Zimmerman's a Democrat

Yawn, you have rendered yourself Stupid for this discussion.


Generally when cops do a good job? The police chief get's an "attaboy"...not a "temporary" removal from office. They also don't get pushed aside so another body can come in and perform an actual investigation.

But..hey.."I'm" the stupid one.


Whaaa political pressure. We will throw tantrums until the evidence says what we want.

You sir have become very pathetic, I can not stress that enough.


What evidence?

The 911 tapes?

Well they show that a man with a gun was pursuing an unarmed teenager.

Zimmerman's testimony?

It conflicts with the tape.

Eyewitness testimony?

They saw the kid in an fist fight..and winning. Until the loser shot him.


What evidence?

You wanna go with that?
Well what can one say?

The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.

It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.

Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.

“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.

According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports.

Registered Dem Killed Trayvon | Washington Free Beacon


Wow, another insightful post by a resident troll.

Q. Who gives a shit about his race or political affiliation?

A. Political hacks and dimwits.

A 26 year old with a gun killed a 17 year old. The 17 year old was not engaged in a violent felony at the time the killer began stalking him. That seems to be a fact. The killer was told by dispatch when he admitted following the 17 year old, "we don't need you to do that". He ignored this 'suggestion'. Why?

I'm not a residential troll.

This is a dogs breakfast from what I can see. This is a worst moment ever. I'm a mother. Of both sons. In my mind. I am a mother.

This is agony. And people are making money off of this.

Horrible. Just horrible.

It is irrelevant as to what Zimmerman's race, politics, age, or appearance is. The fact is that he was packing, and instigated a confrontation. Then appears to be getting completely off on the grounds of self defense.

What this is stating is that anyone can start a fight with anyone else, then shoot them and claim self defense. So, parents, if your kids go the the 7-11 for a snack, make sure they are packing, or tell them to just lay on the ground, supine, if anyone agresses them.
What is most disgusting is how the left-wing media is so desperate to make this an issue about race, we are now hearin the term: "white hispanic. Between Jesse Jackass, Al Simpleton and the media, all of them are just trying to pour gas on the fire. They so desperately wanted this Zimmerman to be a white, Tea Party Republican, but it ends up the man is part hispanic and a Democrat. Yet another attempt by the leftist media to quickly assume, right-wing, Republican racist. Didn't the media try something like this with Jared Loughner...only to be made to look like the leftist tools they are? Yeah, they did. I believe the media is trying to incite riots so that way they can increase their ratings and viewership since it would give them something to cover. Disgusting, just as long as the leftist agenda continues, that is all that matters.
Yes. It's all about the continuation of the leftist agenda. If ratings were an agenda, the NYTimes and other leftist-lockstep press outlets would go belly-up in a NY minute.
I might have posted it could be a capital crime..which makes it all the more unbelievable that very little was done by way of an investigation.


Because you posted something, that makes it unbelievable.


Dude..your playing word games here.

Not the way your acusing me of.

You're basicaly saying it's your opinion it should have been a capital crime, and because of that it's unbelievable "very little was done way of an investigation".....right?
It's basically up to a prosecutor to determine what charges should be filed. So far..from where I sit..manslaughter seems the way to go. It would be idiotic to overchage the guy as those cases generally don't go well.

Again..all I think should happen is the process should be followed.

Simple as that.

Why waste the time and money in a no conviction trial? according to the law he acted in self defense.

Justice is not a waste of time and money.

Justice is not served when you try an innocent man
If you want justice maybe Trayvon's parents should be tried for child neglect and abuse.
How about justice for Spike Lee and the New Black Panthers?
Because the details of the investigation haven't been publicized, there IS NO investigation. Oh please. The police and prosecutors in Florida do not have to give you a blow by blow.

Because you posted something, that makes it unbelievable.


Dude..your playing word games here.

Not the way your acusing me of.

You're basicaly saying it's your opinion it should have been a capital crime, and because of that it's unbelievable "very little was done way of an investigation".....right?

Could and Should are two different words.

I never reached a conclusion about guilt or innocence. All my posts have been about the shockingly inept way the investigation was conducted.

Wild west justice isn't the way to go..in a civil society.
Justice is not a waste of time and money.

Justice is not served when you try an innocent man
If you want justice maybe Trayvon's parents should be tried for child neglect and abuse.


Of course it's served.

You vindicate that person.

A DA looks at it differently than you do. He's looking at a conviction if it isn't there he will not waste his time or the states money. Plus there is always that chance the person may turn around and sue to city for falsely imprisoning him.
Justice is not served when you try an innocent man
If you want justice maybe Trayvon's parents should be tried for child neglect and abuse.


Of course it's served.

You vindicate that person.

A DA looks at it differently than you do. He's looking at a conviction if it isn't there he will not waste his time or the states money. Plus there is always that chance the person may turn around and sue to city for falsely imprisoning him.


And that's kinda not the way it worked out. And basically..had they went through the "checklist" as they should of..Zimmerman might have spent the night in jail..been charged...had a hearing..and gotten off with a slap on the wrist.

Now..he's looking at some real trouble..because investigators are going over everything with a fine tooth comb.

Of course it's served.

You vindicate that person.

A DA looks at it differently than you do. He's looking at a conviction if it isn't there he will not waste his time or the states money. Plus there is always that chance the person may turn around and sue to city for falsely imprisoning him.


And that's kinda not the way it worked out. And basically..had they went through the "checklist" as they should of..Zimmerman might have spent the night in jail..been charged...had a hearing..and gotten off with a slap on the wrist.

Now..he's looking at some real trouble..because investigators are going over everything with a fine tooth comb.

In an Investigation, Everything related should be looked at with a fine tooth comb. At this point, it is better for him and us all, that it be thorough.
Where is Jesse Jackson?

Where is Al Sharpton?

Where is the Black Panther Party?

Where is the media?

Why is this less important that Treyvon Martin?

Why is the race of the shooter and victim not mentioned?

Chattanooga gang summit begins as girl lies in coma from shooting | timesfreepress.com

Youth held in shooting of 13-year-old girl could be tried as adult | timesfreepress.com

Where is the outrage?

I negged Dick Lick for being the idiot he is and he decided to neg me back a whopping -13 points for this post and called me a race baiting idiot. Dick Lick, I'm sorry you got all butt hurt, but if you don't want to get negged, start being honest and up your game. I do find it interesting that since I posted this post, neither you or any of the other liberals making this story about race and making claims of racism has bothered to address this post. Where is justice for this little girl? Where are the t-shirts and posters? Where are the big wheels like Jackson and Sharpton? Why are they silent on this story? Why is black on black crime not a concern of theirs? Seriously, where is the freaking outrage for this girl in a coma like there is for Tryvon by you and your buddies here? Why won't anyone answer the questions? Afraid?

Generally when cops do a good job? The police chief get's an "attaboy"...not a "temporary" removal from office. They also don't get pushed aside so another body can come in and perform an actual investigation.

But..hey.."I'm" the stupid one.


Whaaa political pressure. We will throw tantrums until the evidence says what we want.

You sir have become very pathetic, I can not stress that enough.


What evidence?

The 911 tapes?

Well they show that a man with a gun was pursuing an unarmed teenager.

Zimmerman's testimony?

It conflicts with the tape.

Eyewitness testimony?

They saw the kid in an fist fight..and winning. Until the loser shot him.


What evidence?

You wanna go with that?

Maybe you need to read up on the reports and witness statements. That is referred to as evidence.

Will I have to hold your hand all day?
A DA looks at it differently than you do. He's looking at a conviction if it isn't there he will not waste his time or the states money. Plus there is always that chance the person may turn around and sue to city for falsely imprisoning him.


And that's kinda not the way it worked out. And basically..had they went through the "checklist" as they should of..Zimmerman might have spent the night in jail..been charged...had a hearing..and gotten off with a slap on the wrist.

Now..he's looking at some real trouble..because investigators are going over everything with a fine tooth comb.

In an Investigation, Everything related should be looked at with a fine tooth comb. At this point, it is better for him and us all, that it be thorough.

Oh I agree.

But now some stupid little statement which would have been seen for what it was..stupid, now may indicate a "hate crime".

Had things been followed to the T, the first time..Zimmerman would be facing much different circumstances.
It appears it was in self-defense, so shut the fuck up until all the facts are in, asswipe.

Proof that you're not only a sick puppy, but stupid as well. Shall we parse your idiotgram?

"It appears it was in self-defense"

"Shut the fuck up until all the facts are in"

Few care what appears to you, half the time you spend smelling the bicycles seats at the local playground - what appears to you when you are so engaged is of interest to no one but others of your kind.

The perp claimed self defense; the victim has had no opportunity to tell his side of the story. The perp stalked the victim, dispatch suggest he not continue following the minor. Those are facts, moron.

Oh, and anyone who doesn't have empathy for the victim and his family was once called a sociopath. Saying you have a character disorder seems a bit soft given your behavior on this message board.

Actually, they are not 'facts', moron.

Dispatch told Zimmerman to stop following Martin. According to Zimmerman, he stopped and was heading back to his car when confronted by Martin. So, you have two different versions.... which one is 'fact'? At the moment, we do not know.

You are assuming 'facts', some of us prefer real facts to made up ones.

You're an idiot, or an unabashed liar. Fact, the tape of the 911 call to dispatch by the killer.

A Statement by the killer isn't a fact Ms. partisan hack; it's evidence whose probative value is worth nothing but a note in the file without corroboration. Listen carefully to the killer's attorney and the watch the subtle changes made as to his theory of the event. See how it changes from the initial comments made by the killer and measured against witnesses.

But thanks for sharing, moron.
Oh boy, so he's not a 'Racist Whitey' or 'Evil Republican?' My God, the Liberal Press just can't get anything right. But i doubt they wanted to anyway. They had their 'Evil Whitey kills Black Kid' story and they were going to run with it no matter what the facts were. And now we find out he's a registered Democrat too. It makes perfect sense. Our Mainstream Media truly deserves its 'Lamestream Media' label.
Have CNN & NBC reported on him being a registered Democrat yet? I doubt it. And don't hold your breath waiting for that either.
Oh boy, so he's not a 'Racist Whitey' or 'Evil Republican?' My God, the Liberal Press just can't get anything right. But i doubt they wanted to anyway. They had their 'Evil Whitey kills Black Kid' story and they were going to run with it no matter what the facts were. And now we find out he's a registered Democrat too. It makes perfect sense. Our Mainstream Media truly deserves its 'Lamestream Media' label.

Funny..it seems to be you..and most of the right that are focusing on that.

Most of the posts I've seen are focusing on the police and their crappy investigation.

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