Young males are struggling, and the reasons for that are obvious

I think it's closely related to the "social equity" movement. Our government has "transitioned" from a focus on maintaining equal rights, toward a goal of equalizing power in society.

But, as much as they'd like to, they can't make everyone equal. They can't make sure women make as much as men, they can't ensure that smart, good looking people aren't more successful than the rest of us. So, the goal has shifted toward obliterating these distinctions. If we can't make everyone equal, we'll just pretend that they are. And viciously attack anyone who disagrees.
I think that's exactly right, and I would add this is now including the whole "trans" thing -- which, I'm also guessing, is playing a role in this specific issue. This movement seeks to force normalization and acceptance, and that just flies in the face of human nature. Somehow they don't realize that the way they are choosing to do this only creates resentment and makes things worse.

And again, it's that same lack of understanding that opened the door to Trump and Trumpism.
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I think it's closely related to the "social equity" movement. Our government has "transitioned" from a focus on maintaining equal rights, toward a goal of equalizing power in society.

But, as much as they'd like to, they can't make everyone equal. They can't make sure women make as much as men, they can't ensure that smart, good looking people aren't more successful than the rest of us. So, the goal has shifted toward obliterating these distinctions. If we can't make everyone equal, we'll just pretend that they are.
The difference between equity and equality is easy to understand. Take for instance our public school system. Traditionally they have been funded through property taxes from within the district. This resulted in a lot of schools in poor black neighborhoods to go underfunded. What's recently been happening now are that State governments have been supplementing these poor districts so they have equal funding with the best performing schools in the county and state. Good right? Except that doesn't mean an equal number of dollars goes towards educating these children. Often times children in poor neighborhoods are on assisted lunch programs. That eats up budget. If almost no kids in wealthier districts are on assisted lunch then they are able to allocate more resources towards education. Another difference is one of infrastructure. A lot of the schools in poorer neighborhoods are older. Some a lot older. They need more maintenence and renovations. That eats up more of the budget. So you can look at a situation like this and see the equality is not always the right way to look at things. Sometimes it's necessary to recognize that some communities need more assistance than others, need more resources than others.
You whites can't escape that colonizers mentality can you? 😄 You don't have to pilfer anything my guy. Reggae music is for the world the share. Its our gift to you. You should probably try to do it a little better than that though. I've only gotten the one line from you but already I can already tell where it went wrong. These lame as whites are trying too hard. Who cares how many joints you smoked? Why are you trying to make people do math while they're smoking weed and listening to music? Just bun the weed and play some tunes.
I smoke two joints when Goat Curry trolls, and then I smoke two more.....

And again, it's that same lack of understanding that opened the door to Trump and Trumpism.
The only thing I guess I disagree on is this. Trump and "Trumpism" came about because the duopoly tried to force feed us the establishment we ALL hate. FUCK Jeb Bush. FUCK Hillary Clinton.

BOTH of those choices would be 4 more years of the last 30.

Michael Moore's fat commie ass got it right when he said that the people will vote for Trump and it will be a huge FUCK YOU to the establishment.

Who will be the next FUCK YOU?
Who did the FBI investigate for protesting at a school board meeting?

You have no answer because this is right wing myth that you believe without a scrap of evidence.

The FBI said they’d investigate anyone making terroristic threats to school boards which is a good thing if you’re on the side of a civilized society.

All you have are lies.
Its not a lie that the liberal public education monopoly sent a letter to merrick garland requesting FBI harassment of parents who oppose grooming

I think it's closely related to the "social equity" movement. Our government has "transitioned" from a focus on maintaining equal rights, toward a goal of equalizing power in society.

But, as much as they'd like to, they can't make everyone equal. They can't make sure women make as much as men, they can't ensure that smart, good looking people aren't more successful than the rest of us. So, the goal has shifted toward obliterating these distinctions. If we can't make everyone equal, we'll just pretend that they are. And viciously attack anyone who disagrees.

Thank you for saying what I couldn't put into words.
I think that's exactly right, and I would add this is now including the whole "trans" thing -- which, I'm also guessing, is playing a role in this specific issue. This movement seeks to force normalization and acceptance, and that just flies in the face of human nature. Somehow they don't realize that it only creates resentment and makes things worse.

And again, it's that same lack of understanding that opened the door to Trump and Trumpism.

You voted for the administration that gave us a Supreme Court justice who can't define what a woman is.

The "trans" thing, as you call it, is your fault.

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