Your first amendment rights vs someone elses safety is a bogus argument

There's plenty of polling on stay-at-home orders, and they're quite popular.

Your polling does not Trump MY RIGHTS

Your rights aren't being violated, snowflake. Shut up, stay home and wait for the all clear. You violate others right to life by gathering in large, stupid, unprotected groups.

View attachment 326134
"Your right to free speech, travel, assembly are not being violated. Now shut up, stay home, and don't move until we tell you, or you'll be arrested and charged with criminal mischief."


He's a nice little Nazi member......LOL
Irony, considering who's carrying the NAZI flags at their silly little protests.
The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.

You wouldn't have shit if your nose was shoved in it, keyboard warrior. Go find a sandbox to play in with the other toddlers.
But should not be mandated under criminal or civil penalty.
You mean people should just do the right thing because it is the right thing to do? Ridiculous idea.
Sure. Give people a chance and the usually do---WITHOUT government guns pointed at them.
Really? Can you give me an example of a gov't law or reg that was enacted even though people were acting safely and ethically? Put another way, what laws can you cite that were NOT enacted in reaction to an existing problem?
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'll sign a pledge that I will stomp your whiny butt into a mud hole if you try to stop me......

We AREN'T CHINA..........and the people are getting ANGRY.........I really don't give a shit what you think about it.

And I'll throw your piece of paper on the ground and piss on it..........

Clear it up for you MORON.

The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.
How are you going to crush anything from your hidey hole other than the beer cans from the case you obviously killed off before posting this. :rofl:

Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you think it would have worked out differently had they been killed for attempting to go to work and feed their families? The analogy you're grasping for is Kent State...not Oklahoma City.
I'm just warning idiots that the LAW and those that enforce it are on our side. Only 22% of people out there support those stupid protest.

And that number is swiftly changing the longer these shut downs draw out.

On January 20, 2021 Joe Biden will be your President and he'll be backed by a House of Representatives that is controlled by Democrats and a Senate that is controlled by Democrats.

Maybe, maybe not. What does that have to do with today?

More people support the shut downs today than they did 6 weeks ago.

42,000 Americans are dead because TRUMP did not put in place travel bans on ALL COUNTRIES back in January like TAIWAN did. TAIWAN only has 6 deaths because the followed the SCIENCE of protecting their population from this pandemic to the tee.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace.
What if I CHOOSE to drive down your street at 100 mph while your kids are playing outside?

What you nitwits keep ignoring is this is a public health matter that threatens everyone. Not just the buffoons idiotically congregating like brain dead zombies.

Kentucky sees highest spike in coronavirus cases after protests against lockdown


How perfect for you that viruses offers GREAT excuses for government to infringe on every right imaginable.

I would rather die and kill everyone around me than live under totalitarian oppression for my "own good."

FUCK THE GREATER GOOD!!! There is no such thing that does not also seriously violate human rights.

The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'll sign a pledge that I will stomp your whiny butt into a mud hole if you try to stop me......

We AREN'T CHINA..........and the people are getting ANGRY.........I really don't give a shit what you think about it.

And I'll throw your piece of paper on the ground and piss on it..........

Clear it up for you MORON.

The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.
How are you going to crush anything from your hidey hole other than the beer cans from the case you obviously killed off before posting this. :rofl:

Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you think it would have worked out differently had they been killed for attempting to go to work and feed their families? The analogy you're grasping for is Kent State...not Oklahoma City.

If you don't have money to buy food, you can go to the food pantry or homeless shelter to get those things. Returning to non-essential work places is a violation of the law and unnecessarily puts the all Americans at greater risk.

People at Kent state were not helping a deadly global pathogen spread and kill people around the world. But the people in these protest this pass week are doing exactly that. What they did threatens the lives of all Americans.
The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.
Government force. How predictable.


Ask David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh about government force when you break the law. Lots of Trumpers out there side or sympathize with the views of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh. They are indeed enemies of the United States.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
Sounds like you're a trucker, do you feel the safety rules covering truckers should be ignored? They should be allowed to drive as many hours straight as they want?

Absolutely. Did it for years. We referred to log books as joke books.

And they are being ignored right now...legally. All freight food or crisis relayed is exempt from Hours of Service Regulations

Thanks, I feel so much safer now. :omg:
Do you mind if I call you Alan?

You never answered my question Alan...should I have my trucks return protect nurses and doctors? Cause I can do that.

Or are some risks acceptable to alleviate other types of suffering...
I've always said life is full of risks but it makes sense to mitigate them as much as possible. I drive my car AND use seat belts.
The question of when to relax stay-at-home orders has become the latest front in the culture war, a conflict fanned by President Trump during his daily White House briefings. But a new Washington Post-University of Maryland poll shows that protesters agitating for governors to quickly lift restrictions represent the fringe more than the mainstream.

Just 10 percent of Americans predict that gatherings of 10 or more people would be safe by the end of April or earlier. Another 21 percent expect them to be safe by the end of May. But the other two-thirds of U.S. adults say it may take until June or later for people to safely congregate in groups of 10 or more.
Public opinion is useless in a debate. We don't care what "everybody" thinks. It's irrelevant and fallacious.

The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.
Government force. How predictable.


Ask David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh about government force when you break the law. Lots of Trumpers out there side or sympathize with the views of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh. They are indeed enemies of the United States.
What law was Koresh breaking when the ATF attacked them? "Stockpiling weapons" is NOT, nor has it ever been, a crime in Texas or the U.S.

After that, their decisions were their own, but those decisions were brought on by angry/frustrated people who became fed up with GOVERNMENT OVERREACH.

Now, you want to make leaving one's house and assembling ILLEGAL and you want to use GOVERNMENT FORCE/OVERREACH to achieve it.

Get ready for more Koresh/McVeigh behavior from those who have reached their boiling point.

Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
Are you?
Nope. I'm distancing and wearing a mask. I also wear seat belts and a bike helmet. I won't take silly risks to myself or my family.
You take a risk every time you get behind the wheel.
99.5% or even better than that will not die from this...........As they see that so many get infected and don't even know it.

When those numbers come out we shall see that this HYSTERIA is no different than 1957 and 1968 outbreaks...............

Allowing it to stay in circulation longer only prolongs what will happen in the end anyway.......and allows the stinking virus to mutate even more.

These people don't give a damn they are destroying the world's economies left and right from a stinking virus from people eating bats in China.

The economies will go on as long as there are people with needs. What is unlikely to go on is the American way of doing business: underpaying workers, using government handouts to supplement inadequate wages, and tying health insurance to employment. Close to 30 million Americans have been laid off, which means in the middle of a pandemic, they're uninsured.

The USA will have a hard time controlling this virus and getting their economy back on track because PEOPLE need to be taken care of FIRST. The businesses don't need a bailout at this point, but people do. These protests to reopen the economy are a "made in America" phenonomenon, and I'm of the firm belief it's because workers in America are the worst paid in the first world, and the only workers without universal health care.

40 years of Republican economic policies, have laid the PEOPLE low. I fear for what will happen next.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'll sign a pledge that I will stomp your whiny butt into a mud hole if you try to stop me......

We AREN'T CHINA..........and the people are getting ANGRY.........I really don't give a shit what you think about it.

And I'll throw your piece of paper on the ground and piss on it..........

Clear it up for you MORON.

The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.
How are you going to crush anything from your hidey hole other than the beer cans from the case you obviously killed off before posting this. :rofl:

Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you think it would have worked out differently had they been killed for attempting to go to work and feed their families? The analogy you're grasping for is Kent State...not Oklahoma City.

If you don't have money to buy food, you can go to the food pantry or homeless shelter to get those things. Returning to non-essential work places is a violation of the law and unnecessarily puts the all Americans at greater risk.

People at Kent state were not helping a deadly global pathogen spread and kill people around the world. But the people in these protest this pass week are doing exactly that. What they did threatens the lives of all Americans.'re saying I should go home. I am helping to "spread the deadly global pathogen". I have 12 drivers and myself traveling state to state interacting with people all over the country into and out of hotspots.

What I'm hearing you say is you'd rather I bring my trucks home...which I should obviously do if the deadly global pathogen is as bad as you say.'ll stave and die...but It's a small price to pay for safety from the virus...right?
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.

You FAIL to understand the SCIENCE of how PANDEMICS spread. A pandemic needs hosts in order to spread, survive and kill more humans. When idiots choose to protest and do other things that violate current laws on social distancing and defeating this PATHOGEN they put at risk the entire country!


You idiots think you have the right to protest during a pandemic, but then want Hospitals and the health care community to take care of you when you get sick!
We understand perfectly.

We also understand that it will get to everyone, regardless of what you do, when it has reached this level. Quarantine is useless at this stage. It's an excuse to kill the economy for whatever power-hungry reason or financial reason you can name.


TOTAL BULLSHIT. Even the 1918 Pandemic with little or no restrictions only reached 1/3 of the global population. The sad thing is that it did not have to. Isolation and other restrictions would have saved 90% of the lives lost during the 1918 pandemic. 675,000 Americans died in 1918-1919 because people were to ignorant about how to stop a virus back then. Were not going to be IDIOTS and make the same mistakes for 1918!



TAIWAN: only 6 deaths from Covid-19. Only 422 confirmed cases of covid-19. In a population of 24 million people.

The economy can be rebuilt. Even the nuked cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were rebuilt. But YOU CAN'T bring back someone who is already physically dead from covid-19.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
Are you?
Nope. I'm distancing and wearing a mask. I also wear seat belts and a bike helmet. I won't take silly risks to myself or my family.
You take a risk every time you get behind the wheel.
99.5% or even better than that will not die from this...........As they see that so many get infected and don't even know it.

When those numbers come out we shall see that this HYSTERIA is no different than 1957 and 1968 outbreaks...............

Allowing it to stay in circulation longer only prolongs what will happen in the end anyway.......and allows the stinking virus to mutate even more.

These people don't give a damn they are destroying the world's economies left and right from a stinking virus from people eating bats in China.

The economies will go on as long as there are people with needs. What is unlikely to go on is the American way of doing business: underpaying workers, using government handouts to supplement inadequate wages, and tying health insurance to employment. Close to 30 million Americans have been laid off, which means in the middle of a pandemic, they're uninsured.

The USA will have a hard time controlling this virus and getting their economy back on track because PEOPLE need to be taken care of FIRST. The businesses don't need a bailout at this point, but people do. These protests to reopen the economy are a "made in America" phenonomenon, and I'm of the firm belief it's because workers in America are the worst paid in the first world, and the only workers without universal health care.

40 years of Republican economic policies, have laid the PEOPLE low. I fear for what will happen next.

This might be coming back.

And when I need advice from Canada........I'll call you ........thank you
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'll sign a pledge that I will stomp your whiny butt into a mud hole if you try to stop me......

We AREN'T CHINA..........and the people are getting ANGRY.........I really don't give a shit what you think about it.

And I'll throw your piece of paper on the ground and piss on it..........

Clear it up for you MORON.

The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.
How are you going to crush anything from your hidey hole other than the beer cans from the case you obviously killed off before posting this. :rofl:

Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you think it would have worked out differently had they been killed for attempting to go to work and feed their families? The analogy you're grasping for is Kent State...not Oklahoma City.

If you don't have money to buy food, you can go to the food pantry or homeless shelter to get those things. Returning to non-essential work places is a violation of the law and unnecessarily puts the all Americans at greater risk.

People at Kent state were not helping a deadly global pathogen spread and kill people around the world. But the people in these protest this pass week are doing exactly that. What they did threatens the lives of all Americans.'re saying I should go home. I am helping to "spread the deadly global pathogen". I have 12 drivers and myself traveling state to state interacting with people all over the country into and out of hotspots.

What I'm hearing you say is you'd rather I bring my trucks home...which I should obviously do if the deadly global pathogen is as bad as you say.'ll stave and die...but It's a small price to pay for safety from the virus...right?


But should not be mandated under criminal or civil penalty.
You mean people should just do the right thing because it is the right thing to do? Ridiculous idea.
Sure. Give people a chance and the usually do---WITHOUT government guns pointed at them.
Really? Can you give me an example of a gov't law or reg that was enacted even though people were acting safely and ethically? Put another way, what laws can you cite that were NOT enacted in reaction to an existing problem?
It's always in reaction to an existing "problem" that affects very few, but the laws enacted to "prevent" criminal behavior affect everyone and shit on everyone's rights.

For example: NFA

After creating the problem in the first place (prohibition) the FedGov tries to crack down on violent mobsters, so they make EVERYBODY pay a tax for certain firearms.

Sound familiar?

To Government - the cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems...

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