You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

NOt Cold War does not equal "make Russia happy".

I recall when Gorby ended Communist Party monopoly. I was so happy the Cold War was over. So were my friends.

We were confused by this lefty who tried to wind us up because the Soviet Union would now be stronger rival.

We told her Cold War is over.

I can't believe how hard it is for so many to accept a change for the good.
Russia made a power grab in that one country and we couldn't really say much because we invaded Iraq so we had to bite our lip, but Obama put sanctions on Russia and it has cost Russia billions and it has kept gas low.

Now why are you suggesting we shouldn't have sanctioned Russia? If Obama did nothing you'd be calling him a pussy.

But it's amazing you think we should have let Russia invade that country and not say anything about it. Wow! I mean wow. Who else can Russia invade and you won't say anything because you don't want another cold war.

And meanwhile you want to fuck with China over Taiwan when they could possibly beat us and Russia.

You just don't realize that you're too much of a fan to be objective. You're a cheerleader
So obummer did nothing I agree

And fk China
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
Your fake news tell you that?
No it told you hillary was having seasures
Well, the videos of Hillary having siezures told us she was having siezures actually.....
Sheesh, you're a youngster compared to most of the buck here. Most of these guys are like 60 - 70 range. And when their SS checks get cut, or they get there Medicare fucked up they can always remember the awesome zingers they gave those darn leftys

The S.S. checks will get cut because of the flood of immigrants and refugees coming here and getting on the program right away. People that never paid into it. I remember when reagan increased the social security tax back in the eighties. It was a huge increase necessary to keep social security afloat for the future retirees. We can't survive long as a first world nation if we bring mostly unskilled, undereducated, and needy here in great numbers. And these are people that have large families too, with many needs. Common sense needs to take hold. This is why Trump came on the scene. The right man for the right time in our nation's history.
Immigrants coming here and getting Social Security checks?

Can anyone explain this nonsense?
legal immigrants can get benefits.
My sister in law knows clinics in Dearborn MI full of arab immigrants who are sucking off medicaid/medicare/ssi/welfare/foodstamps. I suspect shady arab doctors give disability to people who don't deserve it as long as their name is allah.

You know arabs could ruin us from within if we let them get too big and powerful. Unfortunately corporations need immigrants to maximize growth so expect a lot of immigrants to flood in from the middle east because no one else wants to come here.

While generally pro business, this aspect I definately agree with you on. We really need to control immigration and sure up the border for a variety of reasons. We will be opposed by some democrats and Republicans who look at people as votes and cheap labor. There are plenty of people out of work and we need to hire them.and not imoport labor.

That will cause us to change how we educate. We need to.stop the social engineering crap and teach basic subjects and technology
should we eliminate the capital gains preference if there is no Job Boom for Labor?
welfare is means tested; you cannot save and not be penalized. it is like taxes or something.
No it's not. SS is someone's money owned by us who invest in it. Fking learn the system!
you asked about the difference between those two systems. we don't need that much government in any at-will employment State.
You didn't answer
that is the answer.
Well people put their own money in SS, welfare recipients don't. SS was fine until both parties stole from the funds! It's what they do. Welfare is dead weight and sucks economies dry!
it is a limited solution to a limited problem.
what about excising the wage difference between our first world economy and third world economies, and call it, equalization?

How about we keep our wage structure as separate as possible so that their low wages don't drag down our standard of living, like it has been doing for the last couple of decades?
We need a board of equalization to equalize wages for us. Excising and taxing the difference in wages accomplishes that goal.

No, we don't.

We need to take steps to protect ourselves from the down ward pressure on our wages of cheap Third World labor.
excising the tax difference helps us by increasing the cost of foreign labor.
Any day now Trump will announce his clothing manufacturers are closing overseas operations in China and Mexico and begin production of his products in the USA. He may even turn over the production of his ties to one of the twenty tie manufacturers here in America instead of China.

This dog failed to hunt. Time to move on.

Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.

Says you a month before the man takes office.

You are commenting on the lack of results before he is in office.

You just lost all credibility.
we have a Capital gains tax preference for Jobs Booms. it doesn't work. yet, we still have that program. how much different is Mr. Trump's micromanagement of our tax codes?
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Haven't seen a Jobs Boom, yet.
Why would you obummer is president. We know there never was one! Congrats, you admit it!
i haven't heard of any actual details for a Jobs Boom, either.
Why would you? Trump isn't in office! In race terms you've committed a false start
My Point is, that I have heard nothing but social plans and no capital plans regarding a jobs boom, even during the campaign.

All i heard, was pandering to the right wing.

care to explain the details. all i am hearing is nothing but social plans and no capital plans.
what infrastructure projects are being considered?

we can use underground, maglev capable, high speed commuter and freight capable conduits to markets.

Why can't you lazy cocksuckers do your own research? Stop watching only hate channels & websites, and do your own research. We are not your personal fucking secretaries
Nothing but social plans and no capital plans?
It won't pay for itself as promised.

The idea of borrowing $1 trillion would almost certainly get pushback from conservatives and deficit hawks. But the Navarro-Ross paper asserts that $1 trillion can be raised from private companies in exchange for just $140 billion in federal tax credits, plus returns on their investment.--

Investments in the general welfare have to generate a positive multiplier on our economy and grow the size of the pie, to cover costs.
I can't take it anymore. You infest this board with your stupidity & continually quote me with your nonsensical jibberish. You can join candyass at the kiddie table...
this is why no one takes the fantastical, right wing seriously about economics. they only have ad hominems, not economics arguments.

just fallacy from the fantastical, right wing.

Says the man that thinks being unclear makes him seem more intelligent.
Says the man who thinks I am being unclear, because he has reading comprehension issues.
It is not stupid to vote for better Trade and Immigration policies.

NOr against a second Cold War.
Weird you want so bad to make Russia happy.
How's that?
You're blaming Obama for sanctioning Russia after they invaded their neighbor.

What would trump do if Putin starts invading more neighbors? Will he be tough or do nothing?
I'm not in power and I want trump to watch our nationalism we are not the world police and that issue is the UN's to address!
Actually I agree. That's why Obama just sanctioned Russia instead of going to war.

Wish bush took your advice
Except 911 happened! Pissed off a lot of people. And raised the bar. All obummer had to do was keep the status quo. Nope he pulled out and triggered what we have today. Yes obummer is to blame.
It is not stupid to vote for better Trade and Immigration policies.

NOr against a second Cold War.
Weird you want so bad to make Russia happy.

NOt Cold War does not equal "make Russia happy".

I recall when Gorby ended Communist Party monopoly. I was so happy the Cold War was over. So were my friends.

We were confused by this lefty who tried to wind us up because the Soviet Union would now be stronger rival.

We told her Cold War is over.

I can't believe how hard it is for so many to accept a change for the good.
Russia made a power grab in that one country and we couldn't really say much because we invaded Iraq so we had to bite our lip, but Obama put sanctions on Russia and it has cost Russia billions and it has kept gas low.

Now why are you suggesting we shouldn't have sanctioned Russia? If Obama did nothing you'd be calling him a pussy.

But it's amazing you think we should have let Russia invade that country and not say anything about it. Wow! I mean wow. Who else can Russia invade and you won't say anything because you don't want another cold war.

And meanwhile you want to fuck with China over Taiwan when they could possibly beat us and Russia.

You just don't realize that you're too much of a fan to be objective. You're a cheerleader
So obummer did nothing I agree

And fk China
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
You crack me up
NOt Cold War does not equal "make Russia happy".

I recall when Gorby ended Communist Party monopoly. I was so happy the Cold War was over. So were my friends.

We were confused by this lefty who tried to wind us up because the Soviet Union would now be stronger rival.

We told her Cold War is over.

I can't believe how hard it is for so many to accept a change for the good.
Russia made a power grab in that one country and we couldn't really say much because we invaded Iraq so we had to bite our lip, but Obama put sanctions on Russia and it has cost Russia billions and it has kept gas low.

Now why are you suggesting we shouldn't have sanctioned Russia? If Obama did nothing you'd be calling him a pussy.

But it's amazing you think we should have let Russia invade that country and not say anything about it. Wow! I mean wow. Who else can Russia invade and you won't say anything because you don't want another cold war.

And meanwhile you want to fuck with China over Taiwan when they could possibly beat us and Russia.

You just don't realize that you're too much of a fan to be objective. You're a cheerleader
So obummer did nothing I agree

And fk China
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
Your fake news tell you that?
No it told you hillary was having seasures
I watched her seizures, I didn't need any news sources to tell me. You missed all her seizures eh?
Weird you want so bad to make Russia happy.

NOt Cold War does not equal "make Russia happy".

I recall when Gorby ended Communist Party monopoly. I was so happy the Cold War was over. So were my friends.

We were confused by this lefty who tried to wind us up because the Soviet Union would now be stronger rival.

We told her Cold War is over.

I can't believe how hard it is for so many to accept a change for the good.
Russia made a power grab in that one country and we couldn't really say much because we invaded Iraq so we had to bite our lip, but Obama put sanctions on Russia and it has cost Russia billions and it has kept gas low.

Now why are you suggesting we shouldn't have sanctioned Russia? If Obama did nothing you'd be calling him a pussy.

But it's amazing you think we should have let Russia invade that country and not say anything about it. Wow! I mean wow. Who else can Russia invade and you won't say anything because you don't want another cold war.

And meanwhile you want to fuck with China over Taiwan when they could possibly beat us and Russia.

You just don't realize that you're too much of a fan to be objective. You're a cheerleader
So obummer did nothing I agree

And fk China
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?
Russia made a power grab in that one country and we couldn't really say much because we invaded Iraq so we had to bite our lip, but Obama put sanctions on Russia and it has cost Russia billions and it has kept gas low.

Now why are you suggesting we shouldn't have sanctioned Russia? If Obama did nothing you'd be calling him a pussy.

But it's amazing you think we should have let Russia invade that country and not say anything about it. Wow! I mean wow. Who else can Russia invade and you won't say anything because you don't want another cold war.

And meanwhile you want to fuck with China over Taiwan when they could possibly beat us and Russia.

You just don't realize that you're too much of a fan to be objective. You're a cheerleader
So obummer did nothing I agree

And fk China
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
Your fake news tell you that?
No it told you hillary was having seasures
I watched her seizures, I didn't need any news sources to tell me. You missed all her seizures eh?

Thanks for proving you believed the fake news as if it were fact you fucking dope

Hillary Clinton Has a Seizure on Camera?

Clinton "exaggeratedly bob(bed) her head" after reporters repeated the question about Warren, while the New York Daily News wrote that Clinton "gave an exaggerated startled response" to the question.

Notably, rumors that Clinton was captured on camera underoing a seizure didn't start circulating until well over a month later, when they were presented without any evidence beyond uninformed speculation.

You really really are stupid. And for the record my brother believed this shit too.
would it matter as much, if anyone who wants to quit could simply quit and collect unemployment benefits at one dollar an hour less than the current minimum wage in our at-will employment States?

Anyone who wants to work, would find it easier to find a job.
But fewer people would want to work. By your suggestion, those not capable of more than a minimum wage job would be stupid to take a minimum wage job as that would been going from not working at all to working 40 hours/week and gaining only $40.

So those collecting money for producing nothing would aid the economy only as consumers. Too many people doing that for too long would strain resources.
So obummer did nothing I agree

And fk China
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
Your fake news tell you that?
No it told you hillary was having seasures
I watched her seizures, I didn't need any news sources to tell me. You missed all her seizures eh?

Thanks for proving you believed the fake news as if it were fact you fucking dope

Hillary Clinton Has a Seizure on Camera?

Clinton "exaggeratedly bob(bed) her head" after reporters repeated the question about Warren, while the New York Daily News wrote that Clinton "gave an exaggerated startled response" to the question.

Notably, rumors that Clinton was captured on camera underoing a seizure didn't start circulating until well over a month later, when they were presented without any evidence beyond uninformed speculation.

You really really are stupid. And for the record my brother believed this shit too.
Yeah, you go with that, I saw it!
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
Your fake news tell you that?
No it told you hillary was having seasures
I watched her seizures, I didn't need any news sources to tell me. You missed all her seizures eh?

Thanks for proving you believed the fake news as if it were fact you fucking dope

Hillary Clinton Has a Seizure on Camera?

Clinton "exaggeratedly bob(bed) her head" after reporters repeated the question about Warren, while the New York Daily News wrote that Clinton "gave an exaggerated startled response" to the question.

Notably, rumors that Clinton was captured on camera underoing a seizure didn't start circulating until well over a month later, when they were presented without any evidence beyond uninformed speculation.

You really really are stupid. And for the record my brother believed this shit too.
Yeah, you go with that, I saw it!
You saw fake news my man! See how dumb Americans are. Even after the fact we know you got punked and you still don't believe it. You probably still believe Obama was born in kenya too ya dumb fucker.
NOt Cold War does not equal "make Russia happy".

I recall when Gorby ended Communist Party monopoly. I was so happy the Cold War was over. So were my friends.

We were confused by this lefty who tried to wind us up because the Soviet Union would now be stronger rival.

We told her Cold War is over.

I can't believe how hard it is for so many to accept a change for the good.
Russia made a power grab in that one country and we couldn't really say much because we invaded Iraq so we had to bite our lip, but Obama put sanctions on Russia and it has cost Russia billions and it has kept gas low.

Now why are you suggesting we shouldn't have sanctioned Russia? If Obama did nothing you'd be calling him a pussy.

But it's amazing you think we should have let Russia invade that country and not say anything about it. Wow! I mean wow. Who else can Russia invade and you won't say anything because you don't want another cold war.

And meanwhile you want to fuck with China over Taiwan when they could possibly beat us and Russia.

You just don't realize that you're too much of a fan to be objective. You're a cheerleader
So obummer did nothing I agree

And fk China
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?
You're getting briefings? Wow, message board junkie has more information than congress! I'm impressed.
Your fake news tell you that?
No it told you hillary was having seasures
I watched her seizures, I didn't need any news sources to tell me. You missed all her seizures eh?

Thanks for proving you believed the fake news as if it were fact you fucking dope

Hillary Clinton Has a Seizure on Camera?

Clinton "exaggeratedly bob(bed) her head" after reporters repeated the question about Warren, while the New York Daily News wrote that Clinton "gave an exaggerated startled response" to the question.

Notably, rumors that Clinton was captured on camera underoing a seizure didn't start circulating until well over a month later, when they were presented without any evidence beyond uninformed speculation.

You really really are stupid. And for the record my brother believed this shit too.
Yeah, you go with that, I saw it!
You saw fake news my man! See how dumb Americans are. Even after the fact we know you got punked and you still don't believe it. You probably still believe Obama was born in kenya too ya dumb fucker.
No, I saw live tv.
would it matter as much, if anyone who wants to quit could simply quit and collect unemployment benefits at one dollar an hour less than the current minimum wage in our at-will employment States?

Anyone who wants to work, would find it easier to find a job.
But fewer people would want to work. By your suggestion, those not capable of more than a minimum wage job would be stupid to take a minimum wage job as that would been going from not working at all to working 40 hours/week and gaining only $40.

So those collecting money for producing nothing would aid the economy only as consumers. Too many people doing that for too long would strain resources.
What if the free money is no longer available?

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