Zelensky got his latest payday...and then asked for more

Iā€™m very capable of shame when appropriate and in this case youā€™re the one acting shamefully. You come off as entirely too desperate to ā€œgetā€ Biden by flinging these absurd narratives together. Grow up. People are dying. There was a call for unity and help from a president who just left the front lines of a war. And yā€™all are here calling for audits. How embarrassing for you.
what absurd narrative? The Merchant of Death was released...this is absolutely 100 percent true.

Don't lecture me about people dying, when you cheered the release of this killer....

It's embarrasing to make sure we keep track of the millions of dollars in weapons we are sending there? Really? hahah it's absurd to hear you talk about people dying, when you don't even care where the weapons we send over there end up, and who they end up with.....maybe you forgot...the Merchant of Death is back out there...
Except Ben Franklin and Winston Churchill weren't money launderers.
We don't know for sure but I suspect they weren't.

I don't blame the Ukrainians for doing what is necessary to survive. Even if it means making sure "the big guy" gets his cut.

I do blame shitheads like this corrupt Potatohead asshole for being so corrupt.
wow...just sad....the Merchant of Death is no joke...it's sad you are making light of a man that is responsible for such much destruction.

ā€˜The Merchant of Death Is Back in Actionā€™

"The Merchant of Death is back in action, with more hatred against America and with greater motivation to fuel conflicts and support Russia in its outrageous and disastrous war with Ukraine,ā€ says Derek Maltz, who as head of the DEA Special Operations Division oversaw the undercover investigation of Bout.

ā€œI think American citizens everywhere just got made a commodity,ā€ he told me last week. ā€œWe just told bad actors everywhere that itā€™s good business to falsely detain or kidnap American citizens, and the best bargaining chip you can have is an American citizen. We just told them we will negotiate, so you better have some equity in your back pocket.ā€
You seem to be obsessed with this one guy who buys and sells weapons and itā€™s obvious you consider him a huge threat. If trading weapons poses such a big threat in your mind then why arenā€™t you applauding the effort the Biden administration is making to arm Ukraine? We just loaded them up with Patriot missiles. I promise you that dwarfs anything your big bad merchant of death deals with.
not sure about that...other people know how to play basketball....but there is only one Michael Jordan.
Yep Victor can sell where no one else can sell. He is the Michael Jordan of selling.

He is amazing, one in a million and you belive that because...well you have to, otherwise he is just another dealer.
A WHOLE LOTTA Leftist / Globalists / Elites are mysteriously getting insanely rich in direct proportion to the money disappearing in Eastern Europe.
There seems to be little if any accounting for all that cash from taxpayers.

The Democrats want to dump Trillions into this mess.
Any possibility something nefarious / corrupt could be going on here?

No one mentions that for the past few decades the Ukraine was world reknown for being corrupt. Counterfeiting, extortion, drugs, sex trade, money laundering and so on. So suddenly they are the world's darling and a veritable babe in the woods?

Does anyone think sending billions and equipment to one if not the most corrupt country in the world a good idea?

This was in Ukraine is the answer to prayers of people wanting to launder money because it all magically disappears without a trace and 0 accountability

This war is making a lot of people very rich and nok of it's by legitimate means.
...wtf? You want to audit Patriot Missile System?

A Patriot battery costs $1.5 million each.
A Patriot missile costs $4 million each.
Will Lloyd Austin tell us how many battery's and missiles we are sending to Ukraine?
No way.
Austin sat on the Board of Directors for Raytheon.
Raytheon produces the Patriot Missle System.
You seem to be obsessed with this one guy who buys and sells weapons and itā€™s obvious you consider him a huge threat. If trading weapons poses such a big threat in your mind then why arenā€™t you applauding the effort the Biden administration is making to arm Ukraine? We just loaded them up with Patriot missiles. I promise you that dwarfs anything your big bad merchant of death deals with.
It's obvious the United States saw him as a huge threat....prior to Putin's bitch Xiden taking office. Giving weapons to Ukraine is great, albeit, when you can't keep track of where millions of dollars worth of it goes, it's alarming, and frankly maybe even counter productive cause you don'tg know if it's nto being used in the wrong hands against Ukraine. So frankly you can't say it dwarfs anything, since there is no accountablity
Putin is slaughtering hundreds of thousands and you cheer him
when have I cheered Putin? I actually was very much against giving him his Merchant of Death...you weren't...you are Putin's bitch....you don't care at all about the lives that are being lost over there...
Even more so now, thanks to you and your president freeing Putin's Merchant of Death so he can start killing Ukrainians again.

Got to find someone willing to sell you those weapons in a world that considers aputin a Pariah
Yep Victor can sell where no one else can sell. He is the Michael Jordan of selling.

He is amazing, one in a million and you belive that because...well you have to, otherwise he is just another dealer.
Yes...that's what the experts said...did you not read the story I linked and quoted?
It's obvious the United States saw him as a huge threat....prior to Putin's bitch Xiden taking office. Giving weapons to Ukraine is great, albeit, when you can't keep track of where millions of dollars worth of it goes, it's alarming, and frankly maybe even counter productive cause you don'tg know if it's nto being used in the wrong hands against Ukraine. So frankly you can't say it dwarfs anything, since there is no accountablity
The guy was a criminal thatā€™s why we had him in prison. If you think an arms dealer is anything close to the US military providing billions in aid during a war then youā€™re insane. Who said that we canā€™t keep track of where our aid goes??

Iā€™m fine with accountability but youā€™re making proclamations like itā€™s all lost. How do you know that? And why is that your focus after Zelenskyā€™s visit? you are playing political games

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