Zimmerman's a Democrat

And who's making this political?


His mother is trademarking his name and Sharpton is in Florida.

You tell me.

When your mother is trademarking your name and thrilled to death that Al and Jesse just gave you a brand...

that's some sick.....

Do you think, just think, that the mother is trademarking his name so no one else does? Maybe?

Why would anybody want to do that? Oh, wait, obama could definitely use the kid to further his campaign strategy. I'm sure mama won't mind licensing obama to use her dead son's trademark...
That's exactly what he's saying.

It absolutely is not.

Arrest is what you do..before you determine guilt or innocence.

That's determined by a Judge and Jury. Are you familiar with our Judicial system? Or the concept of Justice in general?

It may not be perfect..but it's one of those things that keeps our civil society..civil.
Talk to your fellow libs. They have Zimmerman hanging from a Yard Arm.

Demanding a full investigation of this, is not having Zimmerman hanging from a yardarm. When someone blows away some 17 year old kid, who was not caught committing a crime, you ought to be thorough. Especially when the shooter is told to stand down and mutters "fucking coons" on a 911 call.

At least the FBI is now investigating this as a civil rights violation. I doubt they'll be as sloppy and dismissive as the SPD. Didn't their chief step down?
Lead Homicide Investigator on the scene signed an affidavit the night of the murder that he didn't believe Zimmerman's story and believed he committed a crime.
"Serino filed an affidavit on Feb. 26, the night that Martin was shot and killed by Zimmerman, that stated he was unconvinced Zimmerman's version of events. "

Trayvon Martin Investigator Wanted to Charge George Zimmerman With Manslaughter - ABC News

Yeah, I just heard this too. This Zimmerman guy is in deep shit.

I think everyone needs to hold their horses and wait to see how the case plays out in the courts. Not one of us was there, and not one of us can for certain say that Zimmerman was or wasn't attacked by Treyvon. This isn't like the Jared Laughner case, where you know the guy's guilty before a trial.

From what I've seen there's been some evidence that Zimmerman might have been attacked. It appears that something had happened; 99.9% of the population would never want to shoot an innocent kid for zero reason. Why not give the guy the benefit of the doubt, and let the courts decide what happened? Why rail against the character or intent of a man when you have no basis or evidence, personally, to do so?

Nothing more useless than someone 1,000 miles away yelling and screaming right or wrong about a guy they don't know, and an event that hasn't been through a proper investigation/trial yet.
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Rw's are getting really desperate.

Unless you can say just what this has to do with anything.

Also not important is Martin's past behavior or that you can buy a hoodie on Obama's site.

All of this happened becauce one man, a cop wannabe, went after a kid who had not done anything to deserve his attention. The kid fought back and zimmerman shot and killed him.

Those are the only real facts that matter ..... Except that the cops didn't investigate at the time, didn't examine his clothes for Martin's blood, no tox screen done on the shooter although the did a tox screen on the dead kid.

According to ABC, the lead investigator wanted to arrest the killer but his boss said no.

This case has been completely botched.
Once again we have another genius in the crowd.
You know every detail in this case. In fact I bet you were a witness.
You are so busy playing investigator law enforcement, judge and jury....Gee needle-ite, let's just skip the whole God damned process and allow you to exert your blood lust.
It absolutely is not.

Arrest is what you do..before you determine guilt or innocence.

That's determined by a Judge and Jury. Are you familiar with our Judicial system? Or the concept of Justice in general?

It may not be perfect..but it's one of those things that keeps our civil society..civil.
Talk to your fellow libs. They have Zimmerman hanging from a Yard Arm.

Demanding a full investigation of this, is not having Zimmerman hanging from a yardarm. When someone blows away some 17 year old kid, who was not caught committing a crime, you ought to be thorough. Especially when the shooter is told to stand down and mutters "fucking coons" on a 911 call.

At least the FBI is now investigating this as a civil rights violation. I doubt they'll be as sloppy and dismissive as the SPD. Didn't their chief step down?

Still waiting for your proof Zimmerman used that epithet.
And if he did, does it make him any more guilty?
I think you are a racist and have an agenda here.
In their justice, Whitey is always guilty.


Oh really. So you will have no trouble showing us evidence that all white people who are put on trial are convicted (found guilty).

Because you certainly wouldn't lie about this, would you?
In the court of the leftist media, yes.

You do know I was quite astoundingly painfully obviously not talking about real court here, right? If not, I feel no need to defend comments I haven't made, leftist foot-stamping and pouting notwithstanding.

You should probably start paying attention more. But when I did that, I became a conservative.

Oh...you are talking about OPINIONS. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Didn't know OPINIONS scared you that much, Davey. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Question: Why don't the rw's want this case to go to trial? Why don't they want Zimmerman arrested? Why do they insist on bringing up race while ignoring facts?
Oh really. So you will have no trouble showing us evidence that all white people who are put on trial are convicted (found guilty).

Because you certainly wouldn't lie about this, would you?
In the court of the leftist media, yes.

You do know I was quite astoundingly painfully obviously not talking about real court here, right? If not, I feel no need to defend comments I haven't made, leftist foot-stamping and pouting notwithstanding.

You should probably start paying attention more. But when I did that, I became a conservative.

Oh...you are talking about OPINIONS. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Didn't know OPINIONS scared you that much, Davey. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Opinions don't scare me; I'm not a leftist demanding that conservative views be silenced.

(And don't go playing dumb again and insisting I prove that. You will lose.)

But I see you're once again weaseling out of acknowledging that I was right and you were wrong. You do that quite frequently. Every time, in fact.
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Oh really. So you will have no trouble showing us evidence that all white people who are put on trial are convicted (found guilty).

Because you certainly wouldn't lie about this, would you?
In the court of the leftist media, yes.

You do know I was quite astoundingly painfully obviously not talking about real court here, right? If not, I feel no need to defend comments I haven't made, leftist foot-stamping and pouting notwithstanding.

You should probably start paying attention more. But when I did that, I became a conservative.

Oh...you are talking about OPINIONS. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Didn't know OPINIONS scared you that much, Davey. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Opinions sometimes lead to minor little occurrences like the overthrow of Libya, the Holocaust, the Crusades, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, The Iraq War, etc........
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Of course he was (probably) a registered Dem. He was Hispanic....and, the Hispanic-community KNOWS who's got their back, against the White Wingers!!!

Those darn white wingers in the New Black Panther Party putting a bounty on his head. :clap2:
Question: Why don't the rw's want this case to go to trial? Why don't they want Zimmerman arrested? Why do they insist on bringing up race while ignoring facts?

I think the more important question is:

Why don't you ever shut your ignorant face?

Becuase the ignorant dweeb loves to broadcast his idiocy?
Can't say I care what party the man is with I really doubt that had anything to do with what happened of course if he was a registered Republican post about right wing hate would be everywhere oh well what can you do.

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