Zimmerman's a Democrat

And what's striking to me is how Obama hasn't said a word about this since he left the country. Not a damn word. It seems like everything is going according to plan.

I hope he would say let the investigation be completed before jumping to conclusions.

Actually he's counting on everyone jumping to conclusions.

That's why his brain trust started this scam in the first place.
What is most disgusting is how the left-wing media is so desperate to make this an issue about race, we are now hearin the term: "white hispanic. Between Jesse Jackass, Al Simpleton and the media, all of them are just trying to pour gas on the fire. They so desperately wanted this Zimmerman to be a white, Tea Party Republican, but it ends up the man is part hispanic and a Democrat. Yet another attempt by the leftist media to quickly assume, right-wing, Republican racist. Didn't the media try something like this with Jared Loughner...only to be made to look like the leftist tools they are? Yeah, they did. I believe the media is trying to incite riots so that way they can increase their ratings and viewership since it would give them something to cover. Disgusting, just as long as the leftist agenda continues, that is all that matters.

The media is counting on morons falling for this and ignoring any facts that come to light afterwards. They make up their minds and it becomes truth to them.

There is always gonna be a small minority who refuse to face facts. They are the Democrat's hard-core base. They are that 20% that seems to always be out of line with the rest of the country.

I wonder what it's gonna take for people to just completely write of the mainstream media and this dishonest White House. After all, that is where this originated from. They called the race-baiters and had them get in touch with the parents of Trayvan Martin to ask them if they would throw in with them on this scam. The mother now wants rights to the name. Maybe she's hoping she can make some cash off of it. How fucked up do you have to be to go along with all of this????

Kind of explains why Trayvan went bad, doesn't it????

Problem is for Axelrod is he's a fuck up.

Every thing Dave touches is a fuck up......

He tries hard but he's a fuck up......

This is why everyone is fucking up on Trayvon....don't you see it? Look Axelrod is driving this stupid story.

Out of Chicago. He thinks he's a dreamer. He's no Spielberg, but that's what he is trying to be.
lol Even if someone believed a blog page what kind of moron would think that makes a difference to blacks, they see Fox,Rush and other right wing talk supporting this racist killer and how do you think they will vote?

Not all blacks are like that, but the percentage that do is extremely high.

It's like if you removed the color of their skin all you're left with is a White Southern Democrat way back in 1880. They are so prejudice.......and the left loves to constantly massage that prejudice.

I remember when Obama was elected they were always harping about what he was gonna do for them. Now when the topic comes up they start reading the paper acting like they're embarrassed. Every single thing I told them would happen has happened. :slap:

Yes, they're embarrassed and they're still going to vote for him. They figure they can rationalize away all of his glaring transgressions and simply justify their continued support by saying they don't trust Whitey.

I know I was foolish to think that people wouldn't be that way but they are, and politicians like Obama pray on this gullibility and this bigotry.
Let's look at this story.

Why is this even a story?

White guy shoots black guy in Florida.....Dave fucks up again....Man turns out to be Hispanic...Here's where Axelrod always does it..

Dave you're a fuck up man.......

Can't you ever get it right?
Let's look at this first one. From your link:

So this writer - not Krugman - first equates "ignorant yahoos" with the Right, then in the rest of the piece has NO quotes from Krugman blaming the Right. In fact, he doesn't include any Krugman quotes at all!

You really are one dumb motherfucker, aren't you?

I told you to stop questioning me, boy. Maybe one day you'll learn. But I doubt it.

Florida’s now-infamous Stand Your Ground law, which lets you shoot someone you consider threatening without facing arrest, let alone prosecution, sounds crazy — and it is. And it’s tempting to dismiss this law as the work of ignorant yahoos. But similar laws have been pushed across the nation, not by ignorant yahoos but by big corporations.​

Now look at the other three links, you fucking coward.

But you won't. You're a pussy. :lol:

Where in that is he blaming "the Right"? Hint: he's not - it doesn't mention Republicans or conservatives anywhere.

You really suck at this. :lol:
And who owns the eeeevil KKKorporations you retards are always screeching about, you damned moron?

You're a fucking idiot.
You can't hide the fact that you're a racist. Is that what got you dishonorably discharged?
I earned an honorable discharge with my service -- you know, service that you wouldn't or couldn't perform.

And you're once again impotently flinging around the spurious charge of racism because you can't counter my arguments.

You lose, boy. Time after time.
You're a liar. That is well documented.

No, it isn't. You're just a butthurt pansy. You've documented that yourself.
lol Even if someone believed a blog page what kind of moron would think that makes a difference to blacks, they see Fox,Rush and other right wing talk supporting this racist killer and how do you think they will vote?

Not all blacks are like that, but the percentage that do is extremely high.

It's like if you removed the color of their skin all you're left with is a White Southern Democrat way back in 1880. They are so prejudice.......and the left loves to constantly massage that prejudice.

I remember when Obama was elected they were always harping about what he was gonna do for them. Now when the topic comes up they start reading the paper acting like they're embarrassed. Every single thing I told them would happen has happened. :slap:

Yes, they're embarrassed and they're still going to vote for him. They figure they can rationalize away all of his glaring transgressions and simply justify their continued support by saying they don't trust Whitey.

I know I was foolish to think that people wouldn't be that way but they are, and politicians like Obama pray on this gullibility and this bigotry.

They'll vote for him because the Republicans are offering nothing better than Obama.
why would you say a thing like that? and how come you have three people on ignore?
Synthia's angry because I've done something he wouldn't or couldn't have done, and he feels inadequate.

As well he should.

Make an ass of myself on the internet? You're welcome to that distinction, dope.
Yeah, I don't blame you for not feeling like a man. You have so much against you. Have you considered gender reassignment surgery? It's not like they'd have to remove much. Band-aid surgery. In and out, one day. Local anesthesia.
I earned an honorable discharge with my service -- you know, service that you wouldn't or couldn't perform.

And you're once again impotently flinging around the spurious charge of racism because you can't counter my arguments.

You lose, boy. Time after time.
You're a liar. That is well documented.

No, it isn't. You're just a butthurt pansy. You've documented that yourself.


you are paducah correct? Poor poor paducah......KY

I think Sunshine that cutie patoodie said she went to a Dyersburg Walmart... I love that end of Tennessee.

I miss you souls.

I really miss you.

I think one day I have to come back. Scare the shit out of you for fishing....:D
Synthia's angry because I've done something he wouldn't or couldn't have done, and he feels inadequate.

As well he should.

Make an ass of myself on the internet? You're welcome to that distinction, dope.
Yeah, I don't blame you for not feeling like a man. You have so much against you. Have you considered gender reassignment surgery? It's not like they'd have to remove much. Band-aid surgery. In and out, one day. Local anesthesia.

Ok I gave it up for Fall River Beers... And Don Cherry....
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Well what can one say?

The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.

It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.

Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.

“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.

According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports.

Registered Dem Killed Trayvon | Washington Free Beacon


Most authoritarians are democrats...

Like a classical liberal would attempt to impede another individual????

We would say:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV2An3tuwHA][HQ] Soldierz at War - Whazzup Joe - 2001 - YouTube[/ame]

lol Even if someone believed a blog page what kind of moron would think that makes a difference to blacks, they see Fox,Rush and other right wing talk supporting this racist killer and how do you think they will vote?

Not all blacks are like that, but the percentage that do is extremely high.

It's like if you removed the color of their skin all you're left with is a White Southern Democrat way back in 1880. They are so prejudice.......and the left loves to constantly massage that prejudice.

I remember when Obama was elected they were always harping about what he was gonna do for them. Now when the topic comes up they start reading the paper acting like they're embarrassed. Every single thing I told them would happen has happened. :slap:

Yes, they're embarrassed and they're still going to vote for him. They figure they can rationalize away all of his glaring transgressions and simply justify their continued support by saying they don't trust Whitey.

I know I was foolish to think that people wouldn't be that way but they are, and politicians like Obama pray on this gullibility and this bigotry.
Hell I don't trust the elite Whitey and I'm white.
Well what can one say?

The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.

It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.

Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.

“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.

According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports.

Registered Dem Killed Trayvon | Washington Free Beacon


Wow, another insightful post by a resident troll.

Q. Who gives a shit about his race or political affiliation?

A. Political hacks and dimwits.

A 26 year old with a gun killed a 17 year old. The 17 year old was not engaged in a violent felony at the time the killer began stalking him. That seems to be a fact. The killer was told by dispatch when he admitted following the 17 year old, "we don't need you to do that". He ignored this 'suggestion'. Why?
A 26 year old with a gun killed a 17 year old.

It appears it was in self-defense, so shut the fuck up until all the facts are in, asswipe.

Proof that you're not only a sick puppy, but stupid as well. Shall we parse your idiotgram?

"It appears it was in self-defense"

"Shut the fuck up until all the facts are in"

Few care what appears to you, half the time you spend smelling the bicycles seats at the local playground - what appears to you when you are so engaged is of interest to no one but others of your kind.

The perp claimed self defense; the victim has had no opportunity to tell his side of the story. The perp stalked the victim, dispatch suggest he not continue following the minor. Those are facts, moron.

Oh, and anyone who doesn't have empathy for the victim and his family was once called a sociopath. Saying you have a character disorder seems a bit soft given your behavior on this message board.
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