Zimmerman's a Democrat

So the police witness you shooting someone who in clear self defense, you're saying they are obligated to arrest you for being clearly innocent of any crime?

The more I read posts like this..the more I think conservatives are looking for a society that resembles Afghanistan..or several eastern european countries where blood feuds and honor killings are okay.

Like..let everyone have a gun..and figure things out.

So you think that protecting our right to self defense and pointing out that someone who acts in self defense has not committed a crime and shouldnt be arrested makes us like Afghanistan? I didn't know Afghanistan was such a civilized place.

To a liberal Afganistan is the civilized place, we're the backwards society.
It absolutely is not.

Arrest is what you do..before you determine guilt or innocence.

That's determined by a Judge and Jury. Are you familiar with our Judicial system? Or the concept of Justice in general?

It may not be perfect..but it's one of those things that keeps our civil society..civil.

So the police witness you shooting someone who in clear self defense, you're saying they are obligated to arrest you for being clearly innocent of any crime?

The more I read posts like this..the more I think conservatives are looking for a society that resembles Afghanistan..or several eastern european countries where blood feuds and honor killings are okay.

Like..let everyone have a gun..and figure things out.
You need to stop paying attention to the voices in your head. They're even stupider than you are.
Justice..is Trial by jury.

Simple as that.

No... Justice would be not getting arrested if you don't commit a crime to begin with.

So, you think the cops should just let anyone run around free because they haven't sorted thru all the evidence yet to determine if you did something or not. The cops should just take your word for it unless they can INSTANTLY determine what went down and you were lying.

Um... yeah. That would be why we have a presumption of innocence. Specifically so the police can't simply arrest us and lock us up without any evidence. That's why we have due process.

The police are the first line of defense for our civil liberities, assuming they aren't corrupt. They have the responsibility to keep people they don't have evidence against out of jail. If they can't prove someone committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, they have no business arresting anyone. In fact, they are committing an act of injustice to do so.

This is precisely why I think we should be taught more about the criminal justice system in schools.
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Justice..is Trial by jury.

Simple as that.

No... Justice would be not getting arrested if you don't commit a crime to begin with.

So, you think the cops should just let anyone run around free because they haven't sorted thru all the evidence yet to determine if you did something or not. The cops should just take your word for it unless they can INSTANTLY determine what went down and you were lying.
You know they took him into custody and questioned him, right? They didn't roll up, say, "Oh, you shot a black kid -- you can go home."

You know that, right?
This political analyst person posts here? Cool. What's her nic?
Need help moving the goalposts? The groundskeeping crew is over to the left -- the far left.

This political analyst person posts here? Cool. What's her nic?
Couldn't get any help moving the goalposts, huh?

Yeah, leftists are a bunch of lazy shits. :lol:

News Flash: Nobody ever limited it to posters here except you. And you don't get to dictate the scope of discussion.

I'll give you a moment to come to grips with that inconvenient truth.
Sallow's decided the white guy is guilty. Do keep up.

I was right. You're not playing stupid.
You can't hide the fact that you're a racist. Is that what got you dishonorably discharged?
I earned an honorable discharge with my service -- you know, service that you wouldn't or couldn't perform.

And you're once again impotently flinging around the spurious charge of racism because you can't counter my arguments.

You lose, boy. Time after time.

Sitting on your ass and making crazy statements on the internet, on my dime. Thank you for your service. Talk about redistribution of wealth.
Guilty until proven innocent then right?

That's exactly what he's saying.

It absolutely is not.

Arrest is what you do..before you determine guilt or innocence.

That's determined by a Judge and Jury. Are you familiar with our Judicial system? Or the concept of Justice in general?

It may not be perfect..but it's one of those things that keeps our civil society..civil.
Talk to your fellow libs. They have Zimmerman hanging from a Yard Arm.
Well what can one say?

The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.

It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.

Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.

“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.

According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports.

Registered Dem Killed Trayvon | Washington Free Beacon


And somewhere, off in the distance, Truthmatters brain has just exploded.
But no one outside a 5-foot radius could hear it.
Pretty tough to hear a mouse fart farther than a foot away.
And who's making this political?


His mother is trademarking his name and Sharpton is in Florida.

You tell me.

When your mother is trademarking your name and thrilled to death that Al and Jesse just gave you a brand...

that's some sick.....

Do you think, just think, that the mother is trademarking his name so no one else does? Maybe?

Smacks of greed or the desire to cash in on her son's death. Either way, she looks real bad here.
It absolutely is not.

Arrest is what you do..before you determine guilt or innocence.

That's determined by a Judge and Jury. Are you familiar with our Judicial system? Or the concept of Justice in general?

It may not be perfect..but it's one of those things that keeps our civil society..civil.

So the police witness you shooting someone who in clear self defense, you're saying they are obligated to arrest you for being clearly innocent of any crime?

The more I read posts like this..the more I think conservatives are looking for a society that resembles Afghanistan..or several eastern european countries where blood feuds and honor killings are okay.

Like..let everyone have a gun..and figure things out.

I like the kind of society liberals are looking for, like Chicago.

Guns are illegal, have been for a while. We still manage a few dozen shootings every week.
Zimmerman's a Democrat
Well what can one say?
How 'bout....


Of course he was (probably) a registered Dem. He was Hispanic....and, the Hispanic-community KNOWS who's got their back, against the White Wingers!!!

....BUT, it's starting to sound more-and-more like he was trying to play "super-cop" (when he was already told , by the local PD, NOT to.)

It's ALSO sounding like he initiated a physical-confrontation, and ended-up gettin' an ASS-KICKIN'!!! (Most-likely the reason he was warned, by the local PD, to break-OFF his "pursuit".)

Any guy knows it's a matter o' common-sense. Someone "jumps in your shit"....flashin' a gun....and, you do what (if you can)?....DISABLE THAT ASSHOLE!!!!

It's sounding, TOO-much like Zimmerman "bite-off, more than he could chew".....and, decided to shoot-his-way-out.​
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Rw's are getting really desperate.

Unless you can say just what this has to do with anything.

Also not important is Martin's past behavior or that you can buy a hoodie on Obama's site.

All of this happened becauce one man, a cop wannabe, went after a kid who had not done anything to deserve his attention. The kid fought back and zimmerman shot and killed him.

Those are the only real facts that matter ..... Except that the cops didn't investigate at the time, didn't examine his clothes for Martin's blood, no tox screen done on the shooter although the did a tox screen on the dead kid.

According to ABC, the lead investigator wanted to arrest the killer but his boss said no.

This case has been completely botched.
Rw's are getting really desperate.

Unless you can say just what this has to do with anything.

Also not important is Martin's past behavior or that you can buy a hoodie on Obama's site.

All of this happened becauce one man, a cop wannabe, went after a kid who had not done anything to deserve his attention. The kid fought back and zimmerman shot and killed him.

Those are the only real facts that matter ..... Except that the cops didn't investigate at the time, didn't examine his clothes for Martin's blood, no tox screen done on the shooter although the did a tox screen on the dead kid.

According to ABC, the lead investigator wanted to arrest the killer but his boss said no.

This case has been completely botched.

Where's the ABC link?
Rw's are getting really desperate.

Unless you can say just what this has to do with anything.

Also not important is Martin's past behavior or that you can buy a hoodie on Obama's site.

All of this happened becauce one man, a cop wannabe, went after a kid who had not done anything to deserve his attention. The kid fought back and zimmerman shot and killed him.

Those are the only real facts that matter ..... Except that the cops didn't investigate at the time, didn't examine his clothes for Martin's blood, no tox screen done on the shooter although the did a tox screen on the dead kid.

According to ABC, the lead investigator wanted to arrest the killer but his boss said no.

This case has been completely botched.

I just heard that likely scenario (on T.V.), for the first-time, today.​
You can't hide the fact that you're a racist. Is that what got you dishonorably discharged?
I earned an honorable discharge with my service -- you know, service that you wouldn't or couldn't perform.

And you're once again impotently flinging around the spurious charge of racism because you can't counter my arguments.

You lose, boy. Time after time.

Sitting on your ass and making crazy statements on the internet, on my dime. Thank you for your service. Talk about redistribution of wealth.
I'm on leave. Suck it. :lol:

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