You People Who Think Separation of Church and State is Possible.......How Do You Reconcile Abortion??

Say what you mean, don't say something fallacious.
You sound more interested in being contentious than you do in understanding what I said.

We gained nothing by RvW being repealed. With the repealing of RvW we also got the repeal of the late term abortion ban. Anyone who wanted an abortion a year ago can still get one today.
You always benefit in the end by taking a stand and doing what's right. Repealing Roe was the right and moral thing to do. It's foolish to respond to the short-term rantings of the left. We will prevail in the end, and abortion will ultimately be banned.
You sound more interested in being contentious than you do in understanding what I said.

It's far easier to understand what one says when they say it factually.

As others noted, you aren't interested in this, only in the attention of stirring things up. All of this has been discussed endlessly and nothing has or will change.

You always benefit in the end by taking a stand and doing what's right. Repealing Roe was the right and moral thing to do. It's foolish to respond to the short-term rantings of the left. We will prevail in the end, and abortion will ultimately be banned.

No it won't.
You people might remember my excellent thread calling for the US to become a Christian Nation It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. In it, I made the airtight case that separation of church and state is impossible, has never happened, and cannot ever happen, and should be amended out of the Constitution. Let's face it. The framers made a mistake, just like they did in calling blacks 3/5 human.

Separation of Church and state is possible with most laws: No littering, no running a red light, etc. But there are some laws, the most important ones, where separation is impossible without creating an atheist state. In order to have actual separation of church and state, you have to have laws which the Catholic Church and other Christians can't follow in good conscience. In other words, atheist laws. Therefore abortion and gay marriage cannot be reconciled with separation of church and state without creating an atheist state. Leftist atheists say the current reversal of Roe v Wade violates separation of church and state because it pushes religious values. I say allowing abortion makes the state tantamount to an atheist state.

I would also add the Supreme Court declared atheism a religion in 1961, so why are we favoring the religion of atheism over the Christian religions? Again, separation of church and state is impossible, so let's scrap it and done with it.

I challenge anyone in the forum who claim to want separation of church and state (probably most people) tp reconcile the issues of abortion and gay marriage with the First Amendment without promoting the religion of atheism. I guarantee no one will be able to do it.
I haven't read the entire thread, but the Founders never intended a separation of Church and State, not even Thomas Jefferson despite his 'wall of separation' metaphor in a letter to a colleague. All were pretty sure the Constitution would work only for a religious, moral, law abiding population.

John Adams once said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”.

What the Constitution intended was that no religious group would be able to control government to the point that it could use the government to force people into obeying any particular religious doctrine or dogma or forbid the people from any professed belief, doctrine or dogma. The early Congresses not only had regular prayer doing government business but sometimes held church services for the members. Those people fully expected religion to be a present and visible part of people's lives, all aspects of their lives, most especially those to whom it was important, but no power is given to them by the federal government to require anybody else to believe what they believe, profess, express.

It is as wrong to forbid that creche on the courthouse lawn as it would be to forbid a Star of David on Yom Kippur or any other religious symbol on a high holy day(s) of whatever religions are represented in a community if a particular group wanted to place such there.

Abortion is a matter of religious conscience for some, and a matter of principle for many others having nothing to do with religion. Separation of Church and State really doesn't factor into that much at all.

You People Who Think Separation of Church and State is Possible.......How Do You Reconcile Abortion??​

Hahaha….Silly unAmerican Tards….ALL Governance in America pivots from and derives from our founding documents…from God given rights.
How do our public schools teach our history without teaching God?
”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Sorry…filthy LefTards, America was founded and built on Biblical philosophy, on a moral order, on heterosexuality, on the sanctity of life….hahahaha….Sucks for all filthy fucked in head immoral trash….huh?

And hateful, bigoted, extremist zealots will STILL never have their christian nation!
When was the last time we saw an atheist prosletyzing? Five seconds ago. On here. Or turn on the news. Anytime. All the time.

Give me the example of it happening here five seconds ago.

If someone denies a belief in your religion, that in no way equates to them demanding you accept theirs. Frankly, I don't give a flyinig fuck what you believe. If you want to worship raccoons sitting in barber shop chairs, hey, knock yhourself out. Just don't expect me to follow.

I see no one here demanding that you be an Atheist, but it's clear you want everyone to be a christian.

Good luck with that...
America was founded and built on Biblical philosophy, on a moral order, on heterosexualit

Show me the word "heterosexuality" in any of our founding documents and I'll buy you a house.

See, this is why smart, decent people don't take you zealots seriously...
You people might remember my excellent thread calling for the US to become a Christian Nation It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. In it, I made the airtight case that separation of church and state is impossible, has never happened, and cannot ever happen, and should be amended out of the Constitution. Let's face it. The framers made a mistake, just like they did in calling blacks 3/5 human.

Separation of Church and state is possible with most laws: No littering, no running a red light, etc. But there are some laws, the most important ones, where separation is impossible without creating an atheist state. In order to have actual separation of church and state, you have to have laws which the Catholic Church and other Christians can't follow in good conscience. In other words, atheist laws. Therefore abortion and gay marriage cannot be reconciled with separation of church and state without creating an atheist state. Leftist atheists say the current reversal of Roe v Wade violates separation of church and state because it pushes religious values. I say allowing abortion makes the state tantamount to an atheist state.

I would also add the Supreme Court declared atheism a religion in 1961, so why are we favoring the religion of atheism over the Christian religions? Again, separation of church and state is impossible, so let's scrap it and done with it.

I challenge anyone in the forum who claim to want separation of church and state (probably most people) tp reconcile the issues of abortion and gay marriage with the First Amendment without promoting the religion of atheism. I guarantee no one will be able to do it.

Excellent thread? I recall your call for the US to formally declare itself a Christian nation being soundly beaten down by the overwhelming majority of poster who spoke on that thread. And people who are normally diametrically opposed to each other on these forums agreed that the idea is garbage.

But your ego is in charge of much of your posting.
So...tell atheists they don't have to look at murals of the Ten Commandments in the town center. You agree?

To claim that putting the 10 Commandments on display, especially in a State Supreme Courthouse lobby and not allowing any other displays there, is not the gov't selecting a specific religion or does not effect people of other faith is simply ridiculous.
You see our founders as hateful, bigoted, extremist zealots for wanting to form a perfect union bonded by and living by a moral order?
No, I see our founders as religious men who understood that it would be a bad thing to have a national religion. They knew it would be bad to make this a christian nation.

They were wise.

You and Mashmouth are not...
You don't seem to understand you're trying to force atheism on the rest of us. How many times do I have to repeat it?

Our gov't is secular. That is not necessarily atheist. If an institution demands that no religion is favored over another, therefore no individual religion is part of the gov't, that is secular.

An atheist gov't would not allow religions to exist.
”I can’t refute what you said.”
No, it's true. The concept of individual rights is near and dear to my heart. Stupid people usually get it wrong. Not only are you stupid, but you're a jackass. So what's the point?
The true church is a spiritual organism and is never a part of the State. The 'State' and the 'world' are one and the same. The true church is to 'come out' of 'her', and not be affected by her plagues, such as the plague of abortion. Any Christian that supports abortion or same sex marriage, or any other aberration is in error and should repent.
I believe in no direct abortion. The only thing that is acceptable is the rare case in which the child dies incidentally while operating to save the mother's life.

So it is perfectly fine for a woman to have a dead fetus inside her causing sepsis? There are numerous examples of things that could cost the life of the mother, and a choice must be made.
Keep your atheism out of my government and you won't have a problem with me. Otherwise, you can guarantee you will. Is that in any way unclear?

I think most people wouldn't call you a problem. An amusement, perhaps. But your idea that the 1st amendment should be removed is laughable.
To claim that putting the 10 Commandments on display, especially in a State Supreme Courthouse lobby and not allowing any other displays there, is not the gov't selecting a specific religion or does not effect people of other faith is simply ridiculous.
It's an artistic relic, and a visual reminder of the failure of both government and citizenry to act in their best self-interest.

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