Your first amendment rights vs someone elses safety is a bogus argument

There is a certain hypocrisy in the argument people are making....

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and secondly...most of the protesters are likely pro-life, sworn to protect our most vulnerable...

Except now, when their rights to make choices for their own bodies, conflict with our most vulnerable citizen’s rights to ... live during a temporary shutdown due to a pandemic.

How dare they be INCONVENIENCED.
abortion is about killing another persons body not the mothers,,,

Chosing to leave your home in a pandemic, without knowing whether you are infectious, is also about killing others.

One of my American friends attended a church service with 300 others on March 15th. 75 people in attendance got sick, infecting others in the larger community and as of April 15th, 200 people have the virus from that one church service, and 29 have died. The Minister, whose opposition to holding the service was overruled by the Elders, feels enormous guilt and responsibility for the deaths. The whole church community is gutted that they've inflicted this on their city.

I feel strongly that this push to get back to work is driven more by desperation born of having no emergency funds, no savings, and no income, more than any serious desire to assert "rights". I'm sitting here with all of my bills paid, my fridge and pantry are full, and hold a month's supply of staples, meat, and vegetables. I'll be spending today and tomorrow cooking the meat and vegetables into stews, pasta sauces, and casseroles for the freezer, and a week from today, my monthly income will be deposited into my account without delay or deduction. The shutdown has no impact on my income, except that I'm spending less since I'm not going out, and eating all meals in.
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.

Talk to your friends.

U2Edge ... Do you agree with Alan? That we can reopen the economy with social distancing and rules such as lower capacities?

Alan thinks you are sincere and are worried about the effects of the virus...while I know you are a political hack only concerned with grabbing power.

How about you berg80 ... Alan thinks you are a reasonable person you cares about something other than regaining the White House.

Tell him that you agree...he is right about reopening the economy. That rational people understand that we can did both...reopen the economy AND protect against the Wuhan Virus.

(Word to the wise...Don't hold your breath Alan)

Reopening is fine as long as it does not put the population in more danger or aid the pathogen in spreading. But only SCIENCE, Testing, the ability to test, the ability to contact trace, and the ability to isolate a flare up, will allow re-opening. When the SCIENCE says it is safe to reopen is when the country should reopen, not a second before that.

Remember this:

1. Facemask only provide partial protection, more for other people instead of the person wearing the masks.

2. Simply talking and breathing can spread the virus.

3. The real range the virus can move out to, is more like 27 feet rather than 6 feet. This has been shown in lab tests.
2. Simply talking and breathing can spread the virus.
Can you not see the inherent danger in allowing government go unopposed in its enforcement of compulsory lock downs and bans on freedom of speech/assembly in the name of public safety?

The Founders would be shitting their pants and gouging out their own eyes at this state of affairs. They would be taking up arms RIGHT NOW.

Chosing to leave your home in a pandemic, without knowing whether you are infectious, is also about killing others.
That's like saying choosing to get into a car and drive it is killing others.

The risk is the same or greater for car accidents, but you are not bitching about that inherent risk. Could it be that you like the power such a pandemic gives to government to shut down your opposition and kill the economy, so those you support can take power?

The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Utterly correct. Obsessed about your health? Stay home. Don’t demsnd others do it for you, that’s Lib 101 abdication of personal responsibility
So your only responsibility is to yourself. Got it. I just hope you don't live in my neighborhood, we try and take care of each other.
And do you do that by attempting to restrict other people’s movements?
I guess I’m just not the caring and sharing person that you are when it comes to legal rights and freedom.
You are a wonderfully compliant snowflake.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.

You FAIL to understand the SCIENCE of how PANDEMICS spread. A pandemic needs hosts in order to spread, survive and kill more humans. When idiots choose to protest and do other things that violate current laws on social distancing and defeating this PATHOGEN they put at risk the entire country!


You idiots think you have the right to protest during a pandemic, but then want Hospitals and the health care community to take care of you when you get sick!
The goal of shelter in place was to slow the virus down to prevent over whelming hospital staff. Not to lock people in their houses waiting for a cure.

everyone is going to get it eventually...even you.

contrary to your personal belief people can leave their house at will...even today. Whether it’s to go to the store,to a drive through for a burger. So unless you are planning on never stepping out your door for however long this shut down goes then stop telling people what to do. It’s none of your business.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Utterly correct. Obsessed about your health? Stay home. Don’t demsnd others do it for you, that’s Lib 101 abdication of personal responsibility
So your only responsibility is to yourself. Got it. I just hope you don't live in my neighborhood, we try and take care of each other.
And do you do that by attempting to restrict other people’s movements?
I guess I’m just not the caring and sharing person that you are when it comes to legal rights and freedom.
You are a wonderfully compliant snowflake.
Thank you and I live in a very neighborly neighborhood. If someone is walking towards me, I'll walk in the street to protect us both. If I go to the grocery store I'll wear a mask to protect me and everyone else. I'll stay home and video chat with the family. A small price to pay in my estimation.
as long as you ensure you don’t get overwhelmed like Italy did
How exactly do you do that? Eliminate all social distancing rules and hope for the best or keep the rules in place while you plan for a phased recovery of the economy?
No, keep some common sense rules in place. Lock down the at risk pop for sure. But the only moral and logical decision is to get herd immunity in the healthy pop as soon as possible. After that keep the at risk pop on lockdown for another couple of months, and then reintroduce them. It’s fucked up to think you can lock away grandmas from the grand kids for 18 months? Like my hospital is eerily empty, and we’re taking some overflow from NY. They’re also talking about furloughing some RNs because hospitals aren’t making any money. Now is the perfect time to handle the influx from covid once everything is open. The dumbasses who have no fucking clue how diseases and transmission work also happen to be loudest right now saying shit doesn’t even make sense. I get y’all are scared, but stfu.

Yes, locking down the high risk population makes sense.
Locking down the whole population makes no sense at all.

In fact, it could be that we should all try to get COVID-19 this year, so that we will have some immunity before it comes back next year in a more leathal hybrid?

Early evidence indicates that those who have had covid19, are not building immunity to it. There are people in North Korea, and now Italy, who are getting the disease for a second time. This is very concerning to the whole "herd immunity" theory.

Also, there are strong indications that more people have the virus and are assymptomatic that was previously thought, which means while they're not getting sick, they're still spreading the disease to others who are getting sick and dying. The maternity ward in one New York hospital tested every woman coming in for labour and delivery because of several instances of people coming in with no symptions, who developed symptoms while in care, and the potential of spread the virus to staff. Their testing showed that 10% of the women coming in for labour and delivery were testing positive. If 10% of New Yorkers are positive, that's 1 million people, in just New York.

The other issue is that the disease does a LOT of damage - to the heart, lungs, and kidneys. It attacks a lot of systems and it does damage everywhere throughout the body. What isn't known at this point, is whether or not the damage is permanent. And until we see how those recovering fare in the long term, we won't know the long term implications of that damage now.

The problem with all of these theories about moving forward is that they are all just "theories". We don't know how the virus is going to react to anything, because it's so new. Personally, I'm not prepared to jump out and get myself infected until all this stuff is known, and no smart person should either, because you have a 1/5 shot of having a serious case of this disease and you might end up permanently disabled by it. We just don't know what the implications will be today.
Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you seriously think that is a good argument for NOT opposing government? You're making the case for us.


This is a national emergency, and your unauthorized protest and gatherings threaten to kill large numbers of Americans and will aid the pathogen in spreading to more people. You could argue that its a worse threat than David Koresh or Timothy McVeigh which some Trumpers sympathize with.
How. If all you lefties are hunkered down at home never leaving the house?
There is a certain hypocrisy in the argument people are making....

View attachment 326158

and secondly...most of the protesters are likely pro-life, sworn to protect our most vulnerable...

Except now, when their rights to make choices for their own bodies, conflict with our most vulnerable citizen’s rights to ... live during a temporary shutdown due to a pandemic.

How dare they be INCONVENIENCED.
abortion is about killing another persons body not the mothers,,,

Not maintaining quantize guidelines is deliberately putting a more vulnerable person's life in danger. No difference. You are making the active choice, based on convenience, to endanger and possibly kill another person.
so do you by driving a car,,,

Nope. If everyone obeys the laws, no one is unduly endangered.

You guys don't want to follow the laws and rules because it's "inconvenient", you would rather choose to endanger other people and prolong the epidemic.
not when that law violates our rights,,,

and why do you leave out the fact that much more of this will result in far more suffering and death???

and remember its not like we didnt go along with it for a while,,,
Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you seriously think that is a good argument for NOT opposing government? You're making the case for us.


This is a national emergency, and your unauthorized protest and gatherings threaten to kill large numbers of Americans and will aid the pathogen in spreading to more people. You could argue that its a worse threat than David Koresh or Timothy McVeigh which some Trumpers sympathize with.
A protest is going to do no more than you going to the grocery fact probably much less...since they are outside.

WRONG AGAIN! You don't have to leave your car when the grocery store takes your order online and then puts it in the trunk for you when you drive up. TOTAL ISOLATION between customers and workers is maintained.
Not all grocery stores offer that service.
There is a certain hypocrisy in the argument people are making....

View attachment 326158

and secondly...most of the protesters are likely pro-life, sworn to protect our most vulnerable...

Except now, when their rights to make choices for their own bodies, conflict with our most vulnerable citizen’s rights to ... live during a temporary shutdown due to a pandemic.

How dare they be INCONVENIENCED.
abortion is about killing another persons body not the mothers,,,

Chosing to leave your home in a pandemic, without knowing whether you are infectious, is also about killing others.

One of my American friends attended a church service with 300 others on March 15th. 75 people in attendance got sick, infecting others in the larger community and as of April 15th, 200 people have the virus from that one church service, and 29 have died. The Minister, whose opposition to holding the service was overruled by the Elders, feels enormous guilt and responsibility for the deaths. The whole church community is gutted that they've inflicted this on their city.

I feel strongly that this push to get back to work is driven more by desperation born of having no emergency funds, no savings, and no income, more than any serious desire to assert "rights". I'm sitting here with all of my bills paid, my fridge and pantry are full, and hold a month's supply of staples, meat, and vegetables. I'll be spending today and tomorrow cooking the meat and vegetables into stews, pasta sauces, and casseroles for the freezer, and a week from today, my monthly income will be deposited into my account without delay or deduction. The shutdown has no impact on my income, except that I'm spending less since I'm not going out, and eating all meals in.
no its not,,,
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'll sign a pledge that I will stomp your whiny butt into a mud hole if you try to stop me......

We AREN'T CHINA..........and the people are getting ANGRY.........I really don't give a shit what you think about it.

And I'll throw your piece of paper on the ground and piss on it..........

Clear it up for you MORON.

The majority of Americans will make sure you won't be doing any such thing. We've crushed evil people in this county before and we'll do it again. We have the military and the police force on our side as well.
How are you going to crush anything from your hidey hole other than the beer cans from the case you obviously killed off before posting this. :rofl:

Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you think it would have worked out differently had they been killed for attempting to go to work and feed their families? The analogy you're grasping for is Kent State...not Oklahoma City.

If you don't have money to buy food, you can go to the food pantry or homeless shelter to get those things. Returning to non-essential work places is a violation of the law and unnecessarily puts the all Americans at greater risk.

People at Kent state were not helping a deadly global pathogen spread and kill people around the world. But the people in these protest this pass week are doing exactly that. What they did threatens the lives of all Americans.'re saying I should go home. I am helping to "spread the deadly global pathogen". I have 12 drivers and myself traveling state to state interacting with people all over the country into and out of hotspots.

What I'm hearing you say is you'd rather I bring my trucks home...which I should obviously do if the deadly global pathogen is as bad as you say.'ll stave and die...but It's a small price to pay for safety from the virus...right?


So it's ok for me and my guys to risk their lives and health for you...but you can't. Got it. You're a coward.

Having a large percentage of the population stay home is VITAL to defeating this pathogen, winning the war against this pathogen. ISOLATION is the #1 thing that will help defeat this pathogen and bring a return to normal sooner rather than later.

STAYING HOME also protects the lives of you and your workers engaged in essential services. Its why nurses and doctors have made thousands of videos encouraging people to STAY THE FUCK HOME! It helps protect the lives of ESSENTIAL WORKERS!

Thankfully in 2020, 37% of the labor force can do their jobs from home.

States Declare the Lottery an Essential Service
That’s because the government steals from it...see essential. :)
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
Sounds like you're a trucker, do you feel the safety rules covering truckers should be ignored? They should be allowed to drive as many hours straight as they want?

Absolutely. Did it for years. We referred to log books as joke books.

And they are being ignored right now...legally. All freight food or crisis relayed is exempt from Hours of Service Regulations

Thanks, I feel so much safer now. :omg:
Do you mind if I call you Alan?

You never answered my question Alan...should I have my trucks return protect nurses and doctors? Cause I can do that.

Or are some risks acceptable to alleviate other types of suffering...
I've always said life is full of risks but it makes sense to mitigate them as much as possible. I drive my car AND use seat belts. we're getting somewhere.

We agree that some risks must be taken to alleviate other dangers than the starvation for example.

And we agree that taking precautions against risk is an intelligent course of action. folks take wearing a seatbelt or continuing social distancing...they can take reopening the economy of their states and returning to work...correct?
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.

Reasonable rules and a HUGE increase in TESTING ability.
Once that testing is widely available the results are going to DESTROY your talking points. What will you then say when we find out that it wasn't nearly as bad as we were led to believe?
It already is. They are randomly testing people that are out in public in places like LA county and finding they already have the antibodies of this virus. Which means many people have already had it and didn’t know it.
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I would argue that Doctors and nurses chose to be doctors and nurses so it is their choice of career that put them in danger
So anything we do to increase their risk is their problem, not ours?
They chose to have to potentially treat sick contagious people.
I see your point, screw them and their families too. They should have known that you wanting to go to a baseball game would put them at greater risk.

FYI I am staying home.

Unlike you I don't feel the need to tell other people how to live their lives.

And yes they all knew the risks that they might have to face working in the medical field.

They made their choices just like you and I made our choices and we all have to live with the consequences of our choices.
I would argue that Doctors and nurses chose to be doctors and nurses so it is their choice of career that put them in danger
So anything we do to increase their risk is their problem, not ours?
They chose to have to potentially treat sick contagious people.
I see your point, screw them and their families too. They should have known that you wanting to go to a baseball game would put them at greater risk.
I believe MLB is going to start games up here soon. I read an article talking about it. Contains teams to one state. Games with out fans in seats more than likely..but the games will go on. Same with professional wrestling.
Think of the fate of David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh! How did their opposition to our government and fight for "their rights" work out?
Do you seriously think that is a good argument for NOT opposing government? You're making the case for us.


This is a national emergency, and your unauthorized protest and gatherings threaten to kill large numbers of Americans and will aid the pathogen in spreading to more people. You could argue that its a worse threat than David Koresh or Timothy McVeigh which some Trumpers sympathize with.
A protest is going to do no more than you going to the grocery fact probably much less...since they are outside.
Grocery stores are restricting access. Only X number allowed in at a time and they must wear masks. Protesters? Not so much...

View attachment 326172
Only in blue areas..........went out to the get mask yesterday........I only saw 1 mask even though we went into 3 stores.
Our state doesn’t require them. And no stores here have them in stock so... good luck with that one.
The people at the protests and anyone else out in public is CHOOSING to be there.
It's no different than when you CHOOSE to go someplace. Be it the store or the bank or the gas station or restaurant for carry out or liquor store or wherever.
If people are afraid for their safety then they should exercise their CHOICE to stay home.
Martial law has not been declared so your constitutional rights CAN NOT BE INFRINGED UPON and your choice to protest is protected under the first amendment.
Essentially if those people are endangering anyone it is others who also chose to be there via their rights.

Goto ANY home Depot and look at all the people buying things for their homes and property. Why is that allowed but sitting in a church parking lot in your car listening to a sermon is not?

People accepted the lockdowns to beat the curve so as to not overwhelm our medical system as it ramped up to deal with this. The protests did not start until local governments started arresting people for doing things that were completely benign.

Bottom line is if someone is putting you "at risk" it is because you are also not following the orders. No one is shopping or protesting in your living room.

And lol at the media & leftists saying that protesting is racist. Y'all have lost your marbles.
Are you willing to sign a pledge that you will not go to a hospital or clinic should you catch the virus? Should your decision to take risks put the doctors and nurses at greater risk. What about your need for a ventilator, are you willing to forgo that?
I'm taking a risk to bring you food and drink and toilet paper...should I stop doing that to reduce the risk to doctors and nurses? I'd be safer and they would be safer.

You'd starve and die with a dirty asshole...but that's a minor inconvenience right? It's for the greater good.
Sounds like you're a trucker, do you feel the safety rules covering truckers should be ignored? They should be allowed to drive as many hours straight as they want?

Absolutely. Did it for years. We referred to log books as joke books.

And they are being ignored right now...legally. All freight food or crisis relayed is exempt from Hours of Service Regulations

Thanks, I feel so much safer now. :omg:
Do you mind if I call you Alan?

You never answered my question Alan...should I have my trucks return protect nurses and doctors? Cause I can do that.

Or are some risks acceptable to alleviate other types of suffering...
I've always said life is full of risks but it makes sense to mitigate them as much as possible. I drive my car AND use seat belts. we're getting somewhere.

We agree that some risks must be taken to alleviate other dangers than the starvation for example.

And we agree that taking precautions against risk is an intelligent course of action. folks take wearing a seatbelt or continuing social distancing...they can take reopening the economy of their states and returning to work...correct?
I don't think anyone is against re-opening the economy if there are reasonable rules in place as to how it is done.

Reasonable rules and a HUGE increase in TESTING ability.
Once that testing is widely available the results are going to DESTROY your talking points. What will you then say when we find out that it wasn't nearly as bad as we were led to believe?

Or, conversely, we could find that a whole bunch of asymptomatic people are walking around infecting everyone. What will YOU say when projections are accurate?
If you are afraid of the Wuhan Virus, by all means, stay out home cowering in fear.

Leave the rest of us alone.
I give the same advice to anyone who gets a COVID ticket.

Challenge it in court.

90% of these cases will get thrown out because they are unconstitutional and arbitrary.

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