Your first amendment rights vs someone elses safety is a bogus argument

The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'll sign a pledge that I will stomp your whiny butt into a mud hole if you try to stop me......

We AREN'T CHINA..........and the people are getting ANGRY.........I really don't give a shit what you think about it.

And I'll throw your piece of paper on the ground and piss on it..........

Clear it up for you MORON.

The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.
How are you going to crush anything from your hidey hole other than the beer cans from the case you obviously killed off before posting this. :rofl:

Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you think it would have worked out differently had they been killed for attempting to go to work and feed their families? The analogy you're grasping for is Kent State...not Oklahoma City.

If you don't have money to buy food, you can go to the food pantry or homeless shelter to get those things. Returning to non-essential work places is a violation of the law and unnecessarily puts the all Americans at greater risk.

People at Kent state were not helping a deadly global pathogen spread and kill people around the world. But the people in these protest this pass week are doing exactly that. What they did threatens the lives of all Americans.'re saying I should go home. I am helping to "spread the deadly global pathogen". I have 12 drivers and myself traveling state to state interacting with people all over the country into and out of hotspots.

What I'm hearing you say is you'd rather I bring my trucks home...which I should obviously do if the deadly global pathogen is as bad as you say.'ll stave and die...but It's a small price to pay for safety from the virus...right?


Who gets to decide what is "essential" and what is not?


Are elected officials, experts, Scientist. If your not involved in healthcare, non-restaurant food industry, police force, the military, your likely in a non-essential business. This is a national emergency. Its no time for business as usual.
So, the tyrants decide who is essential and who is not? The tyrants pick the winners and losers?


The United States is a democracy. We don't have tyrants. The will of the people is what rules this country through are elected officials. If you don't like the United States system of laws, government, and government representation, go find another country to live in.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I would argue that Doctors and nurses chose to be doctors and nurses so it is their choice of career that put them in danger
It's always in reaction to an existing "problem" that affects very few, but the laws enacted to "prevent" criminal behavior affect everyone and shit on everyone's rights.
To Government - the cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems...
There are very few murders but I'd still like to keep those laws. It is not gov't that shits on everyone's rights it is society, or at least a majority of them, shits on their own rights.

I doubt ANYONE believes Government is the cause of or and solution to all of life's problems. On the other hand I'd wager EVERYONE, even libertarians, believes gov't has a role to play in our lives.
There is a certain hypocrisy in the argument people are making....

View attachment 326158

and secondly...most of the protesters are likely pro-life, sworn to protect our most vulnerable...

Except now, when their rights to make choices for their own bodies, conflict with our most vulnerable citizen’s rights to ... live during a temporary shutdown due to a pandemic.

How dare they be INCONVENIENCED.

The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
Sounds like you're a trucker, do you feel the safety rules covering truckers should be ignored? They should be allowed to drive as many hours straight as they want?

Absolutely. Did it for years. We referred to log books as joke books.

And they are being ignored right now...legally. All freight food or crisis relayed is exempt from Hours of Service Regulations

Thanks, I feel so much safer now. :omg:
Do you mind if I call you Alan?

You never answered my question Alan...should I have my trucks return protect nurses and doctors? Cause I can do that.

Or are some risks acceptable to alleviate other types of suffering...
I've always said life is full of risks but it makes sense to mitigate them as much as possible. I drive my car AND use seat belts. we're getting somewhere.

We agree that some risks must be taken to alleviate other dangers than the starvation for example.

And we agree that taking precautions against risk is an intelligent course of action. folks take wearing a seatbelt or continuing social distancing...they can take reopening the economy of their states and returning to work...correct?
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.
Golly, thats a lot of unnecessary ad hominems just to snivel because you can't get a haircut.

This will pass. Your "right" to go out and be an asshole will be "restored". Right now, other people's right to keep on living trumps your wanting to infect them. Get over it.

Yeah, I didn't think you'd have a whole lot to say in response, Goebbels. Proceed on with your wretched miserable day.
I usually don't respond to crazy people spouting gibberish. Ooh, AND you got in a Nazi reference. What a weak "argument" you have...
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.

Talk to your friends.

U2Edge ... Do you agree with Alan? That we can reopen the economy with social distancing and rules such as lower capacities?

Alan thinks you are sincere and are worried about the effects of the virus...while I know you are a political hack only concerned with grabbing power.

How about you berg80 ... Alan thinks you are a reasonable person you cares about something other than regaining the White House.

Tell him that you agree...he is right about reopening the economy. That rational people understand that we can did both...reopen the economy AND protect against the Wuhan Virus.

(Word to the wise...Don't hold your breath Alan)
Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you seriously think that is a good argument for NOT opposing government? You're making the case for us.


This is a national emergency, and your unauthorized protest and gatherings threaten to kill large numbers of Americans and will aid the pathogen in spreading to more people. You could argue that its a worse threat than David Koresh or Timothy McVeigh which some Trumpers sympathize with.
A protest is going to do no more than you going to the grocery fact probably much less...since they are outside.
Grocery stores are restricting access. Only X number allowed in at a time and they must wear masks. Protesters? Not so much...

The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
Sounds like you're a trucker, do you feel the safety rules covering truckers should be ignored? They should be allowed to drive as many hours straight as they want?

Absolutely. Did it for years. We referred to log books as joke books.

And they are being ignored right now...legally. All freight food or crisis relayed is exempt from Hours of Service Regulations

Thanks, I feel so much safer now. :omg:
Do you mind if I call you Alan?

You never answered my question Alan...should I have my trucks return protect nurses and doctors? Cause I can do that.

Or are some risks acceptable to alleviate other types of suffering...
I've always said life is full of risks but it makes sense to mitigate them as much as possible. I drive my car AND use seat belts. we're getting somewhere.

We agree that some risks must be taken to alleviate other dangers than the starvation for example.

And we agree that taking precautions against risk is an intelligent course of action. folks take wearing a seatbelt or continuing social distancing...they can take reopening the economy of their states and returning to work...correct?
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.

Reasonable rules and a HUGE increase in TESTING ability.
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.

Talk to your friends.

U2Edge ... Do you agree with Alan? That we can reopen the economy with social distancing and rules such as lower capacities?

Alan thinks you are sincere and are worried about the effects of the virus...while I know you are a political hack only concerned with grabbing power.

How about you berg80 ... Alan thinks you are a reasonable person you cares about something other than regaining the White House.

Tell him that you agree...he is right about reopening the economy. That rational people understand that we can did both...reopen the economy AND protect against the Wuhan Virus.

(Word to the wise...Don't hold your breath Alan)

Reopening is fine as long as it does not put the population in more danger or aid the pathogen in spreading. But only SCIENCE, Testing, the ability to test, the ability to contact trace, and the ability to isolate a flare up, will allow re-opening. When the SCIENCE says it is safe to reopen is when the country should reopen, not a second before that.

Remember this:

1. Facemask only provide partial protection, more for other people instead of the person wearing the masks.

2. Simply talking and breathing can spread the virus.

3. The real range the virus can move out to, is more like 27 feet rather than 6 feet. This has been shown in lab tests.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
Sounds like you're a trucker, do you feel the safety rules covering truckers should be ignored? They should be allowed to drive as many hours straight as they want?

Absolutely. Did it for years. We referred to log books as joke books.

And they are being ignored right now...legally. All freight food or crisis relayed is exempt from Hours of Service Regulations

Thanks, I feel so much safer now. :omg:
Do you mind if I call you Alan?

You never answered my question Alan...should I have my trucks return protect nurses and doctors? Cause I can do that.

Or are some risks acceptable to alleviate other types of suffering...
I've always said life is full of risks but it makes sense to mitigate them as much as possible. I drive my car AND use seat belts. we're getting somewhere.

We agree that some risks must be taken to alleviate other dangers than the starvation for example.

And we agree that taking precautions against risk is an intelligent course of action. folks take wearing a seatbelt or continuing social distancing...they can take reopening the economy of their states and returning to work...correct?
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.

Reasonable rules and a HUGE increase in TESTING ability.
Once that testing is widely available the results are going to DESTROY your talking points. What will you then say when we find out that it wasn't nearly as bad as we were led to believe?
The United States is a democracy. We don't have tyrants. The will of the people is what rules this country through are elected officials. If you don't like the United States system of laws, government, and government representation, go find another country to live in.
I'm aware of our laws. We have the right to protest, even if there's a pandemic.
Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you seriously think that is a good argument for NOT opposing government? You're making the case for us.


This is a national emergency, and your unauthorized protest and gatherings threaten to kill large numbers of Americans and will aid the pathogen in spreading to more people. You could argue that its a worse threat than David Koresh or Timothy McVeigh which some Trumpers sympathize with.
A protest is going to do no more than you going to the grocery fact probably much less...since they are outside.
Grocery stores are restricting access. Only X number allowed in at a time and they must wear masks. Protesters? Not so much...

View attachment 326172
Maybe where you live...but not out here...haven't seen that anywhere yet. And we are past peak already by a week. If you need to stay shut down...I'm fine with is understandable. But we don't...and you can't force us.

Trump is still playing 3D chess...he said it was up to him to open the said no.

So it's up to our leaders...not the federal government.

10 states are opening. You stay shutdown...our businesses will enjoy getting a crack at your businesses customers.
I would argue that Doctors and nurses chose to be doctors and nurses so it is their choice of career that put them in danger
So anything we do to increase their risk is their problem, not ours?
They chose to have to potentially treat sick contagious people.
I see your point, screw them and their families too. They should have known that you wanting to go to a baseball game would put them at greater risk.
Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you seriously think that is a good argument for NOT opposing government? You're making the case for us.


This is a national emergency, and your unauthorized protest and gatherings threaten to kill large numbers of Americans and will aid the pathogen in spreading to more people. You could argue that its a worse threat than David Koresh or Timothy McVeigh which some Trumpers sympathize with.
A protest is going to do no more than you going to the grocery fact probably much less...since they are outside.
Grocery stores are restricting access. Only X number allowed in at a time and they must wear masks. Protesters? Not so much...

View attachment 326172
Only in blue areas..........went out to the get mask yesterday........I only saw 1 mask even though we went into 3 stores.
Was reminded today that during the WW2 London bombing blitz every one slept & sheltered in subway stations or shelters sleeping on cement floors four seventy six days, with out protesting how tough it was. Most ALL of those who protest now go home to warm beds & the safety of their homes, spoiled Americans?
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
Sounds like you're a trucker, do you feel the safety rules covering truckers should be ignored? They should be allowed to drive as many hours straight as they want?

Absolutely. Did it for years. We referred to log books as joke books.

And they are being ignored right now...legally. All freight food or crisis relayed is exempt from Hours of Service Regulations

Thanks, I feel so much safer now. :omg:
Do you mind if I call you Alan?

You never answered my question Alan...should I have my trucks return protect nurses and doctors? Cause I can do that.

Or are some risks acceptable to alleviate other types of suffering...
I've always said life is full of risks but it makes sense to mitigate them as much as possible. I drive my car AND use seat belts. we're getting somewhere.

We agree that some risks must be taken to alleviate other dangers than the starvation for example.

And we agree that taking precautions against risk is an intelligent course of action. folks take wearing a seatbelt or continuing social distancing...they can take reopening the economy of their states and returning to work...correct?
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.

Reasonable rules and a HUGE increase in TESTING ability.
Seawytch...that wasn't really aimed at you. We disagree nearly entirely...but you aren't insane. You're a veteran and I'm a veteran...your motivations are never in question as far as I'm concerned...just want to make that 100% crystal clear. In a fight...I've got your back.

I'm all for testing...but only in so far as it is possible. I haven't been tested...and they allow me in and out of hotspots everyday. Sometimes they take my temperature...but not often.

I'm doing my duty...and I know you understand what that means.

Now, IMO, it's time to allow everyone to do their part. They know the risks and the responsibilities. You can't treat them like children. They know what needs to be done...let them do it.

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