You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

Why would they save welfare over SS? Huh?
welfare is means tested; you cannot save and not be penalized. it is like taxes or something.
No it's not. SS is someone's money owned by us who invest in it. Fking learn the system!
you asked about the difference between those two systems. we don't need that much government in any at-will employment State.
You didn't answer
that is the answer.
Well people put their own money in SS, welfare recipients don't. SS was fine until both parties stole from the funds! It's what they do. Welfare is dead weight and sucks economies dry!
I knew it was corrupt, but dam, we have to stop that and the crazy checks......SS should be about retirement and not disabity.

SS needs to be about both. If you are forced into an early retirement due to disability, what are you to do? One of my family members had a massive heart attack at age 55. He required open heart surgery, and a pacemaker thereafter, and he was forced to retire, although he wasn't ready, financially to do so. SS 10 years from now is no help to him. In my relative's case, his wife was a 48 year old corporate executive at the time, so his lost income wasn't a catastrophe, but had he been on his own, he'd have had to sell his home, and find some way to live until his SS kicked in.
Well people put their own money in SS, welfare recipients don't. SS was fine until both parties stole from the funds! It's what they do. Welfare is dead weight and sucks economies dry!

Are you saying that people are getting full SS benefits without contributing to the program? In Canada, in order to get full Canada Pension Plan benefits, you have to have contributed the maximum annual premium for at least 40 years. Anything less, and your pension will be scaled back accordingly. If you didn't work, you don't receive anything.
Well people put their own money in SS, welfare recipients don't. SS was fine until both parties stole from the funds! It's what they do. Welfare is dead weight and sucks economies dry!

Are you saying that people are getting full SS benefits without contributing to the program? In Canada, in order to get full Canada Pension Plan benefits, you have to have contributed the maximum annual premium for at least 40 years. Anything less, and your pension will be scaled back accordingly. If you didn't work, you don't receive anything.
Huh? I don't see what you're asking from my post! Give me an idea what you're directing that question against
Well people put their own money in SS, welfare recipients don't. SS was fine until both parties stole from the funds! It's what they do. Welfare is dead weight and sucks economies dry!

Are you saying that people are getting full SS benefits without contributing to the program? In Canada, in order to get full Canada Pension Plan benefits, you have to have contributed the maximum annual premium for at least 40 years. Anything less, and your pension will be scaled back accordingly. If you didn't work, you don't receive anything.
Huh? I don't see what you're asking from my post! Give me an idea what you're directing that question against

There were several posts to the effect that new immigrants were getting full SS by going on disability, or that their older relatives who hadn't even contributed were coming to the US and getting SS without ever having worked, and you seemed to imply that welfare recipients were getting SS.

I know that SS isn't means tested, but doesn't it work like any other pension: the longer you contributed, the more you receive. If you didn't work for 40 years, you get a pension in proportion to your contribution? If everybody gets the same amount, regardless of what they paid in, it's not an entitlement, it's a welfare program.
Well people put their own money in SS, welfare recipients don't. SS was fine until both parties stole from the funds! It's what they do. Welfare is dead weight and sucks economies dry!

Are you saying that people are getting full SS benefits without contributing to the program? In Canada, in order to get full Canada Pension Plan benefits, you have to have contributed the maximum annual premium for at least 40 years. Anything less, and your pension will be scaled back accordingly. If you didn't work, you don't receive anything.
Huh? I don't see what you're asking from my post! Give me an idea what you're directing that question against

There were several posts to the effect that new immigrants were getting full SS by going on disability, or that their older relatives who hadn't even contributed were coming to the US and getting SS without ever having worked, and you seemed to imply that welfare recipients were getting SS.

I know that SS isn't means tested, but doesn't it work like any other pension: the longer you contributed, the more you receive. If you didn't work for 40 years, you get a pension in proportion to your contribution? If everybody gets the same amount, regardless of what they paid in, it's not an entitlement, it's a welfare program.
Well that wasn't your other post. But yeah, like I said, stole our money! That is workers money, not tax money for anything
Last edited:
Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys

The S.S. checks will get cut because of the flood of immigrants and refugees coming here and getting on the program right away. People that never paid into it. I remember when reagan increased the social security tax back in the eighties. It was a huge increase necessary to keep social security afloat for the future retirees. We can't survive long as a first world nation if we bring mostly unskilled, undereducated, and needy here in great numbers. And these are people that have large families too, with many needs. Common sense needs to take hold. This is why Trump came on the scene. The right man for the right time in our nation's history.
Immigrants coming here and getting Social Security checks?

Can anyone explain this nonsense?
legal immigrants can get benefits.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology

I hope what you are hoping for happens. Where a company finds a smart kid right out of high school or college and make him an apprentice and he has a good lifetime job that pays well. Companies stopped valuing employees sometime in the 70's and we need to go back to the time when companies had a social contract with workers.

Or I hope this practice stops Companies won’t even look at resumes of the long-term unemployed

That was 2013. In 2014 I found this article

300 companies pledge to help long-term unemployed

Lets hope companies continue to not discriminate against the long term unemployed. They need to realize these people's batteries are fully charged and they are hungry to go back to work. If its a good paying job you'll have a loyal employee forever. And they've probably already hit rock bottom and are looking to improve their lives. Give them a hand up not out.
The S.S. checks will get cut because of the flood of immigrants and refugees coming here and getting on the program right away. People that never paid into it. I remember when reagan increased the social security tax back in the eighties. It was a huge increase necessary to keep social security afloat for the future retirees. We can't survive long as a first world nation if we bring mostly unskilled, undereducated, and needy here in great numbers. And these are people that have large families too, with many needs. Common sense needs to take hold. This is why Trump came on the scene. The right man for the right time in our nation's history.
Immigrants coming here and getting Social Security checks?

Can anyone explain this nonsense?
legal immigrants can get benefits.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology

I hope what you are hoping for happens. Where a company finds a smart kid right out of high school or college and make him an apprentice and he has a good lifetime job that pays well. Companies stopped valuing employees sometime in the 70's and we need to go back to the time when companies had a social contract with workers.

Or I hope this practice stops Companies won’t even look at resumes of the long-term unemployed

That was 2013. In 2014 I found this article

300 companies pledge to help long-term unemployed

Lets hope companies continue to not discriminate against the long term unemployed. They need to realize these people's batteries are fully charged and they are hungry to go back to work. If its a good paying job you'll have a loyal employee forever. And they've probably already hit rock bottom and are looking to improve their lives. Give them a hand up not out.

Yeah I agree...the big gaps in employment can be a problem, but I agree give them a.chance to
If it's I was in jail for selling meth, nexxxxt
If it was I had to care for a sick relative or I had kids and wanted to be with them for awhile then it shouldn't be a problem.
I love efficiency, but it can get in the way, sometime looking at those resumes can find you good people.

Also I've hired people and teaching people skills like making a resume and filling out an app, young people have no clue, they leave half of it blank and half ass it.
Immigrants coming here and getting Social Security checks?

Can anyone explain this nonsense?
legal immigrants can get benefits.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology

I hope what you are hoping for happens. Where a company finds a smart kid right out of high school or college and make him an apprentice and he has a good lifetime job that pays well. Companies stopped valuing employees sometime in the 70's and we need to go back to the time when companies had a social contract with workers.

Or I hope this practice stops Companies won’t even look at resumes of the long-term unemployed

That was 2013. In 2014 I found this article

300 companies pledge to help long-term unemployed

Lets hope companies continue to not discriminate against the long term unemployed. They need to realize these people's batteries are fully charged and they are hungry to go back to work. If its a good paying job you'll have a loyal employee forever. And they've probably already hit rock bottom and are looking to improve their lives. Give them a hand up not out.

Yeah I agree...the big gaps in employment can be a problem, but I agree give them a.chance to
If it's I was in jail for selling meth, nexxxxt
If it was I had to care for a sick relative or I had kids and wanted to be with them for awhile then it shouldn't be a problem.
I love efficiency, but it can get in the way, sometime looking at those resumes can find you good people.

Also I've hired people and teaching people skills like making a resume and filling out an app, young people have no clue, they leave half of it blank and half ass it.
Kids expect to be CEOs right out of school cause they have a degree. Fk them come back down to earth kids!
Immigrants coming here and getting Social Security checks?

Can anyone explain this nonsense?
legal immigrants can get benefits.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology

I hope what you are hoping for happens. Where a company finds a smart kid right out of high school or college and make him an apprentice and he has a good lifetime job that pays well. Companies stopped valuing employees sometime in the 70's and we need to go back to the time when companies had a social contract with workers.

Or I hope this practice stops Companies won’t even look at resumes of the long-term unemployed

That was 2013. In 2014 I found this article

300 companies pledge to help long-term unemployed

Lets hope companies continue to not discriminate against the long term unemployed. They need to realize these people's batteries are fully charged and they are hungry to go back to work. If its a good paying job you'll have a loyal employee forever. And they've probably already hit rock bottom and are looking to improve their lives. Give them a hand up not out.

Yeah I agree...the big gaps in employment can be a problem, but I agree give them a.chance to
If it's I was in jail for selling meth, nexxxxt
If it was I had to care for a sick relative or I had kids and wanted to be with them for awhile then it shouldn't be a problem.
I love efficiency, but it can get in the way, sometime looking at those resumes can find you good people.

Also I've hired people and teaching people skills like making a resume and filling out an app, young people have no clue, they leave half of it blank and half ass it.

If you ever saw my real resume you would NEVER hire me. Yet here I am a star at my current position. Go figure. A lot of companies suck to work for. When a new potential employer asks why I only worked somewhere for 3 months, I should be able to tell them that they sucked. And why they sucked. But you aren't supposed to be negative on an interview. You're supposed to put a positive spin on everything! In other words bullshit. Truth doesn't get you the job.

I had to completely lie on my resume. I put down that I ran my buddies UPS store for a couple years. I bounced from too many companies those 2 years. IMPOSSIBLE to explain that intelligently to any employer. So I had to lie. Luckily my current employer is a small private company owned by some rich people in Germany so they don't do extensive background checks or drug tests. The President met me, fell in love and the rest is history.

I think our system of looking for work or how companies look for employees is a joke. Ever look for a job on Monster or Career Builder or Indeed? How does a guy with my experience not get a call back?

Side note. I worked for this company for 5 years and I won awards. All of the sudden they hire this total ahole and he fires me. No shit he ends up coming to my next employer when he got fired for being an ahole and fires me again. How do I explain this? It doesn't sound believable even though it is. So I had to lie on my resume.
legal immigrants can get benefits.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology

I hope what you are hoping for happens. Where a company finds a smart kid right out of high school or college and make him an apprentice and he has a good lifetime job that pays well. Companies stopped valuing employees sometime in the 70's and we need to go back to the time when companies had a social contract with workers.

Or I hope this practice stops Companies won’t even look at resumes of the long-term unemployed

That was 2013. In 2014 I found this article

300 companies pledge to help long-term unemployed

Lets hope companies continue to not discriminate against the long term unemployed. They need to realize these people's batteries are fully charged and they are hungry to go back to work. If its a good paying job you'll have a loyal employee forever. And they've probably already hit rock bottom and are looking to improve their lives. Give them a hand up not out.

Yeah I agree...the big gaps in employment can be a problem, but I agree give them a.chance to
If it's I was in jail for selling meth, nexxxxt
If it was I had to care for a sick relative or I had kids and wanted to be with them for awhile then it shouldn't be a problem.
I love efficiency, but it can get in the way, sometime looking at those resumes can find you good people.

Also I've hired people and teaching people skills like making a resume and filling out an app, young people have no clue, they leave half of it blank and half ass it.

If you ever saw my real resume you would NEVER hire me. Yet here I am a star at my current position. Go figure. A lot of companies suck to work for. When a new potential employer asks why I only worked somewhere for 3 months, I should be able to tell them that they sucked. And why they sucked. But you aren't supposed to be negative on an interview. You're supposed to put a positive spin on everything! In other words bullshit. Truth doesn't get you the job.

I had to completely lie on my resume. I put down that I ran my buddies UPS store for a couple years. I bounced from too many companies those 2 years. IMPOSSIBLE to explain that intelligently to any employer. So I had to lie. Luckily my current employer is a small private company owned by some rich people in Germany so they don't do extensive background checks or drug tests. The President met me, fell in love and the rest is history.

I think our system of looking for work or how companies look for employees is a joke. Ever look for a job on Monster or Career Builder or Indeed? How does a guy with my experience not get a call back?

Side note. I worked for this company for 5 years and I won awards. All of the sudden they hire this total ahole and he fires me. No shit he ends up coming to my next employer when he got fired for being an ahole and fires me again. How do I explain this? It doesn't sound believable even though it is. So I had to lie on my resume.
Isn't that why you present references? Corroborate your work ethics?
The S.S. checks will get cut because of the flood of immigrants and refugees coming here and getting on the program right away. People that never paid into it. I remember when reagan increased the social security tax back in the eighties. It was a huge increase necessary to keep social security afloat for the future retirees. We can't survive long as a first world nation if we bring mostly unskilled, undereducated, and needy here in great numbers. And these are people that have large families too, with many needs. Common sense needs to take hold. This is why Trump came on the scene. The right man for the right time in our nation's history.
Immigrants coming here and getting Social Security checks?

Can anyone explain this nonsense?
legal immigrants can get benefits.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology

I hope what you are hoping for happens. Where a company finds a smart kid right out of high school or college and make him an apprentice and he has a good lifetime job that pays well. Companies stopped valuing employees sometime in the 70's and we need to go back to the time when companies had a social contract with workers.

Or I hope this practice stops Companies won’t even look at resumes of the long-term unemployed

That was 2013. In 2014 I found this article

300 companies pledge to help long-term unemployed

Lets hope companies continue to not discriminate against the long term unemployed. They need to realize these people's batteries are fully charged and they are hungry to go back to work. If its a good paying job you'll have a loyal employee forever. And they've probably already hit rock bottom and are looking to improve their lives. Give them a hand up not out.
Those positions where education is important don't necessarily work that way.

Credentials wear out if you are on the sidelines. And, your "batteries" aren't the issue.

A five year old degree without resume showing one kept up to date is NOT going to be seen as adequate.

The Bush crash left large numbers of college graduates sucking air, and they aren't likely to ever recover, because those coming out of school today have today's education plus no history of being out of work.

Those who had rich parents should have gotten a post graduate degree while Obama put us back together again.
Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

More jobs and higher wages. That's is best for All Americans.

Can't argue with that statement. It's what Dems have been saying all along while Republican screamed tax cuts. Trump co-opts the Dem message and now you all love it.

Dems have been saying that? What was their plan, to flood the nation with cheap Third World labor and ship all the jobs overseas until we were all rich? LOL!!!
Sorry Correll, you are going to be sadly disappointed.
When I say “tons,” I don’t mean the 1 million to 1.5 million that the U.S. usually accepts in a year. I mean hundreds of millions. About 630 million people surveyed worldwide between 2010 and 2012 said that they wanted to move to another country. The U.S., unsurprisingly, was the most desired destination. If the U.S. opened its borders and admitted 100 percent of those huddled masses, its population would approximately triple.

Tripling the U.S. population would supercharge growth beyond anything currently imaginable. Yes, most of those immigrants would be poor and low-skilled, so output per person - and the standard of living of the average American - would go down. But the standard of living of the hundreds of millions who moved to the U.S. would go way, way up, as it always does for immigrant groups.

That is not going to happen. Even the morons in the Political Class know that they can't be that honest about their intentions.

The battle will be to sabotage Trump's policies, thus maintaining the status quo. THey will NOT formally open the borders.

You are drifting into la la land.

No they won't open the borders but they will start letting more mexicans and mooslims in legally. We already told them we don't want them immigrating more but that won't matter to them if it will help growth.

Why do you think that that big money backed Hillary so hard and so big?

Are you really that simple?

Trumps billionaire cabinet - Google Search

Sorry, that in no way addressed my point.
I'm 46 I think my SS will be cut drastically.

The American people don't realize how bad they fucked themselves in 2010, 2014 and this year.

Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys

The S.S. checks will get cut because of the flood of immigrants and refugees coming here and getting on the program right away. People that never paid into it. I remember when reagan increased the social security tax back in the eighties. It was a huge increase necessary to keep social security afloat for the future retirees. We can't survive long as a first world nation if we bring mostly unskilled, undereducated, and needy here in great numbers. And these are people that have large families too, with many needs. Common sense needs to take hold. This is why Trump came on the scene. The right man for the right time in our nation's history.
But in order to achieve 4% growth trump is going to need to import massive amounts of immigrants. Legal immigrants that is but are trump supporters going to be OK because they are legally flooding in?

1. You are focused on that ONE promise and assuming that Trump agrees with you on the only way to reach that target.

2. You are happy to assume he will break other promises, but assume that he will be iron on that ONE, so that you have an excuse to talk smack about him being pro-immigration.

So we aren't going to have better growth than we had under Obama? I fucking new it!

You are judging people who disagree with you, assuming that they agree with you.
The already mortally damaged democrat party will not survive the embarrassment of what we are about to do to them,...

Oh come on lets be real though, Like the waters of a stopped up toilet, The DNC will rise again!
legal immigrants can get benefits.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology

I hope what you are hoping for happens. Where a company finds a smart kid right out of high school or college and make him an apprentice and he has a good lifetime job that pays well. Companies stopped valuing employees sometime in the 70's and we need to go back to the time when companies had a social contract with workers.

Or I hope this practice stops Companies won’t even look at resumes of the long-term unemployed

That was 2013. In 2014 I found this article

300 companies pledge to help long-term unemployed

Lets hope companies continue to not discriminate against the long term unemployed. They need to realize these people's batteries are fully charged and they are hungry to go back to work. If its a good paying job you'll have a loyal employee forever. And they've probably already hit rock bottom and are looking to improve their lives. Give them a hand up not out.

Yeah I agree...the big gaps in employment can be a problem, but I agree give them a.chance to
If it's I was in jail for selling meth, nexxxxt
If it was I had to care for a sick relative or I had kids and wanted to be with them for awhile then it shouldn't be a problem.
I love efficiency, but it can get in the way, sometime looking at those resumes can find you good people.

Also I've hired people and teaching people skills like making a resume and filling out an app, young people have no clue, they leave half of it blank and half ass it.

If you ever saw my real resume you would NEVER hire me. Yet here I am a star at my current position. Go figure. A lot of companies suck to work for. When a new potential employer asks why I only worked somewhere for 3 months, I should be able to tell them that they sucked. And why they sucked. But you aren't supposed to be negative on an interview. You're supposed to put a positive spin on everything! In other words bullshit. Truth doesn't get you the job.

I had to completely lie on my resume. I put down that I ran my buddies UPS store for a couple years. I bounced from too many companies those 2 years. IMPOSSIBLE to explain that intelligently to any employer. So I had to lie. Luckily my current employer is a small private company owned by some rich people in Germany so they don't do extensive background checks or drug tests. The President met me, fell in love and the rest is history.

I think our system of looking for work or how companies look for employees is a joke. Ever look for a job on Monster or Career Builder or Indeed? How does a guy with my experience not get a call back?

Side note. I worked for this company for 5 years and I won awards. All of the sudden they hire this total ahole and he fires me. No shit he ends up coming to my next employer when he got fired for being an ahole and fires me again. How do I explain this? It doesn't sound believable even though it is. So I had to lie on my resume.
I don't believe you can blame employers for Monster or Career Builder or the rest.

I highly doubt that putting resumes on these web sites is likely to succeed. That's a totally passive approach.
Why do you need evidence? You ain't asking the prez for any! You know about that fake Russians news and never asked?

Because I see people going "Trump's going to bring back jobs" but I've never seen anyone back up this claim. I mean, I could say that Santa's going to be the next president, do I have proof? "Why do you need evidence? I just fucking said it so it must be true"

Come on, this whole thread is just bullshit, people claiming something and backing it up with nothing.

Trump putting tariffs on cheap goods made in places where people don't earn much money will only bring back jobs if the tariffs are high enough for the costs of making the things in the US are cheaper than abroad. That'd have to be quite a high tariff. If it's that high then people won't want to buy the goods at such a high price. This will cause inflationary problems in the US as poor individuals will suddenly find their dollars don't go very far. Chances are a lot of companies would go bust, a lot of people would suffer. This doesn't solve any problems.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.

What the hell are you talking about?

Trump won because he based his platform on what the American people wanted.

You are being suckered by those who are trying to undermine his legitimacy before he even takes office.

These are the same people who told you that Trump could not win.

Why are you still trusting them?
what about excising the wage difference between our first world economy and third world economies, and call it, equalization?

How about we keep our wage structure as separate as possible so that their low wages don't drag down our standard of living, like it has been doing for the last couple of decades?
We need a board of equalization to equalize wages for us. Excising and taxing the difference in wages accomplishes that goal.

No, we don't.

We need to take steps to protect ourselves from the down ward pressure on our wages of cheap Third World labor.

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