You know America is fucked when a top polling candidate feels the need to talk about his dick

Since there was a 2-2 tie on the rule decision on whether to allow rulers onstage, a coin toss decided it--that no rulers were allowed. But next time, coin toss could go the other way...
Christ Trump is just pathetic. A strong contender for the White House is so insecure that he feels the need to bring this up. He really is 13 year old girl in a grown man's body. How, in anyway, is this presidential?
It was a joke, get over it.

How did these limpwristic white guys ever get to be such dull humorless drones?

Now all of a sudden running for the top job in politics is all about making schoolboy jokes. If you were going for an interview for CEO of a company and you told them a dick joke, do you think you'd get hired?
If it was a GOOD dick joke?

You kind of think that someone going for a high position should have the ability to make good decisions, and making the decision of when to say dick jokes isn't exactly a difficult one, and yet...... some people just can tell the difference.
Yes, and I think Trump has made about 10 billion good decisions, dude.
Don't you think it's pretty pathetic to cite his wealth as being the only qualification of being president? He likely isn't even worth that much and it's hardly impressive considering the amount of business failings he's had over the years.
Christ Trump is just pathetic. A strong contender for the White House is so insecure that he feels the need to bring this up. He really is 13 year old girl in a grown man's body. How, in anyway, is this presidential?

Coming up next...Midgets on Unicycles...A Bearded Lady With two Left Hands...
Why, that's as bad as getting one sucked on in the oval office.....
Why does anyone still care about this?
It was Rubio that brought it up penis wonder.
Apparently penis size is important to republican voters. Which candidate do you think has the bigger penis and how important is it to you regarding your choice?

My estimate, from smallest to largest.

1) Marco (Micro)
2) Cruz (No, things in Texas aren't always large)
3)Kasich (Just because he's moderate, in the middle)
4)Trump (If his dick matches his Yooge balls I could be wrong)
5) Carson(Walk softly, carry a BIG stick?)
Christ Trump is just pathetic. A strong contender for the White House is so insecure that he feels the need to bring this up. He really is 13 year old girl in a grown man's body. How, in anyway, is this presidential?

Stop. You know that was your favorite part.
Are you so lame that you will pretend I don't have a point just to take a jab at me? We both know you don't like Trump.
We don't have to pretend you don't have a point.
Why, that's as bad as getting one sucked on in the oval office.....
Why does anyone still care about this?
It was Rubio that brought it up penis wonder.
Apparently penis size is important to republican voters. Which candidate do you think has the bigger penis and how important is it to you regarding your choice?

My estimate, from smallest to largest.

1) Marco (Micro)
2) Cruz (No, things in Texas aren't always large)
3)Kasich (Just because he's moderate, in the middle)
4)Trump (If his dick matches his Yooge balls I could be wrong)
5) Carson(Walk softly, carry a BIG stick?)
CNN with in depth analysis

Donald Trump defends size of his penis -
Christ Trump is just pathetic. A strong contender for the White House is so insecure that he feels the need to bring this up. He really is 13 year old girl in a grown man's body. How, in anyway, is this presidential?

Stop. You know that was your favorite part.
Are you so lame that you will pretend I don't have a point just to take a jab at me? We both know you don't like Trump.
We don't have to pretend you don't have a point.
Sure but I'll continue to find you pathetic for defending Trump regardless of what he does.
Why, that's as bad as getting one sucked on in the oval office.....
Why does anyone still care about this?
It was Rubio that brought it up penis wonder.
Apparently penis size is important to republican voters. Which candidate do you think has the bigger penis and how important is it to you regarding your choice?
Size is important BUT NOT if you can't get a hard on
"You know America is fucked when a top polling candidate feels the need to talk about his dick"

Actually that would be the GOP rather than America.
Christ Trump is just pathetic. A strong contender for the White House is so insecure that he feels the need to bring this up. He really is 13 year old girl in a grown man's body. How, in anyway, is this presidential?

Stop. You know that was your favorite part.
Are you so lame that you will pretend I don't have a point just to take a jab at me? We both know you don't like Trump.
We don't have to pretend you don't have a point.
Sure but I'll continue to find you pathetic for defending Trump regardless of what he does.

I don't defend him no matter what he does. For instance, his position on H1-Bs is dead wrong. However, accusations made against him by leftwing douches are almost always bogus.
Don't you think it's pretty pathetic to cite his wealth as being the only qualification of being president?

No one is saying that his wealth is his only qualification. He is also a talented and very intelligent business manager, a top selling author and a successful entertainment personality a.k.a. a TV star.

He likely isn't even worth that much and it's hardly impressive considering the amount of business failings he's had over the years.

$10 billion isnt that much?

Nothing personal, but I think you are a driveling certified idiot.
I don't defend him no matter what he does. For instance, his position on H1-Bs is dead wrong. However, accusations made against him by leftwing douches are almost always bogus.
Trump clarified his position on H1-B visas last night after the debate and said he wants them done legally and only after all AMERICANS get first crack at it. He wont allow the program to be a cheap source of labor any more.

He was referring to foreign college students that graduate here and then have to go back home. He would like to give them the opportunity to stay in the US to start businesses and find work.

Why do you say you disagree with his H1-B position? You want foreign workers coming here and taking American jobs for half the pay?
Christ Trump is just pathetic. A strong contender for the White House is so insecure that he feels the need to bring this up. He really is 13 year old girl in a grown man's body. How, in anyway, is this presidential?
It was a joke, get over it.

How did these limpwristic white guys ever get to be such dull humorless drones?

So you prefer candidates that act like children. What an embarrassment.
Don't you think it's pretty pathetic to cite his wealth as being the only qualification of being president?

No one is saying that his wealth is his only qualification. He is also a talented and very intelligent business manager, a top selling author and a successful entertainment personality a.k.a. a TV star.

He likely isn't even worth that much and it's hardly impressive considering the amount of business failings he's had over the years.

$10 billion isnt that much?

Nothing personal, but I think you are a driveling certified idiot.

And he can't even act like an adult.
And I've made about 10 billion good decisions too, and many of those good decisions have been to not say dick jokes in front of my family, in front of children, in job interviews and so on, do you get my point? Or are you willing to defend Trump for ANYTHING?
Trump diod not say an obscenity, THIS time but merely made his point by implication.

In the real world people do that all the time, so you can stop it with the fake outrage.
So you prefer candidates that act like children. What an embarrassment.
The embarrassment is totally with you, dude as you cannot find a legit policy point to object to apparently and have to get all in a froth over something the vast majority of people do each and every day or do in private.
Christ Trump is just pathetic. A strong contender for the White House is so insecure that he feels the need to bring this up. He really is 13 year old girl in a grown man's body. How, in anyway, is this presidential?
Yet it was one of the most talked about moments of the debate. It was cordial in comparison to the accusations of fraud that followed.
Why, that's as bad as getting one sucked on in the oval office.....
Why does anyone still care about this?
It was Rubio that brought it up penis wonder.
Apparently penis size is important to republican voters. Which candidate do you think has the bigger penis and how important is it to you regarding your choice?
Size is important BUT NOT if you can't get a hard on

And whether one is a "show-er" or a grower.

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