You People Who Think Separation of Church and State is Possible.......How Do You Reconcile Abortion??

No, I see our founders as religious men who understood that it would be a bad thing to have a national religion. They knew it would be bad to make this a christian nation.

They were wise.

You and Mashmouth are not...
They “understood“ it so well that they authored the worlds most important, post powerful document using “christianity” as the centerpiece to it all?

Which Christian community, city or state is “bad“ for America?
Isn’t it all the godless / atheist communities that are “bad” for America?
It is a foundational set of beliefs that are exclusively Judeo-Christian.
Whose beliefs and values are mocked by those appointed to walk those halls.

The values expressed are found in most civilizations past and present.
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No, it's true. The concept of individual rights is near and dear to my heart. Stupid people usually get it wrong. Not only are you stupid, but you're a jackass. So what's the point?
How are individual rights compromised in Christian schools, in Christian communities?
LefTard Logic:
“Get God out of our damn schools so we get chicks with dicks a faggots in them.”
They “understood“ it so well that they authored the worlds most important, post powerful document using “christianity” as the centerpiece to it all?

Where's the word "christianity" in our most powerful founding document? If christianity was the "centerpiece", surely it's there, right?

Which Christian community, city or state is “bad“ for America?

It's not just christianity. It's any religion.

If you want to see how nice a country run by religion is, just look at those Muslim countries which hurl homosexuals off of buildings. Zealots like you and Mashmouth would do the exact same thing...
You can’t explain how their “RIGHTS” are compromised in Christian based schools and communities?

Well, would a person be free to walk through a christian based school or community while proclaiming "GOD IS A FAG!" or "THE VIRGIN MARY EATS DICK!"?

No, probably not...
You people might remember my excellent thread calling for the US to become a Christian Nation It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. In it, I made the airtight case that separation of church and state is impossible, has never happened, and cannot ever happen, and should be amended out of the Constitution. Let's face it. The framers made a mistake, just like they did in calling blacks 3/5 human.

Separation of Church and state is possible with most laws: No littering, no running a red light, etc. But there are some laws, the most important ones, where separation is impossible without creating an atheist state. In order to have actual separation of church and state, you have to have laws which the Catholic Church and other Christians can't follow in good conscience. In other words, atheist laws. Therefore abortion and gay marriage cannot be reconciled with separation of church and state without creating an atheist state. Leftist atheists say the current reversal of Roe v Wade violates separation of church and state because it pushes religious values. I say allowing abortion makes the state tantamount to an atheist state.

I would also add the Supreme Court declared atheism a religion in 1961, so why are we favoring the religion of atheism over the Christian religions? Again, separation of church and state is impossible, so let's scrap it and done with it.

I challenge anyone in the forum who claim to want separation of church and state (probably most people) tp reconcile the issues of abortion and gay marriage with the First Amendment without promoting the religion of atheism. I guarantee no one will be able to do it.
It's theists who don't understand that if you're against same sex marriage... then don't marry someone from the same sex. Nowhere does it say that religious rights come before any other right. Freedom of religion gives you the right to practise any religion you want to practise, but it doesn't give you the right to impose your views on others.
Don't like abortion? Don't have one, but leave the rest of the people the fuck alone. Pretty simple concept really.
You can’t explain how their “RIGHTS” are compromised in Christian based schools and communities?

They are not allowed to worship as they choose, while everyone else is not only allowed but encouraged.

In most Christian schools there are required classes studying Christianity.
I believe in no direct abortion. The only thing that is acceptable is the rare case in which the child dies incidentally while operating to save the mother's life.
You are welcomed to believe what you wish, and you are welcomed to petition politically for what you believe. Never let anyone tell you that you should not because of separation of church and state nor should you get lectured by Reverend Warnock on how God smiles on abortion.

Now people like you are in control within your state instead of 9 black robes in DC thanks to the Dobbs decision

Now go fight.
Violating the teachings of most Christians and all Catholics violates separation of church and state, because it favors atheism.
Not being a Christian or a Catholic is a violation of Christian and Catholic teachings. So therefore your new gubbermint should beat people over their heads until they become some sort of Christian, n'est-ce pas?
It's theists who don't understand that if you're against same sex marriage... then don't marry someone from the same sex. Nowhere does it say that religious rights come before any other right. Freedom of religion gives you the right to practise any religion you want to practise, but it doesn't give you the right to impose your views on others.
Don't like abortion? Don't have one, but leave the rest of the people the fuck alone. Pretty simple concept really.
You don't understand Mashmont's version of Christianity. If you refuse to bow down before Mashmont and let him lord over and dominate you, well, you're violating his religious rights, QED.
Plenty of Christians and Christian churches support abortion rights. The Democrat in the Georgia Senate race soon to be put to a runoff is a Baptist preacher who supports abortion rights.

Plenty of Christians and Christian churches support same-sex marriage. Gay couples are married in such churches. My mother in law is leaving the Episcopal Church I believe due to its acceptance of same-sex married pastors.

If government sticks with its legitimate function, which is to preserve rights, no joining of church and state is ever needed.

If you want government to be part of the church and vice versa, my question is which church? Declining to select a church, i.e. establish a religion, does not equal an atheist state.
People who attend a church have every right to participate in how government functions every bit as much as the religion of Atheism. Deal with it
There is no need for the 10 Commandments to be on the town square, unless other faiths are allowed to put displays there. After all, Christians don't have to at those either.
The purpose of the constitution is to limit the power of GOVERNMENT --nothing/no one else

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