You White Folks Are Gonna Benefit...

From today's WSJ:

"Liberals should reject the divisive, zero-sum politics of identity and find their way back to a unifying vision of the common good."
The Liberal Crackup

Now....isn't that exactly what I've been saying in this thread since the election????

As I said in a previous post...
NOW the biggest problem for the Left is toning down the half-heads who they sent out to post all those lies about the Trump administration.
Their acolytes are still foaming at the mouth, and posting about Flynn, obstruction, collusion, impeachment, and all the other slanders.

"In the last generation, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama won the office with comfortable margins, but they were repeatedly stymied by assertive Republicans in Congress, a right-leaning Supreme Court and—what should be the most worrisome development for Democrats—a steadily growing majority of state governments in Republican hands.

What’s more, nothing those presidents did while in office did much to reverse the rightward drift of American public opinion. Even when they vote for Democrats or support some of their policies, most Americans—including young people, women and minorities—reject the term “liberal.

It is time to admit that American liberalism is in deep crisis: a crisis of imagination and ambition on our side, a crisis of attachment and trust on the side of the wider public.”

WSJ, Op. Cit.
"... we [Liberals/Democrats] got tangled up in the divisive, zero-sum world of identity politics, losing a sense of what binds us together as a nation. What went missing in the Reagan years was the great liberal-democratic We."
WSJ, Op. Cit.

Wise up, Liberals....the victimology, the identity politics, the grievance industry you've created chaos, instability, and it failed.
Stop with the hatred....and become Americans once again.

And that means this:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Try'll like it.
Of course, the insane radical anti-white, anti-American Democrats will not give the party back without a fight....

"Elizabeth Warren Takes Aim at Moderates and Generates Chants of ‘Warren 2020’

"...Elizabeth Warren used a speech to a grass-roots conference Saturday to take direct aim at Democrats’ diminished moderate wing, ridiculing Clinton-era policies and jubilantly proclaiming that liberals had taken control of the party.

....Warren sent an unambiguous message that she believes the Clinton effort to push Democrats toward the political center should be relegated to history."
Elizabeth Warren Takes Aim at Moderates and Generates Chants of ‘Warren 2020’

This battle for the soul of the party should be Pay-per-View!!!
The week after Trump was elected, I started this thread, predicting a turnabout by the Democrats.

I claim the following as a BIG change!

1. "A Missouri state senator said ... that she hopes President Donald Trump is assassinated.
Maria Chappelle-Nadal acknowledged on Thursday that she wrote a post which read: “I hope Trump is assassinated!”
Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’

2. Frankly, I assumed that this is consistent with much of the Democrat/Liberal rhetoric....and nothing would happen to this moron....she is a Democrat, and black, and that combination is usually a 'get out of jail' card.

3. But....rather than the usual Democrats circling the wagons,.....they piled on with normal people....the Republicans....and demanded she resign!

4. "USA Today reported Missouri Democratic. Sen. Claire McCaskill criticized Chappelle-Nadal, saying, “It’s outrageous. And she should resign.” Missouri Democratic Rep. Lacy Clay also denounced the Facebook post.

Missouri State Senate Democratic leader Gina Walsh called the comment “horrible” and said her behavior has “no place in our caucus.”
Missouri Senate Ready To Expel Lawmaker Who Threatened Trump’s Life

Somethin' new is blowin' in the wind!!!
"Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

Sen. Dianne Feinstein may be San Francisco’s favorite politician, but she quickly learned Tuesday evening that even a wildly popular ex-mayor can get into trouble if she tries to say something nice about President Trump.

Feinstein received a standing ovation from the 850 people at the sold-out Herbst Theater when she walked onto the stage for an hour-long “conversation” with former East Bay Rep. Ellen Tauscher. But near the end of the political lovefest, the senator shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term.

“The question is whether he can learn and change,” Feinstein told the crowd at the Commonwealth Club event. “If so, I believe he can be a good president.”
Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump
The deep and abiding injury that the Democrat Party suffered in the election is having the effect that I predicted: Democrat are battling over the direction of the party.

This, from 'The New Yorker' mag.....

"The Democratic Civil War Is Getting Nasty, Even if No One Is Paying Attention
Democrats were repeating the same political mistakes a year later. “Look at Virginia right now,” Greenberg said, as soon as we sat down in his second-floor office. “We have a candidate”—Ralph Northam, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee—“running as Hillary Clinton. He is running on the same kind of issues, and has the same kind of view of the world. It’s the Republicans who talk about the economy, not the Democrats.” This was the approach that doomed Clinton against Trump. The electorate was angry in 2016 and remains angry now, Greenberg said, and Northam, a Norfolk doctor, didn’t get it. Neither did Clinton and the team of Obama veterans who staffed her Brooklyn headquarters. “If you live in the metro areas with the élites, you don’t wake up angry about what’s happening in people’s lives,” Greenberg said.

...unless the Party figures out, and fast, a way to tackle the problem that sealed Clinton’s fate in 2016: how to appeal to the disaffected white working-class voters who provided Trump’s unlikely win a year ago."
The Democratic Civil War Is Getting Nasty, Even if No One Is Paying Attention
IF Feinstein likes Trump, that is really bad for patriotic Americans

Let's remind all of the context for your use of 'patriotic'....

The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

Sooo any use of 'patriotic' referring to Democrats would be a misnomer.

Right after the election, I posited that the Democrat Party would re-form, end it's hostility to the white, working class, and become more like the American party it once was.

I see the recent election in Pennsylvania as proof of that.

There is a 'civil war' taking place in the Democrat Party, with the communists who control it being attacked from within by the real Democrats, who want to win elections.....

"Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb is the 'right' kind of Democrat, says former governor
“If you want to succeed in taking back the Congress, we have to understand that there’s got to be more than just outright, 100 percent, full-fledged progressives in the Democratic Party. We’ve got to have moderate Democrats. We even got to have room for some conservative Democrats,” Rendell told ABC News' "Powerhouse Politics" podcast."
Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb is the 'right' kind of Democrat, says former governor

"In the previous five state House elections, Democrats ran anti-Trump progressive resistance candidates, each time telling us that was the winning formula, but each time coming up short. This time they did something very different.

The Democrats chose Lamb, a telegenic young Marine and federal prosecutor. Instead of running against Trump, Lamb chose to more clearly ally himself with the voters of a still very pro-Trump district.

One of Lamb’s first public pronouncements was that he wouldn’t vote for Nancy Pelosi as minority leader. He went on to define himself as pro-gun and personally pro-life. Lamb sounded very much like Joe Manchin, the U.S. senator from West Virginia, which forms both the southern and western borders of the 18th District."
An upset, yes, but a short victory lap for Democrat Lamb in Pennsylvania

If the Trump presidency forces the radicals out of the Democrat Party....he will have done a great service for America.

Right after the election, I posited that the Democrat Party would re-form, end it's hostility to the white, working class, and become more like the American party it once was.

I see the recent election in Pennsylvania as proof of that.

There is a 'civil war' taking place in the Democrat Party, with the communists who control it being attacked from within by the real Democrats, who want to win elections.....

"Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb is the 'right' kind of Democrat, says former governor
“If you want to succeed in taking back the Congress, we have to understand that there’s got to be more than just outright, 100 percent, full-fledged progressives in the Democratic Party. We’ve got to have moderate Democrats. We even got to have room for some conservative Democrats,” Rendell told ABC News' "Powerhouse Politics" podcast."
Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb is the 'right' kind of Democrat, says former governor

"In the previous five state House elections, Democrats ran anti-Trump progressive resistance candidates, each time telling us that was the winning formula, but each time coming up short. This time they did something very different.

The Democrats chose Lamb, a telegenic young Marine and federal prosecutor. Instead of running against Trump, Lamb chose to more clearly ally himself with the voters of a still very pro-Trump district.

One of Lamb’s first public pronouncements was that he wouldn’t vote for Nancy Pelosi as minority leader. He went on to define himself as pro-gun and personally pro-life. Lamb sounded very much like Joe Manchin, the U.S. senator from West Virginia, which forms both the southern and western borders of the 18th District."
An upset, yes, but a short victory lap for Democrat Lamb in Pennsylvania

If the Trump presidency forces the radicals out of the Democrat Party....he will have done a great service for America.

I will believe it when I see it.

He might not vote for Pelosi, but her replacement will be just as bad.

The underlying agenda of the Dems, is still the same, use Third World immigration to turn the nation into a One Party Third World shit hole.

If he supports that, everything, anything else he says is bullshit.

IF he does not support it, then wtf is he doing in the dem party?
"Lamb, 33, a former federal prosecutor and Marine Corps veteran,...

Lamb managed to secure impressive margins in Allegheny County suburbs such as Upper St. Clair that have been Republican bastions, Devanney said, partly by taking some conservative positions on issues such as gun control.

...a willingness to work with both sides as a moderate.

“Part of that cocktail is running against Nancy Pelosi,”

“His message in many ways was a conservative Republican message. The question voters will have moving forward is: is that rhetoric?” he said. “Now he'll have a voting record.”
"Lamb, 33, a former federal prosecutor and Marine Corps veteran,...

Lamb managed to secure impressive margins in Allegheny County suburbs such as Upper St. Clair that have been Republican bastions, Devanney said, partly by taking some conservative positions on issues such as gun control.

...a willingness to work with both sides as a moderate.

“Part of that cocktail is running against Nancy Pelosi,”

“His message in many ways was a conservative Republican message. The question voters will have moving forward is: is that rhetoric?” he said. “Now he'll have a voting record.”
Conor Lamb wove union support, moderate views into successful campaign

The dems are out to destroy the republicans. and reject as taboo any hint that white people might have interests that are valid to pursue.

How exactly does he plan to work with both sides on that?

Don't get me wrong. I hope your optimism is correct.
"Lamb, 33, a former federal prosecutor and Marine Corps veteran,...

Lamb managed to secure impressive margins in Allegheny County suburbs such as Upper St. Clair that have been Republican bastions, Devanney said, partly by taking some conservative positions on issues such as gun control.

...a willingness to work with both sides as a moderate.

“Part of that cocktail is running against Nancy Pelosi,”

“His message in many ways was a conservative Republican message. The question voters will have moving forward is: is that rhetoric?” he said. “Now he'll have a voting record.”
Conor Lamb wove union support, moderate views into successful campaign

The dems are out to destroy the republicans. and reject as taboo any hint that white people might have interests that are valid to pursue.

How exactly does he plan to work with both sides on that?

Don't get me wrong. I hope your optimism is correct.

My optimism is based on one eternal fact: all that matters to the Democrats is winning elections.
"Lamb, 33, a former federal prosecutor and Marine Corps veteran,...

Lamb managed to secure impressive margins in Allegheny County suburbs such as Upper St. Clair that have been Republican bastions, Devanney said, partly by taking some conservative positions on issues such as gun control.

...a willingness to work with both sides as a moderate.

“Part of that cocktail is running against Nancy Pelosi,”

“His message in many ways was a conservative Republican message. The question voters will have moving forward is: is that rhetoric?” he said. “Now he'll have a voting record.”
Conor Lamb wove union support, moderate views into successful campaign

The dems are out to destroy the republicans. and reject as taboo any hint that white people might have interests that are valid to pursue.

How exactly does he plan to work with both sides on that?

Don't get me wrong. I hope your optimism is correct.

My optimism is based on one eternal fact: all that matters to the Democrats is winning elections.

My pessimism is based on the fact that the majority of births in this country are minority, and nothing seems to change minorities voting majority dem
"Lamb, 33, a former federal prosecutor and Marine Corps veteran,...

Lamb managed to secure impressive margins in Allegheny County suburbs such as Upper St. Clair that have been Republican bastions, Devanney said, partly by taking some conservative positions on issues such as gun control.

...a willingness to work with both sides as a moderate.

“Part of that cocktail is running against Nancy Pelosi,”

“His message in many ways was a conservative Republican message. The question voters will have moving forward is: is that rhetoric?” he said. “Now he'll have a voting record.”
Conor Lamb wove union support, moderate views into successful campaign

The dems are out to destroy the republicans. and reject as taboo any hint that white people might have interests that are valid to pursue.

How exactly does he plan to work with both sides on that?

Don't get me wrong. I hope your optimism is correct.

My optimism is based on one eternal fact: all that matters to the Democrats is winning elections.

My pessimism is based on the fact that the majority of births in this country are minority, and nothing seems to change minorities voting majority dem

Except that's not accurate. Over 3/4th of all births were white, at least in 2015.

Number of Births by Race
clinton archepelago.png
"Lamb, 33, a former federal prosecutor and Marine Corps veteran,...

Lamb managed to secure impressive margins in Allegheny County suburbs such as Upper St. Clair that have been Republican bastions, Devanney said, partly by taking some conservative positions on issues such as gun control.

...a willingness to work with both sides as a moderate.

“Part of that cocktail is running against Nancy Pelosi,”

“His message in many ways was a conservative Republican message. The question voters will have moving forward is: is that rhetoric?” he said. “Now he'll have a voting record.”
Conor Lamb wove union support, moderate views into successful campaign

The dems are out to destroy the republicans. and reject as taboo any hint that white people might have interests that are valid to pursue.

How exactly does he plan to work with both sides on that?

Don't get me wrong. I hope your optimism is correct.

My optimism is based on one eternal fact: all that matters to the Democrats is winning elections.

My pessimism is based on the fact that the majority of births in this country are minority, and nothing seems to change minorities voting majority dem

Except that's not accurate. Over 3/4th of all births were white, at least in 2015.

Number of Births by Race

since when does accurate have anything to do with posts from the Right ?
"Lamb, 33, a former federal prosecutor and Marine Corps veteran,...

Lamb managed to secure impressive margins in Allegheny County suburbs such as Upper St. Clair that have been Republican bastions, Devanney said, partly by taking some conservative positions on issues such as gun control.

...a willingness to work with both sides as a moderate.

“Part of that cocktail is running against Nancy Pelosi,”

“His message in many ways was a conservative Republican message. The question voters will have moving forward is: is that rhetoric?” he said. “Now he'll have a voting record.”
Conor Lamb wove union support, moderate views into successful campaign

The dems are out to destroy the republicans. and reject as taboo any hint that white people might have interests that are valid to pursue.

How exactly does he plan to work with both sides on that?

Don't get me wrong. I hope your optimism is correct.

My optimism is based on one eternal fact: all that matters to the Democrats is winning elections.

My pessimism is based on the fact that the majority of births in this country are minority, and nothing seems to change minorities voting majority dem

Except that's not accurate. Over 3/4th of all births were white, at least in 2015.

Number of Births by Race

since when does accurate have anything to do with posts from the Right ?
bullshit graph.png
Right after the election, I posited that the Democrat Party would re-form, end it's hostility to the white, working class, and become more like the American party it once was.

I see the recent election in Pennsylvania as proof of that.

There is a 'civil war' taking place in the Democrat Party, with the communists who control it being attacked from within by the real Democrats, who want to win elections.....

"Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb is the 'right' kind of Democrat, says former governor
“If you want to succeed in taking back the Congress, we have to understand that there’s got to be more than just outright, 100 percent, full-fledged progressives in the Democratic Party. We’ve got to have moderate Democrats. We even got to have room for some conservative Democrats,” Rendell told ABC News' "Powerhouse Politics" podcast."
Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb is the 'right' kind of Democrat, says former governor

"In the previous five state House elections, Democrats ran anti-Trump progressive resistance candidates, each time telling us that was the winning formula, but each time coming up short. This time they did something very different.

The Democrats chose Lamb, a telegenic young Marine and federal prosecutor. Instead of running against Trump, Lamb chose to more clearly ally himself with the voters of a still very pro-Trump district.

One of Lamb’s first public pronouncements was that he wouldn’t vote for Nancy Pelosi as minority leader. He went on to define himself as pro-gun and personally pro-life. Lamb sounded very much like Joe Manchin, the U.S. senator from West Virginia, which forms both the southern and western borders of the 18th District."
An upset, yes, but a short victory lap for Democrat Lamb in Pennsylvania

If the Trump presidency forces the radicals out of the Democrat Party....he will have done a great service for America.

I will believe it when I see it.

He might not vote for Pelosi, but her replacement will be just as bad.

The underlying agenda of the Dems, is still the same, use Third World immigration to turn the nation into a One Party Third World shit hole.

If he supports that, everything, anything else he says is bullshit.

IF he does not support it, then wtf is he doing in the dem party?

If you've yet to see it, you haven't looked. There's anti-communist and anti-social justice lefties all over YouTube wondering wtf happened to their party.

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