar least it was lol
I’m kinda thinking these 60 people created what we are trying to correct now. So why the hell would we go to those morons for advice on anything?
He goes to Trump, lol:

You "humiliated" and "divided" America ...


Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

June 28: Vice Adm. William H. McRaven, nominated to be admiral and commander, U.S. Special Operations Command; during the Senate Armed Services hearing on his nomination.
Scott J. Ferrell—CQ-Roll Call,Inc.
/——/ When I retired I had to give up my id badge that let me in the office and my access to the server was yanked. Should I have kept them? I served the company well.
Revoke them all if you are retired or no longer working for the intelligence community you don't need a security clearance if for some reason your opinion is needed on a classified matter you can be issued a temporary security clearance.

How does one secure a clearance when shit has hit the fan at 0300, and there is a call for all hands on deck?
why would you call someone fired from the FBI anyway?

good lord the shit you'll squish together.
If I’m trying to fix something why the hell would I want or care about the 60 people who were part of creating this mess giving me their opinions? Fuck them. I don’t need any input from the idiot brigade that caused the problem.
I’m kinda thinking these 60 people created what we are trying to correct now. So why the hell would we go to those morons for advice on anything?
I have no reason to listen to people who have allowed us to come to this point. Bought off politicians doing the bidding of their lobbyists.........all getting payoffs and kick backs to do their bidding............and some are being exposed for all to see............follow the money and find the traitors.......

Does this mean all of these guys are bought off......no........it would be a case by case investigation......

They have allowed us to come to a point of insanity in this country...........and they need to be exposed and expunged......for the sake of our children's future.
Clearly the ruling class wants Donnie gone. I for one do not like the ruling class. F**k them.
No patriots want Trump held accountable. Trump is a friggin nut tearing apart this country. Trump is anything but a patriot.
Trump is saving us from snowflake idiots like you.

Trump is trying to save his own ass.
He could give a flying fuck about yours.
Wake up.
He's going to clean up all the filth in the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies. The agencies are nothing but a nest of traitors. They tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president. They are no better than the scum who take over the government of countries in Africa and South America. The idea that they are protecting me doesn't pass the laugh test.
Sixty and counting former CIA officials warned President Donald Trump in a statement on Friday that "the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views."

Ex-CIA officials: 'Country will be weakened' if political litmus test applied to experts - CNNPolitics

I can either believe these men or the compromised man-child crook sitting in the oval office. Someone using his office for political revenge shows just what trash Trump is.
You do realize “man-child” now a discriminatory word to left wing lunatics like you, right?

Nah Trump is the perfect example of a man-child. A petulant ego obsessed man with a child's emotional self-control. Yeah, man-child describes Trump to a tee.

It more accurate describes all the snowflakes who hate him and compose the petulant diatribes like you just posted.

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