Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

I don't even like Putin. But evidently you have a man crush on Zelensky...forget about it.... he has a wife
The only one who like Putin is Biden, who took bribes from Putin for 40 years.

The longer this goes on, the more convinced I become that this "war" is a fraud - collusion between Joe and Vlad so that the globalists can plunder taxpayer funds.
Got to find someone willing to sell you those weapons in a world that considers aputin a Pariah
that's easy...xiden is sending millions of dollars worth of weapons over there right now...with no auditing or accountability of them....the Merchant of Death is gonna have a field day
The Biden family has personslly made a lot of money through dealings in Ukraine.

Joe Biden bragged publicly about extorting the former leader of Ukraine.

The Biden administration has not tracked and can not account for all the supplies and weapons we have sent Ukraine. The weapons we have been able to track exposed US weapons intended for Ukraine ending up in the hands of terrorists in Africa. No investigation i to how this happened has been conducted, no one has been held accountable, and the US is mot able to guarantee it won't happen again. Despite this, the IS is now sending Patriot Batteries to Ukraine.

Despite the US being over $31 trillion in debt, he US has given tens of millions of dollars, money that is not being tracked, has not been accurately tracked. The tracking of money that has been done exposed the FTX money laundering scam that funneled money through an FTX Crypto-backed Ukraine account and into Democrat hands.

Russia's military budget us $50 billion. After this Omnibus passes we will have given Ukraine $115 billion, more than twice Russia's mitary budget, yet Ukraine is still losing to Russia.

We have no strategyexcept to give Ukraine more cash, and Biden is risking war with Russia by putting US boots on the round in Ukraine by sending Patriots to Ukraine.
A Patriot battery costs $1.5 million each.
A Patriot missile costs $4 million each.
Will Lloyd Austin tell us how many battery's and missiles we are sending to Ukraine?
No way.
Austin sat on the Board of Directors for Raytheon.
Raytheon produces the Patriot Missle System.
Ding, ding, ding.....Using a 4M missile to shoot down a 75K armed drone only makes sense to Raytheon and those getting PAC donations from them.

It's good folks are waking up to how we (the producing tax payer) are being bent-over.
I've not seen you come out against the release....and I see you continuely dismiss him.
Yet you claimed I cheered his release. That’s just a lie. This is the first time I had a discussion about him. You see me dismissing because your using him to distract from the topic so you can go after Biden
The guy was a criminal that’s why we had him in prison. If you think an arms dealer is anything close to the US military providing billions in aid during a war then you’re insane. Who said that we can’t keep track of where our aid goes??

I’m fine with accountability but you’re making proclamations like it’s all lost. How do you know that? And why is that your focus after Zelensky’s visit? you are playing political games
the dems., who refuse to support the audit. that's who.
Ding, ding, ding.....Using a 4M missile to shoot down a 75K armed drone only makes sense to Raytheon and those getting PAC donations from them.

It's good folks are waking up to how we (the producing tax payer) are being bent-over.
Why do Republicans suck at math?

That $75 k drone is armed and sent to kill thousands of people and destroy millions of dollars worth of infrastructure

The Patriot missile stops it
There’s nothing to duck. It was a retarded question connecting two things that don’t connect.

There you go lying..

Such is the Nazi way.

It's an extremely pertinent question which is the heart of the subject. You huffed because it exposes a fact that impugns your Reich.

Why is it that Putin invades Ukraine every time Biden has executive power?

We all know.
All these whining bitches really amuse me. Ukraine is doing dirty work for the US by confronting Russia and consolidating NATO, fucking morons. So, stop whining.
Thank Goodness we have Biden as our President instead of Putin loving Trump

Yeah, otherwise Putin might have invaded Ukraine or something...

Our President put together a global coalition to stop Putin aggression and provide military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. It is working Big League in bringing Putin to his knees

With 10% to the big guy.

We saw what we would have been with Trump. He praised Putin as a Genius and mocked NATO as weak. Trump would have pointed to gas prices and refused to lift a finger for Ukraine

Funny, Putin never dared do anything when Trump was in office.

But each and every time Quid Pro - who took bribes from Vlad for 40 years - is in the White House, Putin invades Ukraine.

It's almost as if Biden gave his permission, maybe even shares the taxpayer money he's embezzling...
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Yet you claimed I cheered his release. That’s just a lie. This is the first time I had a discussion about him. You see me dismissing because your using him to distract from the topic so you can go after Biden
If you don't condemn it, you support it. The topic of the thread is Xiden Ukraine war....the Merchant of Death is now part of it..



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