You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

Any day now Trump will announce his clothing manufacturers are closing overseas operations in China and Mexico and begin production of his products in the USA. He may even turn over the production of his ties to one of the twenty tie manufacturers here in America instead of China.

This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.

Says you a month before the man takes office.

You are commenting on the lack of results before he is in office.

You just lost all credibility.
Trump is going to fail on issue after issue, promise after promise, and the fun part will be watching the Trumptards around here try to defend him.

Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

More jobs and higher wages. That's is best for All Americans.

Can't argue with that statement. It's what Dems have been saying all along while Republican screamed tax cuts. Trump co-opts the Dem message and now you all love it.

Dems have been saying that? What was their plan, to flood the nation with cheap Third World labor and ship all the jobs overseas until we were all rich? LOL!!!
No, the plan was to:
- invest in infrastructure, which will hire a lot of people in the short term.
- augment vocational education, including for those who have held jobs that are going away due to automation, etc.
- increase the focus on education through college, so we aren't leaving behind the brains of those who don't have rich parents. This recognizes the fact that those who start new successful companies are usually those with college degrees. It also means existing companies constrained by the supply of well educated employees can grow - and, can do so without looking outside the US for the talent they need.
- put more focus on new market segments, such as clean energy.
- improve direct impacts on employees - wages (such as minimum wages), collective bargaining, retirement protection, health care, safety, etc.

Trying to get corporations to "come back" is ridiculous, as the number that would do that is small compared to the size of the employment problem. Let's remember that the reason for manufacturing in other countries is NOT just tax and wages. And, let's remember that companies that come back (like US Steel) will focus on automation to hire as few humans as possible - and those they hire will be those who know how to run and maintain automated factories.
This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
Why would you obummer is president. We know there never was one! Congrats, you admit it!
i haven't heard of any actual details for a Jobs Boom, either.
Why would you? Trump isn't in office! In race terms you've committed a false start
My Point is, that I have heard nothing but social plans and no capital plans regarding a jobs boom, even during the campaign.

All i heard, was pandering to the right wing.

Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.
See no evidence!! Thanks for continued fake news

We all know Russia "attempted" to interfere in our elections and we know they didn't like Obama or Hillary.

I find it funny that if Russia didn't like the GOP candidate, the GOP candidate would wear that like a badge of honor. Russia thinks Trump is going to be good for the Russian economy. They didn't think Hillary would because the fact is, Obama/Hillary put sanctions on Russia for the shit they've pulled the last few years. So Obama and Hillary were actually hurting the Russian economy because of Russia's power grabs and interference in other countries. I would call that being tough on Russia. So why do Republicans call Democrats pussies?
We do? Post that proof . I know I don't know so not sure how you are a 'we'
We know how you guys are. Remember the election was rigged until Trump won and then it wasn't rigged anymore? Pathetic. The American lower middle class and poor deserve shit heads like you running the country. Because lets be honest you aren't going to help those people out one bit.

Oh, the system is still rigged. Just because we won doesn't change that.
Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

More jobs and higher wages. That's is best for All Americans.

Can't argue with that statement. It's what Dems have been saying all along while Republican screamed tax cuts. Trump co-opts the Dem message and now you all love it.

Dems have been saying that? What was their plan, to flood the nation with cheap Third World labor and ship all the jobs overseas until we were all rich? LOL!!!
No, the plan was to:
- invest in infrastructure, which will hire a lot of people in the short term.
- augment vocational education, including for those who have held jobs that are going away due to automation, etc.
- increase the focus on education through college, so we aren't leaving behind the brains of those who don't have rich parents. This recognizes the fact that those who start new successful companies are usually those with college degrees. It also means existing companies constrained by the supply of well educated employees can grow - and, can do so without looking outside the US for the talent they need.
- put more focus on new market segments, such as clean energy.
- improve direct impacts on employees - wages (such as minimum wages), collective bargaining, retirement protection, health care, safety, etc.

Trying to get corporations to "come back" is ridiculous, as the number that would do that is small compared to the size of the employment problem. Let's remember that the reason for manufacturing in other countries is NOT just tax and wages. And, let's remember that companies that come back (like US Steel) will focus on automation to hire as few humans as possible - and those they hire will be those who know how to run and maintain automated factories.

Got it, same bs that has failed for the last 50 years.

How do you explain Germany having more than twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do?
Maybe the first jobs Trump brings back will the ones which make his ties.

And then he will reward himself with a $7 million tax gift.
ANY job is better than the part time low income shit Obama has created.

And stop lying. We all know YOU would rather see Trump fail than America succeed
what infrastructure projects are being considered?

we can use underground, maglev capable, high speed commuter and freight capable conduits to markets.

Why can't you lazy cocksuckers do your own research? Stop watching only hate channels & websites, and do your own research. We are not your personal fucking secretaries
Nothing but social plans and no capital plans?
It won't pay for itself as promised.

The idea of borrowing $1 trillion would almost certainly get pushback from conservatives and deficit hawks. But the Navarro-Ross paper asserts that $1 trillion can be raised from private companies in exchange for just $140 billion in federal tax credits, plus returns on their investment.--

Investments in the general welfare have to generate a positive multiplier on our economy and grow the size of the pie, to cover costs.
I can't take it anymore. You infest this board with your stupidity & continually quote me with your nonsensical jibberish. You can join candyass at the kiddie table...
this is why no one takes the fantastical, right wing seriously about economics. they only have ad hominems, not economics arguments.

just fallacy from the fantastical, right wing.

Says the man that thinks being unclear makes him seem more intelligent.
Either that, or you've got no serious answer, but you need to distract from a truth you can't stand to see out there.

You are an asshole.

Oddly, I don;t care what you might think of me. I'm not distracting from anything. Trump is disgustingly flawed,and only an idiot would support him.

Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.

I understand. That roadkill haired orange clown was your ally, so you figured it might be worthwhile to let him and his group of tittie flashers trash the country. Good plan.


He is not my enemy. His goal is not to harm me.

Compared to those who hate me and want to destroy me, it was an easy choice to make.

What allegations about Hillary would it take to get you to have voted for Trump?

His goal may not be to hurt you, but that will be the result. Your question about accusations is quite telling. That is your problem. All you,or trump had was unproven accusations. If there was proof of even 1/100 of those accusations,I would have been right there with you. The choice of president shouldn't be based on who made up the biggest lie.

You were unhappy that I dismissed your accusations about Trump.

I explained why I dismissed them.

I then turned it around and asked a hypothetical about what it would take to have had you switch your vote to Trump.

To demonstrate my point that this was an US vs Them election.

Because HIllary could have "shot someone" and she would not have lost you.

HIllary's policies were aimed at hurting me. Trump's are aimed at helping me.
ask the right wing; lower taxes and finance; don't tax and spend, that is too fiscally responsible.
So you haven't thought that out eh?
yes, i have. the money cannot dry up, with unemployment compensation acting as an oil pump to circulate money through our economy. it must generate a positive multiplier effect on our economy and grow the size of the pie, to the new equilibrium.
Why would you think SS will dry up?
who cares; it can be replaced with unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis; anyone can buy more insurance if they want.
Oh, ok

He thinks being unclear makes him seem more intelligent.
Get off the low road...we are going to start pissing on you soon.....

That will really help to "Make America great again". But yes, that is what Trump is planning on doing to all of his voters. Pissing on them and rewarding Wall Street and the elites, with more of YOUR money.

What happens when reality doesn't match your made up fantasies?

You're the guy with fantasies of big paying jobs for low skilled workers.

I've seen lower skilled jobs make good money in certain environments, and I realize that those conditions can be made more and more common, perhaps even normal.

There are 5 million unfilled jobs in the US, that your low skilled workers COULD be retrained to do, but they don't have the money for schooling, because of they're basically unemployed and broke, so the jobs go begging, and the workers are on public assistance.

That's what the employers say. I've trained plenty of people. I've seen employers who are willing to train, and those that are to fucking stupid and lazy to do so. They want their solutions to be handed to them on a sliver platter at some one else's expense and effort.

And you are supporting them.

If conservatives didn't have shit for brains, they spend taxpayer money on training programs, or get the corporations to contribute to training programs, and put some of these workers back to work in these good-paying jobs.


This is something Americans don't want to hear, but you have to do something reasonable about the level of your public schools in America. You have created massive bureaucracies around education, and worse, you've let parents decide what they want their children to learn.

Americans are happy to discuss the problems of the schools. The people that refuse to hear about it are the dem politicians and the teachers unions.

American children are NOT learning the mathematics, science, climate change, and history lessons they need to lead the world into the 21st century and beyond. They are being politically indoctrinated in Creationism, and a false view of history through the eyes of "American exceptionalism" and other useless, false, and ultimately, destructive politicization.

So, you claim to want to talk about hte problems of us education and your primary focus is Creationism and American exceptionalism?

Sure, that's what is hold us back in math. lol!!

Europeans are willing to spend money and put that money into classrooms, not school boards, to spend the same amount of money to educate children from rich neighbourhoods as from poor, and to ensure that poor children get a better shot at a good education in the hopes of lifting them out of poverty. The US and Turkey are the only two first world countries who spend LESS money on the children of the poor, as the children of the rich.

Any attempt at centralization of funding would give more power to higher level education administrators.

Any gain in money would be offset by the increased meddling from above.
Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.
I have seen the enemy and they are republicans The war party

And who are you ?

The mexicans ?
A man of reason


You are Japanese.

What have you got against Republicans ?
They lack compassion for others ,,for one ....

And how do you make that assesment ?

Because they don't want to utilize government to force compassion by others ?

Seems kind of American to me.

Most republicans I know are pretty generous.

Most liberals I know are very generous.

Most left wingers I know talk big, but really are looking for forced compassion in their direction.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology

I hope what you are hoping for happens. Where a company finds a smart kid right out of high school or college and make him an apprentice and he has a good lifetime job that pays well. Companies stopped valuing employees sometime in the 70's and we need to go back to the time when companies had a social contract with workers.

Or I hope this practice stops Companies won’t even look at resumes of the long-term unemployed

That was 2013. In 2014 I found this article

300 companies pledge to help long-term unemployed

Lets hope companies continue to not discriminate against the long term unemployed. They need to realize these people's batteries are fully charged and they are hungry to go back to work. If its a good paying job you'll have a loyal employee forever. And they've probably already hit rock bottom and are looking to improve their lives. Give them a hand up not out.

Yeah I agree...the big gaps in employment can be a problem, but I agree give them a.chance to
If it's I was in jail for selling meth, nexxxxt
If it was I had to care for a sick relative or I had kids and wanted to be with them for awhile then it shouldn't be a problem.
I love efficiency, but it can get in the way, sometime looking at those resumes can find you good people.

Also I've hired people and teaching people skills like making a resume and filling out an app, young people have no clue, they leave half of it blank and half ass it.

If you ever saw my real resume you would NEVER hire me. Yet here I am a star at my current position. Go figure. A lot of companies suck to work for. When a new potential employer asks why I only worked somewhere for 3 months, I should be able to tell them that they sucked. And why they sucked. But you aren't supposed to be negative on an interview. You're supposed to put a positive spin on everything! In other words bullshit. Truth doesn't get you the job.

I had to completely lie on my resume. I put down that I ran my buddies UPS store for a couple years. I bounced from too many companies those 2 years. IMPOSSIBLE to explain that intelligently to any employer. So I had to lie. Luckily my current employer is a small private company owned by some rich people in Germany so they don't do extensive background checks or drug tests. The President met me, fell in love and the rest is history.

I think our system of looking for work or how companies look for employees is a joke. Ever look for a job on Monster or Career Builder or Indeed? How does a guy with my experience not get a call back?

Side note. I worked for this company for 5 years and I won awards. All of the sudden they hire this total ahole and he fires me. No shit he ends up coming to my next employer when he got fired for being an ahole and fires me again. How do I explain this? It doesn't sound believable even though it is. So I had to lie on my resume.
Isn't that why you present references? Corroborate your work ethics?
You should see the letter of recommendation my former employer wrote. But the circumstances of the previous 2 were hard to explain on an interview without coming off as a person who has a problem keeping a job. And I'm a great employee at my current employee and got shafted at two places.

So I lied on my resume, met the guy, he loved me and gave me a chance and now I'm killing it once again.

I hope the economy stays good (thanks Obama for getting us out of the great recession) and I hope trump makes it 90s good. Think of all the Facebook and Microsoft people who got rich back then.

The funny thing is trump was going bankrupt in the 90s. Lol
Or he might succeed at the majority of his policies to the tremendous benefit of all Americans.

I can see why you would hate that idea.

You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

More jobs and higher wages. That's is best for All Americans.

Can't argue with that statement. It's what Dems have been saying all along while Republican screamed tax cuts. Trump co-opts the Dem message and now you all love it.

Dems have been saying that? What was their plan, to flood the nation with cheap Third World labor and ship all the jobs overseas until we were all rich? LOL!!!
No, the plan was to:
- invest in infrastructure, which will hire a lot of people in the short term.
- augment vocational education, including for those who have held jobs that are going away due to automation, etc.
- increase the focus on education through college, so we aren't leaving behind the brains of those who don't have rich parents. This recognizes the fact that those who start new successful companies are usually those with college degrees. It also means existing companies constrained by the supply of well educated employees can grow - and, can do so without looking outside the US for the talent they need.
- put more focus on new market segments, such as clean energy.
- improve direct impacts on employees - wages (such as minimum wages), collective bargaining, retirement protection, health care, safety, etc.

Trying to get corporations to "come back" is ridiculous, as the number that would do that is small compared to the size of the employment problem. Let's remember that the reason for manufacturing in other countries is NOT just tax and wages. And, let's remember that companies that come back (like US Steel) will focus on automation to hire as few humans as possible - and those they hire will be those who know how to run and maintain automated factories.
You are going to be a sad liberal the next 8 years....:lol:
Oddly, I don;t care what you might think of me. I'm not distracting from anything. Trump is disgustingly flawed,and only an idiot would support him.

Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.

I understand. That roadkill haired orange clown was your ally, so you figured it might be worthwhile to let him and his group of tittie flashers trash the country. Good plan.


He is not my enemy. His goal is not to harm me.

Compared to those who hate me and want to destroy me, it was an easy choice to make.

What allegations about Hillary would it take to get you to have voted for Trump?

His goal may not be to hurt you, but that will be the result. Your question about accusations is quite telling. That is your problem. All you,or trump had was unproven accusations. If there was proof of even 1/100 of those accusations,I would have been right there with you. The choice of president shouldn't be based on who made up the biggest lie.

You were unhappy that I dismissed your accusations about Trump.

I explained why I dismissed them.

I then turned it around and asked a hypothetical about what it would take to have had you switch your vote to Trump.

To demonstrate my point that this was an US vs Them election.

Because HIllary could have "shot someone" and she would not have lost you.

HIllary's policies were aimed at hurting me. Trump's are aimed at helping me.

I made no accusations about Trump. What I said was fact.
You asked how many accusations it would take to chose Trump over Hillary. Anybody can make up accusations, and did. All you had were accusations.
Trump's flaws are vanishingly small compared to the piece of shit you lefties offered AND, more to the point, was not out to advance her agenda by harming me and mine.

This was US vs Them. Whining about minor issues is irrelevant when compared to the difference between ally and enemy.

I understand. That roadkill haired orange clown was your ally, so you figured it might be worthwhile to let him and his group of tittie flashers trash the country. Good plan.


He is not my enemy. His goal is not to harm me.

Compared to those who hate me and want to destroy me, it was an easy choice to make.

What allegations about Hillary would it take to get you to have voted for Trump?

His goal may not be to hurt you, but that will be the result. Your question about accusations is quite telling. That is your problem. All you,or trump had was unproven accusations. If there was proof of even 1/100 of those accusations,I would have been right there with you. The choice of president shouldn't be based on who made up the biggest lie.

You were unhappy that I dismissed your accusations about Trump.

I explained why I dismissed them.

I then turned it around and asked a hypothetical about what it would take to have had you switch your vote to Trump.

To demonstrate my point that this was an US vs Them election.

Because HIllary could have "shot someone" and she would not have lost you.

HIllary's policies were aimed at hurting me. Trump's are aimed at helping me.

I made no accusations about Trump. What I said was fact.
You asked how many accusations it would take to chose Trump over Hillary. Anybody can make up accusations, and did. All you had were accusations.

Now you are just actively avoiding my point.
Because I see people going "Trump's going to bring back jobs" but I've never seen anyone back up this claim. I mean, I could say that Santa's going to be the next president, do I have proof? "Why do you need evidence? I just fucking said it so it must be true"

Come on, this whole thread is just bullshit, people claiming something and backing it up with nothing.

Trump putting tariffs on cheap goods made in places where people don't earn much money will only bring back jobs if the tariffs are high enough for the costs of making the things in the US are cheaper than abroad. That'd have to be quite a high tariff. If it's that high then people won't want to buy the goods at such a high price. This will cause inflationary problems in the US as poor individuals will suddenly find their dollars don't go very far. Chances are a lot of companies would go bust, a lot of people would suffer. This doesn't solve any problems.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.

What the hell are you talking about?

Trump won because he based his platform on what the American people wanted.

You are being suckered by those who are trying to undermine his legitimacy before he even takes office.

These are the same people who told you that Trump could not win.

Why are you still trusting them?
He stated some things to want.

He did NOT state any rational idea on how it was going to be achieved.

Plus, he added the element of hatred and discrimination, dividing America on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, wealth, etc.

Then, he doubled down on that by picking Banon, the guy who moved Breitbart to being the platform for the alt-right, as his top advisor.

Why would ANYONE trust Trump???

All we can do is hope that he rejects his own platform.
You've been asleep

And what kind of shit response is that? What does it take to get evidence backed opinion out of people these days?
Exactly, so post the evidence Russia influenced the election! Oh wait you can't. Well you don't get to ask for any fk!

If you need proof russia and Comey influenced our elections with fake news then you're just a Republican who will argue anything and could never be convinced you were wrong similar to how you probably still deny Bush lied us to war even though everyone knows that now. Compare yourself to OJ defenders.

Did Russia pick the president?

America was influenced with fake news too. For example Hillary had a stroke. Did she really? Probably not but that was one piece of the narrative. You don't care because your side won.

And I say the poor and middle class get what they deserve falling for it. I might suffer too but I'll survive.

What the hell are you talking about?

Trump won because he based his platform on what the American people wanted.

You are being suckered by those who are trying to undermine his legitimacy before he even takes office.

These are the same people who told you that Trump could not win.

Why are you still trusting them?
He stated some things to want.

He did NOT state any rational idea on how it was going to be achieved.

Plus, he added the element of hatred and discrimination, dividing America on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, wealth, etc.

Then, he doubled down on that by picking Banon, the guy who moved Breitbart to being the platform for the alt-right, as his top advisor.

Why would ANYONE trust Trump???

All we can do is hope that he rejects his own platform.

Your race card use is noted. Your post is invalid.
You're a rightwing nut. You have no clue what is best for all Americans.

More jobs and higher wages. That's is best for All Americans.

Can't argue with that statement. It's what Dems have been saying all along while Republican screamed tax cuts. Trump co-opts the Dem message and now you all love it.

Dems have been saying that? What was their plan, to flood the nation with cheap Third World labor and ship all the jobs overseas until we were all rich? LOL!!!
No, the plan was to:
- invest in infrastructure, which will hire a lot of people in the short term.
- augment vocational education, including for those who have held jobs that are going away due to automation, etc.
- increase the focus on education through college, so we aren't leaving behind the brains of those who don't have rich parents. This recognizes the fact that those who start new successful companies are usually those with college degrees. It also means existing companies constrained by the supply of well educated employees can grow - and, can do so without looking outside the US for the talent they need.
- put more focus on new market segments, such as clean energy.
- improve direct impacts on employees - wages (such as minimum wages), collective bargaining, retirement protection, health care, safety, etc.

Trying to get corporations to "come back" is ridiculous, as the number that would do that is small compared to the size of the employment problem. Let's remember that the reason for manufacturing in other countries is NOT just tax and wages. And, let's remember that companies that come back (like US Steel) will focus on automation to hire as few humans as possible - and those they hire will be those who know how to run and maintain automated factories.

Got it, same bs that has failed for the last 50 years.

How do you explain Germany having more than twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do?
No, each one of the bullets I gave is something we aren't doing now or aren't doing enough of now - usually, because of the GOP.

And, Germany's percent of employment in the manufacturing sector has been decreasing more or less steadily since 1970 or before.
More jobs and higher wages. That's is best for All Americans.

Can't argue with that statement. It's what Dems have been saying all along while Republican screamed tax cuts. Trump co-opts the Dem message and now you all love it.

Dems have been saying that? What was their plan, to flood the nation with cheap Third World labor and ship all the jobs overseas until we were all rich? LOL!!!
No, the plan was to:
- invest in infrastructure, which will hire a lot of people in the short term.
- augment vocational education, including for those who have held jobs that are going away due to automation, etc.
- increase the focus on education through college, so we aren't leaving behind the brains of those who don't have rich parents. This recognizes the fact that those who start new successful companies are usually those with college degrees. It also means existing companies constrained by the supply of well educated employees can grow - and, can do so without looking outside the US for the talent they need.
- put more focus on new market segments, such as clean energy.
- improve direct impacts on employees - wages (such as minimum wages), collective bargaining, retirement protection, health care, safety, etc.

Trying to get corporations to "come back" is ridiculous, as the number that would do that is small compared to the size of the employment problem. Let's remember that the reason for manufacturing in other countries is NOT just tax and wages. And, let's remember that companies that come back (like US Steel) will focus on automation to hire as few humans as possible - and those they hire will be those who know how to run and maintain automated factories.

Got it, same bs that has failed for the last 50 years.

How do you explain Germany having more than twice the level of manufacturing employment that we do?
No, each one of the bullets I gave is something we aren't doing now or aren't doing enough of now - usually, because of the GOP.

And, Germany's percent of employment in the manufacturing sector has been decreasing more or less steadily since 1970 or before.

1. NOpe. Same old stuff. Hasn't worked till now, no reason to expect that to change.

2. Sure, manufacturing has been growing more efficient. That doesn't change the fact that Germany have more than TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we do.

If we could DOUBLE our number of manufacturing jobs, with better trade policies, and increase wages by decreasing excess labor supply, we could really help the middle and lower classes.

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