Zimmerman's a Democrat

Question: Why don't the rw's want this case to go to trial? Why don't they want Zimmerman arrested? Why do they insist on bringing up race while ignoring facts?

Because it's pointless to waste money trying innocent people for political purposes.
What is most disgusting is how the left-wing media is so desperate to make this an issue about race, we are now hearin the term: "white hispanic. Between Jesse Jackass, Al Simpleton and the media, all of them are just trying to pour gas on the fire. They so desperately wanted this Zimmerman to be a white, Tea Party Republican, but it ends up the man is part hispanic and a Democrat. Yet another attempt by the leftist media to quickly assume, right-wing, Republican racist. Didn't the media try something like this with Jared Loughner...only to be made to look like the leftist tools they are? Yeah, they did. I believe the media is trying to incite riots so that way they can increase their ratings and viewership since it would give them something to cover. Disgusting, just as long as the leftist agenda continues, that is all that matters.

What is most disgusting is how the right-wing is so desperate to make this an issue about political parties.
Guess it means you guys can stop defending him now!


If it's ok with you.... I'll carry on defending the process, not the individuals.

So will I.

Dead body on the ground = arrest.

I must disagree with you Sallow. If someone ends up dead and it's a a clear cut case of self defense and especially if it's a woman that had no choice but to use lethal force, I would suggest an arrest would not be warranted and would in fact be victimizing the victim...rather, the person that refused to be a victim. Either way, I cannot support a blanket policy that says if bad guy is dead, arrest good guy.

Clearly, what's happened in Florida is not clear cut, but if we're talking process...
Why doesn't everyone just take a fucking step back, relax, and wait until this shit plays out through the legal system?


Thank you.

This is called sanity. It's called innocent until proven guilty. We're not crazy. Just want justice.

I'm in the middle of a trial up here that would make you want to barf on barf on barf. I'm trying to drive the death penalty up here again for the murder of children at least.

This is the face.

Don't tell me about him. Now we are finding out about him. Didn't mean he deserved to die.

Here's the face I'm dealing with. Her name is Tori. We have Trayvon and we have Tori.

I'm fighting for Tori.
He didn't need to just rape her once. He needed to rape her twice. His woman testified to this. She brought her to him while Tori was begging please don't let him do this to me again.

I shall bring back the death penalty here. I shall. I will not let this end.

Of course everyone has different opinions, but this is turning out like how the media blew up the Casey Anthony shit.

It's too early to judge when someone says he is guilty and the PD had hinted otherwise.
Maybe they are keeping quiet to avoid everyone's outrage. You have the media portraying it one way and others rallying up to say zimmerman is guilty and the PD doesn't want to say otherwise because everyone would then flip a shit.

It's too early to judge.

Why does your graphic call the POS African the victim? It was Zimmerman who was attacked.

It's too early to judge when someone says he is guilty and the PD had hinted otherwise.
Maybe they are keeping quiet to avoid everyone's outrage.

The police want to maintain a position of objectivity. Zimmerman wants to keep his mouth shut so that nothing he says will be used against him. And, liberals, they're just being the idiots and racists that they are always are. Zimmerman is clearly has done nothing wrong, but suppose there's a trial anyway... How can a jury be chosen when Al Sharpton and the rest of the shit excuses for human beings have worked so hard to prejudice everyone against Zimmerman?

No Justice, no peace, it's the African way.

Of course everyone has different opinions, but this is turning out like how the media blew up the Casey Anthony shit.

It's too early to judge when someone says he is guilty and the PD had hinted otherwise.
Maybe they are keeping quiet to avoid everyone's outrage. You have the media portraying it one way and others rallying up to say zimmerman is guilty and the PD doesn't want to say otherwise because everyone would then flip a shit.

It's too early to judge.

Why are you still posting that image that has been shown to be bogus? Who are, a reincarnated Lee Atwater?
I would like truth.

That's all I want. I'm so sick to death of so called journalists jacking us up... I just want truth.
Guess it means you guys can stop defending him now!


If it's ok with you.... I'll carry on defending the process, not the individuals.

So will I.

Dead body on the ground = arrest.

Might as well let em kill us so we won't get arrested.

Your argument is totally spacious.

You're saying we don't have the right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. And we don't have the right to defend ourselves.

What country are you from????
What is most disgusting is how the left-wing media is so desperate to make this an issue about race, we are now hearin the term: "white hispanic. Between Jesse Jackass, Al Simpleton and the media, all of them are just trying to pour gas on the fire. They so desperately wanted this Zimmerman to be a white, Tea Party Republican, but it ends up the man is part hispanic and a Democrat. Yet another attempt by the leftist media to quickly assume, right-wing, Republican racist. Didn't the media try something like this with Jared Loughner...only to be made to look like the leftist tools they are? Yeah, they did. I believe the media is trying to incite riots so that way they can increase their ratings and viewership since it would give them something to cover. Disgusting, just as long as the leftist agenda continues, that is all that matters.

The media is counting on morons falling for this and ignoring any facts that come to light afterwards. They make up their minds and it becomes truth to them.

There is always gonna be a small minority who refuse to face facts. They are the Democrat's hard-core base. They are that 20% that seems to always be out of line with the rest of the country.

I wonder what it's gonna take for people to just completely write of the mainstream media and this dishonest White House. After all, that is where this originated from. They called the race-baiters and had them get in touch with the parents of Trayvan Martin to ask them if they would throw in with them on this scam. The mother now wants rights to the name. Maybe she's hoping she can make some cash off of it. How fucked up do you have to be to go along with all of this????

Kind of explains why Trayvan went bad, doesn't it????
lol Even if someone believed a blog page what kind of moron would think that makes a difference to blacks, they see Fox,Rush and other right wing talk supporting this racist killer and how do you think they will vote?

Not all blacks are like that, but the percentage that do is extremely high.

It's like if you removed the color of their skin all you're left with is a White Southern Democrat way back in 1880. They are so prejudice.......and the left loves to constantly massage that prejudice.

I remember when Obama was elected they were always harping about what he was gonna do for them. Now when the topic comes up they start reading the paper acting like they're embarrassed. Every single thing I told them would happen has happened.

Yes, they're embarrassed and they're still going to vote for him. They figure they can rationalize away all of his glaring transgressions and simply justify their continued support by saying they don't trust Whitey.

I know I was foolish to think that people wouldn't be that way but they are, and politicians like Obama pray on this gullibility and this bigotry.
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lol Even if someone believed a blog page what kind of moron would think that makes a difference to blacks, they see Fox,Rush and other right wing talk supporting this racist killer and how do you think they will vote?

Not all blacks are like that, but the percentage that do is extremely high.

It's like if you took the color of their skin off all you're left with is a White Southern Democrat way back in 1880. They are so prejudice.......and the left loves to constantly massage that prejudice.

And the right doesn't?
lol Even if someone believed a blog page what kind of moron would think that makes a difference to blacks, they see Fox,Rush and other right wing talk supporting this racist killer and how do you think they will vote?

Not all blacks are like that, but the percentage that do is extremely high.

It's like if you took the color of their skin off all you're left with is a White Southern Democrat way back in 1880. They are so prejudice.......and the left loves to constantly massage that prejudice.

And the right doesn't?

Actually they don't.

They don't vote according to skin color. The statistics don't lie. Rightwingers for the most part vote according to their values, not their race.
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