Your Stories of how Gay Marriage ruined your Marriage

So no one has a story how marriage equality ruined their marriage.

Not my marriage. Mine walks among the Gay Marriages and scoffs at their cat calls. But I've heard stories. Like this Straight Marriage accidentally walks into a Gay Marriage Bar and........:eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:
Who ever said that Gay Marriage has ruined THEIR marriage?

Nobody. I call bull shit thread.

It's a classic strawman. It's like saying Obama's faulty red line on Syria didnt ruin anyone's marriage so it's OK. That's not the point.
Liberalized divorce laws in the late 60s ruined plenty of marriages. Anytime the langugage is changed because of political pressure it ruins something. It might take a generation or two to find that out but it happens.
Strawman argument is a strawman argument. Being against Judical fiat gay marriage does not mean you have to think it can ruin someone else's marriage.

Using your tactic, tell me how the pistol owned by your law abiding neighbor and concealed carried all these years has ruined your life somehow.

It hasn't...just like my owning of several guns hasn't ruined my neighbor's life. (BTW...which neighbor? The one on the left who is a sheriff's deputy? or the one on the right who BOTH husband and wife are Border Patrol agents?)

Both government agents so they don't count.

Not getting the crux of my point, I see.

I answered your that not the crux? Let me answer again. It hasn't.

There...I made it bigger that time so you wouldn't miss it.
Strawman argument is a strawman argument. Being against Judical fiat gay marriage does not mean you have to think it can ruin someone else's marriage.

Using your tactic, tell me how the pistol owned by your law abiding neighbor and concealed carried all these years has ruined your life somehow.

It probably hasn't, but it very well could.

The same can't be said for gay marriage. There is no chance someone marrying will ever impact anyone else but those involved.

it's impacted those photographers and bakers in New Mexico. They have to either go against their religious beliefs or go out of business.

And "could impact" is not good enough to deny someone a constitutional right. Someone "could" yell FIRE in a crowded theater we don't duct tape everyone's mouth shut "just in case"
Were those cases because of gay marriage....or because of those states' Equal Access laws which are in place regardless of legalized gay marriage?
Who ever said that Gay Marriage has ruined THEIR marriage?

Nobody. I call bull shit thread.

its a strawman thread, The scarecrow would be proud. Body, this is for you.

I was married for 5 years to my lovely wife things were fine until a Lesbian couple moved in next door, I couldnt get thoughts of hot Lesbian sex out of my head and I became a distant recluse, I eventually lost my marriage because of it.

But, that would be the fault of "liberalized divorce laws" in Rabbi's post #6. ^^


Obsessing over hot lesbian sex can cost you your marriage.

Yabut, if it weren't for those "liberalized divorce laws", you'd still just be fantasizing about hot lesbian sex.
I was married for 5 years to my lovely wife things were fine until a Lesbian couple moved in next door, I couldnt get thoughts of hot Lesbian sex out of my head and I became a distant recluse, I eventually lost my marriage because of it.

But, that would be the fault of "liberalized divorce laws" in Rabbi's post #6. ^^


Obsessing over hot lesbian sex can cost you your marriage.

Ah...but that's hot lesbian sex....not hot lesbian marriage, H_G. ;)
it's impacted those photographers and bakers in New Mexico. They have to either go against their religious beliefs or go out of business.

And "could impact" is not good enough to deny someone a constitutional right. Someone "could" yell FIRE in a crowded theater we don't duct tape everyone's mouth shut "just in case"

But it hasn't impacted anyones marriage, as per the point of the thread. Thanks for confirming.

Well you dont know that.

That's why I am asking for examples.
So you agree that gay marriage has absolutely zero impact on anyone elses marriage then?

I agree that many people have differing opinions and I just don't give a fuck.

You give a fuck enough to post multiple times in a thread about a topic that you want us all to believe you don't give a fuck about.

So how about answering the question now. Do you agree that gay marriage has absolutely zero impact on anyone elses marriage?

Are you dense? I give a fuck to the extent that im sick of the topic being front and center all the god damn time. How many of these stupid fucking threads are gonna be created before you idiots realize you can't influence someones deep personal beliefs with a bunch of stupid anecdotes?
I agree that many people have differing opinions and I just don't give a fuck.

You give a fuck enough to post multiple times in a thread about a topic that you want us all to believe you don't give a fuck about.

So how about answering the question now. Do you agree that gay marriage has absolutely zero impact on anyone elses marriage?

Are you dense? I give a fuck to the extent that im sick of the topic being front and center all the god damn time. How many of these stupid fucking threads are gonna be created before you idiots realize you can't influence someones deep personal beliefs with a bunch of stupid anecdotes?
Go easy on him. He can't read.
They liberalized abortion laws and it had no impact on people's kids.
Oh wait, yeah it did.

Betcha can't answer this question either:


In fact, there are "liberalized abortion laws" but if there were, it would have no effect on "people's kids".
I agree that many people have differing opinions and I just don't give a fuck.

You give a fuck enough to post multiple times in a thread about a topic that you want us all to believe you don't give a fuck about.

So how about answering the question now. Do you agree that gay marriage has absolutely zero impact on anyone elses marriage?

Are you dense? I give a fuck to the extent that im sick of the topic being front and center all the god damn time. How many of these stupid fucking threads are gonna be created before you idiots realize you can't influence someones deep personal beliefs with a bunch of stupid anecdotes?

Would someone please stop forcing gramps to open and read threads he doesn't want to open and read?

It probably hasn't, but it very well could.

The same can't be said for gay marriage. There is no chance someone marrying will ever impact anyone else but those involved.

it's impacted those photographers and bakers in New Mexico. They have to either go against their religious beliefs or go out of business.

And "could impact" is not good enough to deny someone a constitutional right. Someone "could" yell FIRE in a crowded theater we don't duct tape everyone's mouth shut "just in case"
Were those cases because of gay marriage....or because of those states' Equal Access laws which are in place regardless of legalized gay marriage?

One thing causes the other. You are giving people a choice between their livelyhood or supporting your belief structure. It gives lie to the statement that you want to just live your lives. What you want is special protection.
Here's another sad one.....

Gay marriage ruined my life. I have been silent until now, comforted by the knowledge that only a few renegade states allow the despicable practice. But when I saw that the debate was being held at the highest level, I decided to share my story, so that more people could better understand the disastrous effects that gay marriage would have on the American family.

I was happily married to my high school sweetheart for seven years and we had a five-year-old son named Bobby, whom we of course conceived in wedlock. We had a nice home in Iowa, in a town full of hard working, God-fearing Americans, who respected the sacred institution of marriage. Then one day a gay couple moved in next to us and my life began to unravel.

It started with my son. He saw the couple kiss one day and asked why, "Those men are kissing each other, the way you and mommy do?"

I explained that God gave us free will, the right to choose our own actions, and that some people use this free will to choose negative actions, like engaging in sodomy, bestiality, or ingesting black tar heroin. He was so upset by their choice to be gay that the next day, while playing on the jungle gym, he slipped, fell, and broke his arm. The school nurse called my wife, who was busy placing an apple pie on the windowsill to cool, but I had taken our only car to work, so she was forced to ask our gay neighbors to borrow their car, which they allowed, clearly knowing what would happen next.

While texting me the upsetting news about our son, my wife ran a red light, was t-boned by an 18 wheeler, and died immediately.

Inconsolable, my life splintered like the bones in my son’s arm, I turned to the only thing that could truly bring me comfort: black tar heroin. Now orphaned and confused, my son began a romantic relationship with a donkey and started his own business replacing hotel Bibles with the Koran.

This story is not easy for me to tell, but I have scraped myself out of a gutter (literally) and glued my fingernails back on so that I can type this for you. We must act. We must not let the communists in the White House ruin the American family, and with it, the American way of life that was so carefully constructed by the founding fathers, and blessed by our Lord.

How Gay Marriage Will Destroy the American Family - PolicyMic
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Here's another sad one.....

Gay marriage ruined my life. I have been silent until now, comforted by the knowledge that only a few renegade states allow the despicable practice. But when I saw that the debate was being held at the highest level, I decided to share my story, so that more people could better understand the disastrous effects that gay marriage would have on the American family.

I was happily married to my high school sweetheart for seven years and we had a five-year-old son named Bobby, whom we of course conceived in wedlock. We had a nice home in Iowa, in a town full of hard working, God-fearing Americans, who respected the sacred institution of marriage. Then one day a gay couple moved in next to us and my life began to unravel.

It started with my son. He saw the couple kiss one day and asked why, "Those men are kissing each other, the way you and mommy do?"

I explained that God gave us free will, the right to choose our own actions, and that some people use this free will to choose negative actions, like engaging in sodomy, bestiality, or ingesting black tar heroin. He was so upset by their choice to be gay that the next day, while playing on the jungle gym, he slipped, fell, and broke his arm. The school nurse called my wife, who was busy placing an apple pie on the windowsill to cool, but I had taken our only car to work, so she was forced to ask our gay neighbors to borrow their car, which they allowed, clearly knowing what would happen next.

While texting me the upsetting news about our son, my wife ran a red light, was t-boned by an 18 wheeler, and died immediately.

Inconsolable, my life splintered like the bones in my son’s arm, I turned to the only thing that could truly bring me comfort: black tar heroin. Now orphaned and confused, my son began a romantic relationship with a donkey and started his own business replacing hotel Bibles with the Koran.

This story is not easy for me to tell, but I have scraped myself out of a gutter (literally) and glued my fingernails back on so that I can type this for you. We must act. We must not let the communists in the White House ruin the American family, and with it, the American way of life that was so carefully constructed by the founding fathers, and blessed by our Lord.

How Gay Marriage Will Destroy the American Family - PolicyMic
:eusa_clap: Amen

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