"You have humiliated us"

I've only got one head,

But no heart.

and Brennan none of the things in your article (thank you, btw) have anything to do with why the Pres pulled his security clearance. It is a political twist and smear to make people feel better about what Trump has done. But it isn't fooling me. Pointing to things the guy did years ago while he was actually
in office has NOTHING to do with Trump's petty revocation of his security clearance.

Why did soviet spy Brennan pull the clearances of the Benghazi heroes?

View attachment 211264

Mark Levin pointed that out as well...this Admiral said nothing when that happened.....
Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
You see whatever the Trump strategists tell you to see. But clapper will not be indicted for perjury, as there is more to perjury than telling untruth under oath. So enjoy your flailing and crybabying...you seem to love it so...because it ain't happenin'....
At least you admit that the tool lied..............

Now go tell that to Flynn...........LOL
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ā€˜I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearanceā€™

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who donā€™t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.
Listen to random Trump followers on a random political message board, or, listen to this hero who has dedicated his life to protecting and fighting for America.
Well, you know...all those spunky trumpanzees are much more patriotic with what they do at their keyboards than any military veteran who served this country for decades.
When they can not articulate some kind of viable valid argument they simply revert to crude insults and demonization. Fact they do this to veterans is irrelevant to them.

What the fuck are you yapping about traitor?

John Brennan is a Soviet Spy.

For those too young to remember, Gus Hall was the longtime hack and head of Communist Party USA, beginning in 1959 until his death in 2000. Not even Joe Stalin as a Party general secretary came close to matching Gus Hallā€™s interminable tenure. Hall was unwaveringly dedicated to a global communist revolution and a truly Evil Empire that was ultimately and blessedly consigned to ā€œthe dustbin of history.ā€ Brennanā€™s loaded words echoed a phrase that Bolshevism made infamous: From the delightful Leon Trotsky to the charming Yuri Andropov, the exhortation evidently remains etched in Brennanā€™s comradely memory. ā€œGo the place where you belong from now on,ā€ Trotsky thundered at the Mensheviks in 1917, ā€œthe dustbin of history!ā€

Our former CIA director channeled Trotsky in the service of blasting Trump.}

John Brennanā€™s Presidentā€¦ Remembering Comrade Gus Hall

John Brennan spied on the United States Senate, an act of treason.

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan, issued an extraordinary apology to leaders of the US Senate intelligence committee on Thursday, conceding that the agency employees spied on committee staff and reversing months of furious and public denials.

Brennan acknowledged that an internal investigation had found agency security personnel transgressed a firewall set up on a CIA network, which allowed Senate committee investigators to review agency documents for their landmark inquiry into CIA torture.}

CIA admits to spying on Senate staffers

Communist Brennan stripped the Benghazi heroes of security clearances:

View attachment 211263

John Brennan tampered with the 2016 presidential election.

Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trumpā€™s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennanā€™s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennanā€™s retinue of political radicals didnā€™t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with ā€œHillary for president cupsā€ and other campaign paraphernalia.}

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

John Brennan lied to congress.


ā€œItā€™s time for CIA Director John Brennan to go!ā€ That is the hard-hitting message of a new POGO petition to the White House where activists are calling upon President Barack Obama to hold CIA Director John Brennan accountable for lying to the American public.

Brave New Films has released a short film documenting how Brennan illegally read communications of Senate staff tasked with overseeing the agencyā€™s use of torture and made false claims to the Department of Justice. }

'Lies and Deceit' of CIA Chief John Brennan Exposed In New Documentary [WATCH]

We Americans work with facts.

It's you and your fellow traitors who ignore fact.
Accusing people of treason is a serious thing. You've reported them to the authorities with your evidence or else you are an assessory to their treason. Which is it?
I've only got one head,

But no heart.

and Brennan none of the things in your article (thank you, btw) have anything to do with why the Pres pulled his security clearance. It is a political twist and smear to make people feel better about what Trump has done. But it isn't fooling me. Pointing to things the guy did years ago while he was actually
in office has NOTHING to do with Trump's petty revocation of his security clearance.

Why did soviet spy Brennan pull the clearances of the Benghazi heroes?

View attachment 211264

Where was his outrage when his Brother SEALs were killed in Bhengazi under obama and hilary?
I was listening to Mark Levin last night when he addressed the morons who sent out these letters...

He pointed out...

Where were they when hilary let the Ambassador die?

Where were they when obama and his minions were unmasking American citizens.

Where were they when hilary was caught using a private server and deleating 30,000 emails.

These guys are asshats......
"I was listening to Mark Levin....." says it all....:71:

While your response says next to nothing.
Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
You see whatever the Trump strategists tell you to see. But clapper will not be indicted for perjury, as there is more to perjury than telling untruth under oath. So enjoy your flailing and crybabying...you seem to love it so...because it ain't happenin'....
The Congressional hearings prove it.

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line ........the side with the LIARS..........and BS artist.
Nothing "proves" it. That is why this will never be more than a whiny talking point, weepingly parroted by Trumpkins like you.

Traitor, lying won't change reality.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who asked the question, rehashed the controversy in a statement Thursday, saying Clapper had presided over a ā€œdeception spree regarding mass surveillanceā€ and that Clapper's office had been given the question in advance and then was asked, without success, to correct the record after the hearing.

ā€œRegardless of what was going through the directorā€™s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people about what their government was doing,ā€ Wyden said.


Now everyone here knows that you're a shameless fucking liar, but what do you think your absurd lies will accomplish, traitor?
Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
You see whatever the Trump strategists tell you to see. But clapper will not be indicted for perjury, as there is more to perjury than telling untruth under oath. So enjoy your flailing and crybabying...you seem to love it so...because it ain't happenin'....
At least you admit that the tool lied..............

Now go tell that to Flynn...........LOL
Of course, at no point will you wipe away the tears and settle down to wonder why Flynn was in trouble, but clapper is not. And if you manage to task that lump between your ears to this for even a fleeting second, you will just decide upon a vast conspiracy meant to fool the trailer park dwellers of America, and then move on to your next object of outrage.
I've only got one head,

But no heart.

and Brennan none of the things in your article (thank you, btw) have anything to do with why the Pres pulled his security clearance. It is a political twist and smear to make people feel better about what Trump has done. But it isn't fooling me. Pointing to things the guy did years ago while he was actually
in office has NOTHING to do with Trump's petty revocation of his security clearance.

Why did soviet spy Brennan pull the clearances of the Benghazi heroes?

View attachment 211264

Mark Levin pointed that out as well...this Admiral said nothing when that happened.....

Nor did any of the other Deep State operatives.
Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
You see whatever the Trump strategists tell you to see. But clapper will not be indicted for perjury, as there is more to perjury than telling untruth under oath. So enjoy your flailing and crybabying...you seem to love it so...because it ain't happenin'....
At least you admit that the tool lied..............

Now go tell that to Flynn...........LOL
Of course, at no point will you wipe away the tears and settle down to wonder why Flynn was in trouble, but clapper is not. And if you manage to task that lump between your ears to this for even a fleeting second, you will just decide upon a vast conspiracy meant to fool the trailer park dwellers of America, and then move on to your next object of outrage.
aka the set of rules don't apply equally under the law.......

Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
You see whatever the Trump strategists tell you to see. But clapper will not be indicted for perjury, as there is more to perjury than telling untruth under oath. So enjoy your flailing and crybabying...you seem to love it so...because it ain't happenin'....
The Congressional hearings prove it.

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line ........the side with the LIARS..........and BS artist.
Nothing "proves" it. That is why this will never be more than a whiny talking point, weepingly parroted by Trumpkins like you.

Traitor, lying won't change reality.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who asked the question, rehashed the controversy in a statement Thursday, saying Clapper had presided over a ā€œdeception spree regarding mass surveillanceā€ and that Clapper's office had been given the question in advance and then was asked, without success, to correct the record after the hearing.

ā€œRegardless of what was going through the directorā€™s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people about what their government was doing,ā€ Wyden said.


Now everyone here knows that you're a shameless fucking liar, but what do you think your absurd lies will accomplish, traitor?
Gee, thanks for googling for an opinion that agrees with yours and vomiting it here. I get a chuckle out of when apoplectic fools assert something with 100% confidence, then furiously Google for information they never saw and then present it as the reason they have believed something all along.

I know you have no idea what I just said.
aka the set of rules don't apply equally under the law.......
Of course they do. That is why Flynn is go8ng to jail and snitching, and why clapper is in no trouble and is still a respected former official.
Respected by a bunch of punks like you..............You respect LIARS...........and THIEVES..............

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line.
Revoke them all if you are retired or no longer working for the intelligence community you don't need a security clearance if for some reason your opinion is needed on a classified matter you can be issued a temporary security clearance.

How does one secure a clearance when shit has hit the fan at 0300, and there is a call for all hands on deck?
He goes to Trump, lol:

You "humiliated" and "divided" America ...


Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

June 28: Vice Adm. William H. McRaven, nominated to be admiral and commander, U.S. Special Operations Command; during the Senate Armed Services hearing on his nomination.
Scott J. Ferrellā€”CQ-Roll Call,Inc.
/ā€”ā€”/ When I retired I had to give up my id badge that let me in the office and my access to the server was yanked. Should I have kept them? I served the company well.

I would guess if the shit has hit the fan at 0300 the all hands on deck call would be going out to current members of the military and intelligence community not retired and former ones.

Your guess is wrong. See the post above.

The above is an opinion not a fact learn the difference. If you are going to use former and retired people you use them to avoid the shit hitting the fan call not after it's hit it

There are opinions and there are informed opinions.

Do you agree with this statement?
Of course, at no point will you wipe away the tears and settle down to wonder why Flynn was in trouble, but clapper is not. And if you manage to task that lump between your ears to this for even a fleeting second, you will just decide upon a vast conspiracy meant to fool the trailer park dwellers of America, and then move on to your next object of outrage.

Flynn does not serve the attempted coup. In fact Clapper is part of the conspiracy to overthrow the legally elected government.

Flynn was framed in order to coerce him to lie about Trump for a pretense of legitimacy in the coup.

So you traitor pigs failed, or mostly failed in the attempt by CNN to threaten the lives of the Manifort jury's families. Your failure to tamper with the jury hurts your treason deeply. I don't know if the jury heard about the attempt by CNN and the rest of the Marxist press to threaten their families, maybe just the THREAT of having the enemies of America go after them will cause them to crumble. CNN is more like ISIS than a legitimate news agency.

If the Jury acquits Manifort, as CNN obviously believes they will, then the coup simply dries up and fades away.
Last edited:
He goes to Trump, lol:

You "humiliated" and "divided" America ...


Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

June 28: Vice Adm. William H. McRaven, nominated to be admiral and commander, U.S. Special Operations Command; during the Senate Armed Services hearing on his nomination.
Scott J. Ferrellā€”CQ-Roll Call,Inc.
/ā€”ā€”/ When I retired I had to give up my id badge that let me in the office and my access to the server was yanked. Should I have kept them? I served the company well.

When I retired I kept my badge, after it had a "Retired" banner placed along the top; I also received a new ID Card, with a current photo and "Retired" clearly inscribed. It allowed me during the first years of retirement to enter the offices of my former agency as people retired who didn't know me, when I was called in to provide support as a consultant.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
You see whatever the Trump strategists tell you to see. But clapper will not be indicted for perjury, as there is more to perjury than telling untruth under oath. So enjoy your flailing and crybabying...you seem to love it so...because it ain't happenin'....
The Congressional hearings prove it.

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line ........the side with the LIARS..........and BS artist.
Nothing "proves" it. That is why this will never be more than a whiny talking point, weepingly parroted by Trumpkins like you.

Traitor, lying won't change reality.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who asked the question, rehashed the controversy in a statement Thursday, saying Clapper had presided over a ā€œdeception spree regarding mass surveillanceā€ and that Clapper's office had been given the question in advance and then was asked, without success, to correct the record after the hearing.

ā€œRegardless of what was going through the directorā€™s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people about what their government was doing,ā€ Wyden said.


Now everyone here knows that you're a shameless fucking liar, but what do you think your absurd lies will accomplish, traitor?
Gee, thanks for googling for an opinion that agrees with yours and vomiting it here. I get a chuckle out of when apoplectic fools assert something with 100% confidence, then furiously Google for information they never saw and then present it as the reason they have believed something all along.

I know you have no idea what I just said.


That is a democrat Senator.

Clapper perjured himself. Because he is a Communist he is above the law.

The law is nothing more than a club to beat the serfs into submission.
You see whatever the Trump strategists tell you to see. But clapper will not be indicted for perjury, as there is more to perjury than telling untruth under oath. So enjoy your flailing and crybabying...you seem to love it so...because it ain't happenin'....
The Congressional hearings prove it.

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line ........the side with the LIARS..........and BS artist.
Nothing "proves" it. That is why this will never be more than a whiny talking point, weepingly parroted by Trumpkins like you.

Traitor, lying won't change reality.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who asked the question, rehashed the controversy in a statement Thursday, saying Clapper had presided over a ā€œdeception spree regarding mass surveillanceā€ and that Clapper's office had been given the question in advance and then was asked, without success, to correct the record after the hearing.

ā€œRegardless of what was going through the directorā€™s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people about what their government was doing,ā€ Wyden said.


Now everyone here knows that you're a shameless fucking liar, but what do you think your absurd lies will accomplish, traitor?
Gee, thanks for googling for an opinion that agrees with yours and vomiting it here. I get a chuckle out of when apoplectic fools assert something with 100% confidence, then furiously Google for information they never saw and then present it as the reason they have believed something all along.

I know you have no idea what I just said.


That is a democrat Senator.

Clapper perjured himself. Because he is a Communist he is above the law.

The law is nothing more than a club to beat the serfs into submission.
They are pushing this victim lie hard.............Many threads on this board on the same subject too......Taking on this junk on 3 .....at least 3 more going...........

Why aren't they merging them...................
The Congressional hearings prove it.

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line ........the side with the LIARS..........and BS artist.
Nothing "proves" it. That is why this will never be more than a whiny talking point, weepingly parroted by Trumpkins like you.

Traitor, lying won't change reality.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who asked the question, rehashed the controversy in a statement Thursday, saying Clapper had presided over a ā€œdeception spree regarding mass surveillanceā€ and that Clapper's office had been given the question in advance and then was asked, without success, to correct the record after the hearing.

ā€œRegardless of what was going through the directorā€™s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people about what their government was doing,ā€ Wyden said.


Now everyone here knows that you're a shameless fucking liar, but what do you think your absurd lies will accomplish, traitor?
Gee, thanks for googling for an opinion that agrees with yours and vomiting it here. I get a chuckle out of when apoplectic fools assert something with 100% confidence, then furiously Google for information they never saw and then present it as the reason they have believed something all along.

I know you have no idea what I just said.


That is a democrat Senator.

Clapper perjured himself. Because he is a Communist he is above the law.

The law is nothing more than a club to beat the serfs into submission.
They are pushing this victim lie hard.............Many threads on this board on the same subject too......Taking on this junk on 3 .....at least 3 more going...........

Why aren't they merging them...................

PM flacaltenn and ask?

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