"You have humiliated us"

Criticism of Trump will not be tolerated.

Why do you think Brennan should still have his security clearance? If the best thing you can come up with, is because President Trump rescinded it, that's not enough.
I don’t think you read the thread before jumping in did you?

In previous posts I listed valid reasons.

Please try reading my posts first.
The Congressional hearings prove it.

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line ........the side with the LIARS..........and BS artist.
Nothing "proves" it. That is why this will never be more than a whiny talking point, weepingly parroted by Trumpkins like you.

Traitor, lying won't change reality.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who asked the question, rehashed the controversy in a statement Thursday, saying Clapper had presided over a “deception spree regarding mass surveillance” and that Clapper's office had been given the question in advance and then was asked, without success, to correct the record after the hearing.

“Regardless of what was going through the director’s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people about what their government was doing,” Wyden said.


Now everyone here knows that you're a shameless fucking liar, but what do you think your absurd lies will accomplish, traitor?
Gee, thanks for googling for an opinion that agrees with yours and vomiting it here. I get a chuckle out of when apoplectic fools assert something with 100% confidence, then furiously Google for information they never saw and then present it as the reason they have believed something all along.

I know you have no idea what I just said.


That is a democrat Senator.

Clapper perjured himself. Because he is a Communist he is above the law.

The law is nothing more than a club to beat the serfs into submission.
They are pushing this victim lie hard.............Many threads on this board on the same subject too......Taking on this junk on 3 .....at least 3 more going...........

Why aren't they merging them...................
Report the the threads that are in question and include links and we will look. If they are too established and lengthy however we can’t always merge them.
I don’t think you read the thread before jumping in did you?

In previous posts I listed valid reasons.

Please try reading my posts first.

If you did, it got lost when combining threads. Let's not assume who jumped in where, and try to answer the question instead of being a snot.
Nothing "proves" it. That is why this will never be more than a whiny talking point, weepingly parroted by Trumpkins like you.

Traitor, lying won't change reality.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who asked the question, rehashed the controversy in a statement Thursday, saying Clapper had presided over a “deception spree regarding mass surveillance” and that Clapper's office had been given the question in advance and then was asked, without success, to correct the record after the hearing.

“Regardless of what was going through the director’s head when he testified, failing to correct the record was a deliberate decision to lie to the American people about what their government was doing,” Wyden said.


Now everyone here knows that you're a shameless fucking liar, but what do you think your absurd lies will accomplish, traitor?
Gee, thanks for googling for an opinion that agrees with yours and vomiting it here. I get a chuckle out of when apoplectic fools assert something with 100% confidence, then furiously Google for information they never saw and then present it as the reason they have believed something all along.

I know you have no idea what I just said.


That is a democrat Senator.

Clapper perjured himself. Because he is a Communist he is above the law.

The law is nothing more than a club to beat the serfs into submission.
They are pushing this victim lie hard.............Many threads on this board on the same subject too......Taking on this junk on 3 .....at least 3 more going...........

Why aren't they merging them...................
Report the the threads that are in question and include links and we will look. If they are too established and lengthy however we can’t always merge them.
I put 5 threads similar in the report function...........which are similar to this one.
No, just the politicized and corrupt ones. You forget, the CIA believes it has the right, the duty, and responsibility to remove a president that they feel is a detriment, however if their precept of detriment is fabricated by demonization hate campaign and MSM hate propaganda then Brennan's brainwashing or affiliation pride or ties or financing can make his acta the detriment to a nation.
His being to dumb to see he's being played and puppet strings pulled becomes the problem. But you side with the rights to broadcast tabloid like propaganda as news, even though it mentally abuses(resulting in derangement syndromes) , divides, and violates the broadcast licensing and laws on defamation of character.

Trump wouldn't put a guy like POMPEO as head of the CIA if he wasn't afraid of Russia, he'd pick a guy from the intelligence community possibly favorable to the Republican agenda. Period.

Yellow hair is scared stiff of intelligence. Has nothing at all to do with partisanship.
The Nation’s Top Former Intelligence Officials Issue a Stunning Rebuke to Trump
The op-ed continued: “Like most Americans, I had hoped that when you became president, you would rise to the occasion and become the leader this great nation needs. … Your leadership, however, has shown little of these qualities. Through your actions”—which he later described as “McCarthy-era tactics”—“you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and worst of all, divided us as a nation.”
When you talk ill or down or question POMPEO you lose your discussion and people discredit everything you say thereafter if they even bother reading after you smear egg on your face.

Lastly: dividing the nation is the ones making everything about race. YOU JUST PROVED THE STUPIDY LEVEL(unreliablity) OF THOSE PEOPLE you claim are being outed as unreliable.
Example:1) Illegal Aliens are not legalized immigrants nor from one specific country, therefore the racist are those making it a racial issue. 2)specific country bans on tracel entrance of nations not able to assure identity and safety
which has been the same banned nations in previous administrations is not a Muslim ban since Muslims are allowed to enter the country and do so all the time=another made up racial cry and since you declare an assumed all Muslim nation, you out Muslims as racist towards other religions and yet protest our inclusiveness instead of their racism thys you support racism and religious intollerance and do so for political means to cry racism as a tactic.=epic failed argument.
Division comes in party first before nation=epic dems failure.
Division comes in calling the President who's daughter is Jewish an anti semite while you reject his recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and setting up an embassy there.
Division is pitting against Police and Military.
Division is soft coups=act of treason against your nation.
Division is not respecting the voting rights of the other candidates in your own party,
third parties, or the party that won the election.
Division is sabotaging foreign relations, and resisting/obdtructing governance of the nation.
Division is going after anyone in the administration by mobster tactics, hoping nobody would to work in the gov't ever again.
Look in the mirror- displacement behavior is written all over the wall, no pun intended. THE DIVISION AND LAWLESS SUPPORT is the leftist agenda, so they can point fingers at opponents.
YOU KNOW ROSH HASHANAH is coming next month, around this time I like to teach a lesson about the holiday.

Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself
on your carpet whimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.

Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do? Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn't exist or worse "displace blame"?

During this holiday celebrating the New Year we reflect on how to make our lives more 'whole' and 'complete' ('Shalem').
We must use this reflection to remove that barrier and protective covering that we build around ourselves when we hide from
our issues and therefore from addressing them and improving ourselves and our society around us.
During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of that avoidance nature
and this self judgment and atonement process is called, in Hebrew, 'Teshuva'.
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand, dropping our frail human ego,
and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.
Last edited:
Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
There is literally NOTHING he can do that will convince his cult followers that he is corrupt and evil.
The dude is irrelevant. He no longer has a need to know. Thus, no clearance is required

All of our great military leaders are sending out alarms on this draft dodger and u take the side of Cadet Bone Spurs.
we are much more unsafe in this country with all of these military voices stifled by a fake prez who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.

“ I alone can do it”

And the idiots believed him.
Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
There is literally NOTHING he can do that will convince his cult followers that he is corrupt and evil.
Are you ready to admit like Fort that he lied under oath.............hmmm
Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
There is literally NOTHING he can do that will convince his cult followers that he is corrupt and evil.
Are you ready to admit like Fort that he lied under oath.............hmmm
Right after you admit the moron president isn't fit for office
Clapper is never going to be indicted for perjury. Dang you Trumpkins are dense.
They are a protected class in the pit of the swamp...............He clearly lied under oath........it's recorded...........poor thing has been humiliated.............now works at CNN as a reward.

You see a hero...........even though he's a LIAR............

I see a TRAITOR................

Now go the victim somewhere else...........they are NOT VICTIMS
There is literally NOTHING he can do that will convince his cult followers that he is corrupt and evil.
Are you ready to admit like Fort that he lied under oath.............hmmm
Right after you admit the moron president isn't fit for office
That's not gonna happen............that's a matter of opinion...........that he lied is a FACT JACK.
Revoke them all if you are retired or no longer working for the intelligence community you don't need a security clearance if for some reason your opinion is needed on a classified matter you can be issued a temporary security clearance.

How does one secure a clearance when shit has hit the fan at 0300, and there is a call for all hands on deck?
He goes to Trump, lol:

You "humiliated" and "divided" America ...


Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

Admiral Who Led Bin Laden Raid Tells President Trump to Revoke His Security Clearance, Too

June 28: Vice Adm. William H. McRaven, nominated to be admiral and commander, U.S. Special Operations Command; during the Senate Armed Services hearing on his nomination.
Scott J. Ferrell—CQ-Roll Call,Inc.
/——/ When I retired I had to give up my id badge that let me in the office and my access to the server was yanked. Should I have kept them? I served the company well.

I would guess if the shit has hit the fan at 0300 the all hands on deck call would be going out to current members of the military and intelligence community not retired and former ones.

Your guess is wrong. See the post above.

The above is an opinion not a fact learn the difference. If you are going to use former and retired people you use them to avoid the shit hitting the fan call not after it's hit it

There are opinions and there are informed opinions.

Do you agree with this statement?
Depends on what is the motive behind the statement. I don't believe these people need a security clearance after they leave doesn't matter who the President is revoking them many of the people critical of it now would have had a very different take on this if Obama had done it as would many of the people who are supporting Trump on this when partisan politics is the driving force behind an opinion I don't consider that an informed opinion.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Our fake prez needs his security clearance revoked.
He disgraces this country on a daily basis with his insufferable ignorance and incessant need to tweet hatred and division.
He doesn’t take advice from any of the experts, he actually thinks he knows it all.
When you talk ill or down or question POMPEO you lose your discussion and people discredit everything you say thereafter if they even bother reading after you smear egg on your face.

Better talk truth than no talk at all. My advice to you: get sources other than FOX or SINCLAIR or Breitbart.

If you think american media is too biased, check out the BBC.
What the world thinks of Trump
I don’t think you read the thread before jumping in did you?

In previous posts I listed valid reasons.

Please try reading my posts first.

If you did, it got lost when combining threads. Let's not assume who jumped in where, and try to answer the question instead of being a snot.
I would suggest you frame your posts in a non snotty way then, and I would be happy to respond differently. It is easy to see what a person has posted with the search function rather than assuming something. I outlined it in post 54 and much more in post 689.
When you talk ill or down or question POMPEO you lose your discussion and people discredit everything you say thereafter if they even bother reading after you smear egg on your face.

Better talk truth than no talk at all. My advice to you: get sources other than FOX or SINCLAIR or Breitbart.

If you think american media is too biased, check out the BBC.
What the world thinks of Trump
No, just the politicized and corrupt ones. You forget, the CIA believes it has the right, the duty, and responsibility to remove a president that they feel is a detriment, however if their precept of detriment is fabricated by demonization hate campaign and MSM hate propaganda then Brennan's brainwashing or affiliation pride or ties or financing can make his acta the detriment to a nation.
His being to dumb to see he's being played and puppet strings pulled becomes the problem. But you side with the rights to broadcast tabloid like propaganda as news, even though it mentally abuses(resulting in derangement syndromes) , divides, and violates the broadcast licensing and laws on defamation of character.

Trump wouldn't put a guy like POMPEO as head of the CIA if he wasn't afraid of Russia, he'd pick a guy from the intelligence community possibly favorable to the Republican agenda. Period.

Yellow hair is scared stiff of intelligence. Has nothing at all to do with partisanship.
The Nation’s Top Former Intelligence Officials Issue a Stunning Rebuke to Trump
The op-ed continued: “Like most Americans, I had hoped that when you became president, you would rise to the occasion and become the leader this great nation needs. … Your leadership, however, has shown little of these qualities. Through your actions”—which he later described as “McCarthy-era tactics”—“you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and worst of all, divided us as a nation.”
When you talk ill or down or question POMPEO you lose your discussion and people discredit everything you say thereafter if they even bother reading after you smear egg on your face.

Lastly: dividing the nation is the ones making everything about race. YOU JUST PROVED THE STUPIDY LEVEL(unreliablity) OF THOSE PEOPLE you claim are being outed as unreliable.
Example:1) Illegal Aliens are not legalized immigrants nor from one specific country, therefore the racist are those making it a racial issue. 2)specific country bans on entrance of nations not able to assure identity and safety
which has been the same banned nations in previous administrations is not a Muslim ban since Muslims are allowed to enter the country and do so all the time=another made up racial cry and since you declare an assumed all Muslim nation, you out Muslims as racist towards other religions and yet protest our inclusiveness instead of their racism thys you support racism and religious intollerance and do so for political means to cry racism as a tactic.=epic failed argument.
Division comes in party first before nation=epic dems failure.
Division comes in calling the President who's daughter is Jewish an anti semite while you reject his recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and setting up an embassy there.
Division is pitting against Police and Military.
Division is soft coups=act of treason against your nation.
Division is not respecting the voting rights of the other candidates in your own party,
third parties, or the party that won the election.
Division is sabotaging foreign relations, and resisting/obstructing governance of the nation.
Division is going after anyone in the administration by mobster tactics, hoping nobody would to work in the gov't ever again.
Look in the mirror- displacement behavior is written all over the wall, no pun intended. THE DIVISION AND LAWLESS SUPPORT is the leftist agenda, so they can point fingers at opponents.
YOU KNOW ROSH HASHANAH is coming next month, around this time I like to teach a lesson about the holiday.

Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself
on your carpet whimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.

Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do? Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn't exist or worse "displace blame"?

During this holiday celebrating the New Year we reflect on how to make our lives more 'whole' and 'complete' ('Shalem').
We must use this reflection to remove that barrier and protective covering that we build around ourselves when we hide from
our issues and therefore from addressing them and improving ourselves and our society around us.
During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of that avoidance nature
and this self judgment and atonement process is called, in Hebrew, 'Teshuva'.
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand, dropping our frail human ego,
and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.
aka the set of rules don't apply equally under the law.......
Of course they do. That is why Flynn is go8ng to jail and snitching, and why clapper is in no trouble and is still a respected former official.
Respected by a bunch of punks like you..............You respect LIARS...........and THIEVES..............

Now get the fuck back on your side of the line.
But...i am the one in alignment with reality, while you are the one throwing a little hissy because nobody recognizes your weepy little fantasy. So it appears it is you who needs to know your place, son.

That is a democrat Senator.
...stating his opinion. Itseems his opinion has no more traction than yours, crybaby.

You can't change the fact that Brennan lied when he said that congress wasn't being surveilled. He spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee, he spied on the Media, those are all cause for dismissal and being stripped of his clearance.
I would suggest you frame your posts in a non snotty way then, and I would be happy to respond differently. It is easy to see what a person has posted with the search function rather than assuming something. I outlined it in post 54 and much more in post 689.

What you think about my posts, how to use the search function, and whether or not I give damn about what you may or may not be happy to do, is not the topic of the thread and doesn't answer my question, unless you somehow think it is my responsibility to look up whatever you may have posted a thread the staff decided to combine for some reason. I understand you may be busy. Too busy to answer the question, but not too busy to be a snot regarding your opinion of the President, point made, and I won't waste my time asking you anything again.

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